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BAD BOY ROMANCE: DIESEL: Contemporary Bad Boy Biker MC Romance (Box Set) (New Adult Sports Romance Short Stories Boxset)

Page 50

by Parker, Kylee

  Taylor giggled. “Don’t worry. I suspect he and Mother will be shacking up soon enough.”

  Greta rolled her eyes.

  Namir knocked on the door frame. “He’s here.”

  Taylor and Namir waited on the front steps as Harrison began pulling his belongings out of the car trunk. Namir walked casually to him and took one of the bags.

  “Thanks.” Harrison said quietly.

  “We have a room ready.” Taylor said and took one of the other bags. “Let me show you.”

  They walked silently to the guest room, and much Taylor’s relief, Greta greeted Harrison with a warm smile. “If you need extra towels, they’re in the hall closet.”


  Taylor moved towards the door as Greta and Namir entered the hallway. “Make yourself at home. Greta will serve dinner around seven.”

  “Ok.” Harrison looked around the room appreciatively. “This is really nice.”

  “I’m glad you like it. Come down when you’re ready.”

  Harrison nodded as she shut the door. He looked at the dresser across the room and the little shelf above it. There were three framed pictures glinting in the light. He took each one down in turn and looked at them. One was of Taylor in a pink ballerina outfit. The tutu was full and fluffy. She looked to be no more than three. The next was of Constantine in a bathing suit holding the hand of a slightly older Taylor. The final one sent him to the end of the bed with a shuddering breath. It was a picture of Tony Randall in a white suit holding Taylor on his shoulders. He smiled into the camera and Harrison was struck by his pale gray eyes. His pale gray eyes. Harrison held the frame loosely in two fingers, letting it dangle between his legs, as he wept.

  “So, Harrison. What’s Louisiana like?” Constantine asked as she speared salad with her fork. They all ate salad with grilled salmon, one of Taylor’s favorites.

  “Well, it’s hot.” He laughed. “Honestly, I like New York a lot better.”

  “So, you’ll stay a while?” Constantine’s restraint was amazing to Taylor.

  “I’d like to. I’ve waited a long time to meet Taylor. I’m in no rush to go back, but I’ll see about a place of my own soon.”

  Taylor shook her head. “Stay as long as you want. After all, we’ve both been victimized in this.” She looked at Constantine. “I guess she has been too.”

  “I would agree with that.” Harrison said. “I’m sorry I came here like I did. I shouldn’t have done it my mother’s way.”

  “It’s fine.” Taylor waved her fork in his direction. “Now, on to happier matters. Namir and I are getting married in two days. You’re obviously invited.”

  Harrison laughed. “You’re marrying your body guard?”

  “Sure am.”

  He wiped his mouth with his napkin, his shoulders still shaking. “That’s pretty cool.”

  “Not to be nosey, but how much was your trust fund?”

  “Well, it was a good amount. A little over two million.”

  “We’ll, talk about it later.”

  “Ok.” Harrison said slowly. “Is something wrong?”


  Namir looked at his wife to be. He could feel her thoughts as well as if she had spoken them. She was going to give him more from her own fund. And so the amazement continued.

  “I don’t have a suit fit for a wedding.” Harrison frowned as he walked with Taylor and Namir around the yard waiting for Lancelot to do his business.

  “Jason can take you out tomorrow and show you some good shopping spots.” She looked at him in the moonlight. “Jason might have one you can borrow. You guys are built similar.

  “Maybe, but it’s your wedding. I’d like to match whatever Jason and Namir are wearing. Do you have a photographer?”

  Taylor slapped her forehead. “Oh my goodness, Namir! Pictures!” She handed Lancelot’s leash off to him and ran towards the house, mumbling as she went.

  “She’s nothing like what I expected.” Harrison smiled.

  “Yeah, for me either.”

  “Was she bitchy when you first met her?”

  “Yes, but I quickly realized it was her way of protecting herself. Constantine can be a beast.”

  Harrison shrugged. “She’s seems nice enough.”

