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Secrets of a Sissy Boy: A Gay Grimoire of Modern Magic for Men Who Love Men and the Hags Who Worship Them

Page 6

by Carolina Dean

  The act of anointing the roots and dimes (usually marked with each individual's year of birth) with your sweat serves two purposes: 1) to scent your mojo bag with your pheromones, and 2) to mark your territory and establish dominance in the relationship. The dimes are specifically anointed with your fluids/oils to make the man give you money and ensure financial stability for you. Once properly fixed, this mojo is often worn on your person below the waist. The man is never allowed to see it or touch it lest it loses its power over him.

  Follow Me Boy Spells

  Follow Me Boy is a condition oil specially formulated to be used by women (and gay men) to dominate and control lovers, husbands, and boyfriends. The female equivalent is called Follow Me Girl and is used by straight men and gay women on their respective lovers. Follow Me Boy Oil can be deployed in several ways including, but not limited to, anointing the individual, placing a few drops in his shoes, shampoo, or laundry, feeding Nation Sacks, and dressing candles.

  A simple Follow Me Boy spell consists of marking the man's name on a purple candle (purple is the color of power) and anointing it with Follow Me Boy Oil and your sexual fluids. Set the candle in a holder and place a photograph of the man underneath. If you don't have a photo, cross and cover his name with your own nine times. Anoint the four corners and center of the photo/petition paper with Follow Me Boy Oil and place a small piece of Calamus or Licorice root in the center. Fold the photo/petition towards you three times, rotating it clockwise, one turn in between each fold. Light the candle and make your prayer or petition saying:

  With God's blessings, may (name) come under my command. As the sheep follows the shepherd, as night follows day; wherever I lead, there let him follow; wherever I stay, there let him be. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  Allow the candle to burn down on its own and dispose of any leftover wax by burying it in your backyard or in your special burial place.

  Of course, there are other spiritual supplies designed to subdue others and bring them under your command such as Boss Fix, Bend Over, or I Dominate My Man; but, Follow Me Boy is arguably the most popular when the relationship has a love or sexual element.

  Chapter 5

  The Secret to Sex

  Just like love, sex is a gift from God. In fact, love and sex are two sides of the same coin. Of course, not all expressions of love have a sexual element, nor do all instances of sex have an element of love. Therefore, you can have sex without love, and love without sex; but, if you focus primarily on one to the exclusion of the other, you risk denying yourself a certain balance and wholeness.

  The idea of humans finding wholeness through the mysteries of sex is not a new idea. In Plato’s Symposium, the figure of Aristophanes explains, rather jokingly, that the first humans had spherical bodies that looked like two people standing back to back and they were comprised of three sexes. The Children of the Sun were men who were joined at the back, the Children of the Earth consisted of two women sharing the same body, and finally, the Children of the Moon were made up of a man and a woman who were similarly joined.

  The early humans sought to scale the heavens and set themselves up as Gods. At first, Zeus sought to destroy them for their defiance. But, he relented because he didn’t want to lose their offerings and devotion and so he used his thunderbolts to split the humans in half. Zeus commanded Apollo to heal their wounds, but left the belly button as a reminder to never defy the gods again lest we are again split down the middle and left to hop around on one leg. Afterwards, each person sought out his or her missing half; thus, the Children of the Sun became men who love men, the Children of the Earth were those women who loved women, and the Children of the Moon were those people who loved the opposite sex.

  There is something of a parallel here between this story and the story of Adam and Eve. In the biblical account of the creation of man, God created Adam out of the dust of the Earth and then decided that Adam needed a mate. As such, God placed Adam into a deep sleep and removed one of his ribs, from which he created Eve. Thus, woman was born of man and after that man was born of woman through the sexual union of man and woman.

  Though sex is nature’s means of propagating the species, it also serves other functions. For example, sex is an act of pleasure in which lovers may express their deep love and affection for one another in a physical way. Moreover, there is a great deal of research that suggests there are many health benefits of engaging in regular sexual activity. However, stories such as those above are believed to be the origin of the concept of twin souls, twin flames or soul mates, the belief that in all the world there is one person who was made for just you and you alone. I personally do not ascribe to the notion of soulmates; rather, I believe that a person may have more than one soulmate throughout life. A little-known fact that is often ignored in Aristophanes’ story of the sexes is that not all the individuals survived being split in two and others died after many happy years with their mate. Nonetheless, many were able to find happiness and fulfillment with another.

  There are those who believe that sexual intercourse is our soul’s attempt at bringing our bodies together again to achieve wholeness which explains the intense, almost mystical, feelings of having a deep connection with a lover.

  Louisiana Sex Magick

  Many years ago, I had a friend named Jezebel (not her real name) who was not only a practicing witch, but a prostitute as well. She was a self-described hereditary witch who had learned Voodoo, witchcraft, and sorcery from various members of her family. She told me of having learned card reading from her Aunt Star and Voodoo from her Aunt Damiana. Jezebel described her Aunt Damiana as a “Voodoo High Priestess” who “drove down Bourbon Street in a black Cadillac with a glove compartment full of condoms.” The spell that follows was given to me by Jezebel who received it from her Aunt Damiana. It can be used for any purpose, though it is especially effective for spells to draw sex, call forth a lover, or seduce another.

