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Save the Date (Modern Arrangements)

Page 10

by Sadie Grubor

  "What if I head over now?"

  "Aren’t you at work?"

  "Yeah, but I really don’t want to do this over the phone," he mumbled.

  "Fine," I shrugged to myself. We said goodbye and I went to get a bowl of cereal before I got showered and dressed for work. Thirty minutes later, having eaten, showered and slipped on some shorts and t-shirt, I was drying my hair when there was a knock at the door.

  "That was quick." I opened the door, motioning him in.

  "Traffic wasn’t bad," he answered with a shrug.

  "Do you want anything?" I walked toward the kitchen.

  He shook his head.

  After grabbing a bottle of water from the refrigerator, I sat across from Aidan in the living room.

  He swallowed hard before speaking.

  "I am sincerely sorry about the way that I came off to you. I don’t feel like you—"

  "I get it." With a shrug of one shoulder, I took a sip of my water before continuing. "Is that all you came to say?"

  "N-no." He was really nervous. I almost started to laugh at him but bit the side of my cheek. He cleared his throat and continued.

  I listened as he explained the conditions of his inheritance again. Then, I listened as he talked about the pressure he is under to comply with them; his family, the company, his grandfather and the employees. I was actually impressed at how distraught he seemed to be over the possibility that his employees could possibly suffer if he didn’t comply with his grandfather’s wishes.

  As he started to discuss it in further detail and open up more, I began to understand where his frame of mind was when this all went down between us. He was completely stressed, confused and petrified. I felt for him. When he finished, he commenced with his reasons for approaching me.

  We sat in silence for a little while before I broke it.

  "I forgive you," his head snapped up quickly trying to read my face to see if I was serious.

  "Really?" I saw the hint of a smile on his lips and relief in his eyes.

  I nodded.

  "It doesn’t mean that I’ll forget it any time soon but I can at least understand what you were going through at the time. I mean, I can get an idea of what you are going through."

  "Now comes the hard part," he sighed and I looked at him confused. "Would you please consider this arrangement? Just think about it and consider it, that’s all I ask." He looked me dead in the eye. "I have over 5000 employees, most with families and I have to try to do anything that I can to ensure that they are not a victim to my mistakes."

  I could feel the guilt itch at me when he mentioned the people that worked for him. How many people would lose their jobs because of this? I, of all people, knew what a job meant and how hard a good one was to find.

  "I’ll think about it," a smile spread on his face. "But," his smile started to fade, "I would look for another option, Aidan." I rubbed my face with my hands. "Honestly the marriage thing isn’t too much to take on, though, I am not a fan of marriage. However, the kid thing…I mean…bringing a kid into a fake marriage or marriage of convenience, knowing that by the time they are three or whatever, they will no longer have that family dynamic, well, that’s just sick." I shook my head.

  He sighed heavily, rubbed one hand over his face before slipping his long fingers through his hair.

  "But, you will think about it?"

  "I said I would," nodding with my response.

  Chapter Nine

  An Agreement


  It had been two weeks since the flowers and the conversation. I had really thought about what he was offering, but every moral fiber of my being was at war with the fibers that told me that I was an idiot to not do this. I even had a girl’s lunch with Phoebe and Celia just to talk through the whole thing. They, however, only told me what they would do, not what I should do.

  Knowing that I had to tell Aidan my answer soon, I decided to call him after I got out of class. I would much rather handle this over the phone than in person because I just can’t go through another plea session from him.

  "Hey Lilli," he answered quickly.

  "Uh…" I gulped "Hi."

  "I’m guessing that you’ve made a decision?" he sounded weary, like he knew what was coming.

  "Uh, yeah..." I sighed. "Aidan, I am so sorry, but I just…I can’t. I just…I can’t." I forced out a breath that I didn’t realize I was holding.

  He was quiet and didn’t say anything for a few minutes. I started to get nervous but then he spoke.

