Wolf to Wolf [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 15] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Wolf to Wolf [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 15] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 12

by Jane Jamison

  Suddenly, Miss Clara’s expression softened. “You never mind. In fact, I think it’s me who owes you an apology. I know you didn’t mean to bump into me. If I’d been looking where I was going, the whole thing never would’ve happened.”

  Malia breathed a sigh of relief. “Really? So can we call a truce? Since I’m going to be living here, I don’t want to have any hard feelings.”

  A murmur erupted among the crowd. Miss Clara gave her a once-over, but it wasn’t a hard one. In fact, she seemed pleased.

  “Is that right? So you four are mates?” She winked at Malia then nodded, giving her approval. “Got to say we figured as much. And that’s a damn good thing. A real damn good thing.”

  This was turning out a lot better than Malia had expected. At least, until Jake stepped forward. Before she could say anything to the large man, Mike put himself between them.

  With his shoulders back and his head held high, Mike stuck out his hand. “Jake, I’m sorry for hitting you. But there was no way I could let you hurt our mate.”

  Jake narrowed his eyes, amber flecks dotting them. After a few tense moments, he relaxed and took Mike’s hand. “I wouldn’t have done anything less if I’d been in your boots. We’ll let bygones be bygones.”

  Malia felt like she needed to say something more. If she was going to become a part of the town, she wanted to set things right with everyone. She held up her hand and waited for everyone to calm down and listen.

  “Everyone, I just want to say that I’m sorry for how I acted earlier. I was rude and, well, confused about a lot of things. Still, I hope you’ll forgive me. I’d like to be welcomed in Forever. I don’t want to be just their mate but your neighbor and friend. If you’ll let me.”


  Her breath caught in her throat at the sound of Bill’s voice. Pivoting around, she saw him striding toward her.

  * * * *

  Mike’s wolf roared to the surface. He barely managed to keep it under control and to keep from shifting. Yet, the sound of its growl was clear in the tone of his voice. “Who the hell is this?

  Malia looked shocked. “Bill, what are you doing here?”

  Mike motioned for the rest of the people to back away. As curious as they were, they didn’t need to be a part of what might happen next. He glanced at Byton, who shook his head very subtly. Darrold, however, had flecks in his eyes as his own wolf rose toward the surface, ready to protect their mate.

  Bill’s gaze flicked over them. He studied them as though not understanding who they were. With a scowl, he turned his attention squarely on Malia. “I came to find out what really happened. You can’t just call me and end it without more of an explanation.”

  Mike moved closer to Malia, as did Byton and Darrold. He sniffed, drawing in Bill’s scent. The man didn’t seem angry. And he didn’t seem as though he were a threat to Malia. Still, Mike had to be sure.

  Malia put her hand on Mike’s arm, trying to calm him. “It’s okay.” She glanced at Miss Clara. “Could you…”

  Miss Clara frowned, then flicked her hand in the air like a queen dismissing her servants. “Okay, everyone. Show’s over. Give these folks some space.”

  Malia lifted her eyebrows in question at Mike. “Okay?”

  Mike gritted his teeth and nodded. No matter what she said, he wouldn’t back off. If Bill had come to hurt her, or to try to take her away, then he’d have one hell of a fight on his hands.

  “Can we talk somewhere private?” asked Bill.

  Mike wanted her to say no. To tell the man to go away. Instead, she looked to him then to Byton and Darrold. She didn’t have to tell him. He could see it in her eyes. Did she still feel something for the man? Was she still in love with him?

  Malia touched him again then moved toward Bill. “I told you everything there is to know. I don’t know how it happened, and I don’t know how to explain it, but I fell for these guys. I’m really, truly in love.”

  Bill’s face clouded. “What do you mean ‘these guys’? You said it was one man. Are you telling me you think you’re in love with three men? That’s ridiculous. Malia, what’s going on?”

  Mike let out a low growl. Bill shot him a perplexed look. Malia, however, turned Bill’s attention back to her. Once again, Mike shoved his wolf into submission.

  Tell him you don’t want him. Tell him to go away.

  Yet, as much as he wanted to pick the man up and toss him to the ground, Mike kept silent.

  * * * *

  Malia had dreamed of a man who would have the balls to come and get her, to make her his. And here was Bill, supposedly doing exactly that. Yet there was something wrong. She sensed something different about him. Turning back to the men she loved, she could see the difference immediately. She could feel their love rolling off them in waves. When she turned back to face Bill again, she didn’t pick up any love from him. He wasn’t there to take her back. At least, not for the right reason.

  “Malia, you need to come with me. Let’s talk in private and sort through this. I don’t think you’re thinking in your right mind. Why else would you do this?”