  This spell should be cast at true midnight which is determined by subtracting the time of sunset from midnight and then adding the time for dawn the following day. This gives you the number of dark hours and true midnight would be exactly halfway between these two times. For example:

  Sunset = 6:13 PM Sunrise = 7:36 AM

  12:00 AM

  - 6:13 PM

  6 HRS and 27 MINS

  7 HRS 36 MNS

  + 6 HRS 27 MNS

  14 HRS 03 MINS of Dark Hours divided in half equals 7 HRS 1 MINS 30 SECS

  6:13 PM (sunset)

  + 7 HRS 01 MNS (midpoint of dark hours)

  1:14 AM (True Midnight)

  To bring someone or something to you, begin your spell while the moon is growing. To move someone or something away from you begin your spell when the moon is shrinking. To curse an enemy or bring them to ruin, do your spell when the moon is dark.

  To perform this spell, impale a candle with nine pins going through the body of the candle. Make your wish with the insertion of each pin. When you are done, anoint the candle with a few drops of your own blood, spit, or sexual fluids as appropriate. Blood to curse an enemy or protect another, spit to control a person or situation, sexual fluids for love or lust.

  Set the candle in a holder before a mirror. Light the candle and watch the flame as you focus on your desired wish and masturbate to orgasm. When you are done, snuff out the candle. The following night and for a total of nine nights at true midnight, light the candle and focus on your goal while masturbating to orgasm. On the 9th night, you will let the candle burn down to nothing. Then, forget about your spell and let the magick go to work for you.

  How to Be a Fisher of Men

  Obtain a length of red yarn twice the length of your own height and tie a fish hook on one end. Dress the fishhook with any attraction-drawing type oil. Sit comfortably and say:

  With God's blessings and these tools, may I become a fisher of men and draw men to myself in accordance with my desire. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  Now mentally focus on the man, or ty
pe of man, you wish to attract as you slowly roll the yarn into a ball dragging the fishhook towards you as you do. Imagine that you have "hooked" the attention of men and are drawing them to you.

  When you are done, unroll the ball of yarn and start over again. Repeat this nine times in a row. When you are done, store the ball of yarn with the fish hook in a safe place. If you desire, the last time you roll up the ball, you may include certain herbs, roots, and/or personal concerns conducive to attraction in the manner of a jackball. This rite may also be performed in conjunction with the burning of fixed candle, and/or an appropriate incense.

  Buddha Had Me Like

  Are you a chubby chaser? That is, are you attracted to men who are overweight or obese and want to find a lover? Find yourself a statue of Hotei Buddha, also known as the Laughing Buddha or Fat Buddha, which depicts a rotund man who is often laughing or smiling.

  Rub Fat Buddha’s belly and repeat 1st Corinthians 7:2 which states, in part: “Let every man have his own wife and every woman her own husband” (see Appendix J). However, you may wish to change the words to suit your particular needs or situation. For example, you may wish to say something like “let every Top have his own bottom, and every bottom his own Top,” or “may every lid have its own pot, and every pot its own lid.” Finally, make your wish to find a corpulent lover!

  If you desire, you may even build an altar to Hotei Buddha, who is traditionally associated with money and wealth. Surround him with cake, candy, and other fattening treats. In fact, Hotei Buddha is traditionally seen with a bag of treats that he gives out to children to spread joy and happiness; but, who’s to say he doesn’t keep some for himself?

  Hanky Panky: A Fetish for Fetishes

  The handkerchief code was a system widely used in the 1970s by gay men to indicate their sexual fetishes. The handkerchief, or bandana, was worn in one’s back pocket or pulled through a belt loop. The color of the handkerchief, as well as the position of the body it is displayed typically, indicates the type of sexual experience the wearer seeks as well as the specific part they want to play in the experience (i.e. top, bottom; to give or to receive, etc.).

  For example, wearing your handkerchief on your left side signifies that the wearer is a Top; while wearing it on the right side indicates a bottom. While there is no universally agreed upon color-code due to regional variants, there is a generally agreed-upon list of colors that relate to common practices. For example:

  Table 1. Handkerchief Code

  Handkerchief Color

  Sexual Interest


  S & M

  Blue (Dark)

  Anal Sex

  Blue (Light0

  Oral Sex


  Scat (Coprophilia)






  Virtually Anything






  Dildo/Anal Toys




  Water Sports

  This next spell makes use of the handkerchief code to make a fetish in the form of a mojo bag for the purpose of attracting a sexual partner. To perform this spell, you will need:

  A handkerchief or a mojo bag in the color that corresponds to the type of sexual behavior you desire.

