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Congregation Of Darkness (Full Moon Series Book 2)

Page 17

by P. Mattern

  Both young men grabbed their leather jackets and exited. The neighborhood bar Pierre was referring to was only three blocks away from their workplace and they briefly debated walking, but since it looked like a spring downpour was eminent decided to take Pierre’s Smartcar instead.

  “Little thing, ”Lux commented as he slid into the passenger seat,”But with surprising headroom. I’m 6’1” and I’m not feeling cramped at all, surprisingly.”

  “Yeah and it’s super on gas” ,Pierre replied.”Very economical. Perfect student car. Well, here we are. ”he finished turning into the small parking lot.

  Once inside they slid into a well worn booth facing each other. A diminutive blonde waitress took their drink orders, an imported Japanese beer for Lux and whisky neat for Pierre.

  “So” .Pierre said, taking a swig of his drink,”Are you in a relationship? I assume you’re not married or you’d refer to your better half at work occasionally.”

  Lux smiled his sunny grin,”Not at the moment. Had a few in the past-my twin Cass and I –we’re not not identical by the way but fraternal-used to tear it up. Typical guy stuff, you know, wild parties ,naked females running around. Our parents died when we were teenagers and so we were actually raised by our older sister Fressenda, ’Fress’ we call her. I’m sure it was quite an ordeal for her. We were…terrible, actually. At one point we were actually keeping a competitive body count to see who could get laid the most…”

  Pierre laughed,”Let me guess-YOU lost!”

  “Hey!!” Lux said ,flushing slightly, ”If I did it was only because-“

  “You’re a nice guy and not a user?”Pierre guessed. “I can see that . You kind of have a transparent earnest quality. Completely unpretentious. Very nice to work with I might add.”

  “How about you?”Lux returned, ”Do you have a lady fair?”

  Pierre shook his head. His auburn hair fell over one side of his handsome face and he brushed it back with a casual hand.”Not for a long time. School’s been very demanding. Before I got accepted into the P.A. program I was an obstetrical nurse, delivered a few babies in my time I might add. Pretty amazing stuff. Medicine is kind of my religion ,the hospital a kind of cathedral to me. Delivering a new human elevates your appreciation of humanity and the mysterious process of procreation…makes you believe in a God…it’s kind of a sacred experience.”

  Lux sat up, impressed with his friend.”Pierre that was an amazing description. You should be a writer man. Very eloquent!”

  It was Pierre’s turn to flush slightly.”Thanks. I’ll take that as a sign that I need to finish writing an Indie book I started about my experiences in the medical field. Haven’t had much time to write lately.”

  The two men looked at each other and simultaneously clinked their drinks together as they each took another sip.”Bon santé” Lux said, by way of a toast.

  There was silence for a few seconds. Lux began to feel that he was anticipating something…that this particular something surprising was heading rapidly toward him with full energy-and that Pierre would be the instrument of this experience. His eyes met Pierre’s, asking a silent question. Although it went unarticulated, if he had been able to put it into words it would be something close to the phrase, ”And now what?” Pierre was also looking at Lux intently also ,as though trying to divine his thoughts.

  The moment was disrupted by the waitress slapping a bar slip on the table and asking in a nasally tone ”Is there anything else that I can get you guys?”

  Lux pulled out a snakeskin wallet and put a bill on the table, ”No, thanks-keep the change.”

  The waitresses eyes were as round as saucers, ”Are you Sure?” she gulped, looking at the large bill as though mesmerized.

  “Yep.”Lux answered. He winked at Pierre.”Let’s get going, shall we?”

  Once in the parking lot, Pierre slid into the driver’s seat and unlocked the passenger door quickly. No sooner had Lux slid into his seat than Pierre deftly and gently pulled Lux’s face toward his and began kissing him. Pierre’s lips were soft but at the same time also probing and demanding. Lux found himself responding instinctively, some primal part of his being rising up from within his core, his complete attention given over to returning the pleasure he was receiving from Pierre’s insistent mouth.