  "I understand," he said flat and low. I tried to apologize again but he cut me off. "Thank you for considering it."

  "I’m sorry and I hope that you find someone that this will work with." We said goodbye and hung up.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Another two weeks passed and I'd not seen or heard from Aidan, not that I expected it. My last exam was finished and I had a month off from school before the next semester started. If one of my job interviews didn't come through, I would have to drop out of college before the semester picked up.

  My phone vibrated in the middle of one interview and I tried to pretend that it wasn’t my phone making the noise. I’m not sure the interviewer bought my bad acting skills. Once I was shown out with the promise to ‘let me know either way’ I started back toward the apartment.

  I remembered the call and pulled out my phone. It was Harry, my father’s best friend. I quickly listened to my voicemail, all he said was to call him but he sounded upset. I rushed to call him.


  "Harry, what’s happened?" Storefronts began passing by me in a blur.

  "Lilli calm down. It’s just that—"

  "Just what, Harry? Where is Donald?" Sobs began wracking my chest.

  "He’s in the hospital, Lilli." He cleared his throat uneasily.

  "Please tell me it’s not—"

  "Lilli, it’s his coronary arteries." Harry got silent when he heard me sobbing through the phone.

  "I’ll be there tomorrow." Quickly hanging up, I sprinted to the apartment. Along the way I called Dixon, Celia and Phoebe.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


  She told me no. What the hell am I going to do? How am I going to stop the loss of our family company, of securing the future of our current employees?

  Viola kept trying to get me to go to different events but I just didn’t feel like it. Finally, she won out and I accepted an invitation to one of her many charity organization galas.

  Doing my family duty of greeting and mingling, my attention was drawn by a tall, dark haired woman who was clearly looking me over. I had never seen her before but she was gorgeous. Her black hair barely met her shoulders yet framed her perfect, fair complexion. I hadn’t realized that I was walking toward her until I was about two feet away. Closing the distance, I introduced myself and she offered me her well manicured hand. I kissed the knuckles.

  "It’s a pleasure to meet you," I smiled.

  "Oh, the pleasure is all mine." She smiled seductively, my body immediately interested.

  "I don’t believe we've met before" Turning my charm up one more level, "I am sure I would have remembered you."

  She smiled coyly.

  "Well, I don’t usually come out to these things; however, a friend of mine convinced me it would be worth my time." She paused and looked me over. "I’m beginning to believe she was right." She winked.

  "Who is your friend? Perhaps I know her." I was curious as to whom she was associated. A brief moment of nervousness flashed in her eyes before she composed her face.

  "Dance with me?" she said quickly, placing her champagne flute down on a nearby table. She grabbed my hand and led me out to the group of couples that had already congregated on the dance floor.

  I put my hand on her lower back and held the other up as we began to move around the floor; she was good. She moved gracefully next to me as we swayed to the music filled air.

  "So, can I ask your name?" I whispered into her ear and
she shivered. I smiled.

  "Natalia," she responded.

  "Do you have a last name?"

  She paused for a moment before she answered.

  "Natalia Dimarci," she said hesitantly.

  I stopped moving and looked back to her face. Her brow furrowed, nervousness crossing over her face.

  "You’re related to Calvin Dimarci?"

  "His daughter," she smiled weakly. I resumed dancing and she seemed to relax.

  "I wasn’t aware that he had a daughter," I fished for further information.

  Calvin Dimarci was Gideon’s brother in law. Though the two publicly didn’t see eye to eye, I was still curious and cautious about the woman in my arms.

  "Yeah well, sons are more revered in my family. I’m sure you are aware of my older brother Alec?" I nodded. "Yes, well…" she let the sentence fall off.

  Not willing to be a judgmental jerk, I continued the evening with her by my side. We talked more; her willingness to answer questions without hesitation relieved some of my apprehensions. Enough so that we made plans to see one another for dinner. A quiet dinner, alone, would prove a better atmosphere to clear my remaining hesitation where Natalia Dimarci was concerned.

