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The Badlands Brigade (A Captain Gringo Adventure Book 12)

Page 20

by Lou Cameron

  He shook his head to clear it as he muttered, “Howdy, ma’am. Where am I and who the hell are you?”

  She rolled atop him, still gripping his erection as she got a big firm thigh on either side of his naked hips and settled onto him, sighing, “Have you forgotten me so soon, querido?”

  He thrust up into her experimentally and said, “Oh, hi, Esperanza. What the fuck are you doing here, and where the fuck is here?”

  The buxom brunette began to move her hungry love-maw up and down his responsive shaft as she laughed and said, “Fucking is what I am doing indeed. You are aboard my schooner, El Nombre Nada. You must forgive my poor muchachos. They did not know we were friends.”

  “I forgive them. Boy, do I forgive them! Is that who zapped me?”

  “Si. They overheard you asking about me at the hotel. It made them most anxious when you lurked about the lobby waiting for me. So they followed you and when they got the chance...”

  “Say no more. All is forgiven and I want to get on top.”

  So he rolled the laughing Esperanza over on her back and started to treat her like a lady. As his head cleared more, he saw they were on a firm bunk in a low ceilinged little cabin, but the details could wait. The nice thing about Esperanza’s ample behind was that she didn’t need a pillow under her broad hips to aim her hatchway up at just the right angle while he filled her hold with all he had to offer. She was delighted and he was surprised at how much vigor he had tonight. The celibate forced march and thinking about both her and Yvonne all day had recharged his batteries. So he braced his bare feet against the bulkhead at the foot of the bunk and proceeded to swab her bilge as she wrapped her big legs around his waist and ran plump hands over his back and buttocks while she tried to suck his tongue out by the roots. Her strong vaginal muscles sucked good, too, and though he tried to be polite he came ahead of her. But it didn’t matter. No normal healthy male was about to stop inside of Esperanza on the first orgasm. She felt his first warm ejaculation and it drove her even crazier. She was doing most of the work when she climaxed herself and went limp in his arms, purring like a lioness. She went on taking him to the hilt with her contented cunt relaxing and contracting like goldfish lips gulping air. That drove him a little crazy and as he came in her a second time he laughed, “We seem to be out of synchronization, but I don’t mind. Do you?”

  “No,” she giggled “I like surprises. But let us rest a moment, querido. We have all night and you have not told me what you have been up to, you naughty boy.”

  He left it in situ but rolled partly off to lean most of his weight on one elbow as he toyed with one of her big breasts and said, “It should be obvious I haven’t been getting much of this. I was marched off into the jungle with some other idiots before I could leave word for you. Somebody shot the crap out of us with 155s. You, ah, don’t sell anything that big, do you, Doll?”

  “I sell anything but my body. I save that for my friends. As a matter of fact I have some 155s in my hold right now. I’m to deliver them up the coast tomorrow night. Would you like to come along?”

  He thrust into her to keep the conversation friendly as he said, “It depends on who I might run into. I suppose it’s none of my business who you’re making delivery to, huh?”

  “Oh, that feels good. I have no secrets from you, Deek. We are both, how you say, knockaround guys, as well as lovers. It’s a straight forward deal with Honduran rebels. They must be very serious. I’ve been smuggling some pretty big shipments to them.”

  “So I noticed. Your customer wouldn’t be a guy named Morales, would it?”

  She pulled him back aboard and thrust her hips teasingly as she sighed and said, “This is a hell of a time to talk business, Deek. I don’t know who the idiots are. The deal was made through the usual middle men. We’ll drop the shells and some dynamite off in a cove just this side of the Motagua. It’s a straight cash and carry deal. One hombre meets us on the beach with the cash and we unload and sail away. Say you will come. There will be no danger for us. The stretch of coast I’m talking about is in the hands of my mysterious customers, so it’ll be just a dull night-run for me, unless I can talk you into coming, too.”

  He started moving faster as he chuckled, “I think I’m coming, now!” and she responded eagerly, gasping, “Oh, God, so am I! I told you I liked surprises!”

