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Save the Date (Modern Arrangements)

Page 19

by Sadie Grubor

  "Jesus, Phoebe, you are corrupting everyone!" I chuckled out. She smiled proudly.

  "The night is not over yet, bitches!" Phoebe bounced up and down.

  "Oh God, Phoebe I don’t think I can take anymore." I said breathlessly.

  "I can take more." Viola said loudly with a large smile.

  "Good," Phoebe exclaimed "Because we are going to have some lessons shortly."

  "Lessons?" I asked nervously.

  "Yep," Phoebe popped the p at the end before heading to the door; our next event had arrived.

  A woman with super long, platinum blonde hair, a fake tan, injected bubble gum pink lips and a large boob job came in. Phoebe showed her where to set up in front of us and we all sat patiently.

  "Hello, I’m Tandy" I almost rolled my eyes at her name, given her appearance. She placed a case on the coffee table in front of us, opened it and pulled out rubber penises. I almost shot my drink out of my nose. Again. "I will be instructing you on proper blow job technique."

  "Oh my God, Phoebe."

  "What?" Phoebe shrugged and grinned, while Viola yelled, "Yeah," clapping her hands. She reached out, the first to take a rubber penis.

  "Unbelievable," I shook my head.

  "Phoebe, I don’t think I will ever find a bachelorette party that will match this night," Celia said astounded.

  I looked to Elora who was laughing silently and then reached her hand out as Tandy handed her the rubber penis.

  I grasped the one that Tandy put in front of me and started laughing, again. This was just too funny. Once everyone had a penis in hand Tandy went into her lesson.

  "First of all, you want to always make sure that you are in a comfortable position before you begin. This is crucial to ensure that the experience if pleasurable for both you and the recipient." She looked around at all of us. "Second, size does make a difference, however, not every man needs deep throat penetration. Simply moving your mouth halfway down the shaft, or as far as you are able, will do perfectly. You can use a free hand to stroke him at his base." She then placed her mouth on her dildo and provided the visual effect. I heard Elora snort next to me and felt her body shaking with laughter. Tandy continued.

  "Let’s go around, one by one, and try this out. Who wants to—?"

  "I’ll do it. Let an expert show you how it’s done." Viola tossed back the remainder of her drink and proceeded to place her lips over the penis. She began to imitate the motions that Tandy had shown. One upping her, she deep throated the fake appendage without gagging once.

  "Damn," Elora gasped. "Viola has serious head skills." We all started laughing and Viola finished her turn.

  I shook my head and giggled.

  "I so cannot follow that. I’ve just been shown up by miss prim and proper!"

  Next thing I knew, Elora was displaying her serious head giving skills.

  "Holy shit!" I exclaimed. "It runs in the socialite circle!" I laughed.

  "What do you think charm school is really for?" Elora winked at me when she was finished and I knew that we were going to definitely be close.

  Celia upped the stakes even more by getting on her knees to show off her skill level. It was quite impressive. Phoebe and I followed. I felt completely inadequate after watching Viola, Elora and Celia.

  "Okay, that was great. Now, remember that you can massage his balls carefully to also produce a reaction." I almost lost it when she said to massage the guy’s balls. Immature yes, but I just couldn’t help it.

  "Another thing is technique. You have to apply the proper amount of pressure with your suction, too much can hurt a guy and too little does no good. So, gauge the pressure by his reaction." She smiled to all of us while demonstrating a steady suck on her ‘prop’.

  "Alright. Let’s talk about teeth and tongue." Tandy was way too excited about this section. "Teeth are not typically a good thing and guys don’t want to be hurt. You have a lot of power when you are in this position, mainly because of your teeth and ability to hurt him."

  "Some may like a little teeth…" Viola added constructively.

  "Oh, God," I covered my face and laughed.

  "Very true, but it’s more of a grazing rather than a biting." Tandy smiled proudly at Viola. "Your tongue is also an effective tool. Swirling and flicking the tip," she demonstrated again, "is truly appreciated." Let’s give it a try.

  I turned to Elora who was already swirling when the apartment door opened abruptly. My eyes widened when I saw the faces of who entered.

