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Playing for Hearts

Page 14

by Debra Kayn

  Shauna smiled through her confusion of why Grayson wouldn’t announce her as his girlfriend, and shook it off as being petty. This was business, and she was a professional.

  “Welcome to Cottage Grove, Ms. Johnson.” She shook Crista’s hand. “Thank you so much for helping out.”

  “Please, call me Crista.” She laid her hand on Grayson’s shoulder. “Grayson has filled me in on all you’ve done in such a short time, and I can’t help but admire your drive and ambition for your town. Coming from a larger city, it’s refreshing to hear how tight of a community you all have here. Grayson has shared some of the history with me, I’m enthralled.”

  Shauna wanted to hate her. She really did. Crista’s sultry southern accent, along with her seductive grace, had her feeling inadequate and small, but her candidness and smile put a Band-Aid on her insecurities to see the wonderful person she’d read about in all her research.

  Grayson slipped his hand into Shauna’s and she glanced at him before saying to Crista, “I can’t thank you enough for donating your time. Has Grayson showed you where you’ll be staying?”

  Crista pressed her hand on her stomach. “We were headed over there now. I convinced him to come along and eat breakfast with me at the hotel. Why don’t you join us?”

  “Oh, I would like that, but I’m afraid I need to go meet the others who are coming.” She reached out and caught Crista’s arm. “But I’d love to talk with you more before the activities start. How about I buy you dinner tonight?”

  “Better yet, why don’t you come over to the house, Crista? Dominic and Gary are staying with me, you remember them, and you can meet the others who are due in this afternoon.” Grayson glanced between her and Christa before settling his gaze on Shauna. “I’ll call the hotel and see if they have time to cater dinner. Will you have everything wrapped up by seven tonight?”

  She nodded. “Sounds great.

  Grayson kissed her. “Thanks, sweetheart. I’ll see you later then. I better go feed Crista before she knocks me down.”

  She snorted. “Be nice. I want to get to know her better. I have a ton of questions I’m dying to ask. Besides, I can tell she’s too sweet to hurt anyone.”

  “No, I’m not.” Crista laughed. “You’ll have to ask him what happened when he said I couldn’t beat him in golf because I’m a girl.”

  “Oh, no you didn’t.” Shauna laughed and slapped at Grayson’s shoulder. “I hope she kicked your butt.”

  “She annihilated me, and then forced me speak to the whole crowd about the power of women in sports.” Grayson shook his head, but his smile came easily. “I’ll never be able to step foot in that city again.”

  She joined the laughter. “Okay, you two get going. I don’t want Crista harming you. I sorta like you just the way you are.”

  Crista stepped over and hugged her, whispering in her ear. “I take it you’re the one who’s put the smile on Grayson’s face. We’ll definitely talk tonight.”

  “I can’t wait,” Shauna replied, and watched them walk away.

  Her earlier assessment of Crista had been wrong. She was Grayson’s friend, nothing else, and Shauna couldn’t help but like her. She smiled. Even though she had wondered if Crista and Grayson were together in the past, Grayson had made it clear he and Crista were only good friends.

  Running late, she hurried to her car and headed out to the tennis center to meet the others. Ten minutes later, she stood inside the lobby surrounded by the biggest, most intimidating men she’d ever seen. At a loss for words, she stared up into the face of Gary Satchel, defensive lineman for the Pittsburgh Steelers.

  If Crista’s big personality had her feeling small, Gary’s six-foot-four frame and gazillion pounds of muscles reduced her to a breadcrumb. His dark brown eyes creased at the corners as he leaned down and wrapped his mammoth arms around her. She held her breath, prepared to have her ribs cracked, but he gently squeezed before letting her go.

  “So, you’re Shauna, Grayson’s stalker.” Gary stepped back and seemed to admire her body. “I don’t know how many times I’ve wanted to fly over and shake your hand for keeping Grayson on his toes.”

  “Me?” She laid her hand on her chest. “Whatever he’s told you was fabricated.”