  Once I returned to work the following Monday, I made sure to have some of my assistants look into Natalia Dimarci. There wasn’t too much to find out about her. She spent the last six years finishing her degree in foreign business relations and working for a company based in Germany. Curious as to why she didn’t work for Gideon or, even, for her father, I decided to find out when we met for dinner this evening.

  One week following our first date, where Natalia remained open and honest, I continued to pursue her. Three weeks after our first date, I am thoroughly enjoying spending time with Natalia. She is intelligent, friendly, classy and extremely physical. I think we have had sex on every surface in my apartment. Which was completely her fault, she chose to walk around my apartment half naked.

  After a month and a half I wasn’t sure that Natalia was the ‘one’, but I made preparations with Mr. Devlin to set up papers before I approached Natalia with the idea of marriage and children. I figured that most decent women would need to at least think about this type of arrangement before making a decision, so, in a sense, I was also testing her. Yeah, it was an asshole move, but, at the same time, I had to be sure about this because I had a lot on the line. Not to mention, I only had a few more months before I had to be married.

  Once the papers were complete, I planned on surprising Natalia at her place to ‘propose’. My first attempts were thwarted when she had to leave for a week on business. So, I planned for the night of her return. I was, however, called away on business a few days before her return. I was supposed to be out of town for a week but the negotiations were handled within a couple of days. I decided to surprise Nat.

  Once I landed in New York, I called Liam, on my way to Natalia’s place, to tell him about the negotiations as well as my plan for tonight.

  "Be careful, Aidan," Liam paused, "I know Calvin and Gideon are not friendly but family is family." His tone dropped in warning.

  "I know, I’ve thought about the same thing but I've done all I could possibly think of, short from having her followed." I chuckled. "She has answered all of my questions, without hesitation, and not once has anything contradicted her replies."

  "I know you are a smart man. I don’t mean to lecture." Liam said softly.

  "You're just being fatherly, which I appreciate. Thank you Liam."

  "No need to thank me." I smiled knowing Liam regarded me as a son, rather than his nephew. I respected him greatly. "Good work with the negotiation and congratulations with Natalia." He offered the best that he could in regards to Natalia."

  "Thank you." We said our goodbyes and hung up.

  When I arrived to Natalia’s apartment, she wasn’t home. After much coaxing and a small bribe, I had gotten the building manager to let me into her apartment.

  Once in her place, I quickly placed the flowers I'd picked up on the way into a vase and then went to look for candles. Finding a couple as I walked around, I got more curious as I went from room to room. We didn’t spend much time at her apartment. To be honest, we'd only ever come here twice and it was never overnight.

  I found myself looking through her closet, the books lining her shelves, the pictures on her walls. She was definitely an educated woman who had sophisticated tastes. Then I found myself in her master bathroom. I don’t know what I was looking for or if I was really looking for anything. I simply felt like I was getting to know her by the layout of her apartment. That was until a bright blue box caught my eye.

  Reaching down to the garbage can, I pulled up the box. Clearblue Easy Digital Ovulation Test.

  What the…?

  Dropping the box back into the garbage can, I saw the discarded white sticks. I turned and pulled open the cabinets in her bathroom. Another full box of the same tests and two different types of digital pregnancy tests sat on the shelves.

  Why would she…she's on the pill. I’ve seen her take the pill in the mornings at my place. I don’t…what if they weren't real pills?

  Then it struck me like a bolt of lightning.

  Was she trying to get pregnant on purpose so that she was the easy choice? Didn’t she realize that I would..? Fuck! Why would this upset me? This is what I want right? I need a child and if she’s willing…but then why would she have already planned on getting pregnant before…I mean, it had only been like two months.Had she started this plan before we even met?

  In that moment, I realized trusting her would be impossible and I was once again fucked. I didn’t know what I was going to do. I could suck it up and just go along with Natalia. But how can I be sure of her intentions now? I couldn’t.

