The Storm Before the Storm
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Suessa, 233
Sulla, Lucius Cornelius
in Athens, xiii, 212–214
Cinna (cos. 87–84) and, 205–206, 221–223
as conqueror of Rome, 197–202
consulship of, xiii, 190–193, 203–205, 256
death of, 257–258
with Dictatorship, xiv, 251–257
with enemies of state, 197–202
as enemy of state, 211–213
Fortuna and, 191, 195, 242, 256, 257
indictment of, 205–206
legacy, 258–260
marriage and, 191
Marius and 116, 118, 122, 128, 131, 149, 175–176, 193, 195–197, 199–200, 214
military and, 114, 116–119, 122–123, 131, 136, 149, 180–181, 185, 189, 193–197, 200–202, 205–209, 217–220, 235–242
Mithridates VI and, 219–220
mos maiorum and, 194, 197
opposition to, 226–228, 231–241, 264
with plebs urbana, 226, 238–239, 246
Plutarch on, 238
with power withdrawal, 257–258
with proscriptions, xiv, 247–250, 259, 263, 264
as quaestor, xi, 114, 117
rise of, xii, xiv, 115–117, 122, 128, 142, 174–176, 221
rule of, 252–257
Sallust on, 118
with Samnites, massacre of, 237, 242, 246
Senate and, 198, 221
supporters of, xiv, 230–235
Sulpicius Rufus, Publius, 169
consular elections and, 190–191
as enemy of state, 197–198, 199
Sulla and, 195–197
as tribune, 191–193, 195–196
Sura, 208
Tarentum, 68
Tarpeian Rock, 199, 249
Asia and, 165–166, 228
collection, 47, 51, 165–166, 228
contracts, 51
cuts, 7
debt and, 216
exemptions, 49, 189, 220, 262
tax-farming contracts, 69, 132, 163
Telesinus, 241–242
Temple of Bellona, 245–246
Temple of Castor and Pollux, 193
Temple of Concord, 80
Temple of Diana, 76
Temple of Fides, 35
Temple of Jupiter, 12, 28, 35, 36, 212
Temple of Saturn, 30, 121, 155
Temple of the Vesta, 238
graffiti on, 80
silver for, 6
tenant-farmers, landlords and, 20–21
Terracina, 199
Teutones, xii, 100, 140–141, 144, 148
Thala, 111–112
theatrical oratory, 60, 64–65
Thracians, 186, 208
Tibur, 206
Tifata, 232
Tigranes I (King of Armenia), xii, 187
Tigurini tribe, xi, 119–120, 140–141
Tolosa, gold, xi, 121, 124, 134
of Adherbal, 93
with gold, 202
transportation. See roads
treason court, 254
treasure, cursed, 121
Attalus and, 33
fraud and, 258
Gaius Gracchus and, 69
in Macedon, 6
in Numidia, 89, 110
quaestors with, 11, 47, 152, 153
Tiberius Gracchus and, 30
Tribal Assembly, 9
Anti-Gracchan, 39–40
Mamilian Commission, xi, 105–106
reforms, 67, 138
Appian on, 145
Carbo as, 42, 60
Drusus as, xii, 167–171, 231
elections, 3, 9, 22, 65–66, 70–71, 73
Flaccus as, 70, 72–74
Gaius Gracchus as, 65–75
Gaius Marius as, 86–87
with power curtailed, 253, 259
Saturninus as, 152–158
Suplicius Rufus as, 191–193, 195–196
Tiberius Gracchus as, 27–36
tyranny and, 3–4, 21
with veto power, 29–30, 96
triumphs, 11–12, 127–128, 151
Tryphon (King), 133, 139, 150
commission against, 39–40
tribunes against, 3–4, 21
Umbria, 172, 180, 236, 239, 255
unemployment, social reform and, 20–21
Varian Commission, 173, 192
Varius Hybridia, Quintus, 173
Verres, Gaius, 248
Vesta. See Temple of the Vesta
veto power, of tribunes, 29–30, 96
Via Appia, 195, 229, 230
Via Domitia, 86
Appian on, 225
in Athens, 214
mob tactics and, 147–148, 154, 157–158
power and, 35–36, 152–153, 166, 168
torture, 93, 202
with voting, 35–37, 154
See also killings, political
Vopiscus, Gaius Julius Caesar Strabo, 190–191
on deposition bill, 30–31
market days and, 27–28
plebs urbana and, 44
secret ballots, ix, x, 22, 42, 53, 79, 86–87
veto power with, 29–30, 96
violence with, 35–37, 154
wage labor
lack of, 20–21
plebs urbana and, 43
War Against the Allies, 172
See also Social War
“the way of the elders.” See mos maiorum
citizens and, 52, 59
conquered, 6, 19, 41–42, 51
disparity, 20, 24
displays of, 19
of Equestrian class, 261
poverty and, 20, 21, 43, 114
Sallust on, 203
contracts, 50
of enemy, 130
innovations, 135–136
laws, 35
veto as, 29
Zama, 5