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Page 18

by Arcadia Shield

Another laser shot close to him, and he instinctively rolled out of the way and behind the safety of a tree stump, stifling a groan of pain as he did so.

  “Here! Catch this.” Urel appeared and threw a lightning stick at Lazet.

  Lazet caught it with his uninjured arm. “How did you get this?”

  “All thanks to your partner’s wonderful aim,” said Urel. “But we’ve still got several Fraken after us. We could do with an extra pair of hands.”

  “I’ve got one working one, which will have to do.” Lazet peered around the tree stump and then dashed towards Urel. “Where’s Melody?”

  “On the other side of the clearing,” said Urel. “I tried to get her to wait near the comms link for the border to open, but she chased after Vanis instead.”

  Lazet growled. “He’ll kill her.”

  “That’s what she wants to do to him.” Urel ducked as a laser shot over his head. “And I believe she’ll do it. The Fraken have been disabled by a light flash bomb, but their vision is already returning.”

  “Any sign of Axen?”

  “The border still hasn’t been breached,” said Urel. “He must be having trouble getting through.”

  “If he can get to us, he will,” said Lazet. “He’d never leave us in here.”

  Urel blasted his own lightning stick into the clearing, scattering several Fraken. “Could be the Fraken have blocked the comms channel. They won’t want this fight going public, just in case they lose, again.”

  Lazet looked around the clearing again as he tried to find Melody. Where was she? Why would she be so foolish as to chase after Vanis? She knew how dangerous he was.

  He caught sight of a flash of red hair as Melody dashed across the clearing, a lightning stick in one hand. She was chasing after a retreating Fraken, who was heading to the ship that had landed at the edge of the trees.

  “Melody, get back here,” shouted Lazet, drawing several poorly aimed laser blasts at him from half-blind Fraken.

  She either ignored him or didn’t hear because she continued her pursuit. Her back was completely exposed, though. She had no idea how vulnerable she was.

  Lazet raced across the clearing, closing the gap between him and Melody. If she died now, when they were so close to getting out, it would be too cruel.

  Melody turned, her eyes widening as she spotted Lazet. She pointed the lightning stick directly at him. “Get down!” She fired a blast over Lazet’s head.

  Lazet rolled and came straight to his feet, looking behind him as he did so. A Fraken was on the ground, a gaping laser wound in the center of his chest.

  Lazet caught Melody in his arms and crushed her to him. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Saving your life,” said Melody. “You didn’t even see that Fraken coming after you. And you should have stayed in the trees; you’ve been injured.”

  Lazet kissed her lips roughly. “I’m the warrior here. You’re supposed to follow my orders.”

  “And I’m a free human who doesn’t follow anybody.” Melody kissed him back just as fiercely.

  “The border is opening!” called Urel. “We need to move.”

  Melody grinned up at Lazet. “Freedom.”

  “Not yet.” Lazet grabbed Melody’s hand, and they ran towards the border. It shimmered in front of them, and Lazet could see a hole being breached from the other side. They’d have only seconds to get through before it closed.

  Urel stood by the opening, beckoning them towards him. “Come on.”

  “Grab Brutus,” shouted Melody to Urel.

  Urel dashed to the belloc, untied him, and tucked him in his arms before returning to the border.

  Lazet gritted his teeth, black spots showing in front of his eyes as the injury from the laser blast threatened to overwhelm him. “You go if it’s open,” he yelled to Urel.

  “We’re all going,” said Urel. He fired the lightning stick he held behind them, and Lazet heard the strangled cry of a Fraken. They were so close now, so close to getting free.

  Melody stumbled, but Lazet held her hand tightly. “Don’t get scared now and back out of this. The best is yet to come.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” said Melody. “And I’m not scared. I’m excited.”

  Lazet grinned at her, just as a lightning stick blast hit him in the back, and he pitched forward, losing his hold on Melody. He smashed into the ground, sliding along, propelled by his own momentum. A groan slipped from his lips, his skin felt as if it had been set on fire.

  He tried to scramble to his feet, but couldn’t feel any sensation in his legs. He crawled on his elbows, grabbing at the ground, seeing how close they were to getting out.