  Namir looked at him wryly. “She trying hard right now.”

  “I see.”

  Just as Lancelot lifted his leg music bounced across the darkened grass to them, and soon followed was Jason’s voice crooning that he was born in the USA. Both men laughed.

  Namir shook his head. “Now, Jason…well he’s pure entertainment.”

  “Don’t you dare come in here, Namir Stone!” Constantine screeched as she slammed the door in his face.

  He jerked her head back and laid his palm on the door. “I just wanted to tell her…I haven’t even seen her today!”

  “It’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding!”

  Namir could hear Taylor giggle from somewhere on the other side. “It’s ok, Namir! Two o’clock will be here before you know it!”

  Jason jogged up the steps, his shirt tail hanging out of his pants. “The photographer and minister are here.”

  “Ok.” Namir huffed. For months he hadn’t been away from Taylor for more than a few hours at a time, and most of that had been at night when they slept.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Like my head is going to spin off.”

  Jason laughed. “Just wait until you see her walk through the backyard. It’s going to blow your mind”

  Namir descended the stairs and shook the minister’s hand. “Hello, Reverend Waller.”

  “Nice to see you again, Namir.” He smiled broadly, his dark skin and goatee moving towards his balding head. ‘This is my nephew, Jamal.” He motioned towards a young dark skinned man with a camera bag around his neck and a tripod in his hand.

  Namir shook his hand. “Thank you for doing this on such short notice,”

  “It’s a pleasure. I understand it will be very small?”

  “Uh…yeah. This is Jason, he’s my best man. Greta is the matron of honor. Other than that, it’s just Taylor’s mother and brother. Oh, and Mr. Breslow should be here soon.”

  Jamal raised his eyebrows. “Should be easy shots then.”

  Namir nodded as a knock sounded at the front door. He looked at Jason with an exasperated expression. “You didn’t shut the gate, did you?”

  Jason looked at him blandly with one arm hooked around the banister. “Just open it, Hulk.”

  Namir moved past the other two snickering men, and opened the door to find his mother gripping a suitcase in her hand. Her graying long black hair was pulled back on the sides with dark barrettes.

  “Hello, Namir.” She smiled.

  Namir took his mother in his arms and rocked her back and forth. “I didn’t think she had called you…I thought she had forgotten.”

  Adina Stone pulled away from her son and smiled softly. “She’s a tenacious young woman.” She said not unkindly. “She organized it all, right down to ordering a private driver for me.”

  “Well, he might as well come in.”

  Adina waved the driver off. “No, he’s finished. Taylor said someone would take me to a hotel, or I can stay here.”

  Namir looked at her doubtfully. “Full house.”

  “So I’ve heard.”

  “Mom…I’m sorry for…”

  She laid two fingers on his lips. “There’s time for that later. Today my son gets married, and I couldn’t be happier.”

  Namir gave her one last hug and took her suitcase. “Go on upstairs and see her. The double doors at the end of the hall. Maybe they’ll let you in.”

  Adina laughed. “The superstition?”

  Namir nodded.

  He watched happily as his mother met the men waiting in the foyer, and watched her climb the stairs in her usual ethereal way. His chest clenched as he realized just how much he had missed her.

  Greta bustl
ed into the foyer and placed a hand on her hip. “I need a little help!” She watched as all the men looked at one another. “All of you!”

  They all followed the tiny woman into the kitchen without question.

  Greta started the CD player. Soft music moved around Namir as he fought to not bounce on his feet.

  It’s happening! Any minute now!

  Reverend Waller smiled and hummed as the music shifted and the Bridal March began. Namir turned his head slowly as Taylor appeared in the open doorway of the patio. Her long sleeves were lace and he could see tiny rhinestones glimmering in the pale light of the cloudy afternoon. The neckline was Elizabethan in style and barely showed a hint of cleavage. The skirt fell to her ankles in a flowing mass of lace and chiffon. She was stunning. His eyes misted, and never before had he known something was so right.

