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BAD BOY ROMANCE: DIESEL: Contemporary Bad Boy Biker MC Romance (Box Set) (New Adult Sports Romance Short Stories Boxset)

Page 61

by Parker, Kylee

  “What?” He asked looking around him to see just what exactly she found so amusing and she burst out laughing, shaking her head at him. Finally taking pity, Morgan stepped forward, pulling at least ten yards of cobwebs from his hair and brushing off is back as visions of spiders danced through his head.

  “That was disgusting.” Adrien said, trying to shake the feeling of bugs crawling all over him as Morgan let out another peal of laughter. He paused, just listening. It was probably the sweetest sound he had ever heard and he loved that he could make her laugh like that, even though it was intentional.

  They set off for the stream, each with a dusty fishing rod in hand and Adrien spent the entire walk there racking his brain for every bit of information he had ever overheard about fishing. It wasn’t much. He shook his head. He had gotten himself into this mess, and he would get himself out. His options were either to lie through his teeth, and pretend that he knew what the hell he was doing, or come up with some other more complicated lie about how he had caught those two fish the other day. He had just happened upon them on the side of the road? They just happened to jump out of the water at him and he was really good at catching? He gave the flying fish idea a brief moment of contemplation before disregarding it. No, he would just have to carry on.

  They made it to the clearing where the tree line opened up to reveal the happily gurgling stream and Morgan was instantly enamored. Adrien loved how excited she got about the smallest things, and it made him appreciate them more. It truly was a beautiful day and he couldn’t imagine anyone else he would rather share it with. Or any other for that matter.

  He pushed the thought away, determined to keep the day light and fun, if not for his sake, then for Morgan’s. Adrian walked up to the pebble lined shore and looked from the water to the old fishing rod still clenched in his hand, and back.

  “I don’t know if we’re going to catch anything today. The water looks…bubbly.” Adrien said.

  “I’m sure we’ll do great. And catch tons of fish. You’re a really good teacher, Adrien, I’ll pick it up in no time.” Her voice was full of the confidence he wished he felt. Instead he felt a vague sinking sensation in the pit of his stomach as he turned back to the water and took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

  “Okay, so I think…I mean, what you want to do first is bait the, uh, sharp thing.” He held up the end of the string to show her, pretty sure that was the first step.

  “The hook?” Morgan asked.

  “Yep, uh yes, the hook. Good job. I was just testing you to see how much you know.”

  Morgan smiled up at his answer and shrugged but didn’t reply until she had looked around for a few moments.

  “So, where is this bait that we are using?” She was still looking around and Adrien joined her, racking his brain for a good answer. Nothing came to him. Completely blank. His panicked gaze caught on a bush not too far away dotted with sour green berries.

  “Ah, here we go. Yes, this is perfect.” Adrien rushed over and picked a handful before turning back to Morgan. “Fish love these.” She looked at him dubiously but then took a few and dutifully put them on the hook of her fishing line.

  Adrien walked back to the shoreline with his berry tipped line and then stopped. He looked at the rod, and then water, wracking his brain for what he was supposed to do next.

  “So, what’s next great sensei.” He looked to his right, surprised to find Morgan standing there with her own fishing rood, her expression serious.

  For the next twenty minutes, Adrien did his best to pretend like he knew what the hell he was doing. He wasn’t sure she was buying, but there was one major plus side that he found to being the teacher. He pretended to show her the right way to throw the line into the water, moving up close behind her until her back was nestled against his front and suddenly all he could think of was getting her naked. He started kissing her, thinking there might be the added advantage of distracting her from her fishing lesson but she pushed him away with a laugh, demanding that he teach her the tricks of catching a fish. As a bear, that was no problem, but as a man? Adrien still had no clue and they had been standing out there for almost an hour already while he procrastinated, stalling the moment he would actually have to throw out his line and hope to god that something caught.

  He stood up to the very edge of the shore and turned back to look at Morgan.