  She no longer cared what he had to say. Except, of course, to answer his question. She stepped forward and took his hand. A low growl drifted on the air. Whether it had come from Mike or Byton or Darrold didn’t matter. “Why are you really here?”

  Bill opened his mouth to answer then shut it quickly. He didn’t answer right away. “I still care for you. I wanted to make sure you’re all right. I couldn’t let you end things between us without making sure it was really your decision.”

  Mike ached to throttle the man. “Are you accusing us of forcing her to stay?”

  “I’m asking Malia.” To his credit, Bill straightened up, ready to take on all three men.

  Bill touched her heart. He cared for her as she would always care for him. But he was not her future. He realized that as much as she did. “I promise you, I’m all right. In fact, I’ve never been better.”

  Relief flooded his face. “Good. But are you sure this is what you really want?”

  She smiled, enjoying the rush of the sensation that had stayed with her ever since she’d fallen for her men. “I’m more certain about this than I’ve ever been about anything.” She didn’t want to hurt Bill, but she had to add, “Even us.”

  He didn’t seem hurt by what she’d said. Or even surprised. “We haven’t been good for a very long time, have we?”

  Sorrow for what might’ve been whipped through her, but the future was so much better. “Not for a very long time. I hope you know I want only the best for you.”

  “Thanks. And I want the same for you. I just had to make sure you were okay.”

  Yet she was still picking up on the feeling that something else was being left unsaid. “Bill, what is it? You’re not telling me something. I know you still care for me, but I don’t think that’s the only reason you came here.”

  He bowed his head, sorrow mixing with guilt in his expression. “I needed to tell you. I couldn’t move on until I told you in person. It was only right.”

  At once, she felt guilty for breaking it off with him over the phone. But she couldn’t have left Forever. Not without her men by her side.

  Again, she had a feeling she knew what that something was. And it didn’t hurt. In fact, it made her feel better. “You’ve found somebody new, too, haven’t you?”

  Bill smiled a soft smile. “You always could read me like a book.”

  She squeezed his hand. “I’m glad for you. Did you meet her while I was gone?” She tilted her head to the side as she’d seen her men do. “Is it Miriam?”

  His gaze darted away from hers for only a moment. “No. Miriam and I really are just friends. But I feel like shit.”

  “It’s okay. Just tell me.”

  “While you were gone, I met this girl in the coffee shop on the corner. I don’t know how to explain it, but we hit it off right away. It was almost like we were meant to meet.” He chuckled. “I kno
w that sounds crazy, but it’s how I, we, felt. Like we’re soul mates.”

  Mates. What a nice word.

  “Don’t worry. I understand exactly what you mean. It’s good that we both found someone else at the same time.”

  He glanced up at the men. “But three of them? That’s a little out there, don’t you think?”

  “You don’t know the half of it.” She couldn’t tell him the whole of it. Not without giving away Forever’s secret. Knowing her men wouldn’t like it much, but knowing she needed to do it all the same, she got onto her tiptoes and pressed a chaste kiss to Bill’s cheek. Sure enough, soft growls echoed behind her. “Easy, boys. I’m simply saying good-bye to a dear friend.”

  Bill shook his head, his eyebrows dipping between his eyes. “I’m not sure what’s going on here. Are you sure you’re all right?”

  She stepped back, knowing she stepped away from her past. “Like I said, don’t worry about me. I’m better than good. You take care and get back to that girl you love.”

  With one last curious look at the men behind her, Bill gave a short nod then pivoted on his heel and began walking away. He glanced back once then lifted his hand in a wave.

  Happiness filled her as she turned around to face her men. “What do you say, guys? Want to take me home?”

  Chapter Eight

  Malia reined in her horse as the men brought their mounts to the side of hers. A week had passed since she’d said good-bye to Bill. Since then, they’d moved her things out of the rental house and into their home.

  Our home.

  She wasn’t in any hurry to get back to Houston. A call to her boss had ended her job, and she was finally free to do as she wished. Soon enough, they’d make a trip to Houston to pack her things.

  Until then, she was happy exploring the ranch and getting to know her men better. She couldn’t get enough of riding. Although she hadn’t done much riding before, now she was on the back of a horse almost every day.

  Darrold reached out and touched her shoulder. His hands skimmed down her arm. “So? Do you regret your decision to stay?”

  She shot him a funny look. “How can you ask me that? Do I act like I regret it?”

  Mike’s chuckle warmed her heart. “Not when you’re in bed.”

  Playing along, she batted her eyes at him. “A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. And this girl loves doing what she’s gotta do.”

  “And how about the other? What about changing?”

  She shifted in her saddle to look at Byton. “Didn’t I ever answer that question?” She’d teased them by refusing to answer. Until now.