  The tiny crowd smiled appreciatively as she walked forward and handed Greta her small bouquet of pink roses. Lancelot even barked his approval from his fancy dog house.

  Namir took Taylor’s hands, and as the Reverend started the litany, all else faded for Namir except Taylor’s upturned face and her deep set pale gray eyes.

  “Smear that cake all over her pretty little face!” Jason yelled, as he casually slid his arms around Constantine’s waist.

  Namir and Taylor laughed delightedly as they both took hold of the knife and cut into their cake. Jamal snapped pictures, and everyone was happy. So happy that they didn’t notice the figure that had stepped silently from the side of the house. Not until the gunshot sounded.

  Silence was the first reaction then terror as faces began to turn to see Odessa Badon standing twelve feet away with a gun pointed at the small wedding party.

  Mr. Breslow paled and was the first to speak. “Odessa, what in hell are you doing?”

  “Finishing what I started!”

  Namir discreetly moved his body in front on Taylor. He judged the distance and what it would take to jump the table with the cake and get to her before she shot anyone. The odds weren’t good. Even for a werewolf.

  “It’s over, Mom.” Harrison said evenly. “Whatever you were trying to accomplish, it’s over!”

  Odessa laughed mirthlessly, her face twisted. “You think you know? You were in the dark just like all of them! I’ve been working for nearly a year on taking what was denied me!”

  Namir moved slowly towards the front of the table. Odessa caught the movement and pointed the gun at his chest. “Easy, wolf.”

  “You were the stalker?”

  “Of course I was.” She held her head proudly.

  “How did you get the flowers here?”

  Odessa looked at him like he were stupid. “I had a member of my kind do it. Cost me a fortune, but some things are worth every penny.” She motioned towards Taylor with the gun. “Her terror was worth it!” Spittle flew from her lips.

  Namir edged closer, distracting her with another vital question. “How did you get her new number every time it was changed?”

  “Breslow over there was kind enough to help me out. Another well spent fortune.”

  All eyes went to the slick haired man. He held his hands in front of him, his eyes large. “I didn’t know what she was doing!”

  “Lie again and you’ll get the first bullet!”

  Namir took the split second moment of opportunity and lunged at her. Forcing her arm down with enough force that he heard it snap. He growled near her ear, relishing the look of panic that crossed her face. It didn’t register at first that the gun had fired until he felt the blood drip from his thigh.

  Taylor screamed and ran to him with her skirts bunched in her hands, as the other men grabbed Odessa and the gun.

  Adina fell to the ground beside Taylor and looked at Namir with knowing eyes. “He’s going to turn.”

  “We need to get him inside, quick!” Taylor said, and began pulling Namir to his feet. Adina grabbed his other arm, and they dragged him into the house. Taylor heard Jason speaking rapidly into his phone, no doubt talking to a 911 dispatcher.

  Taylor could hear Namir’s breath coming in short gasps, and she was positive his bones were creaking. “It’s ok, baby. Just hang on.”

  “He has remarkable control now.” Adina breathed as they helped him up the stairs.

  “Yeah, he does. Oh gosh…please, Namir.”

  Namir broke free from the women and half fell half ran up the steps before collapsing at the top.

  Taylor and Adina looked at each other and spoke at the same time. “Blood loss.”

  Lights filled the front yard from various police cars and an ambulance. Detective Roberts watched as now calm Odessa Badon was placed in the back of one of the ambulances, with an officer climbing in with her . Everyone had been questioned, and once again Namir would be heading to the hospital.

  “It’s finally over.” Taylor said coming up beside him.

  “Revenge is never over for the one who holds it in their heart.” He said sadly.

  Taylor nodded. “I guess not.”

  Detective Roberts watched as she walked to the back of the ambulance that held Namir. “I’ll never understand it.” He mumbled.

  Taylor could hear Namir arguing with the ambulance personnel. “I’m telling you, I’m fine!”

  “How did that bullet get out of your leg?” A female EMT worker demanded, obviously for a second or third time.

  “I told you! It fell out!”