  So they knuckled down and did it right in passionate silence and this time they peaked together, their bodies having learned each other’s rhythm. After they’d climaxed and were coming down together, gasping for breath, Esperanza sighed and said, “Madre de Dios that was beautiful, Deek. What do you think this magic between us is? I know we are not in love. We are both too tough to fall in love. But, Jesus, I like to fuck you!”

  He kissed her eyelids and murmured, “That makes two of us. I think it’s because we haven’t bullshit one another. I’m a big guy, you’re a big gal, and our appetites are about the same. So we. don’t have to mess around with the usual moonlight crap and can just enjoy one another.”

  She laughed, “That’s not very gallant.”

  “You know what I mean, Esperanza. Don’t try to define what we’ve got, Honey. Magic is like a butterfly’s wing. You can spoil the beauty if you try to pin it to a cork with a label attached to it, see?”

  She kissed him and said, “Yes, I do see. I am too tough for to fall in love. But I think we must be friends. Can I tell you something, Deek?”

  “Sure. What?”

  “You are not the best looking man I have ever given myself to. You do not have the biggest prick I have ever had inside me. But I think I like to make love to you very much. It is something more than your looks or your body. It feels ... right, when we are together like this. Have I offended you?”

  “No. Honesty is a compliment. But let’s not get carried away with it.”

  She laughed, “I think it is the honesty between us that makes me feel so hot when I can let myself go. I do not think it would bother me if you told me you had made love to better looking women. If any other man told me this I would be most jealous. But not with you. Somehow, I just know that no two people could possibly fit better together no matter what they looked like or how they were built.”

  He started moving again as he said, “That’s for damn sure.” And, though he knew what she meant, he didn’t think he ought to tell her that if he tried real hard he could remember a couple of better lays he’d had in his time. Esperanza was about as good as they came. But he couldn’t afford to pick up bad habits. He knew the more they did it the harder it was going to be to stop when the time came, as it always did. They were both a little jaded for a third old-fashion, so he suggested a change in position and she laughingly got on her hands and knees to take him dog style. The view was awesome, as well as inspiring, so he gripped one big cheek in either hand and stared down at his tool as he pistoned in and out of her big shapely rump. Her firm waistline kept her from looking obese as it hourglassed her big torso in the dim light. She lowered her head to the pillows and glanced back archly over her shoulder as she asked, clinically, “Do you think my ass is too big?”

  “It’s fantastic” he laughed and added “You’re built like Lillian Russell. That accounts for a funny dream I was having before you woke me up so nicely.”

  “I’ll bet you’ve seen lots of nicer asses, no?”

  “Not nicer. Different, maybe. Did you sell those guys the 155 field guns, too?”

  “Yes. I delivered four as a matter of fact. But what on earth made you ask such a question at a time like this?”

  “Just thinking about whether I should take you up on that midnight cruise. I want as much of this as I can get. But those customers of yours make me nervous. The last time I met them they tried to blow my head off.”

  She started moving her hips to meet his thrusts as she said, “This time you’ll be with me. Ooh, that’s nice. I love it when you touch bottom.”

  He did, too, but his head still hurt. He’d taken the edge off his
desire, and he was just detached enough, now, to pump her as he humped her. So he said, “Tell me about the dynamite in your hold. Dynamite makes me nervous, too.”

  “Don’t stop,” she groaned, “I’m coming. I wish to feel you exploding inside me while I come, querido!”

  He slowed down, cruelly, as he said. *That damn dynamite has me worried about other kinds of explosions, Honey.”

  “Faster, faster,” she gasped, “don’t worry about the fucking dynamite. Concentrate on fucking me! The fuses are separate and the stuff can’t go off no matter what. But I wish, for to go off and ... oh, yes, yes, yessss!”

  She fell forward, sobbing in orgasmic pleasure, and rolled over, thighs spread, as he dove headfirst into her saddle to finish her off with some skilled tonguing. Not because he preferred oral sex to the real thing, but to let her get ahead of him. Esperanza was a big tough broad. He knew she could match him orgasm for orgasm unless he cheated. So he teased her throbbing clit with the tip of his tongue while he drove two fingers in and out of her to jerk her off and since she was already coming before he started, it drove her nuts. She grabbed his hair and moved her hips wildly as she tried to screw his face. She raised her legs, knees stiff and toes pointed like a ballerina’s as she sobbed, “Oh, please, have mercy! It’s just too much and if you don’t stop... oh, God, don’t stop!”

