Wolf to Wolf [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 15] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Wolf to Wolf [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 15] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 11

by Jane Jamison

  She’d never experienced multiple orgasms before. Yet, already, another one was coming up, quickly rising to the surface to spin out of control. When Darrold shoved against her one last time, she joined her voice with his as he pulled out and released.

  For several moments, he kept her braced against the wall. Even after their climaxes, their bodies moved together, their breaths coming in and going out at the same time.

  Then, suddenly, Darrold was gone and Mike was turning her around. He picked her up, wrapped her legs around his waist, then strode into the kitchen and set her down on top of the table. Taking her face in his hands, he gave her a look of raw craving. But there was something else in his eyes, too. There was love.

  She grabbed hold of his hair and pulled his mouth to hers. As her tongue found his, he took her hips, positioned his cock at her pussy, and slammed inside her. The kiss was as intimate as having his cock inside her pussy. Thrusting into her, he worked her ass across the smooth surface. Soon, he broke the kiss and nibbled his way down to find her tit. Capturing her nipple between his teeth, he lashed his tongue over it, matching each lash with each thrust.

  How had she settled for Bill’s dry lovemaking? She’d thought that the sex with Bill had been great, but she’d been wrong. Compared to these three men, the times she’d made love to Bill were unremarkable, forgettable. With Darrold, Mike, and Byton, an entirely new world of lust had opened up. She promised herself she’d make the best of it. She promised herself she’d make a lifetime of it.

  Mike thrust even harder, powering into her so hard she bumped up and down. Her breasts jiggled against his palms. Her hair danced around her shoulders until he caught it, gripping a hunk of it in his hands.

  Again and again, he slammed into her. And once again, her body welcomed it, using every stroke of his hands to send yet another climax roaring through her. She wasn’t sure she could keep going. Yet she had no choice. Her body, her mind wouldn’t allow her to stop.

  When she saw the amber flare stronger in Mike’s eyes, she knew he was ready. Shoving her torso against him, she helped to drive him inside her even deeper. She couldn’t have said whether it was the heated look in his eyes or the pounding of his cock that finally sent her over the edge. Probably, it was both. She screamed out her climax, as this one was impossibly even stronger than the first two. Mike wrapped his arm around her and pulled her tighter against him as he shot his seed into her warm, welcoming pussy.

  By the time she was able to think straight again, Byton and Darrold had already dressed. They stood waiting, towels in hand, to clean her. As Mike moved away, she allowed them to wash her.

  Before long, however, the stroking started her craving again. “If you two don’t quit right now, there won’t be any stopping me. I’m going to need you again.”

  Byton chuckled then planted a sweet kiss against her lips. He looked up and glanced at Darrold. “Well then, by all means, keep stroking away, man.”

  Chapter Seven

  Malia stretched out on the top of the bed. After the incredible sex she’d had with the men, she’d been exhausted and had asked for a lie-down. Although they had a gleam in their eyes that said that they wanted to join her in bed, they’d left her alone. First, however, they’d made her promise she wouldn’t take off again.

  She’d invite them back to bed later. After all, a girl needed to rest.

  But she couldn’t rest. Not when she still had to do one thing before she could go any further with the men. She had to let Bill know what was going on. Although she’d told him it wasn’t working, their conversation had been far too brief. Had he heard her? If he had, wouldn’t he have asked why? Or was he simply relieved she’d been the one to call it quits? But she had to let him know that it was over between them. She had to give him time to adjust and then to move on. He was such a good, faithful, kind, and loving man that she could do no less. Whatever the case, she had to make certain he understood they’d been over before she’d come to Forever.

  She wouldn’t tell him about werewolves, of course. She understood the necessity for keeping their secret. She picked up the phone, paused to gather her courage, and called.

  Surprisingly, it took a while for him to answer. Once he did, he did so with a laugh, as though he’d been joking around with someone else. Obviously, he didn’t miss her too much if he had friends over.

