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Lost Bastard: A Dark Sparrow Novel

Page 17

by India Kells

  “Don’t you find it strange, his insistence? Finch is already wealthy and powerful in his own right.”

  Again, Gerasim’s gaze flickered to Aleksei before settling on her once more.

  “Deva, no amount of money, and no level of power will never be enough for men who have tasted it.”

  “You included, Gerasim?”

  Discreetly, Aleksei touched her back in warning. However, the Russian Pakan looked more amused than insulted.

  “With your father, you already have the answer to that question. Do you find yourself above the need for power and money, my dear?”

  Deva shook her head. “No. I’m not. But I doubt men of your stature suffered from the darker side of it. From being victims of that quest. That’s reserved for women usually.”

  To her surprise, pain and deep sorrow etched the mob boss’s face. “Deva, I know first hand that you couldn’t be more right. Women are the first victims of our folly. And I experienced that pain in ways you wouldn’t imagine.”

  Something moved behind her. She saw Aleksei reach for a gun in the small of his back. Kai and Lance pushed themselves up and reached for their weapons as well. A man in a suit walked in the restaurant, ignoring everyone else but Gerasim. As the Pakan’s men stayed seated, there wasn’t an immediate threat. Deva nodded at Kai who re-holstered his gun under his shirt. Lance scanned the room but didn’t sit back at the table.

  “Ah, Semyon. Glad you could make it. Aleksei, I don’t think you’ve had the chance to meet my second-in-command, Semyon Kuznetzov.”

  Aleksei stood to take Semyon’s arm. Deva saw it as some sort of secret Bratva handshake. Semyon was younger than Aleksei by a few years she guessed. Dark blond hair pulled back in a ponytail, the man had a baby face with deep dark eyes. With a lean, tall body, he looked more like a student than a member of the Bratva in her opinion, but as she wasn’t that familiar with their whole hierarchy, she decided to let it slide.

  “Semyon, I’d like you to meet Deva Landry.”

  He took her hand but didn’t shake it. It was as if he was disgusted by the contact and needed to end it as quickly as possible. It didn’t show clearly on his face, but what passed in that touch definitely made Deva uneasy. Semyon didn’t look at her long but was the epitome of politeness.

  “Miss Landry. A pleasure to meet you.”

  And then he turned to his boss and murmured something to Gerasim who nodded before turning to her once more. “I have something to attend to, so you will need to excuse me.”

  Gerasim got to his feet, followed by almost everyone in the room. But before he left, he rounded the table to take Deva’s hand. “My dear, rest assured that I have absolutely no intention of doing any sort of business with Finch. Ever. Also, I admire courage and tenacity, but even with those, I wouldn’t wander off without your protection. I find you interesting Miss Landry. But I would be very angry if anything happened to Aleksei because of you.”

  Deva blinked at the praise mixed with a threat. “The last thing I want is to hurt him.”

  He looked a long time at her before finally smiling. A genuine smile. “Good day, Miss Landry.”

  He walked away, Semyon in his wake. But before it could be concealed, she saw resentment in Gerasim’s second-in-command. Another ball to add to the ones she was juggling.

  Chapter 27

  Lazarus almost attacked them when they returned to the suite. During the entire elevator ride back to the room, Aleksei seemed even more closed off than before. Deva itched to take his hand, but the way he had been all morning, she felt as if it would be a trigger for him. And they didn’t need an explosion.

  Aleksei started to tell his brother what had happened during the meeting, and how they hadn’t found out any more information apart from the fact that Gerasim stated that he had no intention of doing business with Finch. Was it the truth? And Semyon’s reaction when his boss said it? Why did he appear pissed about it?

  Deva was about to ask Aleksei that question when his phone rang. He answered, and the call was short and curt.

  “It’s Hector. He wants a meet. There are some things he has seen and wants to tell me.”

  Deva stepped toward him. “When do we meet?”

  Aleksei came to stand in front of her and shook his head. “Only me. He said that he can’t risk damaging his relationship with the Dark Blood Rows more than it already is. And he doesn’t trust his phone or some of his crew anymore.”

