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Congregation Of Darkness (Full Moon Series Book 2)

Page 13

by P. Mattern

  The walk to the park was a long one. He knew he could move fast enough to get there in five minutes if he ran at maximum speed but he wasn’t sure that a young man moving at that speed wouldn’t attract attention of some sort. So he jogged at a brisk pace to get there sooner. As if to provide more incentive for him to shorten his journey, a light spring rain began to fall, dampening the top of his hoody and falling into the tendrils of his hair peeking out from under it.

  Finally he reached the back entrance to the Park and veered off the bike trail to trot in a Northernly direction through the woods. As soon as he was in sight of the camper he began to feel alarmed-usually Kimbra, her long redgold hair shining like a beacon, would be sitting outside waiting for him, but he could sense no energy or activity around the camper. The sense that something was terribly wrong made his gut clench, and he stood stock still before proceding into the clearing, listening for anything, looking for the slightest sign of movement in the underbrush.

  Suddenly a twig snapped behind him, and he whirled around to see Kimbra, her eyes wild with untold horrors, her bare arms and legs bearing long scratches that looked fresh and raw, as if she had fled through the underbrush in a hurry. Right behind her was Avi, equally wild eyed and frightened looking.

  Silently she raised a finger to her lips, then summarily fell into his arms. Her heart beat crazily against him, faster than a human heart should beat, and it made him hold her all the more tightly.

  Stealthily, hand in hand, Carey and Kimbra wound through the forest in a South easterly direction with Avi following close behind.. Finally, when they could hear traffic and see the highway through the remaining trees in front of them , Kimbra spoke.

  “They came…” she began. “I was a little distance into the woods, near the little stream, when I heard them.” In spite of the moderate spring temperatures Carey noticed that she was shivering uncontrollably. Without interrupting her he drew her against him again, making sure that her bare shoulders were encircled by his arms.”They didn’t see me, since I was on the opposite side of the camper, thank God, but I could hear them talking…they’ve known that we were here for awhile.

  Carey felt impatient” Who WERE they? What did they look like?” he asked, trying to keep his own voice even and calm. His own heart was beating loudly in his ears, so loudly he was afraid that she might hear it.

  Kimbra gave another involuntary shiver.”They had black hoods on-not hoodys, but the kind you pull over your head, like robbers might wear. Some were shorter and brawny, others were taller and had longer hair, but they were all dark-dark skinned with black hair. The language they spoke-I’ve never heard anything like it…something very guttural sounding.”

  As she spoke she began to cry, not sobbing but silently, tears rolling downward from her eyes. Carey knew what she was thinking ; she was probably thinking that every time they seemed to get settled and into some sort of stable routine something happened to endanger and uproot them again. And she was also probably really sick of running, of losing everything and having to start over. Of living in fear no matter how far away from Cassis they were.

  Carey had the same concerns, heightened when he and Avi locked eyes and to Carey’s unspoken question, Avi nodded slowly and meaningfully, confirming Carey’s worst fears.

  The hybrids had found them. They couldn’t go back.

  Lacking a tissue he pulled a bandana from the pocket of his hoody and gently wiped away the tears on Kimbra’s face.

  “I know where we can go, Kimbra. And you won’t have to be afraid any more, or worry when we’re apart. I met someone who can help us, she works at the library. If we hurry we can catch her before she goes home.”

  A shadow seemed to pass from Kimbra’s face and she perked up, smoothing her hair and accepting Carey’s offer of his hoody so that she could cover up her scratched arms. Reaching around to the back pocket of her jean shorts her face became more animated as she pulled the

  ancient and worn alligator billfold from behind her. She held it out to Carey triumphantly.

  “At least we still have this! I was always paranoid that someone would see the camper and snoop around while I was away, so I’d gotten into the habit of taking it with me on my nature walks. Turns out that was a good thing.”

  Carey was delighted and gave her a grateful squeeze.

  “MY GIRL! That was so genius of you Kimbra! This way even if I can’t find this librarian-Fressenda is her name by the way-we have more than enough to stay in a hotel overnight or even a couple of nights. What a relief!”

