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Page 20

by D. B. Reynolds

  Ah. There he was. And as mad as a wet hen.

  Nicholas, he sent to his lieutenant’s mind. Get everyone on the helicopter now.

  He sensed Nicholas’s attention and then the urgent emotions of his vampire warriors as they rushed to obey. The SUVs were already gone, their red taillights flickering through the trees as they turned onto the main road, heading away from Chicago to avoid passing Klemens’s incoming gang on the road. They’d head for the Iowa border, which was Lucas’s territory and less than a hundred miles distant. At vampire speeds, that was little more than an hour’s drive. Lucas and his helicopter troops would fly directly to Minneapolis. The jet that had flown them to Chicago had already departed and was waiting for them there. But Lucas would bed down for the day in Minneapolis again. Although this time, he’d be sleeping in his private penthouse condo, not bunking in the basement vault of the Minneapolis house, no matter how comfortable it was.

  Between the looming sun and his crashing adrenaline, Lucas was definitely ready to rest. He was pleased with the night’s work, however. He’d flipped Klemens the finger by flying into his own capital city for the raid and then destroying seventeen of the vampire lord’s warriors and stealing whatever data there had been in the safe. It had been a very satisfying night, definitely one for the good guys—which he had no doubt he and his vampires were. He was looking forward to crashing in the giant bed he’d had custom-made for his Minneapolis penthouse. Only one thing was needed to make it a perfect night. Kathryn Hunter. But somehow he doubted she’d be waiting for him.

  * * * *

  Minneapolis, MN

  Kathryn woke sluggishly, confused by the complete absence of light. She had a full two seconds of alarm before registering the sounds and smells of a hotel. Right. Minneapolis. Hotel. Blackout curtains. She’d driven all day yesterday, intending to confront Carmichael at his gallery last night. But she’d been so worn-out by the time she arrived in the Twin Cities that she’d wisely put off the confrontation and fallen straight into bed instead. She might be carrying a badge, but Carmichael was a vampire, and she wasn’t even the slightest bit suicidal. The last thing she wanted was to challenge him when she was too tired to think straight.

  She fumbled for her cell phone to check the time and was surprised to see she’d managed to sleep several hours. Of course, now she was wide awake and faced an entire day with nothing to do but wait for sunset and vampires.

  She rolled out of bed and started the coffee maker. With the first lifesaving cup of caffeine burning its way through her stomach, she checked her email, hoping against hope that there’d be something from Daniel or even his agent, Penny. But no luck. Not that she’d really expected it.

  Trolling for ways to kill time that didn’t involve daytime television, she’d decided to put down on paper everything she knew—a timeline beginning with Dan’s last known activities and adding in everything she’d discovered so far. That took all of an hour and got her nowhere. She didn’t need a visual aid to know the details of this case. They were imprinted on the back of her brain. She saw them whenever she closed her eyes, like a nonstop video display that just kept repeating over and over again.

  Finally, in a bid to retain what little sanity she had left, she pulled on her workout clothes, including the winter weight leggings she’d packed especially for this trip, and took the elevator down to the lobby. The hotel had a gym, but what she really needed was some fresh air and sunlight. There was a group of men in suits hogging the front desk, so she wandered over to the concierge desk, which was unstaffed at this early hour. Buried amidst the many tourist brochures, she found a runner’s map which detailed several excellent routes, broken down by stamina and level of training. Since Kathryn ran every day, and that didn’t include the extra training she put in on the Bureau’s cross country trails, she chose the most challenging route, pulled up the hood on her sweatshirt and headed out into the sunny Minneapolis morning.

  Halfway through the route, she found herself near the same huge mall where she’d bought the black dress she’d worn to Lucas’s club on Friday, just two days ago. Remembering when she’d worn the dress made her remember when Lucas had helped her take the dress off, which then reminded her of the plain white bra she’d been wearing underneath the dress. She frowned. Her ordinary work bras were the only ones she’d packed, other than her sports bra, which was even worse. But, getting naked with Lucas had made her choice of bra seem stodgy. They made sense when she was working. She couldn’t have some lacey thing outlined beneath her cotton blouses, couldn’t have her breasts bouncing around every time she walked. But that didn’t mean she had to be sensible all the time. Besides, a girl could never have too much underwear.

