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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 49

by Lee Morgan

  Sarah then pieced things together. First, this female has a large aura like Veronica and herself. Second, she is strong enough to hold a barrier capable of rendering her attackers ineffective. Third, she wasn’t concerned with her opponent’s strength. Fourth, she wasn’t deformed in any way so she is most likely an Original. Fifth, all Keepers stayed far away from her and didn’t attack in pairs like the others did and that meant that she is the one leading this attack.

  Putting everything together Sarah realized that Ranvan had chosen a new mate. They didn’t count on this, but in battle you cannot for foresee every eventuality and tactic an enemy has. She was like Sarah, mate to a Harmonizer, and they are as strong as those they have bonded their souls to.

  Sarah flew in behind to be in her blind-spot as she recognized a familiar pair. She flew in low and landed behind a support pillar for the demolished building. She announced herself by saying “I’m here.” Her voice startled Elder Adela and Alexander.

  They spun around and were instantly relieved to see who came. Alexander then looked at his mate and she turned around to raise a boulder, with her control over Terra, and lobbed it at this Keeper female. The Keeper didn’t even bother to turn around because attacks were coming from every direction.

  Alexander then said “So Ryan did make it in time before Laura was…” he shook his head and asked “Can you help us? No matter what we throw at her we cannot even scratch her. Please tell me you can kill it?”

  Sarah peered around the pillar for a moment and said “Maybe, but the problem is getting passed her shield. It is made of solidified Pressure and I’ve never seen nor tried to get past it before.” Suddenly inspiration hit. She turned around and met his worried eyes. The elder saw the expression and hoped rekindled in him. “Actually, Pressure has two levels. She is using only the first. If I can get past her shields and create an opening, the others will get only a single shot.” She looked him in the eye and said cryptically “We will only get one chance at this. Once she realizes I’m a threat she will come at me without hesitation. Have all the Pressure and Fire Balancers team up and create it. She won’t be able to stop the strike once her defense is shattered.”

  His eyes lit with recognition a few seconds later and then he began to concentrate. Within moments a woman appeared by his side and Sarah could see that other Fire and Pressure Balancers were making their ways together.

  Elder Alexander nodded for her to begin and she did.

  Sarah gathered and raised her energy, while keeping an eye on the oblivious target. She slid Fangs back into their home as her hands and body began glowing. Once the energy spiked she focused it all into her right fist. Soon sparks began zapping between the small fissures her clinched fist created. Behind her back she felt heat and saw an orange light reflecting off the pillar.

  Once she felt ready she glanced over her shoulder. Once Alexander contained the blaze in a large sphere of Pressure the woman moved away to keep fighting by Adela’s side. While fighting, they watched Alexander as the contained flames he controlled, disappeared. Once Alexander looked at Sarah he said “We are all ready.”

  Not wanting to drag this out any further Sarah spun around and moved away from the pillar, lifted her fist and willed the pure power of electricity forth. The energy exploded from her fist, and with the speed of lightning itself, it arched perfectly towards the enemy’s head. The pure blue-white lightning struck the barrier and went clean through it, like it was never there, but the shield diverted it just enough to miss her skull. The electrical energy went on until it struck the building across from this one.

  With the barrier broken Sarah shouted “NOW!!!” The Keeper spun to the sound of the voice and her eyes were in complete denial from her defense being shattered so easily.

  Many Pressure Balancers stood and threw something that couldn’t be seen, simultaneously.

  Knowing just what is about to happen Sarah made another Pressure shield, but this one surrounded the mate to Ranvan. She created it in a cylinder, but left the top open for air. The Keeper looked at herself for a moment as he felt many something’s hit her, but couldn’t see anything. She looked around and saw that all attacks had stopped and all were looking at her with curious or winning expressions. She didn’t know what was going on, but she didn’t have time to figure it out.

  Sarah smiled evilly and waved goodbye. Her pink eyes widened just a moment before all hell broke loose.

  Suddenly everything inside Sarah barrier exploded.

  Connor had taught everyone about using the Back-draft phenomenon during their training sessions and the Keeper just learned about it, the hard way.

  With air introduced to the superheated energy, the flames were explosively intense. Even as the flames erupted from the open top of the invisible shield Sarah neither felt energy being raised nor did anything fly out.

  Everyone around went silent as the flames slowly died out. Then cheers erupted at what laid in the center of the explosion. The female’s body lay completely charred, broken and was still burning. Everything inside the barrier had been cooked beyond all recognition.

  After firmly securing the metal straps around his thighs to staunch the gaping wounds blood flow, Connor watched closely as Sorono fought their brother. He so wished to intervene, but they were moving too quickly and too closely together for him to be of any aid in the battle. The loss of Ranvan’s tail didn’t hinder his battling ability as he still seemed to be pushing Sorono back.

  He held Tool in a tight grip in hopes to find the opening. Other than that, Connor’s wounds prevented him from doing anything but hold position.

  Suddenly Sorono fell for a feint, like Connor had, and Ranvan flipped himself instantly and kicked their elder brother on the side of his head. The force of the kick sent Sorono spiraling in one direction and his helmet went in another.

