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New Centurions, The (movie, 1972)
New York
New York Minute (movie, 2004)
Nicholas, Denise
Nichols, Rachel
Nickerson, Jimmy
Nielsen, Leslie
Nightmare on Elm Street (movie, 1984)
1941 (movie)
Ninotchka (movie, 1939)
Nishiwaki, Michiko
Nissen, James
Niven, David
Nolan, Kathleen
No Man’s Woman (movie, 1921)
Normand, Mabel
Nude Bomb, The (movie, 1980)
Nufer, Beth
Oberon, Merle
O’Brien, Gloria
O’Hara, Maureen
Oliney, Alan
Olivier, Lawrence
Olsen, Ashley
Olsen, Mary-Kate
O’Neil, Kitty
Oshima, Yukari
O’Toole, Teddy
Out of Africa (movie, 1985)
Outrageous Conduct (Farber and Green)
“painting down.” See blackface
Palmisano, Conrad
as stunt coordinator
stunt safety
Paramount Decree of 1947
Paramount Pictures
Parks, Rosa
Parton, Regina
Parton, Regis
Pascal, Amy
Pasternak, Joe
Pathé Studios
Peck, Gregory
Peoples, Nia
Perils of Pauline, The (movie, 1947)
Perils of Pauline, The (movie serial, 1914)
Perkins, Gene
Perkins, Gil
Perlman, Rhea
Peters, Bernadette
Peters, Mary
Peterson, Sherry
Phillips, Michelle
Picerni, Charlie
Pickford, Mary
Picture Play
Planet of the Apes (movie, 2001)
Planet Terror (movie, 2007)
Pleshette, Suzanne
Poitier, Sidney
Police Woman (TV show, 1970s)
Pollack, Sydney
Poseidon Adventure, The (movie, 1972)
Powell, Nick
Powers, Stephanie
Powers Company
Private Benjamin (TV show, 1980s)
Pruitt, Jeff
Purple Mask, The (movie serial, 1916)
Purple Monster Strikes, The (movie, 1945)
Qiu, Ming
racial discrimination: movie industry
stuntmen and
stunt performers and. See also African Americans; African American stuntwomen; blackface; Screen Actors Guild (SAG)
Raging Bull (movie, 1980)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (movie, 1981)
Railroad Raiders, The (movie serial, 1917)
Ralston, Esther
ramrods. See gaffers; stunt coordinators
Ramsey, Ann
Ranch Girls on the Rampage (movie, 1912)
Randall, Glenn
Rawlings, Richard, Jr.
Ray, Aldo
Ready or Not (music video, 1996)
Reagan, Ronald
Red Bull
Red Circle, The (movie serial, 1915)
Reeves, Keanu
Reid, Alison
Reiner, Carl
Remington Steele (TV show, 1980s)
Remote Control (movie, 1988)
Republic Pictures
Rescue 911 (TV show, 1990s)
Rescue Me (TV show, 2000s)
Reynolds, Burt
Rhimes, Shonda
Ricci, Christina
Rich, Elaine
Riggs, Bobby
Riva, Maria
Rivers, Vic
Robb, Dave
Roberson, Chuck
Roberts, Marguerite
Roberts, Tanya
Robinson, Ernie
Rocco, Nikki
Rockford Files, The (TV show, 1970s)
Rogers, Roy
Rogers, Will
Roland, Ruth
Rollercoaster (movie, 1977)
Romancing the Stone (movie, 1984)
Romberg, Luci
Rondell, Reid
Rondell, Ron
Rondell, Ronald, Sr.
Rooney, Mickey
Roper, Carol
Rose, Bob
Ross, Debbie Lynn
Rubin, Glynn
Rush, Loretta
Ruskin, Joe
Russell, Jane
Russell, Kurt
Ruth of the Range (movie serial, 1923)
Ryder, Winona
Salvatori, Lynn
Sandler, Adam
Sand Pebbles, The (movie, 1966)
San Fernando Valley
Sara, Mia
Saturday Evening Post
Saunders, Ray
Saunders, Russ
Savitch, Leon
Scarecrow and Mrs. King (movie, 1983)
Schaffer, Sharon
Schenck, Joseph
Scholl, Art
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Scorsese, Martin
Screen Actors Guild (SAG): Ad Hoc Stuntwomen’s Subcommittee
“adjustments” for stunt performers
formation of
minimum wages
nondescript work
racial discrimination
sex discrimination and
sexual harassment and
Stunt and Safety Committee
stuntmen and
stunt performers and
stunt performers’ ratings and
stunt safety and
stuntwomen and
stuntwomen survey and
women and
Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards
Screen Extras Guild
screenwriters: African Americans
Screen Writers Guild. See also Writers Guild of America
Seaman, Rick
second-unit directors
Selig, William N.
Selig Polyscope
Selznick, David O.