  “Hey,” she said. “It’s me.”

  There was a pause that seemed odd. “Oh, hey. I was wondering when you’d call me.” There were rustling sounds as though he had covered his phone. “Hang on a second.”

  “Why? What’s going on?”

  When he finally answered, she had the distinct impression that he was in a different room. “Nothing. Just hanging out.”

  “Yeah? With who?”

  Again, another pause. He wasn’t acting like his usual self. “No one.”

  “So what was all the noise in the background? I thought I heard a woman’s laugh.” She lied. She hadn’t been able to distinguish one sound from another. Yet she’d needed to ask.

  “Sounds? Probably just the television. How’re you doing?”

  No “Hey, baby.” No “I really miss you.”

  She sat up, her senses going to full alert. “Is there someone there?” Yet instead of jealousy, she felt a sense of relief.

  “No, baby. I told you there wasn’t.”

  Shit. He’s still calling me baby.

  “Anyway, Bill, the reason I called…” She dragged in a breath. She had to get it over with, but doing so was hard. She didn’t want to hurt him. He’d been too nice, too good to her. Yet what had to be done had to be done.


  “Bill, I don’t know how to say this—again—so I’m just going to say it straight out.” She drew in another steadying breath. “I’ve met someone else.” She wouldn’t tell him that there were actually three men. That would lead to too many questions.

  He didn’t just pause this time. This time there was complete silence.

  “Bill, are you okay? Look, I never meant to hurt you. I never meant for this to happen. Fate just kind of stepped in.”

  “Shit, Malia, I don’t know what say. Are you planning on moving there? Are you planning on giving up your entire life for him?”

  Was she? Of course. What other choice was there? She couldn’t believe they’d ever want to live in Houston. They had their ranch, their friends, their lives in Forever. And with each moment she stayed, she wanted to stay longer. “I guess I am. It’ll take some working out, but I’m going to move here. This is going to be my home.”

  “I can’t believe you’re telling me this. So you’re just going to chuck our relationship for some guy in some shitty little town?”

  This wasn’t the Bill she knew and cared about, but he was angry. That had to be it. “It’s not a shitty little town. I really like it here. I want to make this town my home. Please, Bill, I know this is coming out of left field, but try to understand. You know what we had has been growing cold for a long time. Hell, we’ve been over for a long time now. We just didn’t want to admit it. But it’s time we let it go.”

  “This is bullshit. If you think I’m going to let you just up and walk out on me, you’ve got another thing coming.”

  She stared at the phone, trying to understand who this person was. Bill wasn’t a vindictive person. The Bill she knew would never have said those things. “I’m sorry, Bill, but this is my decision.”

  He drew in a shaky breath. “I’m sorry, baby. You kind of threw me off-guard. I didn’t mean…look, if this is about—”

  She almost asked him to finish his sentence, but what did it really matter? “I’m sorry this is hitting you from left field. Maybe you should take some time to think about it and then get back to me later. Until then, take care of yourself.” She ended the call before he could respond.

  She’d known the call would be rough, but she hadn’t expected it to go so wrong. Sadness enveloped her as she got off the bed and walked
to the window. Evening had fallen, and the moon was rising in the sky. She hadn’t realized that the time had gone so fast. She scanned her gaze across the yard behind the house, not looking for anything in particular but simply enjoying the view.

  A bark shifted her attention to the left. Three wolves dashed from around the house into the backyard. The black wolf jumped on the back of the yellow-haired wolf, knocking him to the ground. The light brown wolf barreled into the black wolf, taking them all into a roll.

  At first, she didn’t realize who they were. When she did, a smile came to her face. Did all werewolves play like puppies? Once she was their mate, would she be able to play with them? Could she change into a wolf, or would she be a human playing with animals? She’d been so caught up in the sex, in the realization of what they were, that she hadn’t had time to ask the myriad of questions whirling inside her mind.