  "Well, well…what do we have here?" said the velvety smooth voice of my soon to be husband. Aidan, Dixon, James, Oscar and Liam had just walked in on all of us with a rubber dick in our hands. Well, Elora’s was at her lips.

  Tandy turned around smiling at them.

  "Fuck," Elora gasped.

  "What are you doing here?" Phoebe pointed her rubber dick at them. "I told you to stay gone till tomorrow!"

  "Hi honey!" Viola waved at Liam, the rubber penis bouncing around in her hand. "We’re getting a lesson in blow job technique."

  "Aunt Vi," Aidan yelled with a look of shock on his face.

  "Shut it, Aidan," Liam said quickly. "I think we should just let them continue the lesson." A large smile spread on Liam’s face and he winked at Viola. Aidan covered his face with his hand.

  I quickly threw mine onto the table in front of me and covered my face while I laughed hysterically into my hands. I felt a heavy shift on the couch and looked up to see Dixon’s mischievous smile.

  "Shut up," I groaned. Dixon chuckled and then turned to Celia who still had her dildo in her hand.

  "So baby, why don’t you show me how it’s done?" Dixon chuckled to Celia.

  She tossed it at him.

  "Why don’t you show me how you do it to Oscar?" she laughed back.

  "Now you are going to get it," he attacked her and tickled her so roughly that Elora and I jumped from the couch.

  "Well, Mrs. Iverson…what do we have here?" James approached Elora who was deep red. "Why don’t we go home and you can show me what you’ve learned." He winked at her and she hid her face while he laughed and pulled her to him.

  "You are not supposed to be here tonight!" Phoebe pouted and crossed her arms over her chest, the tip of the rubber dick sticking out from the back of her left armpit. I couldn’t contain my laughter at the sight. Oscar stepped over to Phoebe and kissed her on top of her head to calm her down.

  "You have corrupted my family," Aidan yelled playfully, eyes on me.

  "Me?" I exclaimed in the middle of laughter. "Phoebe planned all of this!" I laughed yet again. "Plus, little miss prim and proper over there…ain’t so proper!" I pointed to Viola as she smiled naughtily.

  "I told you." Liam chimed to Aidan as he walked over to her and stood behind her. "What’s this?" he reached down for the large pink bag next to Viola. She beamed as he lifted it and looked inside. "Well, ladies, gentlemen," Liam pulled Viola up from her seat. "I think we will be retiring for the evening." He moved them quickly toward the door.

  "Lilli, dear," Viola stopped short and turned to me. "Don’t worry about the mess, a cleaning company will be here tomorrow to clean and put things back." Liam got her into her coat as she spoke and then was slowly budging her toward the door. "They should arrive around nine—"

  "Okay, dear, she gets it." Liam interjected. I laughed as he rushed to get her home, presumably to the nearest empty room for some alone time. Aidan was blushing at their behavior and shaking his head.

  "Should we follow their example?" James winked at Elora.

  Elora shoved the rubber penis into James’s chest.

  "Hold this for me, while I get my coat." She laughed as she walked away. I giggled too.

  "So, do you have balls to go with your new dick, James?" Dixon chuckled while holding Celia on his lap.

  "Fuck you, Dixon!" He laughed back. "So, do we get to keep these?" James looked at Tandy who nodded. He tossed the dildo into the pink bag Elora had arrived with and smiled large. He
looked up to see Aidan staring at him with an open mouth. James shrugged.

  "At least my girl has a pink bag." He shot at Aidan who scowled.

  "No worries. Lilli has stuff, thanks to all of us," Phoebe smirked.

  I glared at her. She laughed.

  Phoebe, Oscar, Dixon and Celia stayed for another half hour before they said goodnight, the guys making sure that Phoebe and Celia did not forget their pink bags.

  Aidan and I both headed upstairs at the same time. My stomach hurt from laughing so much tonight. I was thinking of ways that I could thank Phoebe and Viola for such a great day when Aidan interrupted me.

  "Hey…where’s your pink bag Phoebe promised?" I turned around to see him smirking.

  "Why? You won’t see what’s in it." I laughed.