  “I hope not.” Gary laughed. “I’d be disappointed to hear that a woman with that much spunk didn’t exist. Is it true you spray painted his name over and over on the road for five miles on the way out of town years ago?”

  “Um. Well, some of it might be true. I thought the message would show how much we all loved him here in Cottage Grove as he drove to the airport.” She grinned. “Let’s just say I’ve grown up and no longer do things like that. Maybe you can pretend I’m a well-mannered professional that’s grateful to you for helping with the benefit instead.”

  “But you’ll tell more stories about how you drove Grayson crazy later?” His brows rose in hope.

  She leaned in and whispered, “Deal.”

  The next man shouldered Gary out of the way and stuck his hand out to her. “I’m Dominic Chekovsky. You can call me Dominic and I will call you beautiful.”

  She laughed at the very precise way Dominic talked. “I think I’m going to have to watch you. You’ll have half the women in town ready to move out of the area to follow you wherever you go.”

  He nodded, his mouth thinning the longer it took him to answer. “It happens. It is not something I can help.”

  Despite his big ego, Dominic’s baby face, including a gapped toothed grin, had her instantly liking the man. He totally blew her image of the stereotypical beat-up hockey player with his blond good looks and soft-spoken voice. She could understand why the magazines have dubbed him a Russian magnet.

  “Okay, this is what I’ve got for you both.” She passed them each a folder. “I’ll need you to — ”

  “Wait.” Dominic removed the rest of the papers out of her hands, and slipped her hand under his elbow. “Business later. Lunch now.”

  Before she could protest, Dominic and Gary had her sitting in the driver’s spot of her car. She gazed over at Gary sandwiched sideways in the backseat of her little hatchback. Dominic sat in the front, his knees squeezed against the dashboard, and she laughed.

  “Okay, guys, what do you feel like eating?”

  “Steak.” Their voices blended into one.

  She shook her head, amused. “All right, guys, steak it is.”

  “So, Shauna.” Dominic pushed back from the dashboard. “What’s your plan?”

  “My plan?” She glanced over at him and raised her brows. “What do you mean?”

  “How do you plan on winning Grayson? He’s got a lot of girlfriends.” Dominic ducked away from Gary’s punch. “Maybe I can help you.”

  “Damn, Dominic. Lay off her,” Gary muttered.

  Girlfriends? She pushed down on the accelerated and squeezed the steering wheel. Next time she had a few minutes alone with Grayson, she would find out about his girlfriends.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Shauna reluctantly excused herself, and stepped out of Grayson’s front door. Her skin tingled from the rush of warm night air compared to the chill from the inside air conditioning. She’d expected to feel awkward around Grayson’s friends, and instead found herself joining in on the teasing and stories.

  Grayson and his friends had history together, and a common bond. Each of them understood the highs and lows of being in the public eye, and seemed to enjoy their time together where they could relax and visit. She soon found out that they teased Grayson unmercifully about all the women after him and she was able to relax, knowing Dominic’s earlier comment was part of that teasing.

  She sat down on the step, planted her elbows on her knees, and propped her chin in her hands. Grayson had surprised her by barely leaving her side all evening. Contentment washed through her. If he wasn’t holding her hand, he was pulling her onto his lap, sneaking kisses, and letting everyone see how they felt toward each other. He’d come full circle and see
med to be over his reluctance to have a relationship.

  And, once the benefit was over, she’d take her dad out to dinner and ask him if he’d like to go apartment hunting with her. The realtor she’d called had sent a printout of houses available, but most were too far out of the city or not in her price range. It looked more promising to rent for the time being. Maybe having her dad involved in the search would put her life back on even ground, and she could make things right with him again.

  The door opened behind her, and she glanced over her shoulder. She smiled and patted the spot beside her. Grayson sat down, and she leaned her head on his shoulder.

  “Hey, you.” She wrapped her arms around his waist. “Shouldn’t you be entertaining your friends?”