  I quickly left her bathroom and exited her apartment. I needed air and I needed it now. My head was filled with a thick fog of disappointment, regret and disgust. I was almost to the elevator when I heard the doors open and her voice. I quickly moved down another hallway, hoping that she hadn’t seen me.

  "I’m doing the best I can—" "I know that it’s—" "Father, will you please—" "I don’t care what Uncle—"

  I stood against the wall like a coward, listening to her conversation as she walked towards her apartment.

  "Yes Father. Of course I'm still taking them," she sounded extremely annoyed. "I tested, it was negative," she sounded tired and defeated.

  I couldn’t take it. Anger filled me and my fists clenched at my sides. Emerging from the hallway, I headed toward Natalia with purpose.

  "Good evening, Natalia."

  She spun quickly, a look of surprise and panic filled her eyes. I smirked knowingly.

  She held up a finger and spoke into her phone quickly.

  "I’ll have to call you back," she paused. "Uh huh, that sounds perfect." Then she hung up and seemed to pull her mask back on. "Aidan, what are you doing here?" she smiled and reached to hug me. I pulled back and her eyes widened.

  "I came to surprise you. I arrived home early and wanted to discuss some things with you. Shall we?" I motioned for her to continue opening her apartment door.

  Turning the key and the door knob, she led me into her apartment. When she caught sight of the flowers I heard her inhale sharply.

  "Oh yes, I was already here earlier."

  She turned.

  "Aidan, what is—?"

  "Tsk, tsk, Natalia. Don't you think I should be asking you what is going on?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

  She looked confused but still panicked.

  "Or should I be more specific?" I watched her take one slow step backwards. "How long before we even met had you planned all of this?" I tilted my head in curiosity.

  "I-I’m not sure what you are implying," she stuttered out.

  "I’m not a fool, so please do not treat me as one," I growled. "Was this your father’s plan or your uncle’s?" I asked through clenched teeth.

  "A-Aidan…" then she bro
ke down, "it wasn’t my plan. I didn’t intend—"

  "So you are, indeed, not pregnant then?" I raised an eyebrow. She shook her head. I snorted.

  "Well that’s too bad. That's the only way I would’ve stuck around. However, that’s good for me because now I can walk away from this without any regret." I turned for the door.

  "Aidan, please—"

  "Thanks for the pussy, Nat." Keeping my anger in check, I gently shut the door behind me.

  Once in my car, the anger seeped back in. I sped off toward my apartment ignoring the calls from Natalia as I broke every speed limit along the way. Once in my apartment, I left Devlin a voicemail to cancel and destroy all documents involving Natalia. I grabbed the full bottle of bourbon, a glass and threw myself onto a lounge chair on my balcony. I let the cold October air whip against my face as the bourbon warmed my throat.

  What the fuck am I going to do? I am completely fucked! I could always go back to that fucking traitorous bitch but, if Gideon was involved, I couldn’t risk it. I was basically ready to just pick up any woman and marry her. It was the only choice I had left.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Two days passed and I hadn’t left my apartment. I was racking my brain, trying to figure out what I was going to do. When James showed up, I shouldn’t have been surprised; I had been ignoring all phone calls.

  "You look like shit," he laughed out. I grimaced. "What the hell happened to you?"

  I told James about Natalia. He was just as pissed off.

  "Those evil bastards, do they think this is a game?"

  "Well apparently Grandfather liked to play with people’s lives too," I snapped.

  "What?" James looked astonished by my outburst.

  "You heard me. If he would never have done this to me then I wouldn’t be stuck dealing with this shit!"

  He didn’t have a response, he knew I was right. Instead, he proposed something else.

  "Get cleaned up, we’re going out," he smiled large.

  "I don’t want to—"

  "Get in the shower before I call Dixon and have him sponge bath your ass!"

  I shuddered at the threat, earning a chuckle from James. He pulled out his cell and made some calls. I drudged off to the bathroom hoping that the hot water would make me feel a little more like myself.


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