  The couple strode forward, their confidence restored, and practically vaulted up the expanse of concrete steps to the front door of the library. Avi followed, vaulting up the steps and strangely silent, a serious look on his face.

  The library was closed.

  Carey scratched his head.

  “By ten minutes! Damn! Oh well, on to plan B my sweet! Where would you like to go for dinner?”

  The mention of food seemed to awaken Avi out of his trance.”Chinese?” he suggested.

  Kimbra was quiet for a moment.

  “Can we go to the Army/Navy store first and pick up some pants and tees- please? I’d like to get out of these clothes. And you could use a new hoody because I’ve decided I’m KEEPING yours! It looks better on me anyway. ”she teased, tossing the hood up over her luxuriously abundant hair and striking a glamour pose.

  Carey chuckled.

  “Your little unisex tomboy thing has got me totally turned on, you teenage vixen! You can keep my new hoody, and I’ll even buy you another one…maybe a green one to match your eyes. And we’ll also get a room, shower and change, and then have a sumptuous meal! How does that sound, princess?”Looking over at Avi, he added,”Doggie boy can sleep on the floor-he should be used to it by now.”

  “How about the foot of the bed?” Avi suggested helpfully.”I promise I won’t peek at any of you guy’s nocturnal activities.”

  “No dice.” Carey answered.”And Special K’s right- we need to stock up on wardrobe again.”

  “Wonderful !” Kimbra agreed as she leaned forward on her tiptoes to kiss him.

  Holding hands and with Avi bringing up the rear, the couple rushed up the street toward the nearby strip of clothing stores. The late afternoon sun bathed the commonplace street in a wash of gold, lifting their spirits, and the air itself seemed more buoyant than it had mere minutes earlier. They had faced another setback, but they were still together. Aunt Ida was safe and content in her residential care setting, and they had a plan .

  They had no way of knowing that the decisions they were about to make would inevitably propel them forward toward fresh terrors that they could not possibly imagine.

  And a battle for their very lives.

  The indoor/outdoor room was nearly finished. Lux had applied the last coat of varnish to the already stained hardwood floors two weeks previously and they looked perfect. Today he,Charley and Lux were checking electrical installations, installing decorative switchplates and the coup de gras,a ceiling fan that had woven wooden blades reminiscent of a tropical locale. The room was a ¾ season room ,and the far wall of it that jutted out into the garden could be opened out into the yard or closed similarly to a garage door during the 3 or 4 months of inclement weather that the Midwest routinely experienced in the course of a year.

  Although it was still early spring,the temperatures had climbed into the eighties so the ‘weekend warriors’ were dressed accordingly. Charley was wearing a white’wife beater’ tee shirt and low slung jeans. Cass and Lux were both sweating and shirtless,their well muscled torsos glistening in the late afternoon sunshine. Cass had his hair back in a ponytail,Lux had a scarf tied pirate style over his hair and knotted at the back of his neck. With the gold earring he had in one of his pierced ears he truly resembled a blonde Nordic pirate.

  Cass bent over to check an electrical outlet close to the floor. Lux put down a rag he’d been using to polish a brass switchplate and called across the r
oom,”Hey Cass,your ‘ellens’ are showing dude!”

  Cass straightened up and glanced down at his jeans which were slung low enough to reveal the continuously labled waistband of his briefs.

  “They’re SUPPOSED to be showing Lux,you fashion victim! “ C’est la rage”as the French say . Anyway I see clearly that you are favoring paisley silk boxers today ,so you wouldn’t be one to talk.”

  With a look of consternation Lux checked out his own beltless Levis and realized he was also showing his ‘drawers”. Charley started laughing.

  “What’s so funny?”Cass and Lux asked suspiciously and practically in unison.

  “Two guys so picky about their underwear!” Charley retorted. “It is to laugh. And it’s hot and we’re working so why would you be wearing any to begin with? I’m certainly not!”

  “TMI Charley Rabbit.”Lux retorted crossly,” And,oh yeah,don’t leave your pop cans out here today-this has to look perfect for Fress! Can’t wait for her to see it!”

  Charley looked downward for a moment, then back at one twin and then another.

