Book Read Free

Calculated Risk

Page 11

by Marie James

  “When I did it, I only used external cameras.”

  My blood pressure starts to rise, and not because he’s accusing me of something I didn’t do. I think I know where this is going, and it’s starting to make me very uneasy.

  “Spit it out,” I hiss.

  “If you’re accessing the cameras outside to make sure things are okay, that’s one thing. Watching her in the privacy of her own home is not only illegal, it’s something I never thought you’d—”

  “I haven’t accessed anything, so you need to start explaining. I assume you’re talking about the system you installed at Hayden’s house.”

  “What? You haven’t?”

  “Wren,” I growl in warning. “Of course, I haven’t. I don’t have the login information for that, and you specifically set it up where she had to approve access.”

  “I have access, and before you rip my head off, I haven’t looked at a single thing. I haven’t logged in, but as the admin I could if I wanted to. No one else should have access, and they wouldn’t even be able to unless they had control of her Wi-Fi.”

  “What are you telling me?”

  “There’s interference in the system I installed. Most people probably wouldn’t notice it, but the program runs diagnostics every two days just to make sure things are working properly. There’s a mild lag in the reception of data on my end.”

  I scrub my hand over my face. “Break that down for me. I don’t speak nerd.”

  “Someone else has tapped in. The information my system requests is being channeled through another system. It shouldn’t be like that.”

  “You’re telling me someone else is keeping tabs on my—on Hayden Prescott.”

  “That’s the way it’s looking. I have diagnostics running, but so far it’s only bouncing from tower to tower. Whoever it is, is sophisticated because they’re giving my system a run for its money.”

  “Find them!” I snap before turning around and leaving his office.

  I don’t bother speaking to any of the guys in the breakroom as I haul ass out of the office. Fear is gripping me, making me wonder how long someone has been keeping tabs on her. It makes the burglary in her otherwise quiet neighborhood even more suspicious.

  I feel like a complete asshole, because she voiced her fear of being there, and I chalked it up to that one incident and her living alone.

  Is it possible someone is planning to hurt her?

  Not on my fucking watch. I speed through every intersection. Somehow karma is on my side because I only hit one red light on the way to her house.

  Chapter 20


  I’m just drifting off to sleep, snuggled deep in my bed, head buried under the covers when a loud banging startles me awake.

  Fear grips my chest making it suddenly hard to take full breaths without gasping.

  Maybe it was part of a dream, like those times you jolt awake when you fall.

  But then the banging happens again.

  Regretting that I haven’t bought a gun, I grab the only weapon I have in the house—a baseball bat I picked up when the company was thinking about forming a softball team. At Parker’s urging, I bought all the necessary supplies, and after the break-in, I pulled this from the back of my closet.

  “Hayden! Open the door!”

  The familiar voice startles me even more. What in the hell is he doing banging on my door in the middle of the night? He could’ve called or texted. Hell, he could’ve done that days ago, and I would’ve been receptive to the attention. Showing up like this isn’t winning him any points as far as I’m concerned.

  “Seriously?” I snap when I jerk the door open. It doesn’t occur to me that I’m alone and any man has the potential to hurt me, especially ones standing on the stoop with angry, scowling eyes.

  I lift the bat even higher, resting the heavy thing on my shoulder.

  His eyes soften when he looks from the wood and back to my face. “Really? I teach you how to shoot a gun and you answer the door with a fucking bat? Jesus, Hayden.”

  “If you’re interested in a booty call, you’re barking up the wrong tree.”

  I wonder if I spoke too soon when his hands clasp the top of the doorframe and he leans in closer.

  “I need you to pack a bag.”

  “I’m definitely not leaving my house in the middle of the night.”

  “It’s not up for negotiation. You’ll need several days’ worth. Go, Hayden.”

  His boot presses against the door, preventing it from closing when I shove it forward.

  Maybe I had him all wrong, put him up on some sort of pedestal, because the man is clearly crazy.

  “I want you to come with me.”

  “Really? I’m just supposed to jump for joy that you show up without calling and I’m supposed to pack a bag in the middle of the night. That’s not how it works, Quinten. Please leave.”

  A part of me, that crazy woman who inwardly craves an adventure, questions why I don’t just see where this goes, but I shove her voice down like I always do. Adventure at my age is ridiculous. Wild and crazy is meant to happen in college, and even though I missed out on it then doesn’t mean I get to act irresponsibly now.

  “There’s something wrong with your security system.”

  That stops me cold, and I pull my hand away from trying to shove the door closed.

  “What? Are the cameras broken?”

  “There’s interference.”

  “Like static?”

  His jaw clenches, and it’s clear he knows more and isn’t too sure about sharing it.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you unless you explain what’s going on.”

  Not feeling like I’m in any danger where this man is concerned, I prop the bat against the wall and cross my arms over my chest. In my head, I’m immoveable, but I know he could pick me up and carry me out of here without getting the least bit winded. I also know he’d never do that. At least I don’t think he would.