Sennett, Mack
sex discrimination: blacklisting
early television
early twentieth century and
by male stunt coordinators
movie industry
stuntwomen and
women stunt coordinators and. See also Screen Actors Guild (SAG); stuntmen in wigs
sexual harassment
“location girls” and
Seymour, Jane
Shadow Chasers (movie, 1985)
Shaft (movie, 1971)
Shanley, Barry
Sharpe, David
Shaw, Robert
Sheba Baby (movie, 1975)
Shelter (movie, 2007)
Shipman, Barry
Shipman, Nell
silent films: action movies and
early stuntwomen and
serial movies and
stuntmen in wigs and
vs. talking pictures
women directors and
women producers and
women’s prominence in
Silent Movie (movie, 1976)
Simke, Chodos, Silberfeld and Anteau
Simmons, Jean
Sinclair, Madge
Sipple, Crete
Six Million Dollar Man (TV show, 1970s)
Skin Game (movie, 1971)
Slide, Anthony
Smith, Edward
Smith, Jaclyn
Smith, Will
Smokey and the Bandit II (movie, 1980)
Smrz, Gregg
Snoops (TV show, 1999)
Snowbound: The Jim and Jennifer Stolpa Story (TV movie, 1994)
Society of Professional Stuntwomen
Soggy Bottom, U.S.A. (movie, 1980)
Sony Columbia Pictures
Spanish Main, The (movie, 1945)
special effects
Spelling, Aaron
Spelling-Goldberg Productions
Charlie’s Angels
Johnson lawsuit
Spider-Man 2 (movie, 2004)
Spielberg, Steven
Spoilers, The (movie, 1914)
Stader, Paul
Stagecoach (movie, 1939)
Staggs, Monica
Stahelski, Chad
Stamp, Shelley
Starsky and Hutch (TV show, 1970s)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (TV show, 1990s)
Star Trek: Voyager (TV show, 1990s)
Star Wars (movie, 1977)
Steamboat Bill, Jr. (movie, 1928)
Stecyk, Jodi
Steel, Dawn
Steinbeck, John
Steinem, Gloria
St. Elsewhere (TV show, 1980s)
Stewart, James
Stewart, Paul
Stirling, Linda
St. Johns, Adela Rogers
Stone, Sharon
Strangers with Candy (movie, 2005)
Streets of L.A., The (movie, 1979)
Stubbs, Melissa
as stunt coordinator
stunt coordinators
African Americans
creativity and
lawsuit against Spelling
Conrad Palmisano
safety and
sex discrimination exercised
sexual harassment. See also women stunt coordinators
stunt families
Stunt Man, The (movie, 1980)
Baxley Bunch
blackface and
career paths
code of silence
female relatives as stuntwomen
movies about
numbers of vs. stuntwomen
padding in clothes
wanting to “protect” stuntwomen. See also African Americans; stuntmen in wigs; stunt safety
stuntmen and women deaths and injuries. See stunt safety
stuntmen in wigs
beginnings of
silent films and
Stuntmen’s Association of Motion Pictures
African Americans and
formation of
sex discrimination and
stunt safety and
stunts: being on fire
business of
canoeing down falls
house falling down around
jumping walls
mechanical shark/eel
motorcycle stunts
moving trains
shattering glass
sliding down mountain
swimming and diving
swinging on ropes
vicious dogs
wild animals
wire work. See also car stunts; falling stunts; horse-riding stunts
Stunts (movie, 1977)
stunt safety
actor deaths and
cameramen deaths and injuries and
car stunts and
computer graphics and
injuries and deaths
silence and
stuntmen deaths
stuntmen injuries
stuntwomen deaths and. See also stuntwomen injuries
Stunts Unlimited
stuntwomen: 1920s and 1930s
1940s and 1950s
silent films
stuntwomen injuries
stuntwomen organizing
sex discrimination and
stuntwomen survey and
Stuntwomen’s Association
Summer Place, A (movie, 1959)
Summers, Jerry
Sutherland, Edward
Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasss Song (movie, 1971)
Swertlow, Frank
Szymanski, Michael
Tall Men, The (movie, 1955)
Tandberg, Jack
Tarantino, Quentin
Tarzan Escapes (movie, 1936)
Taurus World Stunt Awards
Taurus World Stunt Lifetime Achievement Award
Taylor, Brette
Taylor, Robert
Teaching Mrs. Tingle (movie, 1999)
Team Tempest
action shows
African American actors
African American stuntwomen
early stuntwomen
male vs. female actors
rise in popularity
women’s roles. See also particular TV shows
Temple, Shirley
Terminator (movie, 1984)
Terminator Genisys (movie, 2015)
Terrell, Ken
That Girl (TV show, 1960s)