  Grateful for Pierre’s darkly tinted windows ,Lux became aware that Pierre was massaging him through his clothing, and he moaned as he found himself wanting more.

  As if reading his thoughts, Pierre pulled his face away, still remaining close enough so that Lux could discern the somehow pleasant scent of whisky on his breath. Pierre’s brown eyes seemed deep and inviting. He began kissing Lux’s neck, slowly and sensuously.

  “How beautiful you are Lux,” he said in a husky whisper.”It would be such a pleasure and a privilege to please you. Please come home with me…please.”

  Lux could only nod. He felt as though he were in a dream.

  Then ”Yes” he heard himself say. Pierre released him, still keeping one hand possessively on Lux’s thigh ,as he peeled out of the parking lot and drove silently to an apartment complex. Lux relaxed against the car seat, feeling the neurons within his body vibrate with pleasurable signals. He was in the highest state of arousal he’d ever remembered being in. And he wanted still more.

  Afterwards he would barely recall making his way up a short flight of carpeted stairs to Pierre’s apartment on the second floor, standing in Pierre’s bedroom in front of his low slung Japanese style King sized bed, and letting Pierre remove his articles of clothing one piece at a time. And then Pierre removing his own shirt, pausing to let Lux take in his six pack and chistled brawny torso that culminated in deeply defined muscle cuts over each of his hip bones that seemed to teasingly emphasize the straining push of his manhood against the material of his jeans. Playfully, Pierre pushed Lux down on the mattress, standing over him, and reaching out to caress Lux’s beautiful face.

  “Tell me what you want.”Pierre commanded.”You can have everything you want from me ,as many times as you want it, but you have to ask me for it ,because I want to hear you say it out loud. I want to hear you say that you want this body, and how you want this body to pleasure you, do you understand?”

  Lux swallowed hard, not trusting himself to speak. He could hear his own pulse echoing in his ears. But his torrid, overwhelming desire gave him a voice, and he was able to articulate just what he wanted to receive, and also what he was now desperate to give.

  True to his word, Pierre gave Lux every last thing he asked for.


  The next day was Saturday and Lux was awakened pleasantly by the sensation of someone kissing him full on the mouth and then running their fingers through his hair gently. He cracked one eye open and saw Pierre ,shirtless but dressed in a low slung pair of jeans standing by the bed, gazing down on him fondly with a grin.”

  “Good morning my beautiful friend,” he said.”What a sleepyhead you are. I thought you might have things to do-care for some coffee? French pressed okay for you?”

  Lux quickly sat up and glanced at a bedside digital clock. It was going on 11 a.m.

  “Whoa”, he said, standing up and stretching, ”I have to be somewhere in an hour-I told Fress I’d help my brother with the garden he’s putting in. But I’ll take that coffee if you don’t mind.”

  Pierre looked Lux up and down speculatively. Lux realized he was completely naked and showing definite signs of morning life below the navel. He gave Pierre a shrug and a sheepish grin.

  Suddenly Pierre flew forward and tackled Lux back onto the bed, causing both of them to laugh.

  “Not so fast my well hung friend.” he said ,”I have a few questions for you. Like-how do you feel-about last night I mean.”

  Lux struggled for words, then said by way of default ,”I think you must know.”

  Pierre sighed, ”I really want to hear from you in your own words…call me a communication freak
but I just want us to be clear. Because I get the feeling that last night was your first time with a man-am I right on that?”

  Lux nodded, then said ,”Yes it was.” Then archly he tilted his head, narrowed his eyes, and added ,”But I’m guessing it WASN’T your first time. Seems to me that you were a bit too practiced for that.”

  “Did you enjoy it?” Pierre said.”I can tell that I’m going to have to ask pointed questions to get anything out of you my shy one. What did you like the most?”

  Lux involuntarily blushed, and then ,as desire welled up once again in the core of his being said, ”Maybe you could refresh my memory. I promise that I’ll tell you exactly how much I enjoy what we’re doing as it happens.”

  Pierre considered that for a few seconds, then with a forceful movement unzipped his jeans.