  Melody’s distressed cry filled Lazet’s ears, and he felt her hands on him. He was also aware of another familiar voice, a voice he trusted beyond all others. It was Axen; it had to be. Had the border finally been breached?

  As much as he tried to see what was going on, Lazet’s eyes wouldn’t open. Blackness engulfed him as he lost the fight with his injuries.

  Chapter 26

  Melody kicked the door of her room. It felt like days since she’d seen Lazet. In reality, it was only hours since they’d escaped from the Fraken game to freedom.

  But Lazet had been badly injured, and she knew which Fraken had fired the shot that almost killed him. Vanis had disappeared not long after the fighting began. She’d wanted to blast him off his scaly feet and get revenge for the way she’d been treated, and how he’d treated so many others who’d been prey.

  Melody couldn’t bear the thought of life without Lazet. She wanted to do so much with him and to him. The sight of his face drawn in pain as they dragged him through the border and back to safety had ripped at Melody’s heart. She’d felt powerless to help him.

  As soon as they were away from the game, several Deorg had taken away Lazet to treat his injuries. And, as much as she’d protested, they did not let Melody go with him. They said she needed rest as well, and they’d be better able to treat Lazet’s injuries without her watching.

  They’d also checked Melody for any injuries and made sure she was showered, had clean clothes, and a place to sleep.

  But she hadn’t been able to rest with her thoughts full of Lazet. What if he was dying and she didn’t get the chance to say goodbye, or thank him for everything he’d done for her while they’d been in the game?

  She thumped at the access panel by the door. She’d not figured out how to get the door open, and a trickle of cynical thought ran through her. Maybe she’d just become a different kind of prisoner, trapped in a room, with no clue about what was about to happen. It was a hard thought to dislodge.

  The door pinged, and Melody backed away. As it slid open, her jaw dropped. “Eloise! It’s really you!” She flung herself into the other woman’s arms.

  Eloise laughed. “It’s me. I’m so happy to see you.”

  The tears Melody had been holding back started to fall. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  Eloise engulfed Melody in a tight hug. “You had us worried for a second when you went dashing off after the Fraken, just before we got you out.”

  “They made me mad.” Melody choked out a laugh through her tears and pulled back. “Lazet said you’re working with the Vorten on some grand plan, but I didn’t know what to believe.”

  “That’s right. And all of this does take some getting used to.” Eloise guided Melody to the bed, and they both sat down. “I have so much to tell you.”

  Melody dashed tears from her cheeks. “You’re really with that other Vorten, Axen?”

  An attractive blush spread across Eloise’s cheeks. “I am. The game rather threw us together, and we worked to get free. Since then, I’ve been aboard this ship with Axen.”

  Melody let out a long sigh. “I can’t believe it. When Lazet told me we were getting out and he wouldn’t kill me, I couldn’t believe him. How was I expected to trust the alien who’d been sent in to end my life?”

  “I was exact
ly the same,” said Eloise. “It took me a while to trust Axen. I even thought about killing him a few times.”

  “I was always trying to kill Lazet,” said Melody.

  “Well, I’m glad you didn’t,” said Eloise. “We need both of you on our side.”

  Melody looked down at her hands, almost afraid to ask the question. “Have you seen Lazet?”

  “I have. And I knew you’d be worried about him, so I came as soon as I had some news,” said Eloise. “He’s had a couple of nasty blasts from a laser. His skin is burned, and he had some internal bleeding.”

  Melody felt tears threaten again. “It sounds bad.”

  Eloise grabbed her hand. “He’s going to be okay. The Deorg know what they’re doing when it comes to treating injuries. They filled him with nanobots and covered him in healing patches. He’s not going to look quite his usual handsome self for a while, but he’ll be as good as new, just maybe with a few more scars.”

  “I can handle a few scars.” Melody let out a shaky breath. “It will make him even more attractive.”

  Eloise grinned at her. “You and Lazet have become... close?”