  “They’re fine on their own.” He kissed the top of her head. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded. “Perfect. I came out to wrap my head around what all is involved with the events tomorrow. Do you think I’ve covered any problems that’ll arise? I haven’t even seen the media yet. What if they don’t show up? They probably think Cottage Grove’s small news and not worth their time.”

  “They’ll come.” He stretched his legs out. “Earlier, at the hotel, Stan Dogger was singing your praises to all the customers, and telling them how he always knew you were an important part of why Cottage Grove is special.”

  “He’s such a nice man.” She smiled. “I think he was ready to retire from his position at the Chamber of Commerce. Did you know he’s a great grandpa now? Jason’s wife had a little girl a few days ago.”

  “He’s a good man. I remember how he stepped up and helped me handle the paperwork on the house when my parents died.” Grayson sighed. “What do you say about staying over tonight and keeping me company?”

  “Company, huh?” She laughed. “I shouldn’t. You’ve got guests, and I need to start work early to set up everything Dominic will need at the park.”

  “I was hoping we could have this time together. I promised Crista I’d run the time clock for the race tomorrow, so I’ll probably only get to see you between events,” he said.

  She pouted. “Poor baby. I’ll have to make it up to you in three days when this is all over.”

  Grayson growled and nuzzled her neck. “You better.”

  “I will.” She wiggled away from him, laughing. “I promise.”

  “It’s already dark. Let me run in and grab my keys. I’ll drive you back to the hotel.” He stood up.

  She stopped him. “I’ll walk. The streetlights emit enough light for me to see my way. I’m so wound up about doing everything perfect this week that a nice walk will relax me. I’ll sleep like a baby tonight.”

  Grayson grinned, held up his finger for her not to move before glancing behind him. He turned back around and grabbed her hand, tugging her off the porch and into the garage. She watched him with amusement as he lowered the garage doors casting them into darkness, and laughed as he ran into one of his cars and grunted in pain, finding his way back to her side.

  “So much for being dashing and sexy.” He opened the car door and helped her into the backseat.

  “You gain points on spontaneity.” She laughed. “I hope you’re not in too much pain.”

  He groaned. “I know for a fact there’s no feeling in my knee. All the blood has rushed north. I hope you’re taking off your clothes … ”

  She was already ahead of him. Her shirt was off, and she grabbed for his, dragging it over his head. Within seconds, she’d flung her shorts in the front seat and lay underneath him. His erection nudged at the slick wetness between her legs.

  “Oh God … we need a condom.” She fumbled in the dark, trying to sit up.

  “Got one.” He chuckled as he kneeled between her legs. “If I couldn’t convince you to stay, I was going to sneak into the hotel later tonight after everyone else was asleep, so I put one in my pocket.”

  “Only one?” She giggled.

  “Better watch it, sweetheart. I might take that as an invitation and pay you a middle of the night visit.” His hands roamed over her body, finding her breasts.


  He growled.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and thrust her hips forward in invitation. He never hesitated, but slid inside her in one long, wet glide. Shauna whimpered at how perfectly they fit together. Hot and hard, he filled her.

  She quivered with tension. The need to have him move inside her left her breathless. But he remained still, buried to the hilt. He kissed her, his tongue teasing hers, his lips urging, demanding, caressing, while his arms tightly flexed. It was too much. She had to move.

  He broke the kiss, using his elbows to take his weight as he pulled out of her, leaving the head of his hardness inside.

  “God, Grayson. More.”

  Only then did he start to move, setting up a slow, steady rhythm, letting her join him in finding her pleasure. She got lost in the heat of the moment. Each thrust and withdrawal of his body causing delicious friction between them, she couldn’t slow down.

  It took no time for the fire to build. She clawed at Grayson’s back, making soft noises as her body grew tense. He lowered his head and pulled her nipple into his mouth. His hand slid between their bodies and found the spot that’d send her over the edge.

  She stiffened as his thumb brushed over her. Her body squeezed around him. Then he stroked her again and she exploded, moaning his name, her body melting under him.

