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Congregation Of Darkness (Full Moon Series Book 2)

Page 36

by P. Mattern

  There was a profound silence then. Only the slight lapping sounds of the water on the shore and the low sweeping sound of the windy gusts across the sand could be heard.

  Slowly, her fangs in full extrusion, Fress pulled Kimbra to her and bit into the tender hollow of her throat. Kimbra’s eyes were closed, and she relaxed in the half-circle of Fress’s arm as blood and venom were exchanged between them.

  Then it was Carey’s turn. Carefully Carey slipped his arm around Kimbra as Fress moved forward to sink her fangs into the side of his neck facing her. Carey did not make any noise or flinch, but his breath came out of his mouth in a sighing sound. His fanging was longer-Fress was tasked with injecting enough pure vampire venom to override the inferior Hybrid venom and render it inactive and useless. Everyone present was aware that Carey would be the equivalent of a twice-bitten when Fress had finished turning him. Kimbra was a question mark-since she was virginal, it was unclear whether she would be a one-bitten or beyond that, though her special status assured that she would be permanently an immortal, like the rest of them.

  When at long last Fresh had finished, the couple turned to each other and embraced, kissing passionately. Then they both turned to include Fressenda, thanking her. When at last they came apart, both Fressenda and Kimbra had tears on their cheeks, and Carey turned behind him and called Lux and Pierre over for hugs.

  The evening took on a chill and the sun was reclining low on the horizon as Fress lead the others back through the portal. It was a short trip.

  The cottage seemed strangely silent after their return, and Fressenda had more to say by way of instruction to the newly married and Turned couple.

  “Tomorrow I am taking you two to a very powerful friend of our family-of which you have become a part-and I’m soooooo glad!” Fress, added, giving them both additional hugs and dropping her professional demeanor for an instant.

  “But seriously,” she continued,”Looz is a MAGE-this is a practitioner of the Magic Arts more powerful than any witch, warlock, wizard or common conjurer. She has agreed to see you both, give you some protective charms and amulets as a wedding gift and also tell you a little about your future together…the last part is optional-up to you of course!”

  Carey looked lovingly at his new wife.

  “That would be so cool…entirely up to you though Mrs. Floyd!”

  Carey thought at that moment that he had never seen a face as radiant and beautiful as Kimbra’s.

  “You’re so beautiful!” he added.

  Watching the couple Fress got a pang of empathetic regret as she realized that , due to their circumstances, Carey and Kimbra would not be able to have the traditional ‘First Night’ activities of most married couples. Then a wide smile appeared on her face as she remembered that tonight was Gaming Night.

  “Anyway-tonight is an important gaming night! Cass and Mitzi are hosting a party to celebrate your marriage and also to host a grudge rematch Tournament of “World of Azglen” for everyone!!I hope you’re not too tired!! I’ll get you both a glass of blood and you’ll be instantly energized!!”

  At Kimbra’s odd , slightly nauseous expression she added, ”Believe me dear-you are one of us now-it won’t taste remotely like blood does to a human, I assure you!”


  Cass had never wanted to disappear more than he did at the moment Mitzi questioned him concerning his knowledge of the offspring that she was carrying.

  The jig, as the saying goes, was officially ‘up’.

  Her face was unreadable, her gaze direct, and her manner was eerily calm. It was her lack of expression and reserve that terrified him. His only recourse would be to tell the truth.

  “From your fourth month,” he confessed. His voice was quiet in a way that Cass’s voice rarely was. His impulse was to pull her toward him, gather her toward his heart and hold her close. He wanted to reassure her that he had accepted their strange situation way before that moment, that it hadn’t affected the way he felt about her one iota. He waited for a slap that he was very sure was coming, and he knew that he wouldn’t blame her for reacting that way.

  But he also knew in his heart of hearts that he hadn’t meant to dupe her in the least, patronize her, fool her, or belittle her in any way. He had wanted to protect her for as long as possible, and had actually succeeded in doing that. That accomplishment alone was worth whatever wrath she directed at him now.

  The silence between them seemed to deepen. When she spoke finally, he knew immediately that she’d understood, because there was a little catch to her voice.

  “You wanted to save me from being upset, protect me from this-this awful knowledge, for as long as you could. “ she said, haltingly, sadly. “But Castor you should have trusted in my love for you…”her voiced trailed off for a moment, and as she cast her eyes down looking at her swollen belly he could see tears beginning to fall from under her thick reddish blonde lashes. When she looked up at him again, her eyes shone brilliantly bluegreen and reached into his soul like twin rays of her projected energy.

  “L’amour qui est fort ne peut jamais etre brisee.” She said . And just like the first night they had slept together ,in which they’d simultaneously flown into the shelter of each other’s arms, she flew to him. He knew instantly then that she finally had a complete understanding of the depth of his emotion- something he’d been attempting to express to her from the beginning of their relationship.

  That their love was a love that could never be broken. Period.

  The ‘World of Azglen’ tournament crowd had been gathering in the Great Room at the farm since 6:00 pm. It had been a very chilly spring so far and a huge fire blazed in the mid-room fireplace that was glowing against one wall. Servers, mostly Fairy Folk,moved skillfully through the crowd with trays of beverages and canapés. Most of the huge pieces of furniture had been moved and were set against the striped silk walls. There were short rows of padded collapsible chairs set in quadrants around a huge oval wooden table that was placed squarely in the center of a room, reminiscent of audience seating around a boxing ring during a prizefight. On either side of the fireplace two huge projection screens were set up so that the audience would have no problem viewing the gaming action that was about to take place.