  So he made her come twice that way, then mounted her to finish his own interrupted climax and of course that made her come again. So when she begged him once more to stop, he figured she meant it. So he did.

  She’d damn near knocked him out with her furious fornication and it was tempting to fall asleep with her. But he resisted the impulse as he held her, running his hand gently over her voluptuous curves until her breathing told him she was out for a while at least.

  Captain Gringo gently disentangled himself from Esperanza and swung his feet to the deck. He groped for his rumpled clothes at the base of the bunk and slipped into his shirt and pants. He didn’t need his jacket, hat, or boots, but he scooped up his .38 and tucked it in his waistband as he quietly stood up. Esperanza rolled over with her face to the bulkhead as she murmured, “Where are you, querido?” And he whispered, “I’m just going out to take a leak. Be right back.”

  Esperanza didn’t answer. She’d said she’d slept with men before. He cracked the cabin door. A dim oil lamp at the far end of the companionway revealed nobody. He nodded and slipped out. He hadn’t expected a guard, once he’d seen she hadn’t stolen his gun after recognizing the victim her men had packed aboard the schooner.

  He took only a moment to find a ladderway leading down to the hold below. El Nombre Nada probably had a deck watch posted, but apparently Esperanza had told her crew she didn’t want to be disturbed while entertaining company below decks.

  He struck a match at the bottom of the ladder and whistled softly under his breath. Like most coastal schooners, El Nombre Nada had a single hold running the length of the keel. The bilge deck was laden with crates from stem to stern. He found the heavy 155 shells packed in crates between the lower stumps of the main and mizzen masts. There was enough small arms ammo aft to shoot everyone in Honduras at least once. The dynamite was forward, packed in sawdust filled boxes. He struck another match to look for the fuses. But then he asked himself what he wanted with the fuses.

  Sure, he could crimp in a single cap, light a long slow fuse, and just take off. One sharp detonation among the other dynamite sticks would send El Nombre Nada halfway to the moon. But Esperanza was a good old gal in the first place and the shitty trick wouldn’t stop Morales in the second.

  He was waiting up the coast for extra goodies, but he’d shown them all by now that he already had plenty of men and guns to back his coup. Captain Gringo didn’t want to inconvenience Morales. He wanted to stop him!

  He thought, nodded to himself, and shook out the match. It wasn’t nice to play with matches around high explosives and he could do what had to be done by feel.

  Twenty minutes later he slipped back into bed with Esperanza, nude and innocent, and rolled her over to climb into the saddle again. Esperanza opened her eyes sleepily and murmured, “No, por favor, I am too sleepy, querido. Can’t we do it again in the morning?”

  He worked himself into her, gently but firmly, as he said, “I can’t stay that long, Doll. I’ve got to get back to my outfit.”

  “No. I won’t let you go. I wish for you to keep me company as I deliver those stupid things in my hold.”

  He started moving inside her as he said, “I don’t want to go. I want to come. But this is going to have to hold us both for a while. If I don’t report back for bed check they might come looking for me, and we wouldn’t want them to do that, right?”

  “God forbid. But I’m too sleepy to do it right and ... hmm, maybe I am not as sleepy as I thought. I take back what I said about your cock. How on earth do you keep it up like that, Deek?”

  “I can only do it when I’m with friends. You’ve got one hell of a body, Babe!”

  “Oh, you make me feel so pretty with your passion. I like you so much, Deek. Tell me truly, are we really something more than lovers? Are we really friends?”

  He started moving faster as he answered, “We must be. What the hell, we haven’t tried to kill each other, yet. That’s more than one can say for most of the folks you meet in our line of work.”