  Lux found himself doing a lot of talking between his moans of pleasure. He never got around to the cup of coffee.


  Afterward, instead of going home to the cottage Lux was running so late he went directly to Mitzi’s. He knew Cass ,because of their twin connection, must have some sense of what he’d been up to ,and though he was a grown man and didn’t feel that he owed anyone an explanation ,he felt he’d discovered a new part of himself and wanted his brother to be ,if not happy ,at least on board with it.

  Cass was waiting for him as he knew he’d be, dressed in the silk Hugh Hefner style smoking jacket Mitzi had given him for Christmas. In the early spring chilliness Cass had lit a small fire and was sitting in an oversized chair in front of the fireplace with a leather bound book in his lap, staring into the fire. When he looked up at Lux’s expectant face the look in Cass’s eyes was one of disappointment.

  “Lux, I’m just disappointed you didn’t tell me anything man. Why?”

  Lux met the gaze of his twin and cleared his throat, turning his car keys around in his hands as he spoke.

  “I guess because until last night there was nothing to tell. Cass YOU were always the one on the hunt , the Cassanova, the womanizer. Whenever I hooked up with someone- much less often than you did, except for the twins you perversely ‘shared’ with me in Vegas-it was always with a female energy. And I enjoyed those relationships, or one night stands, I really did. In nearly two centuries of our existence I never had an inkling that I could fall for a man. But…I have.”

  Cass indicated a wingchair, inviting Lux to sit down.

  “So where are you now? Gay? Bi?”

  “Sexually is sort of on a continuum from what I understand.” Lux responded.”Right now I’m amazed at being with another male energy. But I wouldn’t label it or pigeonhole myself into a precise category at this point. It wouldn’t be something I’d do to others and I won’t do it to myself either.”

  “Well I knew something was going on of course, ”Cass replied, ”Because some of your consciousness was leaking into mine I was getting some very graphic flashes of man-on-man action…”

  Lux grinned widely,”Right back to you! I get some flashes of you and Mitzi going at it on occasion! It’s probably good etiquette for both of us to ignore them.”

  “Okay”,Cass said ,relaxing somewhat, ”But just tell me where you are right now. I’m your brother, willing to accept you regardless of sexual preferences or the gender of your lovers ,but I just want to hear you say it.”

  Lux grinned again, somewhat abashed, remembering what a stickler Pierre had been about communicating. It seemed as though EVERYONE around him was hell bent on making him explain himself, AND in excruciating detail.

  “As nearly as I can tell, I’m bi. But currently I’m in love with Pierre. Who is a man.”

  Cass snapped his fingers and rolled his eyes heavenward.

  “So there it is! That wasn’t so hard, was it?” He leaned forward in his chair with an earnest look on his face.”You are my twin and only brother. I totally accept and support your choices. I’m ‘in’!! Bring the lucky dude to dinner so that we can meet your manlicious love interest.”

  Lux gave a wry smile and shook his head, ”Okay-but look my only brother, you can’t make humorous cracks in front of us when we’re with each other. It doesn’t bother ME because I understand that you’re only being yourself-which includes a healthy portion of insensitive A-hole crude humor. But not in front of Pierre, okay? He’s really a spectacular person.”

  “And I’m falling in love with him .He’s intelligent, dedicated, educated, plays cello and is a lot like me.”

  Cass almost retorted,”Well he certainly has the same package as you do” ,but caught himself in time ,instead saying, ”I can see that you’re happy bro’. And that’s the most important thing to me-and I’m sure to Mitzi also. Can I say anything to her or would you rather do it yourself?”

  Lux replied ,”She’s your better half now, and you ‘changed ‘ her permanently. I wouldn’t expect you to keep anything from her. But as for the rest of our friends and extended family ,I think it should come from me.”

  Cass nodded, smiling.”It shall be as you say.” On impulse he grabbed Lux in a brotherly bear hug.”You know I’m your brother, no matter what. And I’m proud that you’re MY brother.”

  “Thanks ,Cass,” Lux replied when he had disengaged himself and could breathe again.”Right back to you. Brothers forever…with the usual insults ,arguments, and an occasional tussle, right?”