  He murmured his pleasure near her ear, letting her ride out her orgasm, draining the last shudder from her. Then, when she was satisfied, he allowed himself to lose control. His thrusts became wilder, stronger, and more urgent. She stroked his chest, moving under him, encouraging him. He plunged deeply one last time and laid his forehead on hers, his breath coming out in a heated rush as he climaxed.

  He was dead weight on her as he seemed to struggle to gain strength to remove himself from her body. When he finally stirred and started to push himself off, she stopped him.

  “Not yet,” she said.

  He pressed his pelvis back between her legs, and braced himself on his elbows, smoothing the hair off her face. “I’m too heavy.”

  “You’re perfect.” She smiled into the darkness. “I want to ask you something.”

  “Sure.” He stifled a yawn.

  “Is everything okay? I mean, between us?”

  He kissed her forehead, and hauled himself off her. “Yeah. Why?”

  “I don’t know.” She sat up. “Maybe it’s the stress of hosting the event that’s getting to me. I just wanted to make sure.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Friday morning seemed to arrive the minute after Shauna placed her head on her pillow. After staying too late at Grayson’s house the night before, she’d set her alarm clock for an hour earlier than normal and arrived in the park as the maintenance crew finished roping the area off.

  Long tables lined the closest side of the field where she’d scheduled Dominic to perform during the day. There were trash bins, portable outhouses, and enough signs erected to direct the people on where to line up for the activities, and keep chaos from taking over. She spotted Dominic standing with a group of men all dressed in black near midfield. She bit her lip to keep from laughing. He’d told her he’d come with his own security team, but seriously? Suited men with darkened sunglasses? In Cottage Grove? Yeah, nobody will notice them.

  “There you are, beautiful.” Dominic stepped around the table, leaned down, and kissed Shauna’s cheek. “I want you to make sure the children are placed first in line. We must keep their safety our top priority.”

  “O … kay.” She raised her brows. “Although, I imagine kids will be coming throughout the day, because it’s Teacher In-Service Day, and there’s no school.”

  “It doesn’t matter. It’s the women.” He nodded, and gave her an indulgent smile as if she was slow on the uptake. “You’ll see.”

  “I know we’ve only known each other less than twenty-four hours,
Dominic, but really? Give us women a little respect. Not everyone is going to turn into a nymphomaniac today. This is a public area and females do have self-respect. Look at me. I’m able to hold myself back from stripping my clothes off and jumping you right here.” She laughed, but her amusement cut short at noticing the seriousness etched on Dominic’s face. “You know what I mean.”

  He straightened and gazed down his broad nose at her. “I do not understand. There must be something wrong with you. All women find me attractive. This is not natural.”

  “Normal or not, you wouldn’t want me. Trust me.” She patted his arm. “Let’s walk over to the field, and you can see how you’ll be making shots with a hockey stick and a rubber ball. I’m sorry about not having an ice rink at your disposal, but this was the closest I could come up with in such a short time.”

  “It is fine.” He approached the stack of hockey sticks, grinned, and struck a pose. “I look good, yes?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’ve seen better.”

  “You tease.” He winked before putting the equipment away.

  Dominic’s entourage surrounded him on all sides, their arms folded, their faces void of emotion.

  She tilted her head and studied the one closest to her. “Um, Dominic?”

  “Yes, beautiful?”

  “Are they wearing some kind of listening devices?” She stared at the almost transparent wire that traveled from the inside of the guard’s ear, down his neck, and disappeared inside the collar of his black suit.

  “Yes.” Dominic lifted his leg, pulled up his jeans, and displayed a small box strapped to his muscled calf. “Along with being able to hear me wherever I go, I’m also implanted with a tracking device.”

  “Shit.” She stared in horror. “Is that in case you run off and someone turns you in at the dog pound?”

  “I do not understand what this pound place you talk about is but yes, if I am kidnapped, they will find me.” He shrugged. “Don’t worry though. We’ve only had that happen once.”


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