Lexington Connection
Page 9
Jessie’s breath quickened as Diana’s breath was on her belly, as Diana’s hair caressed her flesh, as her fingers parted her lover’s lips, her breath on the throbbing clit. “And damn, you were.” She claimed Jessie yet another way, her mouth, her hand. Jessie arched, moaning, coming up on her elbows, her head thrown back, whimpering as Diana’s tongue stroked.
Diana felt Jessie’s surrender, felt her passion, felt the gathering muscles, felt her fingers captured and held, tasted her, tantalized her and broke off, denying herself and well as her lover. “No! You cannot come!” She felt, heard Jessie’s sob, held her as Jessie twisted and fell back against the bed. Then Diana took possession again. “You cannot come until I tell you that you can.” Jessie shook her head from one side to the other, a sob torn from her. Diana moved up over her, looking down into Jessie’s face, the glazed eyes, the slack mouth.
Diana slapped her, not hard, just enough to bring her back to the present. Jessie looked up at her, her eyes focusing, widening. “Not until I tell you that you can,” Diana warned. “You hear?” Unsteadily, Jessie nodded. “You understand?” Again, still breathing hard from frustration, Jessie nodded. “As long as we both understand,” Diana said reasonably as she examined Jessie’s face, slowly came down to kiss her, to claim her mouth. Jessie started to wrap her arms around Diana and Diana broke away again. “No.” Jessie froze. “No,” Diana repeated in a warmer voice. “Not yet, darling. Not yet.”
Diana went back to Jessie’s mouth, exploring, tongue wrestling, tasting. She stretched out across Jessie, feeling her flesh, her knee drawn up between Jessie’s legs, pushing the panties down. Her hands roamed over Jessie, her arms, feeling her hands, until finally that wasn’t enough. She broke away from Jessie’s mouth, began to taste her all over, the palms of her hands, the inside of her wrist, the inside of her elbow. She nibbled on Jessie’s shoulder, her tongue sliding across Jessie’s collarbone. Jessie laid there, gripping the sheet, her legs drawn up. She whimpered as Diana moved around her, nibbling, kissing. She was surrounded by Diana.
Diana moved down, still exploring, still kissing, still tasting. Her dialogue stopped but her thoughts didn’t as she finished exploring, tasting the exposed half of Jessie’s body. She felt Jessie whimper, felt her want to move, but she remained anchored to the bed. When Diana finished up, licking the inside of Jessie’s thigh, tasting the passion that had flowed, Jessie was aquiver.
Diana moved around again, her eyes still on her naked lover. She laid a hand over Jessie’s dark triangle, watching Jessie’s face, her need for release. Diana smiled, still in control over her own desire, still split between the emotional and the mental, still able to control and be aware of her actions. She bent over Jessie, pulled the panties down and off her, threw them in the corner. She knelt between Jessie’s spread legs, sat back on her own, watched Jessie move restlessly, watched Jessie watch her to see what she would do.
“This time,” Diana told her, “you may come. Think you can do it?”
“Oh, yes,” Jessie replied in a shaky voice.
“We’ll see.” She bent over her lover. Slick, wet, swollen lips, glistening engorged clit peeking out through dark hairs.
“Every time,” Diana began the dialogue again. “Every time, I’d be sated when I left and I’d tell myself, all right, that’s it. Nothing there that no one else can’t do.” She heard Jessie whimper as she explored, caressed her. “And every time, it would wear off.” She found Jessie’s center, slid in, wet and warm and eager. “Do you want more?” She watched Jessie suck in her stomach, the ripple of muscles.
“Yes.” Jessie shivered, licked her lips, closed her eyes. Her nipples were in hard little points, she was flushed. Diana watched all these changes.
“So I’d find someone else, someone with a nice ass, pretty little boobs.” She pulled out, added another finger, carefully slid back in, finding a rhythm with Jessie’s hips. “Maybe they had dark eyes, run their fingers through their hair like you do. Maybe they’d swing their hips on the dance floor the way you do. Maybe have good balance. Need more, darling?” She watched Jessie’s hands clench, unclench.
Jessie licked her lips, closing her eyes, lifting her hips. “That would be nice.”
