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Lara Adrian's Midnight Breed 8-Book Bundle

Page 196

by Lara Adrian

  Well, he was bold, she had to give him that. The man set his mind on something and wasn’t afraid to go after it.

  “Will an hour from now work for you, Alex?”

  She glanced at the clock and wondered how fast she could get out of her faded long johns, shower, and make some kind of sense out of her face and hair. “Um, sure. Okay, an hour it is. I’ll see you then.”

  As they hung up, Alex could feel Jenna’s curious stare at her back. “That was Kade, huh?”

  She turned around, grinning sheepishly. “Ah, yup.”

  Jenna leaned back in the chair and crossed her arms over her chest, looking like a total cop, even in her sweat-shirt and faded jeans, her dark hair loose around her shoulders. “This is the same Kade from Pete’s last night, the same Kade you saw out at the Toms place yesterday and said you wanted nothing to do with? That Kade?”

  “That’s the one,” Alex replied. “And before you say anything else, I’m just taking him out to the Tulak place to have a look around.”


  “It’s just business,” Alex said, hastily clearing her breakfast dishes and dumping them in the sink. She pulled aside a piece of egg-soaked toast and tossed it into Luna’s waiting mouth. “The way I see it, if it will keep one more gun from being aimed at the area wolf packs, then I’m more than happy to divert Kade with an in-country day trip.”

  When she came back to the table to wipe it down, Jenna stared hard at her.

  It didn’t take Alex’s uncanny inner lie detector, or even Jenna’s years of training as a cop, to read the plain and obvious fact that Alex was smitten. Turned inside-out by a man she’d known only a couple of days. Tempted to let this man who was a hundred confusing shades of gray into her tidy little black-and-white world.

  “Be careful, Alex,” Jenna said. “I’m your friend and I love you. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “I know,” she said. “And I won’t.”

  Jenna laughed under her breath and waved her hand dismissively in front of her. “Well, why are you standing around when you need to get ready for this nondate? Go on. Luna and I will handle breakfast cleanup detail.”

  Alex grinned. “Thanks, Jen.”

  “But when you get back from this nondate,” Jenna called after her as she raced down the hall, “I’m gonna want this guy’s last name and social security number. And a full medical history, too. You know I’m not kidding!”

  Alex did know that, but she was laughing anyway, floating on a welcome, if unaccustomed, feeling of excitement and hope.



  Kade hadn’t realized how much he was looking forward to seeing Alex again until he was watching her through the frosted glass window of her front door as she came to let him in. Tall and lean, dressed in dark jeans and a citrus-green fleece with a white turtleneck underneath it, her warm blond hair collected into a pair of braids that just cleared her shoulders on either side, she looked fresh as spring in the dead of the frigid winter. She smiled at him through the ice crystals clinging to the window, her naturally pretty face enhanced with only a bit of mascara and the sudden blush that rose into her cheeks.

  “Hi,” she said as she swung the unlocked door open for him. “You found me.”

  He inclined his head in a nod. “I found you.”

  “Let me guess,” she said, her smile lingering. “You walked all the way here like you did the other day in the bush?”

  He smirked and gestured toward the snowmachine he’d parked in her yard. “I decided to ride today instead.”

  “Ah, of course you did.” She held the door open for him. “Come in. I just have to grab my boots and gear and we can be off.”

  As she disappeared around a corner of the living room, Kade walked inside the cozy little house, letting his gaze roam over the simple furnishings and the inviting, casual feel. He could smell Alex in this place, could feel her in the clean, unfussy lines of the sofa and chairs, in the rustic, dark woods of the tables and the earthy greens and browns and creams of the woven rug under his feet.

  She came back into the room with laced-up Sorels on her feet and a thick khaki-colored parka draped around her. “Ready if you are. Leave your sled where it is. We’ll go out the back and take mine to the airstrip.”

  Kade paused a couple of steps behind her. “The airstrip?”