  "I just hope you got the blue one." He turned to go to his room.

  "The what?" I furrowed my brow.

  He pulled out his phone and flashed me a picture mail.

  Damn that little, Maggie! I am going to kill her.

  I started giggling and grabbed for the phone.

  "Delete that!" I laughed.

  Aidan held the phone up high so I couldn’t reach it.

  "No way!" he laughed.

  I tried to act like I was mad and pouting.

  "You’re mean."

  "Oh suck it up, this is the new background for my phone," he laughed harder.

  "Seriously, delete it!"

  "Nope!" Then his laughter turned to a serious grin. "I rather prefer you in blue." He kissed my forehead and walked to his room.

  How can I get so turned on by such a small action?

  Chapter Fifteen

  Rehearsal Games


  Walking in on them with dildos in their hands was, well, unexpected. Even more unexpected was my Aunt Vi and Liam. I’ll never drink with those two again. The phrase ‘too much information’ didn’t nearly cover it. Though Lilli’s face had been priceless; shock, embarrassment and just complete hilarity. I’d meant it when I’d said that I hoped she got the blue nightie, praying I would get to see it soon. Showering that night, I had plenty of masturbation material.

  Monday went by in normal fashion, though the cleaning people arrived just as I was leaving. Lilli was downstairs scrambling to gather the ‘toys’ left lying around before the cleaning crew arrived. I laughed while she just scowled at me. She was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a tank top, her hair pulled up in a ponytail. It seemed she could never look terrible.

  Tuesday was a work filled day and I wouldn’t get home late. Viola was keeping Lilli busy with the final plans for the wedding this weekend, much to Lilli’s dismay. Though, she tried to pretend to be interested.

  Arriving home after nine, I headed straight for my bedroom. On the way upstairs, music filtered from Lilli’s room. My body twitched to go to her but I tore myself away. Exhausted from the day, I passed out quickly after my shower.

  Jerking up from the sound of a loud crash, I rubbed my eyes.

  There was another crash. I quickly climbed out of bed. Slowly opening my bedroom door, I looked into the hallway, only seeing darkness. A scuffling sound echoed and I realized it was coming from downstairs.

  Stumbling through the darkness toward the stairs, I bumped into something.

  "Ahh!" The something was Lilli.

  "Shhh. What are you doing?" I whispered.

  "I heard something. And don’t shush me, you scared me." She whispered back.

  Focusing on what she had in her hand, I began to laugh.

  "What?" she hissed.

  Pointing to the high heeled shoe in her hand, I snorted out another quiet laugh. She smacked my arm but giggled.

  "Shut up! It’s the first thing I could get my hands on." A smile still played on her lips.

  "What were you going to do with that?" Taking a deep breath, I tried to control my laughter. She smacked me again as we heard the noise return. "Stay here."

  "Says the guy who leaves the girl to get killed in her closet by the axe murderer,"

  "This isn’t a movie."

  "And I’m not some horror flick cliché. I’m not staying up here alone." She moved to my side.

  I released a heavy sigh as we headed down the steps. The heat from her body against my back seared my flesh. If I stopped quick enough her body would press against mine. Just the thought made me shiver.

  A curse rang out, immediately I recognized the voice. Reaching out, I flipped on a light.

  "Shit," James yelled.

  "Ah!" Lilli screamed and burrowed into my back, her arms around my waist.

  "Jesus Dude, you scared the shit out of me," James complained.

  "I scared you?" Disbelief washed through me. "What the hell are you doing here?" I furrowed my brow. "And how did you get in?"

  James held up a small silver key chain and smirked.

  "That’s only for emergencies, dickhead." I snapped.

  Though, I couldn’t be too angry. Lilli still had her arms around my waist and even though she’d removed herself from my back, I could still feel her warmth. Feeling lost in it until her voice pulled me back to the situation at hand.

  "Jesus, James, couldn’t you call or something?" Lilli scolded.

  James looked us up and down and smirked.

  "Why don’t you two just take your little cuddle session upstairs and I’ll crash on the couch?" He chuckled.