  “See, this is how you fish.” He said, and whipped the rod back and threw the line out into the middle of the stream, along with everything else. Bait, line, and rod all went flying threw the air and he stared it in in horror. He could hear Morgan’s laughter behind him and he struggled not to join her. “It’s okay. That, uh, that happens to the best of us fisherman, you know? I’ll just swim in and go get it.”

  Morgan was still giggling to herself as he stripped off his shirt, boots, and pants and dove into the sun warmed water. It was so clear and blue he could see straight down the the multi-hued pebbles that lined the bottom. By the time he reached the spot where his pole had landed with a giant splash, a plan had formed in his head. Making sure his arm was completely underwater he shifted just enough to take advantage of his animal half’s instinctive hunting skills and of course, the claws didn’t hurt. Less than a minute later, he had snagged a small fish and turned with a triumphant smile to show it off, but all the words bottled up in his throat at the sight.

  He watched breathless as Morgan stepped toward the shoreline, drawing her loose, teal colored tank top over her head and throwing it heedlessly to the ground. Her red lady bug boots and jeans soon followed and all he was left with was the vision of her seared into his memory as she dove into the water. Dazed, he blinked several times, feeling as if he had just stared into the sun and now all he could see was Morgan’s afterimage wherever he looked.

  A second later, her head broke the surface and she swam in laze circles our him in the warm stream water. The closer she got to him, the hotter it felt and by the time Morgan reached him he could have sworn it was boiling around him. Or maybe it was just his body that was on fire. She swam just close enough so that they were inches from touching and every nerve ending was anticipating her touch.

  Adrien couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t move. All he could was want, and he wanted her more than he’d ever wanted anything in his entire life.

  Chapter 5

  He felt her fingers first, tangling with his under the water in a way that made it all seem like a dream, like Moran was a dream. If that was the case, he never wanted to wake up. He pulled her closer to him, reveling in the feel of her body floating so effortlessly next to his, surrounded in the cocoon of sky blue water. It felt like heaven to him, just being next to her, but then she kissed him and he was sure he could die happy then and there. The kiss was slow at first, gentle, teasing nips and licks that slowly grew as the desire inside him reached its breaking point.

  The next thing his hand were all over her, roaming across her body and reaching for every inch of bare skin. Her bra was soon gone, thrown back to the shore to land wetly next to their other piles of clothes.

  Morgan’s mouth was everywhere all at once, feeding the inferno inside him until he was sure they would both go up in flames. It was almost to much for him to bear and he knew he needed her soon or he would explode.

  “Morgan, I…” He tried to speak against her lips, not even sure himself what he was trying to say except that he was about to die if he couldn’t have her, and soon, but she whispered back for him to hush and continued her sweet torment that had him close to begging as they both swam, twined together so tightly that he couldn’t even tell where he left of and she began.

  At his breaking point, Adrien grabbed whatever part of her he could and pulled her even closer, fitting that soft haven he so desperately needed against the hardest part of himself. Morgan wrapped her thighs around his hips, but it wasn’t’ enough with the barrier of his boxers still between them.

  Desperate now, he broke apart just long enough to reach his b
oxers, his mind only on reaching for the satisfaction that only his mate could give him. A sudden, loud noise crashed over them and they jumped apart, looking behind them toward the opposite shoreline. The sound had sounded like a branch breaking underfoot and every instinct inside him suddenly went on red alert. Something was wrong. He could sense it, the animal half of him could sense it.

  “What was that?” Morgan asked, looking around warily. He could see the kernel of fear in the depths of her emerald gaze and her hurried to reassure her.

  “It was probably just an animal or something,” It was the ‘or something’ that had him worried, but he didn’t want to frighten her so he pretended nonchalance. “We should still probably get dressed and head back to the cabin,” He grinned at her and hoped she didn’t see how forced it was. “I think we proved that I am a terrible teacher.” Especially when he had no idea what he was doing.