  “Yeah,” she said matter-of-factly. “No snow in the forecast for the next couple of days, so why waste time sledding out when we can fly there?”

  “I didn’t realize we were going to fly.” He felt a momentary twinge of uncertainty, something wholly foreign to him. “It’s dark outside.”

  “My plane can’t tell the difference between day and night,” she said, a playful light dancing in her soft brown eyes. “Let’s go. That is, unless you’re uncomfortable with a little darkness, Kade.”

  She was goading him, and damned if he didn’t enjoy it. He smiled, more than up to any challenge she wanted to toss his way. “Lead on.”

  With Alex in charge and Kade happy to be riding behind her on the sled, if only for the excuse of wrapping his arms around her, they sped through the frozen back lots of town to where her single-engine plane was tethered at Harmony’s joke of an airstrip. Aside from the hangar where the bodies of the Toms family still rested in temporary storage, the airport consisted of a short strip of hard-packed snow and landing lights that barely cleared the tops of the highest drifts.

  Alex’s de Havilland Beaver had one neighbor for company, a small Super Cub that was rigged with fat tires instead of straight skis like Alex’s. A wind gust rolled through the cleared land of the runway, pushing a cloud of powdery snow across the ground like a tumbleweed.

  “Bustling place, eh?”

  “Better than nothing.” She parked the snowmachine and they climbed off. “Go ahead and get inside. I’ve got to run the system checks before we’re ready to take off.”

  Kade might have balked at being ordered around by a female, if he hadn’t been so intrigued by Alex’s confidence in what she was doing. He climbed into the unlocked cockpit of the plane and closed the door. Even though the Beaver was the workhorse plane of the interior, Kade was struck immediately by the claustrophobic fit of the cockpit. At six foot four and 250 pounds without weapons and clothing, he was a large male by any standards, but sitting in the passenger seat of the single-engine plane, the curved metal panels and narrow windows felt like a tight cage.

  Alex came around to the pilot’s side and hopped into the seat behind the wheel. “All set,” she announced cheerfully. “Buckle up and we’ll be airborne in no time.”

  This far remote in the Alaskan interior, it wasn’t surprising that there was no traffic control, no tower to radio in to for clearance before takeoff. It was all on Alex to get them off the ground and headed in the right direction. Kade watched her work, impressed as hell by the way she took charge of the aircraft and set it moving on the pitifully brief runway. A minute later, they lifted off into the darkness, climbing higher and higher into a morning sky devoid of light except for the distant blanket of stars that glittered overhead.

  “Nice job,” he said, glancing at her as she leveled off their ascent and steered them through a few short patches of bumpy, gusting wind. “I take it you’ve done this once or twice before.”

  She slid him a little smile. “I’ve been flying since I was twelve years old. Had to wait to get my official training and license until I was eighteen, though.”

  “You like being up here with the stars and clouds?”

  “I love it,” she said, nodding thoughtfully as she checked a couple of the gauges on the plane’s dashboard, then looked back out at the vast nothingness in front of them. “My dad taught me to fly. When I was a kid, he used to tell me that the sky was a magic place. Sometimes when I’d get scared or wake up out of a nightmare, he’d take me up with him—no matter what time it was. We’d climb high into the sky, where nothing bad could reach us.”

Kade could hear the affection in her voice when she spoke about her father, and he also heard the sorrow of her loss. “How long since your father passed?”

  “It’s been six months—Alzheimer’s. Four years ago, he started forgetting things. It got worse pretty quickly, and after about a year, when it started to affect his reflexes in the plane, he finally let me take him to the hospital in Galena. The disease progresses differently for everyone, but for Dad, it seemed to take hold of him so fast.” Alex let out a deep, reflective sigh. “I think he gave up as soon as he heard the diagnosis. I don’t know, I think maybe he was giving up on life even before then.”

  “How so?”

  It wasn’t meant to be a prying question, but she bit her lip as he asked it, a reflexive reaction that said she probably felt she’d already told him more than she’d intended. From the sudden, uneasy look she gave him, he could see that she was trying to size him up somehow, trying to decide if it was safe to trust him.