  Square of Mars (see Figure 3)

  Lavender buds

  Juniper berries

  Violet leaves


  High John Root

  Candle (same color as mojo bag)

  Lavender Lust Drops

  Buckeye nut

  Pencil and red pen

  Square of Mars

  When the Moon is New on a Tuesday, lightly sketch the Square of Mars on a piece of paper in pencil. When you are ready to begin your spell, you will trace the numbers on the square in red ink while focusing on your goal of attracting a sexual partner.

  When you are done, turn the paper over and write a brief one-line description of the type of sex in which you wish to engage in seven times. For example, you might write:

  Give Oral Sex to Masculine Top

  Receive Anal Sex from Leather-Daddy

  Mutual Masturbation with Passable T-Girl

  Next, turn the paper 90 degrees and write your name across the description seven times. Anoint the four corners and center of the paper with Lavender Lust Drops and fold a strand of your pubic hair in the petition towards you three times. Rotate the paper clockwise between each fold and place it in your appropriately colored mojo bag or center of your handkerchief.

  Anoint the High John Root and Buckeye with your semen and Lavender Lust Drops and place this in the bag. Then, one at a time, place the herbs in the mojo bag. As you place each item in the bag, tell it what you want it to do. For example, you may say something like “Lavender buds which attract men, attract a man to me.”

  Tie your mojo bag or handkerchief and smoke it in incense and feed it Lavender Lust Drops making your prayer or petition. You may wish to say something such as:

  With God’s blessings, and by all the power of attraction and desire which are his to command; bring to me a lover who wants me as I want him, who needs me as I need him, who desires that which I have to offer, who offers that which I desire. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  Thereafter, wear your mojo bag against your skin for at least seven days. Whether you go out to seek sex or stay in an attempt to hook up using an online service such as Craigslist, wear your mojo bag on the correct side of your body (left side for Tops, right side for bottoms). Keep your mojo in a safe place when not in active use, but be sure to feed it once a month when the Moon is New.

  Note: If you desire, you may add roots, herbs, or curios that speak to your intent in a direct manner. For example, if you wish to give or receive a hand-job you might want to include Lucky Hand Root; if you wish to give or receive oral sex, you may wish to include Deer’s Tongue.

  To Stir Lust in a Man… or the “Boner” Charm

  One of my favorite movies of all time is the 1984 film Supergirl. During the course of the movie, Superman’s cousin Supergirl travels to earth to retrieve an alien artifact that has been found and is being used by a wicked sorceress in a bid to rule the world. One of the things I love about this movie is that the writers didn’t simply make up the villain’s flavor of magick; they borrowed ideas and concepts from real world magickal traditions. Take this line, for example, “The red toad that lurks among the briars and brambles is full of sorceries. There's a little bone on its left-hand side that, when bound to a man, stirs up the greatest lust.” As with other magickal elements in this film, this little gem is taken in part from The Magus or Celestial Intelligencer by Francis Barrett (1801). It reads:

  The red toad (Pliny says) living in briers and brambles, is full of sorceries, and is capable of wonderful things: there is a little bone in his left side, which being cast into cold water, makes it presently hot; by which, also, the rage of dogs is restrained, and their love procured, if it be put in their drink, making them faithful and serviceable; if it be bound to a woman, it stirs up lust. On the contrary, the bone which is on the right side makes hot water cold, and it binds it so that no heat can make it hot while it there remains. It is a certain cure for quartans (a type of fever that re-occurs every four days) if it be bound to the sick in a snake's skin; and likewise cures all fevers, the St. Anthony's fire, and restrains love and lust. And the spleen and heart are effectual antidotes against the poisons of the said toad.

  It is not unusual to see the use of animal parts such as bones, teeth, claws, feathers, and feet in the practice of magick, and the Hoodoo tradition is no different. In the Hoodoo tradition, the frog or toad is mainly associated with luck and money. In her book entitled, God, Dr. Buzzard and the Bolito Man, Cornelia Bailey (2001) describes a ritual in which a frog is fed a silver dime in o
rder to gain a lucky number to be played in the numbers game known as Bolito.

  During the course of my research for this entry, I could find no directions regarding how to obtain the bone itself. I would imagine that it would be done in the same manner as the Black Cat Bone. However, I would never torture an animal in this manner simply to obtain the bone when there are other means that can be used in its place. However, were I to find a frog or toad that is already dead I would not have a problem with harvesting the bone and burying the frog's remains with respect.

  I like to call this particular charm the boner charm because a man’s erection is often called a “boner.” To make the charm, rather than binding the bone to the man (which could prove problematic), I recommend binding a part of the man to the bone! Begin by cleaning the bone and allowing it to dry completely. Next, write the man’s name on the bone in red ink, and then secure a few of his hairs (or other personal concerns) to the bone. Finally, get yourself a spool of red thread and tie one end around the top of the bone and slowly wind the thread around and around the bone (towards yourself) until the bone is completely covered. As you wind the thread towards yourself, call the man’s name and make your prayer or petition that he should become consumed with lust for you, that there is no other lover for him but you, and that only you can give him satisfaction.


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