“Got tossed out of more than one bed because at the wrong time, I’d call for Jessie, getting it almost there, almost right, and just not quite.” She added the pressure. “Can you take it all?”
“Think so,” Jessie groaned. “If you’re careful.”
“Ohhhh, yes.” Diana withdrew her fingers, used Jessie’s passion as lubricant, went back with gentle insistent pressure. “Almost but never quite right, tantalizing, tormenting, and I knew Lexington would be in my planner soon, maybe very soon, maybe later if it had to be, but soon.” She felt Jessie resist her, trying to open, careful, and then she was in, her hand squeezed to a fist, feeling Jessie hold her, moving her. “And then.” She bent down to kiss Jessie’s abdomen, feeling her hand against her lips through the abdominal wall.
“Oh, God,” Jessie sobbed. “What have you done to me? Oh, God!” Her frenzied movements bounced them both on the bed.
“No,” Diana crooned, her breath on Jessie’s lips. “What have you done to me?”
She felt the gathering climax, felt the tightening of Jessie’s muscles, felt the tightness and she slid her arm around Jessie’s hips to hold her when it finally came. Jessie sobbed with the release, coming up, trying to sit up and Diana pinning her down.
“I’m not done yet,” Diana told her. “And neither are you.” With gentle administration, with tongue and hand she put Jessie in a cycle of pleasure. Jessie came up crying out, her words becoming less and less intelligible with each cycle until at last she fell back, exhausted, her eyes closed. She lay still, breathing hard, wrung out, limp. Diana carefully withdrew.
She slowly got off the bed, padded into the bathroom. She washed her face, hands, held her head in her hands for a moment to regain some sense. Then she pulled down the hand towel to soak in warm water. She wrung it out and returned to the bedroom where Jessie still laid. She hadn’t moved. Diana sighed as she crawled up on the bed beside her lover. She brushed her face.
“You okay?”
“Uh-huh.” She still didn’t move.
Diana tenderly wiped Jessie’s face, then leisurely, gently, took the warm towel over Jessie’s entire body. Jessie was limp, half dozing as Diana handled her. When Diana finished she tossed the towel in the bathroom sink. Making sure Jessie was still, she went to the small refrigerator and pulled out a 7-Up. Then she moved to the small bar and mixed a hefty shot of Seagram’s. She came back to the bed and sat on the corner. When Jessie began to stir, Diana put aside the drink and leaned over her prone lover.
“Roll over, darling. Come up on your knees.”
“I can’t,” Jessie protested weakly, even as she rolled over. “I’m done.”
“But I’m not,” Diana came back with reasonably. She cupped Jessie’s breast, the nipple coming up against her palm. She caressed Jessie’s ass as Jessie came up on her knees.
“God, Diana.” She rubbed her face against the sheet. “How much do you want?”
“Everything. All you’ve got. And then some.”
“I’ve given you everything.” She pushed herself up on her arms.
“No, darling. You’ve got so much more.” Diana reached around to cup Jessie’s breasts and pulled Jessie against her. She nibbled on the back of Jessie’s neck. “Unless you’re telling me no.”
Jessie shook her head. “No, I’m not telling you no.” She leaned back against Diana, pressing against her breasts.
“That’s good, sweetheart. Because you know I would stop. I would never want to hurt you. I just want you so much.”
Jessie stretched her arms, reaching behind her to touch Diana, who still nibbled on her neck. “What more can I give you?”
“Oh, I don’t know. You like dildos?”
Jessie shivered. “Yes, but usually I’m the one using them.”r />
“You like having your ass fucked?”
This time it was a spasm. Diana tightened her arms. “I’ve never done that,” Jessie confessed.
“Ahhhh.” Diana breathed in Jessie’s ear. “Virgin territory.”
“Diana, I don’t want to be damaged.”
Diana ran her hand over Jessie’s body. “I would never hurt you,” she promised. “I would never let you be hurt if I could do anything to prevent it. I just need you, more than air. I want to be a vampire and take in your life’s blood. I want to take you like you’ve never been taken before. I want you to shiver at the memory and remember that Diana did that to me, with me, for me.”
“Di, let me love you,” Jessie implored.