Thelma and Louise (movie, 1991)
Theron, Charlize
Thetford, Bob
Thibodeau, Shawnna
Thomas, Betty
Thomas FX
Thompson, Hilary
Thorn Birds, The (TV miniseries, 1983)
Thorne, Callie
Thoroughly Modern Millie (movie, 1967)
Throw Mama from the Train (movie, 1987)
Thurman, Sammy
Thurman, Uma
Thurston, Helen
Destry Rides Again
Republic Pictures and
Thurston, Nancy
Tidyman, Ernest
Timecop (movie, 1994)
Titanic (movie, 1997)
Tompkins, Darlene
Top Gun (movie, 1985)
Total Recall (movie, 1990)
Towering Inferno, The (movie, 1974)
Train Robbers, The (movie, 1972)
Treasures of Althea Alpheus Winterborn, The (TV show, 1980s)
Tripoli (movie, 1950)
True Grit (movie, 1969)
Trumbull, Douglas
TV Guide
20th Century Fox
Twilight Zone: The Movie (movie, 1983)
2001: A Space Odyssey (movie, 1968)
Tyson, Cicely
Ugland, Rudy
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (movie, 1903)
Unconquered (movie, 1947)
Under the Crescent (movie, 1915)
Under the Crescent (Shipman)
United Artists
United Stuntwomen’s Association (USA)
silent films
Vampire in Brooklyn (movie, 1995)
Van Damme, Jean-Claude
Van Der Kar, Robert
Vanderkloot, Victoria
Van Peebles, Melvin
Vega$ (TV show, 1980)
Vincent, Jan-Michael
visual effects
Von Beltz, Brad
Von Beltz, Heidi
Wachowski, Andy
Waddell, Steve
Wagner, Lindsay
Wahlberg, Mark
Walker, Nellie
Walker, Rock
Walker, Texas Ranger (TV show, 1990s)
Walsh, Raoul
Walters, Marvin
Wanters, The (movie, 1923)
Ward, Rachel
Warner, Jack
Warner Bros.
War of the Worlds (movie, 2005)
Washington, Kym
doubling Whoopi Goldberg
Washington, Richard
Watkins, Eddie
Waugh, Freddy
Wayne, John
Wayton, Garyr />
Weathersby, Chrissy
Weber, Lois
Weinstein, Paula
Weisinger, Eileen
Wellman, William A.
Wellman, William, Jr.
Wenger, Cliff
Wesley, Richard
West, Alice
westerns. See also particular movies and TV shows
Westward the Women (movie, 1951)
What 80 Million Women Want (movie, 1913)
What Happened to Mary (movie serial, 1912)
White, Pearl
Who Will Marry Mary? (movie serial, 1913)
Wiggins, Mary
“Wild Bunch”
Wilder, Glenn
Williams, Darlene Ava
Williams, Esther
Williams, Kathlyn
Williams, Robin
Williamson, Fred
Wills, Henry
Wilson, Terry
Wilson, Woodrow
Winfrey, Oprah
Wingo, Dorcey
Wings (movie, 1927)
Wise, Robert
Witches of Eastwick, The (movie, 1987)
Witney, William
Wizard of Oz, The (movie, 1939)
Wolverine, The (movie, 1921)
women producers
women’s movement
women’s roles
television and
women’s suffrage
women stunt coordinators
African American women
Jeannie Epper and
Sandra Lee Gimpel
safety and
sex discrimination and
Westward the Women (movie, 1951) and. See also Albee, Mary; Duggins, Shauna; Johnson, Julie Ann; Stubbs, Melissa
Wonder Woman (TV show, 1970s)
Won Ton Ton, the Dog that Saved Hollywood (movie, 1976)
Wood, Elijah
Woods, Sunny
Wooten, Sarita
World Acrobatics Society for Freerunners
World Stunt Awards
Worst Case Scenarios (TV show, 2002)
Writers Guild of America
Wuthering Heights (movie, 1939)
Wyatt, Alan
Xena, Warrior Princess (TV show, 1990s)
X-Files, The (movie, 1993)
Yates, Herbert
Yeoh, Michelle
Yes Madam (movie, 1995)
Yohnka, Merritt
York, Duke
Yorkshire, Heidi
Your Show of Shows (TV show, 1950s)
Yukari’s Funky Action Crew
Zukor, Adolph
Screen Classics is a series of critical biographies, film histories, and analytical studies focusing on neglected filmmakers and important screen artists and subjects, from the era of silent cinema to the golden age of Hollywood to the international generation of today. Books in the Screen Classics series are intended for scholars and general readers alike. The contributing authors are established figures in their respective fields. This series also serves the purpose of advancing scholarship on film personalities and themes with ties to Kentucky.
Patrick McGilligan
Mae Murray: The Girl with the Bee-Stung Lips
Michael G. Ankerich
Hedy Lamarr: The Most Beautiful Woman in Film
Ruth Barton
Rex Ingram: Visionary Director of the Silent Screen
Ruth Barton
Von Sternberg