  She glared at Namir again and looked at the other two workers. They both shrugged. A sandy haired man spoke up, taking his gloves off. “His vitals are good, and the wound…well it looks like its closing.”

  “Give him the release to sign.” She said angrily.

  Taylor watched as Namir signed his name without reading the refusal of transport paper, and grinned as he hobbled out of the ambulance.

  “Didn’t want to miss your wedding night?”

  “No!” He said gruffly and put his arm around her waist.

  Reverend Waller and Jamal approached them with grins on their faces. “Thank you for the most interesting wedding we have ever serviced!” The Reverend said and shook their hands. “God is good!”

  Jamal nodded and patted his camera bag. “I’ll have these ready in about a week.”

  Taylor and Namir watched amusedly as they walked away. She turned her head to Namir. “It was one for the books.”

  “Go get changed. We need to get going.”

  Taylor stepped away, feeling a nervous flutter in her stomach. My wedding night!

  As a wedding gift Constantine had booked a room for them at the Surf Club Resort. Namir didn’t care how nice the room was. He didn’t care that he could hear the ocean, and see it with a flick of the blinds.

  All he cared about was Taylor slipping her arms out of the pink negligee, allowing her full breasts to come tumbling out. She bent her body, keeping her eyes on him, as she slipped the frail fabric over her hips.

  He didn’t care that in a few hours they would order room service, and eat fresh fruit and sandwiches while lounging on the king sized bed.

  He only cared that she was moving towards him. He only cared that his lips were on hers, and his hands were moving in a hot trail up the sides of her thighs. Namir gently touched her between the legs, readying her to accept him. Taylor’s head fell back, her eyes closed, as she instinctually moved against his hand, nails digging into his shoulders. Namir stood and picked up his bride, laying her gently on the bed only a moment later; his own clothes long forgotten. Taylor already had a hungry look. Her eyes begging him to hurry.

  Namir could hardly contain himself as he occupied space between her trembling legs. He forced himself to be patient. He grasped her breasts and kissed them gently, allowing his tongue to flick across each nipple, then back again. Taylor’s eyes were huge as she watched him, her hands reaching out and grabbing his hips. Namir moved forward just enough so she could touch his engorged flesh. Her small hands stroked him to near distraction. A sheen of sweat broke out on his for
ehead, when a small growl emitted from his parted lips.

  Her gasp as he finalized their union blinded him to all else except one thought. He only cared that she was his. She was his in mind and flesh. As he moved within her, trying to be gentle at first, then letting himself go as her moans became more intense, he knew there would never be another woman capable of making him feel that way. Skin slapped skin, and for once it wasn’t a carnal sound, but the sound of true lovemaking.

  Hours later, Namir stared at Taylor in the near darkness. Her tousled tawny hair was in her eyes and he brushed it aside. He had never known perfect peace. Namir had rarely known any peace.

  Taylor’s eyes fluttered open and she smiled sleepily at him. Her full lips pulling back in that smile was all it took for his loins to ache again. Patience could now be utilized fully. After all they had been through, the beginning of his strange guard was ending, and a life he had only dreamed of was now beginning.




  Chapter 1

  “What? Wait a minute, what?” Adrien stared at the older man while shock dripped from his expression like ice melting on a spring day.

  “Listen, Adrien, I know this may sound…sudden to you, but–.”

  “Sudden? Sudden!” Adrien spluttered, “sudden doesn’t even begin to cover it, Harris.”

  “Hey, show your leader some respect, cub.” The giant of a man standing over Harris’ right shoulder scowled at him through a face covered in scars and a nose that had met more than a few fists in its time.

  “It’s okay, Theo,” Harris drawled, his old, wrinkled face made that much older by the decades of abuse and indulgence. “And besides, Adrien is a cub no more.” Harris nodded once to him, obviously waiting for an answer to his insane decree. The last thing Adrien had been expecting when he’d been dragged in to see the leader of the Long Pines tribe was to be told in no uncertain terms that he would marry the chief’s daughter.


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