  That was her story, and she was sticking to it.

  Decision made, Kathryn detoured and jogged into the mall itself. She knew there was a Victoria’s Secret inside, because she’d passed it by the day she’d bought the dress. If she’d known she was going to be disrobing in front of Lucas Donlon, she might have stopped. But this morning, she found it easily and started inside, suffering a moment’s hesitation when she caught a reflection of herself in the plate glass window. In her leggings and hoodie, with no makeup and a ponytail tucked under a sweaty baseball cap, she obviously wasn’t dressed for lingerie shopping. She almost didn’t go in, but then two women walked out and gave her the kind of look usually reserved for someone trying to bum money for booze on the street corner. That decided it. Kathryn’s father had always claimed that the one way to make sure Kathryn did something was to suggest that she couldn’t. She thought she’d outgrown that impulse, especially once she’d gotten old enough to figure out her dad was using it against her. But apparently, it still worked.

  Casting the two women a dismissive glance, she yanked off her baseball cap, pulled the scrunchy out of her ponytail and fluffed her hair, then strode into the shop.

  An hour later, she’d spent nearly two hundred dollars on lingerie that most likely no one would ever see but her. God knew, she wouldn’t be wearing that lovely sea foam green lace and silk set to work, and since that was the only place she ever went . . . Ah well. She did date occasionally, and she could always dance around her condo in it.

  Leaving the store, she stopped and put the bag on the floor near her feet, tugged her hair back into its ponytail and covered it with her cap. Then she hooked the bag over her arm and geared herself up for the run back to the hotel.

  By the time she hurried into the lobby, she was both sweaty and cold. The sky, which had been sunny earlier, had clouded over. It wasn’t cold enough to snow, but a light rain had started on her last mile, and her running clothes weren’t meant for rain. Not to mention she’d been worried about her new, expensive lingerie being ruined.

  She raced up to her fourth floor room, taking the stairs to avoid forcing anyone to share an elevator with her stinky, sweaty self. She stripped off her clothes, took a long, hot shower and settled onto the bed with some reading material she’d brought for the plane. She made it through two pages before drifting off to sleep.

  She dreamed of making love to Lucas Donlon and woke feeling guilty about not having told him she was leaving, not saying good-bye, or even leaving a message. She usually wasn’t so cowardly. Maybe she’d call tonight. Talk to him from the safety of several hundred miles distance. She could always claim she’d decided at the last minute, and tell him truthfully that she’d been so tired when she arrived last night that she’d fallen straight into bed.

  Logging onto her laptop, she checked the website for Alex Carmichael’s gallery. A new show had opened yesterday, but tonight was the big gala opening event. She glanced at the clock and knew she wouldn’t make it on time. She had serious bedhead and would need to wash and dry her hair before socializing amongst the trendy types. She shrugged. Better to be fashionably late and look good, than the alternative.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lucas woke that night with a feeling he hadn’t had in a very long time—the visceral s
atisfaction that came from having tasted the blood of his enemy, and knowing he’d struck a powerful blow. He stretched, joints popping with the effort, his muscles feeling loose and relaxed. The only thing he needed now was a beautiful woman in his bed, with both her blood and body hot and pumping for him.

  Only one woman came to mind, however. Kathryn Hunter. She thought she could hide from him. She clearly didn’t understand who and what he was. He rolled over and snagged his cell phone, punching up Nick.

  “Sire,” Nick answered at once, sounding as if he’d just woken. Which he had.

  “Can we track Kathryn’s cell phone?”

  “Probably, but I’m not sure we want to. The phone she uses is government-issue, and she is FBI, my lord.”