  Deva bit her lip. There was nothing more she could add. His reason for leaving her behind was very logical. But before he could go to the door, she grabbed his arm and turned to the three other men. “Care to give us a minute here, please?”

  Lazarus looked at the two other men. “Sure. Aleksei, I’m going with you. And don’t you dare say no. It’s not negotiable. Lance and Kai will remain here with you, Deva. Stick with them, okay? I’ll try to find some other safe house for you until we can sort everything out.”

  His decision was debatable, but she would act as if she agreed with him for the moment. “Thanks, Oz.”

  And without another word, they all exited, leaving her with Aleksei.

  Without a word, she cupped his cheek, forcing his attention on her. “What’s on your mind?”

  The gaze, cold as steel, thawed a little. “I’m not comfortable putting you at risk like this. And the more we dig, the less safe you’ll be.”

  Deva exhaled slowly, praying for patience. “I’ve never been truly safe one day in my life. It comes with the family. And for the record, I don’t like having you out there, risking your life either.”

  He put his hands on her hips, bringing her closer, and Deva circled his neck with her arms waiting for him to speak. “I can defend myself. I know how to fight. I’ve killed before. I’m not defenseless.”

  “And I’m not either, Aleksei. I may not fight in a cage as you do, but I was born and bred in this world. I’m smart, and I’ve got good instincts. You have to believe me.”

  The man may agree, but she could see he wasn’t completely convinced. Instead of debating, she brought him down for a kiss. His mouth and entire body relaxed until another tension took over, an even more urgent one. Without realizing it, Deva had her back to the wall, and Aleksei roaming her body with avid hands while his mouth bruised her lips. Her own hands found their way under his clothing to touch his hard, heated skin. Before her hands could explore more, he shackled them in one of his above her head. Breathing hard, he touched his forehead with hers, his erratic breath fanning her moist lips.

  “Damn, I want you again. But we need to find a way to solve this problem. A way to keep you safe, Deva. We’re running out of time.”

  “And I want you safe too, Alyosha. Please come back to me.”

  He inhaled deeply before releasing her and kissing her temple. “I don’t know anyone capable of keeping me away, solnyshka.”

  As he pushed himself away and went to the door, she called his name. “Hey, wait. You haven’t told me yet was that ‘solinichka’ thing means.”

  Aleksei’s face lightened, and he chuckled before winking at her and leaving the room.

  At least he was in a better mood. And while she was alone, Deva grabbed her phone to make a quick call. She had an idea and wanted to make the most of it as she was now alone. When she answered, Sasha’s tone was colder than the wind of Antarctica.

  “Cuz, I left you four messages. I was about to go check the morgue for you. You better have one good excuse, and it cannot be sex. Even with your steamy hunk of a man.”

  Ignoring her cousin’s threat, she decided to jump in the heart of the matter. “Speaking of the morgue, Sasha, you still have your contacts in Chicago. In the hospital’s here?”

  “Are you hurt?”

  “No, not me. I was speaking about another person.”

  Sasha waited a beat. “You mean your no-good father? And I’m being incredibly polite here, Deva.”

  Deva flinched. “So, you already know what happened?”

sp; “If you mean that he had to undergo surgery to remove two bullets from his leg, that’s about the extent of my knowledge. Why?”

  “You know where he is?”

  “Yes, I know, I tend to keep tabs on his rat’s ass. You’re not asking these questions out of the goodness of your heart, are you Deva?”

  “I need to speak to him again, one on one. I need to stop Finch before a civil war starts or before that psycho takes over. I’m certain that my father knows what’s going on.”

  “And would it be so bad for all the crooks in the city to kill each other?”

  Patience, Deva told herself. She loved her cousin, but their backgrounds were so different that Sasha couldn’t possibly understand her point of view. As often she couldn’t understand hers.

  “Because, and you know it better than anyone else, innocents would be caught in the crossfire. And even if you would dance on his grave in a red dress, you wouldn’t be able to live with the blood of bystanders on your conscience, Sasha.”