  When she finally spoke, her voice was quiet, her gaze turned back out the windscreen as if she couldn’t tell him and look at him at the same time. “My, um … my dad and I moved to Alaska when I was nine years old. Before that, we lived in Florida, down on the ’Glades, where my dad ran seaplane charter tours of the swamps and the Keys.”

  Kade studied her in the dim light of the cockpit. “That’s a whole different world from here.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, it sure was.”

  A sudden metallic clatter sounded from somewhere on the plane, and the cockpit gave a vibrating shudder. Kade held on to his seat, grateful to see that Alex wasn’t panicking. Her attention went laser sharp to her instrument panel, and she gave the plane some added speed. The shake and rattle calmed, and the ride smoothed out once again.

  “Don’t worry,” she told him, her tone as wry as her expression. “Like my dad used to say, it’s a scientific fact that some of the most alarming aircraft noises can only be heard at night. I think we’re okay now.”

  Kade chuckled uneasily. “I’m gonna have to take your word on that.”

  They flew over a sloping peak, then made a gradual direction change that brought them back over the Koyukuk below.

  “So, what happened in Florida, Alex?” he said, returning to the subject he had no intention of dropping now. Instinct told him he was mining close to pay dirt about the secrets she seemed to be holding, but he wasn’t looking to further his mission right now. He was genuinely interested in her—hell, if he was being honest with himself, he had to admit that he was starting to truly care about her—and he wanted to understand whatever she’d been through. Hearing the pain beneath her words, he wanted to help heal some of it if he could. “Did something happen to your father or you in Florida?”

  She shook her head and gave him another of those measuring, sidelong looks. “No, not us … but my mom and my little brother …”

  Her voice broke, quiet and choked off. Kade could feel a scowl pulling his brows together as he stared at her. “How did they die, Alex?”

  For one stunning moment, as her eyes held his, unblinking and stark with revisited fear, a cold dread began to form in his gut. The small compartment they shared some eight thousand feet off the ground got even tighter, compressed by Alex’s terrible silence beside him.

  “They were killed,” she said at last, words that only made Kade’s pulse beat faster when he considered one possible cause—a terrible cause that would make this whole involvement with Alex even more impossible than it already was. But then she gave a shrug of her shoulders and looked straight ahead once more. She sucked in a deep breath and released it. “It was an accident. A drunk driver blew a traffic light at an intersection. He plowed into my mom’s car. She and my little brother were both killed on impact.”

  Kade’s scowl deepened as she recited the facts in a rush, as though she couldn’t spit them out fast enough. And recite seemed an apt description, because something about the explanation struck him as being too pat, too well rehearsed.

  “I’m sorry, Alex,” he said, unable to tear his scrutinizing, now-suspicious gaze away from her. “I guess it’s a small blessing that they didn’t suffer.”

  “Yeah,” she replied woodenly. “At least they didn’t suffer.”

  They flew for a while without speaking, watching the dark landscape beneath them alternate from the lightless patches of tightly knit forest and jagged, soaring mountains, to the electric-blue glow of the snow-covered tundra and foothills below. In the distant sky, Kade saw the eerie green flash of the northern lights. He pointed it out to Alex, and though he’d seen the aurora countless times from the ground in the near century since his birth, he’d never been in the sky to watch the streaking colors dance across the horizon.

  “Incredible, isn’t it?” Alex remarked, clearly in her element as she navigated in a wide arc to give them a longer look at the lights.

  Kade watched the display of colors, but his thoughts were still on Alex, still trying to piece together the facts from the loose bit of fiction she seemed to want him to believe. “Alaska is about as different as you can get from Florida, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, it is,” she said. “My dad and I wanted to start over—we needed to, after Mom and Richie—” She took a breath as though catching herself from saying something more than she intended. “After they died, my dad and I flew to Miami to book a flight to someplace where we could start our lives over again. There was a globe in one of the bookstores at the terminal. Dad showed me where we were, then asked me to pick out the place where we should go next. I chose Alaska. When we got here, we figured Harmony sounded like it would be a friendly town for us to make a new home.”