  “Right. What about the rental car then? Don’t they all have transponders these days?”

  “They do, and we can. I already made note of the rental company she used, so it won’t take long. I’ll get our people on it.”

  Lucas disconnected and threw the phone down. He lay back on the pillows and began stroking his cock lazily, pumping his fist up and down as he remembered the taste and feel of Kathryn. She thought to escape him by running, but he was Vampire, the ultimate predator. And for a true predator, there was nothing more exciting than the hunt. Especially one with the promise of blood and sex at the end. He groaned as he climaxed, his seed spilling between his fingers and over his clenched fist. And he knew that before the night was over, the only fist around his cock would be the silken heat of Kathryn Hunter.

  * * * *

  Kathryn stared at the questionable example of cubism on the wall of Carmichael’s gallery and wondered how the same gallery that showcased her brother’s photography could also feature this. Even as she thought it, she knew it was stupid. Alex Carmichael would probably sneer at her and tell her that a person of taste recognized it in whatever form it took. She didn’t know about taste, but she did know that many of the world’s premier museums hung all sorts of work, from Monet to Andy Warhol and everything in between. Still, she stared at the oil painting in front of her with its bold colors and puzzling composition, and couldn’t make it work. She snuck a sideways look at the price tag and decided it was just as well, since it was far beyond her decorating budget.

  She smiled, thinking that Dan would have chided her, saying that art was not for decoration. Her smile disappeared as she glanced around the crowded gallery. She’d come here hoping to find Alex Carmichael. More than ever, she was convinced he was the key to her brother’s disappearance. But so far, he was a no-show, and the champagne was beginning to dwindle.

  She tapped her foot impatiently, wondering if she should give up and go back to her hotel.

  “What do you think?”

  Kathryn nearly jumped out of her shoes at the question. Jarred out of her thoughts, she turned to stare at the man who had somehow sidled up to stand right next to her without her even noticing.

  Great instincts, Hunter. Good thing he’s only interested in art.

  She glanced in his direction, and they shared a smile. He was nicely dressed, with short, dark hair, and not at all bad-looking. Two days ago, she probably would have called him handsome. But that was before Lucas Donlon had destroyed her perceptions of male beauty forever. She turned her attention back to the painting so her fellow art lover wouldn’t notice the scowl brought on by that last thought.

  “It’s . . . rather bold, isn’t it?” she commented, trying to be sociable. The observation was ambiguous enough that it could be admiration or criticism, whichever he preferred.

  “It is,” he agreed enthusiastically.

  Admiration it is, she thought to herself.

  “I love the color in this work,” the man continued. “Too many cubists lack the courage of their art. This says boldly, ‘This is who I am, take it or leave it.’”

  Kathryn stared at the oil painting and nodded, though she personally thought it said something more along the lines of, “I never moved beyond the small box of crayons.”

  A ripple of movement across the room caught her eye as Francoise, Alex’s perky assistant, touched the tiny Bluetooth device in her ear and abruptly took perky to a whole new level. The woman had been working the crowds all evening, apparently playing hostess in her boss’s absence. Kathryn had noticed her eyeing the door more than once and had optimistically guessed that Alex himself would soon make an appearance.

  And now Francoise was finally hurrying eagerly toward the entrance. Kathryn felt her own excitement pitching higher in anticipation as she followed Francoise’s eager progress and saw three big, black SUVs pull up out front. Ignoring the valet attendant, they parked at the curb, one in front of the other. Doors popped open and bodyguards spilled onto the sidewalk like a SWAT team, but wearing nicely tailored suits instead. One of them came around from the street side, and Kathryn got her first good look at him.

  Her stomach plummeted. It was Nicholas, which could only mean one thing.

  Kathryn shifted slightly to the right, so she was no longer in direct sight of the front door. It was easy enough, since most of the gallery goers were shuffling the other direction, going toward the doors to get a better look at the new arrival who they clearly understood was someone important, maybe even famous. From the whispered conversations all around her, they didn’t know exactly who it was, but speculation ran the gamut from a movie star to the mayor or the president. No one seemed to think it was Alex, but then Kathryn already knew that. It was a vampire all right, but not the one she had come here to find.