  Darrold leaned back in his saddle, his wrists crossed on top of the saddle horn. “As I recall, when we first talked about it, you seemed interested. Since then, however, you’ve been giving us the runaround. So spit it out once and for all. Do you want to change? Do you want to be a werewolf?”

  “Before you answer, understand that we will love you either way. You’re our mate. We don’t care if you’re our human or shifter.”

  She leaned over and patted Byton’s arm, grateful he’d said as much. “I need to know something first.”

  “What’s that?” asked Mike. He arched an eyebrow, ready for her question.

  She repositioned the cowboy hat on her head. At first, she’d felt funny wearing a cowboy hat, but now it seemed very natural. As natural as loving three men. As natural as loving three werewolves. “There have been times when you’ve asserted your aggressiveness. Like when you throw me over your shoulder.”

  “Are you saying you don’t like that?” Darrold pushed his hat back and studied her.

  “I’m not saying that at all. Let me finish speaking, okay?” She’d learned that werewolves were an impatient lot, but her men were learning how to wait.

  “Then what are you saying?” said Mike, who was probably the most impatient one of the three.

  “I’m saying that sometimes I like it and sometimes I don’t. When it ends up in sex, I like it.”

  Byton tilted his head. “And when are the times that you don’t like it?”

  “Just sometimes when you guys get a little too domineering. A little too…wolfie.”

  Mike gave a snort. “Wolfie? Is that a word now? Besides, baby, we are werewolves, after all. We’re men, but we’re animals, too, you know.”

  Oh, she knew all right. And she loved that about them.

  “I’m not trying to change her natures. I’m only saying that, either as a human or as a werewolf, I need to know that I’m an equal partner in this relationship.”

  Byton nodded, catching on faster than the other two. “You’re our mate. That automatically makes you an equal partner. Not only in our ranch but in our lives, too.”

  Mike squirmed in his saddle. “Okay, so I’m not getting this. What is it that you’re saying? Just say it straight out.”

  Darrold put his hand on her, stopping her before she could answer. “She’s saying that she wants to make sure that even if she turns werewolf, she’ll still be an equal partner. She doesn’t want to be dominated by the males in the pack.” His eyebrows jumped high. “Am I getting it right?”

  “You sure are.” She was proud of her mates. Not only were they physically powerful, both as humans and as werewolves, but they were intelligent and caring. They were strong enough to think of her as their equal.

  Mike threw up his hands. “Why the hell would you think it would be any different? Sometimes I just don’t get women.”

  She looked from one to the next man. “You guys never told me how you do it. How do you change me?”

  Byton shifted in his saddle, looking uncomfortable. “It’s not easy. One of us will bite you, and then you’ll have a rough two days where you’ll be sick as hell and go in and out of consciousness. Once you get past that, however, it’ll be better.”

  Then Mike added, “You’ll feel better until you shift. Shifting is painful, especially the first time. But once you get used to it, it’s not so bad.”

  What they were describing was scary. Yet being transformed was what she needed to do. “I want you to change me. I want to run with you under the moonlight. I want to have your children. And I want to howl at the moon. If I change, everything between us will be one-to-one, wolf-to-wolf.”

  “Kind of like the Three Musketeers with fur, huh? One for all and all for one.” Byton scowled at Mike when he laughed.

  “Exactly,” she said. “So which of you bites me?”

  “That’s up to you, darlin’.”

  She hadn’t known she’d have to choose. Hadn’t known she’d have to make yet another decision. Yet the answer was simple. “We’ll do it in a contest. Shift right now, and whichever one of you makes it back home first, gets to bite me.”

  “So you’re going to lead all three of our horses back to the barn?” asked Darrold.

  “I think I can handle it.” She jerked her chin toward Mike and Byton. They’d already dismounted and had started getting undressed. As each piece of clothing came off, they shoved it into a saddlebag on their horse. “You’d better get moving, Darrold, or you’re going to be the last one to get back home.”

  “Shit. No fair getting a head start.” Darrold swung his leg over his horse and landed on the ground. Gathering up the reins of the other two horses, he handed them to Malia. Then he began to undress as fast as he could.

  They shifted quickly, bones breaking, fur skimming over their skin. Mike wasn’t even completely undressed by the time he’d shifted into his werewolf form. Byton hit the ground running at the same time as Mike did. Darrold complained yet again, but soon enough he was right on their heels.

  I like this. I like having them earn the right to bite me. In fact, I think they’ll have to earn a lot of things with me. And, oh, what fun that will be.

  Grinning, she spurred her horse into a steady walk. Riding one horse and bringing three others along with her would make the journey home slower. But that was okay. The men would wait for her.




  Siren Publishing, Inc.





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