“No, not now. Later. After I’ve shown you everything you can give me.”
“There won’t be anything left of me.”
“Ahhh, really?” All the time she spoke, Diana’s hands roamed, caressing, squeezing soft flesh. “That’s a thought.” She brought her hands back to squeeze Jessie’s ass. “You want to lie on the bed or bend over the bed.”
“For what?”
“When I fuck your ass.”
Jessie bent over, her forehead touching the mattress. “You will be gentle, won’t you?”
“Gentle and thorough.” Diana waited. She knew Jessie would consent, but it was important that Jessie consent. She felt her resistance, felt her struggle with this.
“Over the bed,” Jessie finally said.
“Very good.” She kissed the back of Jessie’s neck, squeezed her breasts, pinched her nipples. She left the bed then, going into the bathroom. Behind her, she heard Jessie getting off the bed, kneeling down beside it, leaning over it. She pulled down her makeup case, unzipped it, and then it hit her. What was she doing? This was Jessie. She shivered, shuddered. This was Jessie, not some casual woman she would never see again, not someone she might hurt and then take care of but never see again. This wasn’t some scene staged for someone to be shaken to their soul. This was Jessie. Where was her head? She moaned. What had she been thinking of?
There was a crash in the bathroom, and Diana found herself on her knees. Then Jessie was there, and she was on the floor, her arms around Diana.
“Honey, what happened?”
Diana’s head rested on the cold tub, it felt great to her heated face. She felt Jessie’s arms around her, felt Jessie take her in her arms. Diana buried her face in Jessie’s shoulder. She gripped her hard, seeking an anchor, a way back. She was shaking. She had been right earlier: this middle space was tearing her apart.
“Are you all right?” Jessie asked when Diana tried to sit up.
“Are you all right?” Diana asked in response. She faced Jessie directly. She searched Jessie’s face. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
Jessie shook her head. “You didn’t hurt me.” She in turn examined Diana’s face, looking intently at her. “It was intense,” she admitted. “It was different than you’ve ever been before.” She stroked Diana’s face, reassuring. “You didn’t hurt me. I told you I wouldn’t let you hurt me.” She held Diana a few more minutes. “Now, are you all right?” Diana nodded. “Can you tell me what happened?”
“Probably not.” Diana sighed. She pushed back her hair. “I just wanted you, terribly.”
“You said that.”
Diana shrugged. “I can get possessive.”
Jessie’s eyebrows went up. “I see.” She sat back, still holding Diana. “Well you said you weren’t concerned tonight about pleasing me, you wanted to take possession.”
“I’m sorry.” Now it was Diana’s turn to avoid Jessie’s look. “I shouldn’t have treated you like that.”
“I told you I wanted you to show me how much you wanted me.”
“I doubt you had this much in mind,” Diana said despairingly.
Jessie caught her face, made her look up. She was shaking her head, her expression bemused. “Is there no end to those still waters?” she asked. “The first time I see you, I think you’re some tourist going exploring. You blow me away with coming on like a sailor who has someone in every port of call. And then I think it’s just a one-night stand, okay, a good lay when you’re in the area. Fuck buddies when we’re in the same vicinity. Fair weather friend. And you show up when I need someone, and you understand about family and loyalty and family responsibility. And then when I think no sex, therefore no Diana, you show up for lunch, for coffee, for a thirty-minute chitchat. Every time I think I’ve got you pegged, you do something to surprise me.”
Diana gave a small chuckle. That hadn’t exactly been her aim but it was flattering. It was good to be able to do that.
“So tonight, first you zap me about Julie. You were right of course. I didn’t think of it that way but no, what I was doing certainly didn’t encourage any kind of relationship, except for being the Friday night brass ring.” She caressed Diana’s face. “So you rip me for that and I figure, well that’s over: I’ve lost a friend and a—a—” She stumbled for a word. “Just what the hell are we anyway?”
“I don’t know.” Diana shook her head. “Lovers? Friends with Benefits?”
“That’ll do. I think I lose a friend and a lover and you still want me to stay, you still want me, even though you’ve already said I’m in suspension because of Julie. You bring me a gift. And then you tell me you want me, you want to claim me, possess me.” She shook her head in puzzlement. “What are you when you’re not here? Some kind of dominatrix?”