  Outside, Nicholas took a last look up and down the street, then opened the back door of the middle SUV. And there he was. Lucas Donlon in all his glory, looking devastatingly handsome in a black wool suit, with the thinnest gray pinstripe, and a bronze silk tie with some tiny gold pattern gleaming against his white shirt. His too-long black hair was neatly combed away from his face so that he was the very image of a successful Wall Street titan. He was perfect. Damn him.

  Over at the front door, Francoise was beside herself with joy. She waited right in front of the glass door like a child who’d just spotted Santa. Her face was glowing, her hands clasped and tucked under her chin, as if she couldn’t contain her excitement.

  Two of the bodyguards entered first—Kathryn recognized Mason as one of them—and then Nicholas and Lucas behind him. Obviously well versed in vampire protocol, Francoise waited until Lucas approached her, and then she gushed like a schoolgirl.

  “Lord Donlon, this is such an honor!”

  Get a grip, woman, Kathryn thought sourly, shifting again to put more people between her and Lucas, concealing her while still letting her see everything.

  “Who do you think that is?” her art lover companion asked.

  Kathryn glanced at him, irritated at the distraction. She’d forgotten he was there. Fortunately, he’d spoken without looking at her because, like everyone else in the gallery, he couldn’t take his eyes off Lucas. “I have no idea,” she all but snarled in his direction.

  “Francoise,” Lucas crooned, drawing Kathryn’s attention back to the spectacle. “Don’t you look lovely this evening.”

  Sickening. He probably says that to every woman he meets.

  Francoise tittered, her cheeks lighting up like stop signs.

  “Is Alex around?” Lucas asked, scanning the gallery.

  Sneak. Liar. Sneaky liar. He’s probably been communicating with Alex this whole time.

  “No, my lord,” the assistant was saying. “I expected him, but—”

  “Francoise, love, call me Lucas. And I think I’ll just look around myself, if that’s all right.”

  “Of course, Lucas. Just . . .” She stretched up closer to his ear and whispered something too softly for Kathryn to make out. Whatever it was made Lucas chuckle. He stroked his hand down the woman’s skinny arm, which had her positively beaming with pleasure.

  “Let me get the show catalogue for you,” she said breathlessly.

  It’s a wonder
she can speak with her tongue hanging out like that, Kathryn thought viciously. She watched Francoise mince her way over to pick up one of the glossy catalogues. And what’s with the ‘Francoise, love’ crap? Lucas was such a fucking dog. She’d absolutely done the right thing in—

  “The dress looks much better without the leggings,” Lucas observed from right next to her.

  Kathryn cursed her stupidity. She’d been so focused on Francoise that she’d forgotten the biggest threat in the room. She should have slipped out the back door the moment she recognized Nicholas coming around the SUV. Assuming this stupid gallery had a back door. But it had to have one somewhere. There was a fire code. Not that it mattered, because she’d let herself get so distracted that Lucas had somehow managed to sneak up on her. Fucking vampire.

  “Lucas,” she managed to say. She turned to face him, meeting his gaze head-on. Which was her second mistake of the evening. His eyes were more gold than hazel tonight, and they were filled with a mixture of hurt and reproach. The reproach she could have dealt with, but the hurt . . . Damn him.

  “I didn’t expect to see you here,” she said.

  “Obviously. Who’s your friend?”

  “Friend?” she repeated, puzzled, then remembered the art lover. “Oh. That guy? I have no idea. Someone who doesn’t understand color, that’s for sure.”

  Lucas gave her a smug smile, and she realized belatedly that she should have lied, should have let him know he wasn’t the only handsome man in the world who was interested in her. And in the next breath, she cursed herself for the traitorous thought. What did she care if Lucas was jealous or not?


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