  Her cousin groaned on the other end of the line. “I hate when you are right. Okay, you want to go and see him? From what I could gather, he’s in a secured area of a hospital. It seems that even a scum biker has enough money to get a room in that wing. Unless you have authorization from his doctor, I doubt you can gain access, especially since you are the one who put him there.”

  “I doubt he told the authorities about me. It may be difficult to enter but what if I’m accompanying a visiting world-renowned doctor?”

  Sasha hissed. “What are you up to, Deva?”

  “I only want to get some answers. You, me, and two bodyguards.”

  “Since when do you call your sexy Russian a bodyguard?”

  There were many other things she could call Aleksei. “I don’t.”

  “Don’t tell me you are bringing that insufferable British bearded asshole with you!”

  “No, Lazarus is not coming with me, and if I have my way, both he and Aleksei won’t learn about it. You know this kind of man; he would go all overprotective and forbid us to do it. But I believe that I can get some answers, Sasha. With minimum risk.”

  It took a moment, but when Deva heard Sasha exhale, she knew she had been convincing enough. “Okay. If all this can finally put an end to this, I’m in. But won’t your bodyguards forbid you from going there?”

  Deva smiled. “I think that with some convincing, and a little lying on my part, as well as a lot of flirting from yours, we will have our way in the end. As we always do.”

  Chapter 28

  “Deva, dammit! Does Aleksei even know of your plan to come here?” Lance hissed his question through clenched teeth as they walked through the Northwestern Hospital lobby. On the other hand, she was glad that Kai stayed silent. Sasha was waiting for them, her lab coat on, her glasses on the tip of her nose and her blond hair in a loose bun on top of her head.

  Deva ignored the two men behind her and went to her cousin, taking her in her arms in a quick hug.

  “I almost feared you wouldn’t show up.”

  Sasha smirked. “Me? Pass up the opportunity to inflict pain on a man I despise? Not a chance.” And then, her eyes flickered to the men behind her. “Hey, Lance! Good to see you again.” And when she looked at Kai, her cousin gaped a little at the Hawaiian god. But Deva couldn’t blame her. “And you brought a friend. Hello, I’m Sasha.”

  And Deva rolled her eyes as she saw Kai going into full flirtation mode. It was amusing seeing Sasha a little bit flustered by the imposing man’s attention. Even if Deva wished she would stick to the program, the reason why they were there was time sensitive.

  “Any news about Mex?”

  Sasha, still a little flushed, got back to business. “I pulled a shitload of favors for you, Deva. And even with that, we won’t get a lot of time.”

  “Will you get in trouble, Sasha?”

  The men remained close, and there was definite interest on their part to hear her cousin’s answers.

  But instead of her smart-ass self, Deva saw a new side of her cousin. Darker, more serious with a hint of anger.

  “I never regret my decisions, Deva. You know that. Whatever they may be. Now quickly. Follow me.”

  The three of them followed Sasha through the maze of corridors, elevators and nurse stations.

  As they reached the secured wing, Sasha used her badge to give them access. Deva looked around and saw a few guards at the nurse station. Although the rest of the hospital looked great, this wing was more luxurious, catering to a wealthier clientele. After two more turns, Sasha stopped before a door at the end of the corridor. Looking at her watch, she nodded.

  “I’ve checked the schedule. After lunch and the visit from his treating physician, there is a 20-minute window before the next checkup. We have fifteen minutes. I’ll go first, to make sure he’s alone. In this type of room, there is a small, separate sitting room. Lance and Kai, you can stay there. And when I say we go, we go. No hesitation. Are we clear, Deva?”

  Deva rubbed her palms on her jeans and nodded jerkily. Nervousness crept like before at the idea of confronting her father, but she had run out of ideas. So that was it.

  “Let’s do this.”

  “Deva, I think this is the worst idea of the year.” Lance almost tugged at his platinum blond hair in frustration. “And when Aleksei and Oz find out...”

  Deva shook her head. “We need a lead, and we need one fast. I won’t be put under a glass bell by anyone, you know that. If you want out...”