  Sorono tried correcting his descent, but Ranvan immediately went for the kill.

  Through the pain and his broken right leg, Connor did everything in his power to stop what was about to happen. His jaw locked tight as he poured more energy down his broken legs to fly. The pain became even more intense than first imagined, but even as he rocketed to the enemy he knew that he wasn’t going to make it, neither would Sorono. Connor had let them get too far away from his position and this would be the price. Even two kind Harmonizers couldn’t even halt one evil one.

  Everything was going to end for them. Sorono and Connor were going to die by Ranvan’s claws. First Sorono and then him. With his injuries, he wouldn’t be a match for such cruel tactics and power.

  This is the end.

  Suddenly Ranvan stopped for some reason and immediately looked to the north. His eyes widened and his jaw was agape. He was in honest worry and disbelief. Then his eyes began to mist and seemed to shut down.

  Connor realized something major had happened to him because his heart had broken in a single moment.

  This is it.

  This is what they’ve been waiting for. He was distracted. His back faced Connor. Ranvan forgot what he was doing. This will be the only opening they might ever get.

  This is it.

  Connor looked down just as Sorono regained himself and he too realized the significance of this. Their eyes met and they knew what to do. In less than a second, they found the one mistake. While still propelling himself Connor altered his course slightly and aimed himself at Ranvan. He was closer and held more momentum than Sorono, but Conner ascended to Ranvan just as quickly.

  He tightened the grip on Tool even more as he drew his arm back.

  When the time was right and nothing could stop him, Connor screamed with all he had. The pain, anger, hatred, compassion for those who were killed and even for the fractured minds he corrupted, filled the scream with much more strength.

  His arm arched with everything it had and the axe side of Tool met the back of Ranvan’s neck and cut clean through the spine, just below his skull and severed the spinal cord.

  Just as Tool finis
hed its job, Sorono’s claws finished him off. Connor severed Ranvan’s nervous system, but Sorono used the injury he inflicted to completely rip off the head.

  With that, Connor’s legs gave out completely and the pain was even more consuming than before. The wounds had opened even further and could no longer sustain his flight. He had to stop the flow of energy down them and that made him start to fall along with Ranvan’s fresh corpse.

  He smiled for some strange reason, but it wasn’t from killing Ranvan.

  He realized all of a sudden that he wasn’t falling. Looking around, Sorono saw what happened, dropped their brother’s head and caught him carefully in both of his large hands.

  They were both panting heavily and were both in tremendous pain from the most difficult battle. In attempt to take his mind off his legs Sorono thought “Connor, is it finally over? Have we actually succeeded?”

  Sorono’s thoughts did help as he replied in heavy breaths. “Yes. We did it. Sorry Sorono, but these wounds…have taken me out of the fight for some time to come.”

  “How bad are they?” His large hazel eyes were wide with worry. “Not as bad as his,” They both looked down to see that Ranvan still falling to the earth in two pieces. “but they are really bad. If I don’t find a way to close the wounds soon, I might bleed to death. The pain is so great that it is impossible for me to focus properly.”

  Sorono’s jaw tightened and his expression became serious. “If that is the case, Connor, this will hurt. Find something to bite down on.”

  The look in his eye told him what he planned to do. Knowing this, Connor ripped the bloodied mail that wrapped around his left leg and put a thick piece between his teeth. His legs dangled between Sorono’s cradling arms and it made him feel like a child. Tool soon found itself holstered against his right hip once again. Once he finished preparing himself, the real pain began.

  Sorono pulled him in one arm and used his teeth to take off his Dark Steel claws. He placed the metal securely in his belt and used his free hand to rip off the legs of Connor’s pants, just above the wounds. Once he saw the extent of the puncture wounds he realized the gravity of them. He then lifted his free hand and created a small ball of an orange flame on the tip of his index claw. As the flame approached the legs Connor tightly shut his eyes. There came a sizzling sound as the flame began cauterizing the wounds, but Connor was thankful for Sorono because he made the flame hot enough to make the nerve receptors think that the flame was cold by making it too hot to read. After he finished sealing the tops of the legs he helped him turn around to close the wounds on the backside of his hamstrings.

  Before Connor knew it he said “It is finished. Sorry, but I cannot do anything about your broken leg. At least you won’t die from blood loss now.” Connor finally removed the mouthpiece and held it in his left hand.

  To change the subject he asked “We defeated our nemesis. So what now?”

  “You just leave the rest to me. If it weren’t for your aid I wouldn’t be alive at this very moment. You have done more than expected, little brother.” He then smiled genuinely.

  Sorono continued carrying Connor, but he gladly accepted a compromise to hold his upper body in his hand rather than being cradled. He flew them back to the White House just as the battles continued to rage throughout the city. There were a few new corpses laying around the front lawn, but the guards that were left behind were all accounted for and unharmed and the cameras were still in the same spot that they were originally placed.

  Once Sorono gently laid him against the building’s outside wall, Connor found that his bottom the only area not in blinding pain.