  Morgan grinned back at him and it helped to ease the tension the startling noise had caused to rise up between them.

  “Besides, there are a few much better things we can do that I have in mind.”


  Harris stared at the young cub with a smug grin cracking over his lined face like a crater in a desert.

  “Are you sure? No screw ups this time, Simone.” Harris stared at the newest tribe member to join his little gang. He was the one who had botched the command to close down the bar by sabotaging the supplies. Brad was also the cub that couldn’t even burn down the place properly.

  “No, Harris, I’m positive,” Brad drawled confidently, but one scowling look from Theo had the cub backing up a few hasty steps.

  “That’s ‘sir’ to you, Simone,” Theo growled the words and coming from his scarred and grizzled face, even Harris could see the fear flash through the young bear’s eyes from where he sat on his wooden throne.

  “It’s alright, Theo.” Harris said the words flippantly, but he felt anything but. Theo had been his trusted right hand for years, but he knew the bear was getting out of control. He had just received word that he had killed another human from the town, this time without Harris’ permission. He was starting to cause a panic in the towns folk and if he wasn’t careful there would be a mass of police officers and who knew who else tromping through their safe haven.

  “S–sorry, sir. What do you want me to do now?” Simone tried to look straight ahead, avoiding all eye contact with Theo, who was still glaring at him. Harris mulled the question over, running his fingers through his greasy beard in thought. The idea started to form in his head and he grinned slowly. Bradley’s face went pure white, even paler than when Theo had called him down, but Harris didn’t notice.

  “Don’t do anything…yet.” His grin widened to reveal crooked, yellowed teeth in a mouth that looked odd twisted into that smile. Odd and terrible. He paid no mind when the cub ducked out of the room covered in sweat and with a look of relief on his face. All he could see was his own future. His future as not only tribe leader, but king!

  Because he deserved to be King. He was special, he was no ordinary human. He was a bear shifter, and he would rule the Long Pines tribe with an iron fist once he was their King. No longer would he have to bow to their wishes or listen to their demands. They would have to whatever he said.

  Harris didn’t even realize that he was laughing to himself, or the sideways look Theo was giving him. He cut off abruptly. He needed Adrien to solidify his claim and to secure his role as leader and future king. Well, if he wanted something done right, he would just have to do it himself. Harris wasn’t opposed to getting his hands dirty, especially when it came to that pretty little Morgan. He pictured her in his mind, licking at his still grinning lips. Too bad pretty little Morgan would have to go.

  Chapter 6

  Adrien rolled over in the bed, staring down Morgan’s still sleeping form. She was relaxed and looked so at peace he was almost jealous for a moment. It seemed like every day he spent with her at the cabin he fell ever more under her spell. The past weeks had been the happiest days of his life, happier than any other time he could remember. But every day he knew that their idyll would have to come to an end eventually, and the secrets he was keeping from her hung like a noose that tightened ever day he didn’t reveal the truth. And it was killing him. Because he was sure that as soon as she learned the truth about who he was, what he was, and what he had done by mating her without her knowledge, she would run away from him.

  There had been so many times over the past days that he had been about to open his mouth and let it all just come out, but every time he started she would look at him with her big green eyes and all he could see was her, scared of him, hating him. And he just couldn’t make himself take that risk. He had almost convinced himself that there was no way she would stay with him once she found out what he was, and Adrien just wasn’t ready to let her go yet. Not when it felt like he had just found her. He had kicked himself so many times for not asking her out sooner, but she had always seem so unattainable to him. And once he spilled the beans, she would be again.

  Adrien slowly dragged one finger down the side of her cheek, marveling at the downy softness of her skin. Everything about her mesmerized him, enchanted him. He knew part of it was the mating bond, pulling him always closer to her, but he had learned so much about her. About her past, her hopes and dreams. She had the heart of an artist and the way she looked at the world with so much joy and excitement was contagious.

  He had felt restless his entire life, like there had always been a piece of him missing, and now, he knew what that piece was. It was her. Morgan. His mate and the woman he was coming to love more every day.