Diana had to laugh although it was an uneasy laugh. “No, just a spoiled kid who’s accustomed to getting her way.”
“Well, I can see you’ve been getting it.”
“Pretty much,” Diana admitted.
“Diana.” Jessie made Diana look at her. “You did not hurt me. I wouldn’t let you hurt me. Do you really think I’m so weak I would let you abuse me? I gave my consent, my permission. At any time I could have stopped you. You didn’t tie me down to the bed, you told me to stay there.” She kissed Diana’s forehead. “No harm done. Actually it felt pretty good.”
“Pretty good?”
Jessie looked a little arch. “I’ve been telling people what to do for months. It was sorta nice not to have that responsibility. And I came over with the intention of getting laid. I certainly did.” She looked at Diana. “You still don’t believe me.”
“It’s not your behavior I’m concerned about,” Diana said. “It’s mine.”
“And what bothers you about yours? Can we get off this floor? It’s cold, and it’s hard. I don’t have enough cushioning on my butt, not like some people I know.” She patted Diana’s ass.
“Watch it,” Diana warned.
“I try, all the time I can.” Jessie looked positively relieved at Diana’s faint smile. They both got up and Jessie retrieved the kit from the tub. She picked up the dildo, glanced at it and the other items in the bag, looked over her shoulder at Diana. “I would have, you know. I haven’t before, but I trust you.” Diana winced and Jessie shook her head. She put everything back in the zippered pouch. “Maybe next time. Now tell me why your behavior bothered you. Let me be the one who listens this time.”
They returned to the bedroom. “This is uncomfortable,” Diana said in an effort to delay.
“I know. You’ve had me in this position several times. Paybacks are hell.” Together they picked up the blankets, the bedding and remade the bed.
“Sometimes,” Diana said, “when I have a difficult task or really focus on something, I get into this mental zone and that’s all I focus on. Call it tunnel vision or whatever you want. While I can do whatever I’m doing, sometimes I miss things. I wanted you.” She closed her eyes for a moment then shook her head. “Maybe too much. Anyway, it would have been real easy to miss something, like you were being hurt. And being that I was ready to do something that was a first for you, I could have easily hurt you. And I wouldn’t want to do that.” She looked up across the bed. “I really wouldn’t want to do that.”
r /> “I believe you,” Jessie said. She went around and turned off the lights, checked the room. “Get into bed, Diana.” She slid into bed beside Diana after she turned off the bathroom light. She put her arm around Diana, pulled her close. “But you see, my dear, I hear what you say, and I remember all the things you’ve done for me and how you’ve treated me for what, these past two years—three years, whatever it’s been. I trust you, I don’t think you would hurt me.” She rolled over, put Diana on her back. “And now, I’m going to hold you to your promise.”
“What’s that?”
“That I could love you. You said later, after you showed me everything I could give.”
“You said you wouldn’t have anything left.”
Jessie bent down to kiss Diana. “I was wrong.”
Chapter Seven
Diana moved around the room while Jessie was in the shower. She tossed the pillows and the covers back on the bed, picked up the glasses, the fast-food wrappers from their three a.m. foray out for something to replace their missed dinner. Jessie had been relaxed, congenial, not like she had been in the early evening, hesitant and needy. Maybe she was right, a session of sexual domination was just what she needed. Didn’t have to be responsible for anything for a change, didn’t have to worry about pleasing Diana, just be fucked, even told when not to and when to come. She said it was very freeing. Diana wasn’t so sure. Yes, she believed what Jessie said. She just wasn’t sure about her own behavior.
She had never brought that part of her personality to Jessie. That was the part she was leaving behind. Jessie was so far away from Diana’s life that she was a breath of fresh air, a getaway from all the issues and motivations that were beginning to surround her at home. She would have to start making choices soon, choices she wouldn’t be able to take back, life-changing choices. It would be so much easier if she knew Jessie wanted to be in her life, but Jessie was waiting for Julie. Damn that woman. Julie, not Jessie. Diana admired loyalty. She would never interfere with it. Sometimes loyalty was all there was. Even misplaced loyalty. If it weren’t for Julie.