  She leaned against the window, putting her face as close as possible to the windowpane. If given the option, she’d choose to be able to run and play with them. How glorious it would feel to run under the moon, four paws striking the earth as her mates ran alongside her!

  She started to open the window then thought better of it. She didn’t want to disturb them in their play. Taking their attention away from each other wouldn’t be fair. But in the morning, or maybe later tonight, she’d have their full attention. She’d make sure of that.

  Am I really doing this? Am I really falling in love with men who can change into wolves?

  What kind of life would it be? Would there be dangers? Or would there be endless days of making love with three men who were more passionate than any she’d ever known? She still felt guilty at having to let Bill down, but the excitement of her future overcame that.

  * * * *

  Byton stood as Malia entered the kitchen. He, Mike, and Darrold had been waiting for her to wake up. Although they’d run and played through the night, they’d still arisen at their usual early hour. He’d wanted to wake her up then, but the other two had talked him out of it. Sooner or later, however, she’d have to get into their routine.

  “Hey, darlin’, how are you doing this morning?” He pulled out a chair for her. Darrold was quick to set a plate of food in front of her. Mike got her a cup of coffee. She looked radiant. Her skin glowed, her eyes sparkled as she smiled up at them.

  “Wow. Talk about getting the royal treatment. Can I expect this kind of pampering every morning?”

  “Sorry, but nope. In fact, we were hoping you’d take over the cooking chore. At least some of the time.” Mike slid into the seat next to her then offered her the creamer and the sugar. She shook her head at both.

  “We’ve been waiting for you to get up,” said Darrold. “Now that you’re our mate and you know it, there are some things we need to figure out.”

  She put her coffee cup down gingerly. “Oh? Have I decided to be your mate?”

  She took a sip of her coffee then set the cup down gingerly.

  Byton assumed she was joking. Hadn’t they gone over this already? “Oh, you’re our mate, all right. No doubt about it.”

  When she bit her lower lip, it almost drove him insane. They’d made love three times last night and had only stopped because she’d grown exhausted. But she’d get used to it. And if she changed, she’d be able to keep up with them.

  “Before we make this official,” she said, “I have some questions about being a mate. Do you guys have time to give me some answers?”

  “No time like the present, sugar,” added Darrold. “Ask away.”

  She sat forward, eager to start asking questions. “Okay, first things first. Can you change me into a werewolf?”

  “Do you want to be a werewolf?” asked Mike. “It’s not all fun and games, you know. Shifting is painful.”

  “Damn, man, don’t talk her out of it.” Mike let out a yelp when Darrold kicked him under the table.

  “She needs to know everything so she can make an informed decision.” Mike rubbed his leg and shot Darrold a hard look.

  “Then let’s tell her.” Byton took a seat across from her. “Yes, we can change you, if that’s what you want. You’ll be able to shift whenever you want. The changing with a full moon is just a myth. It’s painful, yes, but you get used to it the more times you change. But there are negatives about being a werewolf. You can never, ever tell anyone what you are, unless you know they’re a shifter or they live in Forever.”

  “I think I already had that figured out. But what are the good parts about being a werewolf? I mean, it’ll make things easier if I’m one of you, right?”

  “The good things are that you have added strength. You’ll also have heightened senses like seeing and hearing. You’ll smell things you’ve never smelled before. You’ll hear things you’ve never heard before. It’ll be like opening up a whole new world for you.”

  Byton was excited that she was thinking about changing. Sure, they’d love her even if she remained human, but the idea of having a mate run alongside them was thrilling. “One of the best parts of being a werewolf is that you can run under the moon. You’ll have the wind in your face, and you’ll see and hear everything around with a clarity no human could ever possess. Plus, running will make you feel freer than you’ve ever felt in your life.”