  Lilli quickly let go and blushed. She, then, looked me over and then down at herself. That was when I, too, realized she was in a simple, tiny, white tank top you could basically see through and ultra thin, super short, plaid boxers. Growling, I pulled myself in front of her so James wouldn’t be able to check her out any longer. I didn’t have to look at him to know he was. I knew the pervert all too well.

  "I-I’m going to head back to bed." Lilli quickly ran up the stairs.

  Turning, I caught James staring after her.

  "Hey!" He snapped his gaze over to me. "Eyes off!"

  He smirked and then faked innocence. "What? How can you blame me?" He chuckled and headed to the couch.

  "James, why are you here and not at home with Elora? Does she know where you are?"

  "No, she doesn’t know where I am. And, I’m sure she doesn’t care right now." He shrugged and plopped down on the couch.

  "What did you do?" I sat next to him.

  "Nothing. Why do you automatically assume it’s me?"

  Running my hand through my hair, I sighed. "Then what the hell is going on?"

  "Elora thinks I’m cheating on her." He paused and took in my expression. Anger heated my veins. How could he brag about her being his queen and then have the nerve to cheat?

  "I’m not! So don’t ask."

  "What makes her think you are?"

  "You know how we were working late tonight?" I nodded. "Well, she called around eight to find out when I would be home but I didn’t answer my phone." I nodded and motioned for him to continue.

  "Okay, so, after we left the office I stopped with Marcus and had a few drinks at the bar. When I was on my way home, I realized she’d called about four other times and sent like ten text messages. I figured I was close to home so I would just explain when I got there. Instead, she locked me out of the bedroom and we argued through the door for an hour. Then, we argued in the living room for another hour until I said ‘to hell with it’ and left." He sighed heavy.

  "What the hell were you thinking and why would she assume you were with another woman?"

  "Elora knows about my past indiscretions and well…there was an incident after we married."

  I was about to give him the verbal lashing of a lifetime but he stopped me.

  "I didn’t sleep with the girl. Elora had arrived at the office one afternoon and walked in on a temp from marketing making an advance. The girl pretty much jumped me while I was working. I begged for her to believe what happened and have worked very hard to get her to trust me."

  "I can see why she’s pissed." I said curtly

  "I didn’t do anything!"

  "Yeah, but how does she know that when you didn’t answer her?" I raised an eyebrow.

  "I guess." He growled.

  "Look, you’re more than welcome to a guest room for the night but you need to tell Elora you’re here. If you don’t, I will." Standing up, I reached my hand out to him. Once he took it, I pulled him up from the couch. We headed upstairs together after turning off the light. When I saw the pale glow of his cell phone on his face I knew he was texting Elora his whereabouts.

  Back in my bed, I closed my eyes. Images of Lilli in that white tank top plagued me. I rubbed my eyes with the base of my palms, buried my head in pillows and even went to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face but none of it helped. Before I knew it, I was standing at her door.

  I placed my hand flat on her door and it moved slightly. With no regard to consequence, I pushed harder and, sure enough, it opened completely. Leaning against the doorframe, I stuck my head inside her dark room.

  Light from outside of the window illuminated her figure on the bed. She was lying on her stomach and I had to bite back a groan as I took in her silhouette. The soft curve of her shoulder, the dip of her waist and the flare of her rounded hip. Her thigh was like a beacon to my body as it sloped down toward the curve of her knee.

  Before realizing it, I was standing at the end of the bed. My fists clenched at my sides, I fought the urge to climb over her and place my lips against her smooth, creamy skin. She shifted and I flinched to run.

  "Aidan," she mumbled my name and a string of things I couldn’t understand.

  She said my name while she slept. My ego fluffed up tremendously standing there looking down on her half clothed figure.


  Damn! There went my ego.

  Padding quietly out of her room, I took my bruised ego back to my room. Hearing James snoring loud enough to shake the walls, I had to wonder how the hell Elora ever got any sleep.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


  When I saw Aidan in only his pajama pants I couldn’t help but rake my eyes over him, a couple of times. He didn’t have a six pack or anything, but his stomach was flat and toned. The broadness of his bare chest and shoulders were enough to make a weaker woman faint. My body flushed just by simply looking at him.


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