  “I can feel you staring at me.” Her words were whispered soft and husky and had his body instantly hard with want.

  “I happen to like staring at you.” Adrien replied just as softly, still sweeping his finger feather light against her touch. A small smile broke across her face.

  “That tickles.” She wiggled a little, trying to evade him but it was no use. A moment later he was on top of her, tickling every spot he knew she was ticklish, and she was very ticklish.

  “Noooo, stop!” Morgan tried to say but it came out garbled with her laughter. She bucked on the bed, trying to escape his torment and finally he stopped, her arms pinned above her head and both of them breathing heavily. The mood changed suddenly from playful to seductive in the span of a heartbeat. Adrien looked down into her eyes and saw every emotion, every feeling, and it made his chest tighten painfully at the thought of losing it, of losing her.

  On impulse he leaned down and kissed her, because there was nothing else he could do. He had to feel her lips pressed against his like he needed to breathe, it was desperate, intense ache inside of him that soon had him burning out of control for her as she writhed beneath him.

  His tongue dipped into her mouth, tasting her sweetness and he moaned as pleasure melted through him. He nipped and teased her lips, angling his head first one way and then the other to get the deepest access and soon they were both balancing on the sharp edge of desire. Adrien was seriously considering just staying in bed with her for the rest of the day he felt the pressure of her hands at his chest, pushing him back.

  He looked down at her in confusion, his lust addled brain taking longer to catch up than normal.

  “We have to get up,” Morgan explained and he could hear the pang of regret in her sweet voice, still breathless from his kiss, “I have a surprise planned for you.”

  Adrien just stared down at her, not comprehending his words. It was official. All of the blood had fled his brain and moved south, leaving none to help him understand what she was saying. He shook his head slightly and then leaned down to kiss her again, his body still raging for hers but she stopped him again with a light touch and a soft laugh.

  “Adrien, if I don’t get up now I won’t have time to finish your surprise. Just wait until tonight and then I’m all yours.” She finished the statement with a sultry smile that had him nodding his he
ad in agreement before her words had even registered. Adrien watched as she climbed out of bed, gloriously naked from the night before and sat there wondering what the hell had just happened. Finally, her words hit him and he perked up.

  “Surprise? What kind of surprise?” He asked as he followed her out of bed and into the bathroom where she was brushing her teeth and just turning on the water in the shower. She spat out the toothpaste and then grinned at him.

  “The kind of surprise I can’t tell you about because then it wouldn’t be a surprise.” Morgan said the words as she stepped into the shower and Adrien wasted no time following her in. when she looked back in question, he just shrugged.

  “Water conservation.” He said shortly as he reached for the shampoo.


  Much later than she’d intended Morgan finally had the cabin to herself. After their shower together, which had already put her behind schedule it had taken a lot of convincing to get Adrien to go out for the rest of the afternoon, and she would need ever spare minute if she hoped to make her surprise a success. With a grin, she looked around the front yard, glad to see that Adrien was no where in sight. Quickly, she grabbed one of the fishing rods from the shed and made the short walk down to stream he had tried to teach her how to fish before.

  Morgan shook her head as humor filled her. It had been obvious to her that he wasn’t sure what he doing when it came to fishing, but even still had caught those two beautiful fish they’d had for dinner that first night they were there and she wanted to return the favor. Even though she was pretty sure she knew even less than Adrien. She shrugged. How hard could it be?

  She walked over to the bush that she remembered Adrien getting the berries for the bait from and picked a handful, making sure to only get the ripest looking ones. Slowly she placed one and then two of the biggest berries on the rusty hook and walked down to the edge. Morgan glanced around once more, unsure of where Adrien had gone off to once she had kicked him out of the cabin. He had said he would go for a hike through the surrounding woods, and she hoped he wouldn’t catch her. She really wanted to do something nice for him, to surprise with a beautiful meal and maybe even something for dessert.


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