  The former Navy SEAL snarled which was so out of character, she almost jerked in surprise. “Don’t try to goad me, Deva. You’re not up for the challenge.”

  Kai jumped in, as if impatient to make Lance lose his temper. “And maybe I am Navy SEAL. And as one Delta Force is worth two SEALs, if you want a go...”

  Instead of responding to Kai, Lance only hissed and grabbed his arm, pushing the troublemaker into the sitting room.

  Sasha peeked inside the room and entered, gesturing for Deva to follow her. On the bed, surrounded by a couple of machines, and his body in a pale blue hospital gown, there he was. Mex Johnson, her father. How inoffensive he looked now, Deva thought.

  Her cousin examined his chart as Deva stayed near the door. Beyond it was two very dangerous men there to protect her, she had to remember that. And without a weapon, Mex was much less dangerous.

  “Okay, he’s under with painkillers. I’ll stop the drip, and he should regain consciousness in less than a minute.”

  “Do, it.”

  As she was waiting, Deva noticed something dangling from the railing. Restraint cuffs. She would be a total idiot not to use them.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Sasha had turned from recalibrating the machines to find Deva finishing tying her father down.

  “Don’t tell me you disapprove, Sasha.”

  “Damn, no. I approve. I just wished I had the idea first.”

  Mex started stirring. A moan of pain came from his lips.

  Deva panicked a little. “How soundproof is this room do you think?”

  Sasha looked around. “From what I know, very good. But there may be limits. Ten minutes before the round. Don’t forget.”

  Mex opened his eyes and blinked several times to focus. He tried to move, but he grimaced in pain. Deva knew exactly when the drug wore off enough for him to realize where he was and who was standing by his bed.

  “Oh, fuck.” And as he tried to push himself up, he noticed the shackles. “Are you insane?” And then Mex turned and saw Sasha.

  “If it isn’t the bitch doctor. After what happened in Africa, I thought you switched careers from doctor to war whore.”

  Deva didn’t have time to react when Sasha’s slap cracked inside the room. Mex only laughed.

  “I’m not into pain, sweet pea. But if you want to suck me off, I’m all for it.”

  “Enough!” Deva shook her head at her cousin who was ready to emasculate him. “Father, all we need is information. Simple as th
at. You give it to us, and we go.”

  The MC president looked her as if she had grown two heads before a grin split his lips. “Daughter. I don’t know who you think you are talking to, but you can’t expect me to roll over like one of your boy toys. And after firing at me, two times, my dear child, you can fucking die for all that I care.”

  “Well, that won’t happen. What is Finch up to? What is he planning?”

  Now, Mex laughed at her, and Deva knew that she had to act quickly. Bracing herself, she put a hand on his wounded thigh and squeezed for a second. The mirth turned into a howl of agony.

  She saw Sasha wince a little but knew that time was of the essence. “That’s your freebie, Father. Next time, I’m going to squeeze so hard, you’ll need more than one surgery.” When she saw him hesitating, she squeezed again. The strangled scream coming from him made her nauseous, but she persisted. When she released the pressure, the man was pouring out sweat, working hard to catch his breath. Blood now soaked his dressing.

  “You’re fucking mad!”

  “It must be my bloodline.” As she moved to touch his thigh again, he winced and yelped.

  “Wait! I don’t know exactly what Finch is planning. He only told me that if I supported him, if I lent him the MC when needed, he would help me in regaining what I’ve lost, and even gain more territories.”

  “What do you mean, what you lost?”

  “You think that you disappearing didn’t have any consequences? Because of you, there was a war, and I’ve lost money, men, and many sources of income. Finch helped me re-establish some of those sources, and in return, I must wait for his signal.”

  “A signal for what?”

  Mex shook his head. “I don’t know. He said that there may be some trouble after he’s done, that he may need to calm people down.”

  Sasha shifted. “We need to go, now.”

  But Deva felt that she was onto something and didn’t want to leave.

  “When is it supposed to happen?”

  Mex hesitated, but Deva pressed her hand on the now bleeding flesh. “Tell me, dammit!”


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