  “I may leave before she gets here,” he said. “You know it’s still not easy to see her. Sometimes it’s okay, and other times it just bothers me, you know?”

  “Well you need to make up your mind soon-Fress is coming with the new ‘guests’ today. The guy is supposedly some sort of half-vampire as the result of a botched V-rape. His girlfriend is a full on human. And then they are traveling with a third wheel shapeshifter dude! Wow, I wonder what THAT will be like”,Cass continued ,eyeing his twin.”Living with fresh blood on the hoof?” Cass stepped closer to Lux until he was invading Lux’s personal space,”What if you think you’re dreaming but you’re really sleepwalking and you wake up and you’re FEEDING on her-OH! And it’s statutory V-rape because she’s a minor? OH! Glad I’m living at Mitzi’s!!”he finished, chortling and wiping his hands off on a work rag.

  “Of course, YOU couldn’t do it, ”Lux growled ,”Given your penchant for self-indulgence, Cass. But the rest of us that reside at the cottage have a characteristic known as ‘personal restraint’-I wonder if you’ve heard of it?”

  “Of course I have”,Cass grumbled.”But I always thought it was urban legend.”

  “How nice that you have actually heard of it ,brother. I can’t recall one instance in which I’ve ever seen you EXERCISING it, however.”

  Cass glowered ,”I exercise it-for example ,I’m not killing you now in spite of my inclination to do so.”

  On a roll, Lux couldn’t stop baiting Cass and gave a poor imitation of Cass’s voice, ”Hi my name is Cass- I have no self control whatsoever-I EAT when I feel like it ,SLEEP when I feel like it ,FU-“

  Lux’s Cass impression was cut short by the sound of the front door to the cottage opening and Fress calling out in her clear melodious voice, ”Hey guys! Are you here? I have important people I’d like you to meet.”

  All three of the male vampires moved toward the front of the house. Charley found that he didn’t want to be there at all ,but resisting a last minute temptation to go out the back way ,followed the twins resignedly.

  Standing in the foyer with Fress were a couple that looked like highschoolers. Standing with them, slightly to one side was a pleasant looking teenager with long curly hair to his shoulders and a slightly selfconscious smile. The boy standing closely beside the young woman was fairly tall. handsome featured with light brown hair. But it was the young lady standing by his side that commanded all the attention.

  She was inarguably and flawlessly beautiful, with burnished red hair in a glorious hue flowing to her waist . Her skin was so creamy and white it seemed to glow with it’s own inner incandescence. Her eyes were large, thickly fringed by lashes and the purest blue any of them had ever seen. It was clear that she was younger than the boy, but her bearing was that of royalty.”Hello “ she said ”My name is Kimbra. This is Carey. And our friend Avi. And you are?”

  Charley forgot about his Fress-driven angst and was the first to find his voice.

  “I’m Charley Rabbit,” he introduced himself, offering his hand, which the girl took without hesitation, the suggestion of a smile that was playing on her face parting her lips enough to reveal her perfectly white and even teeth.” He looked over at his buddies, but Cass, and particularly Lux, who was uncharacteristically openly staring at Kimbra seemed to be thunderstruck, so he continued on their behalf ,”These gentlemen are Cass and Lux, Fressenda’s brothers. Excuse our attire-or lack of it…”he continued, noting with amusement that Cass and Lux were both still shirtless “-we were finishing a project out back.”

  Kimbra looked over the twins dispassionately. Cass extended his hand and instinctively closed his eyes momentarily ,taking an extra breath in to better take in Kimbra’s human scent.

  Kimbra took his hand and said evenly, ”Hello Cass. And you can stop wondering how I’d taste because it will never happen. And you can also quit trying to discern what blood type I am because I’ll tell you-I’m a type O.”

  Cass seemed to break out of his hypnotic state.”That wouldn’t be my favorite anyway. ”he retorted.

  “Glad to disappoint you.” Kimbra volleyed back instantly.

  Cass raised his eyebrows.

  “Ouch! Looks like the kitten has claws, gentlemen!” he replied.

  Inwardly he was rather astonished. For a teenaged human female surrounded by ripped male vamps, two of whom were naked from the waist up, she seemed remarkably at ease. Definitely not intimidated- in the least.