  “And was it?”

  “Yeah,” she said, her voice a bit wistful. “It feels different to me now that he’s gone, though. I’ve been thinking it might be time for me to take another look at the globe, see another part of the country for a while.”

  Before Kade could probe any further down that path, the single engine’s rattle and shake was back with a vengeance. Alex sped them up again, but the noise and shudder persisted.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I’m going to have to take us down now,” she said. “There’s the Tulak cabin below. I’ll try to land as close as I can.”

  “All right.” Kade glanced out the window to the ground coming up beneath them more quickly than he liked. “Just try to put it down easy. I don’t see anything close to a runway down there.”

  He needn’t have been concerned. Alex brought the shuddering plane down onto its skis in a soft glide, managing to miss a couple of ancient spruces that seemed to materialize out of the darkness as they coasted over the top of the powdery snow. The cabin was right in front of them now, but Alex slowed the Beaver and steered into a gentle curve, navigating pretty damned tightly on precious little preparation for their abrupt landing.

  “Jesus, that was close,” he said as they came to a stop in the snow.

  “Think so?” Alex’s amused expression spoke volumes as she powered down the engine.

  She climbed out and Kade followed her up to the engine. She peered inside. “Dammit. Well, that explains the problem. A couple of screws must have jiggled loose of the engine cowling and fell out.”

  Kade knew as much about engine cowlings as he did knitting. And he had no business hoping the plane’s trouble would keep him stranded in the wild with Alex for a few hours. Better yet, a few nights.

  “So, what are you telling me, we’re grounded until we get some help?”

  “You’re looking at the help,” she told him, shooting him a grin as she walked back to grab her toolbox from the plane’s cargo hold.

  Part of Kade’s reason for bringing her out with him to the remote location had been to once and for all get to the bottom of what she knew about the Toms killings. Now, after the half-truth she’d told him about the deaths of her mother and brother, he had another reason to question her. And he told himself that if it did turn out that Alex knew somethin
g about the existence of the Breed—and all the more so if that knowledge had anything to do with the loss of her family members in Florida—then relieving her of the burden of that memory would be doing her a kindness.

  But this wasn’t just about his mission. He’d tried to convince himself it was, but duty had taken a swift backseat from the moment he arrived at Alex’s place today. The way his pulse hammered around this female sure as hell wasn’t part of the plan. His heart was still banging from the sudden landing, but as Alex came back to where he stood, looking smart and capable and too damned adorable as she went to work on the engine, the banging in his chest settled into a heavy throb.

  “You mind holding the flashlight for me?” She clicked it on and handed it to him, then stripped off her glove and fished around in her toolbox for a handful of odd-size screws and bolts. “A couple of these should do the trick until we get back home.”

  Kade watched her carefully hand-thread each screw into the mounting, wondering if the other warriors in Boston felt the same pride and amusement when they watched their mates doing what they did best.

  The thought jarred him as soon as it entered his mind … since when had he been the type to think about having a mate, let alone place Alexandra Maguire anywhere near that scenario? At best, she was a temporary obstacle in fulfilling his mission for the Order. At worst, she was a security risk for the entire Breed nation—one that he was duty-bound to silence, the sooner the better.

  But none of that mattered to his drumming heart, nor to the crackle of awareness that coursed through every vein and cell of his body as she finished her work not a few inches from him. Behind her, far in the distance, the green light of the aurora borealis was joined by a rising ribbon of red. The color framed Alex as she pivoted her head to look at him now, and he wondered if he’d ever seen anything quite so beautiful as her face haloed by the frozen magic of the Alaskan wilderness. She didn’t speak, just held his gaze with the same wordless intensity that he felt coursing through himself.


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