  Sorono then turned around in an almost protective manner, in front of him. Connor felt his mind reaching out far and wide as he let him in. His mental voice took a calm aspect, sure and laced with the highest authority.

  “Everyone must stop what they are doing. For those of us who are here to protect, relay my thoughts to those who are outside my mental reach. All off our enemy who have come here seeking to dominate humanity are hereby ordered to surrender. Your leader has been defeated and killed. You have no leader and no hope of winning as you once thought. If you surrender now I will give you only one chance to live. If you choose to continue fighting this pointless crusade you will die. Either way you have already lost. Choose to continue living or die pointlessly.

  “If you come quietly, surrender your weapons to my people and have them escort you to the specified location you will see another day. Make your choice, Now!” Then Sorono sent the mental images of Ranvan falling to the ground, headless.

  In less than a minute Connor could easily hear that the battles throughout the city had quieted dramatically and the shaking of the earth stilled slightly, but there were still a few fights raging. Those that continued warring were quickly dealt with. Soon all that could be seen above the building from where he sat was the black smoke that rose from the battle site.

  It was finally over. The protectors won.

  Useless and Valuable

  “Sarah?” At the sound of her name she turned around to see Head Elder Poseidon’s deep green eyes looking upon her in mild importance and fatigue.

  After her battle with the dangerous female she had returned to the Empire State building to help protect it and those who remained inside. Since her return, the sun had dipped below the horizon and night had taken day’s place. In certain parts of the city extensive damage will require months and even years to repair or rebuild completely, but at least they were empty, for the most part, and civilian casualties remained at a minimum.

  Not wanting to delay what he had to say she replied with a simple “Yes?”

  Calmly he stated “This day’s battle had been long and very difficult, but as it is, our enemy numbers are diminishing by the second. From the last report I received, there is less than a thousand remaining and we far outnumber them. Soon enough their lives will be extinguished. Since that is the case, I believe your presence will no longer be necessary.” Then he smiled.

  Understanding washed through her as she glanced at her family. Jack, Jillian and Amber were all tired, but unharmed. Ben had a deep gash on his forearm from an accident of his own doing. He had dove through one of the windows of this building when he thought a Keeper flew too close to him, and panicked. Amber cracked jokes at him while she stitched his wounds earlier. Right now they were all looking at Sarah expectantly and when she didn’t move or speak Amber said “Oh just go already! Geesh, we’ll cover for you. We’ll meet up later, like planned. Go to my brother-in-law and see how he’s doing. Remember, you told us he’s hurt?”

  Her mouth opened to give a smart retort, but nothing came out. She simply nodded to everyone and turned to the shattered window.

  Without another thing holding her back here, she leapt from the window and smiled. She conjured a Pressure wedge before her face and body as she poured energy down her legs to get to her soul mate as quickly as possible.

  She blared through the sky, feeling her apprehension lessen by the second and her chest was warming. It was too dark to see properly, but she felt the pull to her destination and used its perfect guide to get there.

  In less than an hour after the initial start, she made it to Washington D.C. and the city was lit up just enough for her to see much of the destruction that had been done. New York’s destruction could be patched up with a simple band-aid compared to what happened in this city. Apparently the enemy’s main force did arrive here and the destruction was the undeniable proof. Spiraling and flickering emergency lights became brighter the lower she flew, blocking off areas with the most destruction and raging fires that still lived. Large forms worked alongside the scene to aid trapped victims from collapsed buildings. Then she could see the horde of people. The many people had gathered around dead Keepers and also those that remained alive. She didn’t have the mind to stop because only one thing truly mattered to her.

  Moments later she felt the pull of her bond lessening and the cl
oser she got to the destination the brighter and warmer her chest felt. The White House was lit up with floodlights bright enough for even the blind to see clearly. The entire area swarmed with both Keepers and Humans alike. Scattered, roaring cheers from the ancient reptiles who won blended with those of the mortals who did their best to keep up. Many humans stood in uniform, who were mainly from the military, but no weapons were raised. The closer she flew the more details could be seen. In the lush lawn of the White House were many humans, but only ten or so Keepers remained inside the fence. Many of the streets leading towards the White House were closed off, but the barricades were holding back thousands more shouting and upset humans than normal.

  Without slowing for anyone, she dived straight down. Sarah finally saw him after being so far away. He was looking directly at her while smiling joyously. His warm and relieved emotions washed through her like a warm bath after a hard day’s work. He didn’t come to her for some reason, but he simply sat against the wall of the building while also on the grass. His face and body was splotched in red, but his facial features were so achingly handsome.

  She flipped midair and cut the energy to her legs and fell directly at him. In an instant she fell directly into his cradled and powerful arms.

  “Connor.” She said lovingly while looking up into his predatory hazel eyes that were full of joy.

  They reunited once again.

  “Sarah.” He said back in a husky voice and she wrapped her arms around him and nuzzled into the curve of his neck.

  She smelled him to realize he really needed a bath, they both did, but it sure was his masculine smell and it eased her worry even more. He felt warm and despite the hardness of his muscles, he was soft. He’s real and safe. Just holding him like this was all that is needed to make her feel relaxed.


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