  “At first, I hated him,” said Melody. “He’s so arrogant and full of himself, and he wouldn’t tell me what was going on. I was convinced he was lying to me. And then, I thought he’d double-crossed me with the Fraken.”

  “You were right to be confused,” said Eloise. “Axen was just as elusive when we were in our game.”

  “But now, we’re both free.” Melody hugged Eloise again. “Tell me everything. No, wait. I must see Lazet, first. Please, take me to him. I won’t be able to rest until I know he’s okay.”

  “Of course,” said Eloise. “And he’s been asking for you, as well. In fact, the Deorg had to sedate him at one point, because he tried to get off the recovery table while they were treating him.”

  “These Vorten sure are stubborn,” said Melody.

  “It’s something you get used to,” said Eloise as she stood up.

  “You’ve met others?” Melody followed Eloise along a long corridor, the wall panels a flat metallic grey.

  “Several others,” said Eloise. “But I’ve had the most contact with Axen’s warrior brothers, Thunde and Bladen. You’ll meet them soon enough. And Axen, of course.”

  “I’ve already seen your warrior in action in the games,” said Melody. “But I’d like to meet him in person.”

  “You will.” Eloise pressed her hand against an access panel, and another door slid open in front of them. “Lazet is in here; these are his quarters. They moved him here after his injuries had been treated.”

  Melody ran her hands down her hair as she stepped through the entrance. The room was silent, apart from the low hum of the ship’s engines. There was a table, chair, and bed. In the bed lay Lazet.

  “Go to him,” whispered Eloise. “And take your time together. You’ve both been through a lot.”

  “Thanks,” said Melody. “Oh, wait. How’s Urel doing? And where’s Brutus?”

  Eloise smiled. “Urel is doing fine. He’s beguiling everybody with his tales of bravery. He’s going to be a popular Deorg from now on. Not many go into battle and survive.”

  “And Brutus?”

  “If you mean the little belloc Urel was carrying when you came through the border, he’s got a pen in the cargo area. He’s being spoilt rotten and fed too much. He’s a cutie. I see why you wanted to keep him.”

  Melody smiled. “I couldn’t leave him behind.”

  “I’ll leave you two alone. And don’t rush things. We’ve got hours of flying time ahead of us. I imagine the two of you have a lot of things to talk about.” Eloise winked at Melody as the door slid shut.

  Melody turned back to Lazet and took a gulp of air. He looked peaceful, his hands by his sides, and his eyes closed. He didn’t appear to be in pain. She tiptoed over and sat on the edge of the bed, not wanting to disturb him.

  Lazet’s hand covered hers, and a smile spread across his face. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

  Melody grinned. “I’ve been told to keep out of your way. The Deorg said you needed time to recover.”

  A growl rumbled through Lazet’s chest, making Melody’s spine shiver. “I’d have recovered quicker with you by my side.”

  “I’m here now.” Melody ran her fingers down Lazet’s arm. “How are your injuries?”

  “The nanobots are doing their job,” said Lazet. “And the Deorg pumped me so full of medication I couldn’t even remember my own name for a while.”

  “It’s Lazet,” said Melody as she leaned down and kissed his ear.

  “I know that now.” Lazet turned his head and rested his forehead against Melody’s. “It’s good to see you’re still alive.”

  “You too.”

  “When I saw you running across that clearing, chasing after a Fraken, I thought you’d lost your mind.”

  Melody pressed a finger to Lazet’s lips. “It doesn’t matter now. We’re all out of the game. We’re free. You saved me.”

  “We saved each other.” Lazet kissed Melody’s finger. “And I want to show you how grateful I am that we managed to get out.” He grabbed Melody’s finger between his teeth and sucked on it. “I have a lot of things I want to do to you.”

  Melody gasped as Lazet’s teeth grazed her skin. “You’ll have to wait. You’ve been hurt.”

  Lazet stroked Melody’s breasts firmly through her shirt. “I can still move and still give you pleasure.”

  “I don’t want you to overexert yourself.” Melody inhaled sharply as Lazet’s hand moved to the waistband of her trousers and pushed inside, stroking her hot flesh.