  “Wren was running diagnostics, and he says there’s a delay.” I noticed the same thing the other night after Parker left and again yesterday and today. “He’s trying to find out who it is, but he’s certain someone has tapped into your system.”

  My eyes dart to the tiny camera pointing directly at me from just above his head.

  “S-Someone is watching me?”

  “It’s a possibility. Don’t freak out. I’m here and I won’t let anything happen to you, but I need you to go pack a bag. Like now, Hayden.”

  My feet move me toward my bedroom before my brain even has the chance to catch up to what he said.

  I’m under surveillance? No, that word is used by police, and I haven’t done anything wrong. I’m being stalked?

  I think back to all the times the hairs on the back of my neck stood up in the last couple of months. I figured it was fear from the burglary but knowing someone could’ve actually been watching me instead of my mind going wild makes my skin crawl. I move even faster, not really paying attention to what I’m shoving into my suitcases.

  He said to pack for a few days, but I fill the two suitcases I have until they’re bulging, praying I managed to get a little of everything.

  My hands are shaking uncontrollably by the time I drag my luggage out to Quinten. He’s fully in the house with the front door closed, and he’s standing in the dark living room once again staring out the front window.

  “Is there someone out there?” I whisper.

  “Not that I can tell. Are you ready?”

  He turns to face me, immediately grabbing the handles of the suitcases.

  “Yes,” I say as I reach for my purse, phone, and keys on the table. “If I packed anything else, I might as well move out.”

  He’s silent as he leads me out the door, waiting patiently with vigilant eyes as I lock up the house. He opens the passenger door for me and doesn’t even laugh when I practically have to jump to get inside his truck because of how big it is. He carries my suitcases around to his side,
sliding them in the back seat before climbing inside.

  “I need to check my account balances before we find a hotel,” I tell him as I log into my banking app. I have savings, but I try very hard not to touch that money.

  “You can’t go to a hotel,” he argues as he backs out of my driveway.

  I watch my car and my house as he pulls away, wondering how I’m going to get to work in the morning, and more importantly why did I climb inside without thinking of driving myself first.

  “Do you need to call anyone? A friend? Your parents? A boyfriend?”

  I look in his direction, my finger hovering over the face identity request on my phone.

  “I’ll call Parker in the morning. My parents live out of state and do you really think I would’ve gone on that date with you if I had a boyfriend?”

  His face transforms, that irritated scowl he’s had since I swung open my front door fading away to be replaced by a smile. “That was a date?”

  “You know what I mean, and how are you suddenly calm?”

  “Because I have you with me, and I know you’re now safe. Do you want to call, Parker?”

  “I’m not waking her up, besides this isn’t her problem. A hotel is fine.”

  “I’m not trying to freak you out, Hayden, but someone has had access to your security system, which according to Wren takes some sophistication. If they can do that, then they can probably track your credit card use.”

  I snap my mouth closed. I didn’t even think of that. My hands begin to tremble all over again.

  “You’ll stay with me.”

  “The hell I will.”

  His grin grows. “I have a spare bedroom, and it will only be until we’re able to find out what’s going on and get to the bottom of it.”

  “I don’t want to put you out, Quinten. Seriously, a hotel—”

  “You want to share a hotel room with me? My condo is bigger.”

  “With you?”

  “Yes, with. I haven’t told you much about work, and I can’t really tell you much now, but I can’t be certain that someone isn’t watching you because of my work.”

  “Because you taught a shooting class that I just happened to be in?”

  “Because I’ve been seen in public with you. Because I spent all last Saturday at your house.”

  “Oh.” What else could I say right now? “Your job is that dangerous?”

  “We’ve never had an issue like this before, so I can’t be certain. Is there anything going on in your life that would make someone want to watch you twenty-four seven?”

  “I’m boring. Until the break-in, I really only left the house for work and when Parker wouldn’t stop hounding me, but that was for like one drink and then I went back home.”

  “You’re far from boring, Hayden. Could this be something related to someone you know? Parker, maybe? Is she the only one you associate with?”

  My mind goes back to two nights ago and how secretive Parker was being. I think that had to do with a man, not something that would make someone want to interfere in my life.

  “She’s the only one.”

  “No big dark secrets?”

  I scoff. “No.”

  “I’ll need your house key.”

  I cock an eyebrow at him, but his eyes are focused on the road.

  “Is that right? I’ve never given a key to a man I haven’t been sleeping with.”

  His jaw flexes, and I have no idea why I even said that. I’ve never given a key to my place to a man before in my life.

  He clears his throat. “I need it so I can send someone over to see if there are any clues as to who tapped into your system. And we left your car because I can’t guarantee that it doesn’t have a tracking device on it.”

  My blood runs cold. His words make me realize this situation is just getting worse and worse. Maybe staying with him where he’s so certain he can keep me safe isn’t a bad idea.

  “Okay,” I agree.

  We drive in silence for a few more minutes before he speaks again.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “It’s two in the morning, Quinten. I should be asleep.”

  The silence returns.