  “Wouldn’t have it any other way!” Cass chortled, smiling a knowing and brotherly smile right back at him. Suddenly ,as another thought occurred to him, he gave Lux a concerned look.

  “But your friend Pierre-he does know you’re a vampire-right?”

  Charley was widening his hunting grounds for human females, desperate to connect with someone fresh and anxious not to run into anyone he knew while he was engaged in the hunt. It was two days after his disaster of a date with Macy and he perused the females in the crowded local watering hole while sampling a double malt scotch. His seat at the bar gave him a good view. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a shapely brunette nudge her friend and nod at him. Fixing his gaze on her,he willed her to come over, and was delighted when she did.

  “Hi”,she said,”Are you alone or waiting for someone? I’m Amber.”

  Charley immediately liked the timbre of her voice.”Both. And I think I’ve found what I was waiting for,Amber. Can I buy you a drink?”

  “Sure” ,she answered climbing up on the padded bar stool. She was wearing a tight black leather skirt and her low cut red silk blouse left very little to the imagination. Charley felt the primitive stirrings of the hunt rising up in him, the hunger for sex and the hunger for blood powerfully entangled in a lust that grew with each passing moment.”vodka with a twist” she told the bar tender .

  Turning to face Charley she asked, ”How is it I haven’t seen you before? I would have remembered you. I have a thing about faces.”

  Charley smiled, pleased with the compliment.”First time here. I’m trying to broaden my horizons. I’m Charley Rabbit by the way. I’m a student working on my undergrad. And you are?”

  The girl brushed her long russet hair off one of her shoulders. It was slightly wavy and her somewhat old fashioned looks reminded Charley of a movie starlet from the 1950’s.

  “I’m available”, she answered. “And I’m a working girl. Would you like to date me Charley Rabbit?”

  Charley was somewhat taken aback. In a world that seemed full of free love and forward attractive women he hadn’t expected to run into a ‘professional.’ Quickly he racked his brain trying to remember how much cash he’d brought with him, then relaxed as he realized he had quite a bit since Cass had given him money for a new CogPod. So he was fixed for cash…and maybe it was fortuitous that the girl was ‘professional.’ He could skip the seduction and get down to brass tacks.

  The young woman leaned towards him as though waiting for him to speak. Instead he kissed her and then slid his lips along the side of her jaw to her ear, making a price in
quiry. At her affirmative nod he knew he’d just made his first successful business negotiation for sex.And it was easy. And felt alluringly naughty.

  When the girl gathered up her things he helped her on with her jacket and followed her up the street to a nearby motel. She stood aside so that he could pay the clerk for a room through a glassed in window ,he took the key and let them both in a few doors down.

  The room smelled of stale cigarettes and disinfectant, hardly providing any sort of ambiance . The dumpiness of the room was in the process of dampening Charley’s “I’m such a naughty boy” buzz when the girl began removing her clothing, thereby recapturing his interest.

  She was of medium build ,with a high pronounced behind and muscular legs. Her breasts were lovely, and her pubic hair was an exact match for the long hair that flowed over her shoulders.

  As she came toward him and began unbuttoning his buttons, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his zipper ,he lifted her face to kiss her.

  The girl shook her head, ”I don’t usually kiss. “ she said matter of factly. Then ,as if she’d noticed his look of disappointment ,relented.

  “Well, you look pretty green. Is this your first time paying for it?”

  Charley nodded. The girl fell against him and pressed her lips to his, moving her tongue in counterpoint to his. Charley began to feel excited again and picked the woman up ,pausing to rip the bedspread off the bed first.

  “You’re sweet,”the woman said breathily.

  “So are you,” Charley replied. After putting on protection, he mounted her and began moving rhythmically, trying to gauge her reaction, hoping to assist her in enjoying her chosen line of work.

  The urges came upon him without warning. And breathing heavily he put his lips against her ear.

  “Can I bite you? “ he asked huskily, his throat suddenly white hot and burning, ”I’ll pay double if you say yes.”


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