  She took a sip of her coffee, and he could almost see her thoughts swirling inside her head. “You make it sound wonderful. Is everyone in Forever a shifter? I’d think that would be great having people around who are just like you. If you’re a werewolf, you’d automatically be part of the crowd. Which makes me wonder. Would being a werewolf mean the folks in Forever would have an easier time accepting me?”

  Darrold motioned toward her food, urging her to eat breakfast. They’d already finished theirs while waiting for her to get up. “More than likely. But they’ll accept you anyway because you’re our mate. In fact, I think they’ve already accepted you. They wouldn’t have shifted if they hadn’t already figured out you were our mate.”

  “But I could have run off. I could’ve been telling the entire world about Forever right now.”

  Byton nodded. “Yeah, you could. That’s always a risk whenever a werewolf reveals what he is to a human. But it’s a risk we have to take.” He grinned. “Besides, I think Miss Clara wanted to see your reaction. It’s probably been awhile since she’s gotten to out herself to someone. The old girl probably thought the whole thing was a lot of fun.”

  “Will I ever understand Miss Clara?’

  Darrold chuckled. “I don’t think anyone totally understands Miss Clara. She’s one of a kind.” He grew serious. “It’s not just werewolves in Forever. There are other supernaturals here, too. We have some vampires, fairies, and different kinds of shifters like werecats. Just like the human world, we have a mix of people.”

  Byton smiled again as she almost choked on her coffee. Finding out that there were so many different kinds of supernatural creatures could shake anyone.

  She picked up a napkin and wiped her mouth. “There are vampires? Real, bloodsucking vampires?”

  He didn’t want to see her frightened, though. “For the most part, we steer clear of the vampires. Most of them don’t rely on humans as their primary source of food. There are blood banks and other ways to get their nutrition.”

  She looked a little dazed. “I have a lot to learn.”

  “But you’ll have a lifetime to do it. Still, there’s one thing we’d like to know. Do you want kids?” asked Darrold.

  She blinked, obviously, once again, thrown. “I think so. Bill and I —” She slammed her mouth shut.

  Byton felt as though he’d been stabbed in the chest. He’d forgotten that she had a boyfriend. “So that’s his name? Bill?” The name tasted foul in his mouth.

  “It was.” She blinked yet again as though trying to shake memories free. “I mean, it is. Bill Miller is, or was, my boyfriend.”

  “Was?” Mike leaned in, his eyes sparkling with amber. No doubt his wolf was getting angry th
at she’d been with another man. Yet, they could hardly expect her to be a virgin.

  She nodded, a mix of confusion and guilt on her face. “I called it off with him. After…”

  Joy filled Byton’s heart. He was ready to bite and change her right then and there. “After we made love. Not after we had sex. Sex is just the act. What we did was so much more. So he’s no longer in the picture?”

  “No. He’s not.” She sat up straighter as though she had come to the decision and had finally accepted it. As though she were proud of it. “He’s a good man, and I didn’t want to hurt him. But we haven’t been a real couple, not really, for a long time. Finding you three made me realize it.”

  Byton stood up, pushing his chair back from the table. “We can continue talking about everything later. Right now, we need to get into town for you to apologize to Miss Clara. Once you’ve done that, we can start to plan our future together.”

  She hadn’t eaten much off her plate, having only nibbled in between talking. Still, she stood, shoulders back, a proud werewolf in the making. “Good. I’m ready.”

  * * * *

  A short while later, Malia was standing in front of Miss Clara. The elderly woman arched one eyebrow and told her, “Get on with it, young one.”

  Malia looked to her men for support. As she’d often heard while in town, talking to Miss Clara wasn’t always the easiest thing to do. Apologizing was even harder.

  “Miss Clara, I want to apologize to you. I should never have been so rude. I hope you can forgive me.” Never mind that she hadn’t meant to bump into the old woman. But judging from what she knew about Miss Clara and the town, she was the one who was expected to apologize. Her nerves jangled as several of the townspeople gathered around them. Jake Lambert glared at her from the edge of the crowd.


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