  “So umm…” He clamps his hand on the back of his neck as we slow to a red light, but he doesn’t look over at me. “So I can let Wren know, how many people have a key to your place?”

  I look out the passenger window so he can’t see my smile.


  “So the guys that had a key were when you lived—”

  “It was an ill-timed joke, Quinten. I’ve never given a man a key,” I explain as I pull my house key off the ring and hold it out to him. “Until now.”

  He takes the key, his eyes finally meeting mine until they drop down to my lips.

  He doesn’t know what he’s asking by insisting I come stay with him.

  Hasn’t he ever read a damn book? Forced proximity never ends up being just that. We’ll either end up in bed or end up hating each other.

  As the light turns green, I’m certain of which one I hope it’ll be.

  Chapter 21


  My fingers tap on the steering wheel with no rhythm as we pull into the parking garage at my building. I don’t know why I’m nervous for her to be in my space. I’m not a messy guy. Hell, I’m hardly home enough to sleep and shower. Most of my free time is spent at the office.

  I’ve casually dated in the past, but I don’t think a woman I was interested in on any level has been in my condo since the first couple of months after moving in, and that was in the condo one floor up from where I am now. No one but the guys from BBS have been inside this new one.

  And I’m interested in Hayden on every single level possible.

  I frown when Hayden doesn’t wait for me to open her door, and busy myself with pulling out her suitcases from the back seat. She meets me in the front of my truck, waiting for me to lead the way.

  With it being so late, the elevator is waiting for us, and I’m grateful to get her from out in the open and inside the sanctuary of my personal space. I plug my keycard into the slot that allows access to my floor. As the elevator climbs to the thirteenth floor, we stand quietly. The silence makes me uncomfortable for some reason.

  “I was on the fourteenth a couple of months ago,” I begin. “But they have been remodeling up there.”

  “Wow,” she says when the elevator doors open to the swanky looking lounge area. “I’m in the wrong line of work.”

  I grin as she walks further down to take in the view from the end of the hallway.

  I jump, the sound of something hitting the door coming from the door next to mine. Of all the damn times I’ve gotten off the elevator to silence, this shit is going to happen tonight?

  “What was that?” Hayden whispers as she walks back and stands beside me.

  “That was—”

  “You’ll fucking take it,” Wren hisses from inside his apartment.

  Hayden clutches my arm when female cries and gagging sounds come from inside his condo.

  “He’s hurting her,” she gasps as she looks up at me.

  Goddamn, this woman is beautiful. I’m not into whatever the hell is going on in the next apartment, but fuck if my dick isn’t noticing just how close she is.

  “Choke on it!”

  And of course Whitney does because we can hear the sounds from our spot in the hallway.

  “Maybe we should call the police,” Hayden urges.

  “It’s fine.”

  “It’s not fine. He’s hurting her.”

  “Just listen,” I insist.

  She tilts her head, brows scrunched together like she can’t believe that I’m not breaking down the door to protect the abused woman.

  “Yes, please,” Whitney moans. “That. Do that again.”

  A loud smack echoes.

  “Again!” she screams. “I’m going to—”

  “Oh! Oh God!” Hayden clamps her hand over her mouth and her cheeks
flame redder than I’ve ever seen before.

  “Maybe we should go into my place?” I point to the door a few feet down.

  She doesn’t say a word, but she beats me to the door, unable to look me in the eye.

  I chuckle as I unlock the door and shove it open so she can go in first. She scowls at me but doesn’t say a word.

  “I take it you aren’t into stuff like that?”

  “No,” she answers quickly, and I believe her.

  She looks absolutely scandalized.

  If she were into getting choked and being bossed around, it might make her being here in my space easier because it would make us incompatible in bed. I never should’ve asked the question because now I’m picturing her between my sheets, naked and squirming, begging me to stop making her come instead of pleading to let her do just that.

  Sadly, I know way too much about Wren’s sex life, not only because he talks so openly about it now that he’s with Whitney, but also because we share a condo wall.

  “Let me show you to the spare room,” I tell her, making a mental note to text Wren to tell him to keep it down over there since the spare in my apartment lines up with the master in his.

  “Wow,” she says again once I turn on the light in the bedroom. “If this is a spare, how big is the master?”

  “Technically, this is the master, but I prefer the other room.”

  Like I said, the couple next door doesn’t get much sleep, and when they get going, they’re not the most considerate neighbors.

  “If the people next door are making too much noise, just let me know.”

  She reddens again, her eyes looking anywhere but at me. God, if she hears when Puff Daddy gets revved up, I’ll be embarrassed for her. The bird is the best hype-man a guy can get, but listening to him squawk pornographic commands while his owners are going at it leaves a lot to be desired.

  “Okay,” she says softly, but I know she’d never open her mouth to complain. “Do you have guests often?”

  “No. I actually need to get you clean sheets. The bed was already made when I moved into this unit a few months ago. No one has ever slept in here.”

  “I think these will be fine.”

  “No one has slept in my bed either.” Fuck, why did I say that?


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