  “It’s true, you’re going to have to do most of the work this time around. But it will give me an opportunity to see how much stamina you have. Even an injured Vorten can fuck all night.”

  Melody laughed as a slow heat spread through her stomach. She ran her hand down Lazet’s bare chest and squeezed the solid bulge between his legs. “I do like a challenge.”


  Lazet pulled Melody down on top of him and inhaled her scent. She had the similar ocean clean smell of the Deorg, thanks to the healing waters they used on board the ship. He ran his tongue down her neck and kissed along her collarbone. He’d been waiting a long time to taste her and take his time exploring her. And even though his injuries protested each time he moved, he wasn’t going to let them hold him back.

  Melody pulled away and stared into his eyes. “As much as I want to, are you sure you’re up to this?”

  “I insist upon it,” said Lazet. “I’ve waited far too long to let a couple of blasts from a Fraken lightning stick stop me.” He ran his hands down Melody’s sides, his fingers brushing against her full breasts, before cupping her backside.

  She kneeled on the bed and straddled him. “How’s that?”

  “Much better.” Lazet yanked her top off, exposing her bare breasts. He lifted his head and ran his tongue across her swollen pink nipples. “You are so beautiful.”

  Melody arched her back, bringing her breasts closer. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  Lazet laughed and stroked his hands up Melody’s back, before taking hold of her breasts and filling his palms with their warm softness. She was incredible. She’d just fought off the Fraken, saved his life, and almost been killed, and she was still here, still wanting him, still fighting.

  Melody eased off him, kicked off her boots, and shrugged her trousers over her hips, exposing herself to him. She turned slowly, and Lazet watched, his cock swelling as he took in her figure. She was stunning, full breasts, a slim waist, and a flat stomach. Pale red down covered her feminine folds, and he longed to explore that area, dip his tongue in, open her to him and taste her.

  Melody licked her lips. “Seen enough?”

  “I could never see enough of you.” Lazet raised himself on his elbows. “You’re perfect.”

  Melody sashayed over and pulled the covers off him. Her eyes widened, and s
he stroked her fingers along his long shaft.

  “Different from Earth men?” asked Lazet, feeling his cock strain upwards, seeking Melody’s warm fingers again.

  “Yes. Different. Bigger. Better.” Melody grinned at Lazet. “We’re going to have fun.”

  Lazet grinned back. He was going to make sure Melody never wanted anyone else. He was going to take her until she screamed his name and make her come so many times she couldn’t stand afterwards. He wanted her, only her. And she had to feel the same about him.

  Melody wrapped her hands around Lazet’s cock and traced her nails along the sensitive skin. Her lips brushed the tip before she took him deeply into her mouth.

  Lazet groaned as the heat and pressure on his cock grew. He grabbed Melody’s head and guided the rhythm, not wanting this to end too soon. The first time he came, he was going to be buried deep inside this gorgeous female.

  Melody met his gaze as she sucked on his shaft, her tongue dancing around the head with a delicious teasing pulse.

  “Enough!” Lazet bucked out of Melody’s mouth.

  “You don’t like?”

  “I like it too much,” Lazet growled, his cock throbbing with desire. He eased himself off the bed. “Lie on the bed. Legs open.”

  Melody bit her lip as she slid backwards, spreading her legs as she did so. “Remember, I’m tired from the battle as well.”

  Lazet grinned down at her, stroking his fingers firmly up and down her thighs as he admired her warm, wet folds opening to him as she spread her legs wider. “You don’t know what tired is.”

  Melody fluttered her lashes at him. “Show me.”

  With a growl of desire, Lazet pressed his lips to Melody’s folds. He parted them with his tongue and pushed two fingers into her hot center.

  Melody gasped and arched her back, giving him better access to her sensitive areas. Lazet pushed his fingers in deeper, loving how she gripped him and grew wetter as he explored her.

  He parted her folds with his fingers and ran his tongue over every inch, sucking on her hard clitoris and making her groan.

  “Keep doing that,” she whispered. “Feels incredible.”

  Lazet rubbed his fingers against her clitoris and then sucked hard. Melody shook underneath him and moaned.


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