  Lux stepped forward then.”Welcome Little Sister,” he said with a peaceful air and a genuine smile,”We are happy to have you both. And your friend!” He added, first shaking Avi’s hand and then offering a hand to Carey ,which the young man took briefly.

  Fress broke in ,”Did you intrepid builders finish the 3-4 season room today? “

  Lux grinned, having also broken out of his trance, ”We sure did. Can’t wait for you to see it!” Grabbing her hand he speedily pulled her to the back of the cottage, the rest of the group following.

  In the late afternoon light of a fading spring day the room looked amazing. The carefully selected woods and tiles shone to perfection. Lux had even thoughtfully ordered a wall fountain that provided a peaceful ambiance to the space.

  Fress stood in the doorway, an expression of pure delight on her face.

  “Thank you guys- this is beyond expectation”, she said, hugging each of them in turn, pausing just slightly before she hugged Charley. It bothered her that Charley seemed to be avoiding looking directly at her, but she brushed it aside. Her first priority was getting her new houseguests settled in.

  Turning to Carey and Kimbra and Avi, she said, throwing out her arm expansively ,”My dears this is where you’ll be staying while you’re here! I’ll have the guys move in some bedding ,chairs and a couch!”

  Carey put his arm around Kimbra’s shoulders. Turning to Fress he said,”Thank you Fressenda. This is great.”

  “Yes, thank you Miss Fressenda.” Avi echoed, looking both pleased and relieved at the same time.

  Kimbra nodded ,looking around, ”It’s just beautiful. “

  Fress motioned for the new houseguests to follow her upstairs so that she could load them up with towels , bedding, and other essentials. As soon as she was out of earshot a stunned Cass said aloud exactly what he was thinking, ”Damn!! She’s going to let Romeo and Juliet and company have the new indoor outdoor space!!We never even got a chance to use it!!”

  Lux threw his arms around both Charley and Cass in turn.”Well it would have been kind of cramped to squeeze them in the extra bedroom upstairs. This way they’ll have their own living quarters. Looks like we sort of did a Habitat for Vampires project!”

  A smile was playing around Charley’s lips.

  “What in the world are you smiling about? Cass asked, still sounding mildly irritated.

  “That’s SO Fress,” Charley said, genuine admiration in his voice and wistfulness in his eyes.
“Always giving 150%. I’m not surprised at all.”

  Daniel turned his Jeep Cherokee into the parking lot of the investment office he worked in. He had 2 or 3 problems bouncing around in his head like balls in a pinball machine ,all of them equally aggravating.

  The first was his mother. She had always had a strong ‘mother’s intuition’ and so he knew that she could sense that he had changed somehow. She periodically asked him if there was anything wrong. Daniel found her interest in his adult life activities belated and ironic. At the time he’d been ‘turned’ he was involved in a grunge band, smoking pot and doing other drugs recreationally, banging any girl that would hold still long enough and well progressed into a downward spiral.

  Since his initiation into vampire life he had cleaned up his act. Always an excellent student ,he had studied to be an actuary and passed all the requsite exams with flying colors. He had a professional job, wore a suit to work, was well on his way to making six figures a year from his job and taking advantage of investment opportunities. He still played in a garage band.

  And NOW his mother was ‘concerned’, now that he had some initiative and direction for crying out loud. Unbelievable.

  Daniel loved his mother, had always felt that she got the short end of the stick after his parent’s divorce, and he made sure that he took her out once a week. But being with her was uncomfortable because he knew she could sense his change from human to vampire, even though she was a ‘realist’ and would never in a million years, on her own, make that connection.

  In fact he was sure that if he ‘confessed’ the truth to her-that he was a vampire-she would wordlessly drive him to the nearest psychiatric hospital and sign him in.

  His second concern involved the vampire that had turned him-she was a wild one. He’d first met her in high school and they’d dated when they were human-a situation that didn’t work out due largely in part to a tendency on her part to be violently jealous. Even though they’d been intimate off and on since the night she’d changed him, he didn’t consider her his ‘girlfriend’.


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