  Lieutenant Colonel Duran was brave and patriotic, but didn’t know beans about military tactics. When Captain Gringo explained the situation to him and the others back at the presidio, Duran wanted to march directly up the coast to the cove where Esperanza would be making her arms drop.

  Captain Gringo shook his head as he pointed at the map spread out on Duran’s desk. He said, “The last time we tried to cross that open sawgrass, they had us zeroed in and we got the shit shot out of us, sir. And they’ll be expecting anyone dumb enough to come back for more to approach them via that route. Morales has his traitorous troops dug in between the impassible swamps and the border. The Rio Motagua’s protecting his rear even if the Guatemalans were planning an invasion, which they’re not. So he’s forted up good in there. On the other hand, he can’t do anything to hurt anybody that stays the hell away from him.”

  Duran nodded, but said, “He most obviously does not intend to stay there, however! I see his plan now. Having staged a mock battle along the border he will resupply from that schooner and start marching inland along the border, pretending to be securing it as he relieves loyalist outposts along the way. Naturally, he will claim that after Major Gomez was defeated, he, the great Morales, counter-attacked and drove back the despicable enemy for the time being. But in view of the emergency and the possibility of British intervention—”

  “We’ve agreed he wants to be El Presidente without going to all that bother about elections, Colonel. Let’s talk about how we stop the son-of-a-bitch.”

  “You are right. You say the gunrunners will be delivering more ammo Wednesday night. The schooner is still in the harbor. I have the authority to board her in the name of the republic and—”

  “I wish you wouldn’t, sir,” Captain Gringo cut in, adding, “I could have blown her out of the water last night. But I stopped to think first. You’re supposed to think ahead of a battle if you can. Once the egg hits the fan there’s usually not much time to think. With your permission, I want El Nombre Nada to make her run as if we know nothing about the ammo she’s putting in it.”

  “You wish to see that traitor Morales receive even more shells and ammo for his small arms?”

  “Yessir. Two reasons. We don’t know exactly where El Nombre Nada will put in, but we know the general area. So we can guess about where Morales will be tomorrow night, and until the bastard takes delivery he figures to stay there!”

  He put his finger on the map to trace the route as he said, “We’re going to have to move pretty good, even with the time that arms drop offers us to get ahead of the pricks. I checked and found the
so-called railroad to your capital is mostly a paper dream. But if we march like hell we can get here, to Omoa, ten miles out in the bananas, then grab a choo-choo along this narrow gauge line serving the plantations. See how it runs inland and then swings toward the Rio Motagua? It’s a real railroad, too. I asked.”

  Duran nodded but said, “I know the line. It’s privately built and owned to ship produce from Omoa. But we can’t go very far on such a line. Look there. The damned thing crosses into Guatemala”

  “Yessir. Guess those planters who built it weren’t patriotic. But that’s my point. The roadbed swings over to cross the Rio Motagua and hook up with the Guatemalan Railroad. The Guatemalans don’t know anything about Morales’ plans or ours. Forget Guatemala. Just look how the railroad embankments form a box with Morales and his troops inside it!”

  Duran and the three Honduran junior officers in the room with them were slow learners, but Gaston was also there to nod and say, “Oui. The roadbed forms a ridge above the soft soil where any number of our riflemen can fire across the rails from a perfect defensive position. Thanks to the soggy condition of your coastal plains, my friends, Morales will not be able to haul his heavy 155s just anywhere. Mais non, he will be forced to move on one of these three trails I see. Which trail are we betting on, Dick?”

  “The middle one. Morales has faked a crisis with Guatemala, but he doesn’t really want to tangle with Guatemalan border guards, and by now the gossip will have reached them to put them on the alert, confused as they may be. He won’t take the path to the south-east for the opposite reason. It’s the main wagon trace. He wants to be well on his way to Tegucigalpa before anyone notices. We’re not talking about a large area in any case. I make the box less than ten by twenty miles. He should be crossing the tracks about here, at Plantation Cinco Palmas. Morales likes ambushes. Let’s give him an ambush to write home about!”

  Everyone but Duran looked enthusiastic. Duran frowned and asked, “What if you have guessed wrong? What if he takes one of the other trails?”


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