  Under a diaphanous golden cloth draped over the table lay the most intriguingly addictive board game ever played by creatures of any phylum, either by mortals or their immortal counterparts: The World of Azglen.

  Tonight was billed as a ‘grudge match’ between the Noble brothers, Cass and Lux, an event of particular importance, and so special rules applied.

  At exactly 7pm a hush fell over the crowd as the two doors into the Great Room, located at opposite ends, opened simultaneously to the sound of trumpets.

  At the entrance end stood Lux, dressed regally in white from head to toe, including white leather gloves and a white velvet cape trimmed in arctic fox fur. It was clasped at his neck with a silver clasp encrusted with crystals and pearls.

  At the far end of the room stood Cass , all in black attire. He was wearing a long black leather coat over a black silk shirt, black leather pants tucked into studded and buckled black leather boots, and a black fedora from which sprung a single black plume that looked like an ostrich feather that had been dyed black.

  In the silence that had descended upon the gathering, Lux spoke first.

  “Today, Castor of the House of Noble, we meet again to engage in battle within the realm of the most magical and desirable of all the 11th Dimension worlds-the World of Azglen. On this day I issue to you a Final Challenge. If you accept my challenge, I can promise you that if you are defeated at my hand you will face the gravest of consequences-and I WILL defeat you.

  Do you accept this challenge?” Lux finished. His unblinking blue eyes were fixed unflinchingly on Cass’s face. After he finished speaking he walked forward with heavy sounding booted steps into the cathedral ceilinged room just to the midway point, and without
expression, stared at Cass as if to stare him down, awaiting his response.

  Cass then spoke, his voice echoing slightly in the large room despite the excellent acoustics and soundproofing.

  “I, Castor Noble, hereby accept your challenge, Pollux of Noble House. I have long looked forward to defeating you in Azglen , that most notable of Kingdoms. Prepare to suffer utter defeat at my hands!”

  With that announcement, Cass strode forward into the room until at last he stood at last toe to toe with his twin.

  Slowly, a disdainful smile playing around his mouth, Lux removed one of his elbow length leather gloves and, drawing it back, struck Cass forcefully across the face with it.

  “You look like a pimp with that ridiculous hat on, Cass!” he bellowed,” And I will beat you like a drum, I swear it! the bards will write soulful songs detailing your defeat, and the defeat of your followers, at my hand!!! ”

  Cass stood his ground and, drawing off one of his own long black leather gauntlets, drew back his hand and struck Lux on the left cheek with enough maximum force to make Lux’s head turn slightly.

  “If I am counted as a pimp, I will certainly show you my pimp hand my brother! I will expose you and your followers to such terrors that they will faint dead away like Myotonic goats! The terms have been set. Let the game begin!!”he finished with a bellowing cry that caused an appreciative roar to go up from the crowd gathered there.

  Soon thereafter the brothers were seated, each at one end of the table. On one side of the table 6 Team Lux players were seated. On the opposite side sat a half dozen players with sworn allegiance to Team Cass. To add to the drama , all the players were in period gear-the ladies in either long dresses or warrior princess garb, the men in helmets, lightweight armour, boots, doublets or regal velvets with tassled velvet caps on their heads.

  First Cass and Lux selected their playing pieces-the black King for Cass and the White King for Lux. The diminutive playing pieces were beautifully detailed and stood, as all the playing pieces did on tiny silver feet. Cass placed his King in a set of golden footprints in a clearing near the edge of Foggy Marsh. Lux chose to place his King on a set of golden footprints smack in the center of the Arid Desert-this brought gasps from the onlookers, and was considered the bolder move, since without any concealing geographical features nearby Lux was, strategically speaking, inviting attack. It was a position impossible to defend well, and Cass had a slight smirk on his face and a gleam in his eye as he took stock of Lux’s position on the game board.

  After some whispered consultations on both sides, Half of Lux’s team joined him in the desert, in a triangular battle formation surrounding his White King game piece. The other half chose diverse positions on the board. After consultation, Cass’s team divided up into 3 pairs: the first pair positioned themselves at the edge of the Violet Forest, which was no surprise as the Forest was in a particularly plum location on the gameboard,almost equidistant from many of the more important features. The second pair on Cass’s team flanked Cass in his position on the Marsh, and the third pair placed their tiny feet squarely in the center of the Minotaur’s Labyrinth.

  A gasp went up from the audience. There were few geographic features in the World of Azglen that were as staunchly avoided as the Minotaurs’ Lair-to end up there due to a bad toss of the three dice, or be ordered there by landing and activating a set of tiny footprints that issued an edict to enter the Labyrinth was considered unlucky and usually lead to the premature demise of the player unfortunate enough to tempt fate in such a way. There was never any guarantee when the Minotaur would appear, or even if the player might be attacked by more than one.

  On the other hand, gaming legends abounded that told stories of huge wins and advantages bequeathed on the rare player that managed to defeat the Minotaur-and this was usually accomplished by the player possessing a previously earned charm or weapon that gave them a fighting chance.

  But this game had barely begun, and no weapons or charms had been granted or earned.

  Lux looked pleased as his eyes traveled over the board. He tossed the dice, and travelled forward through the desert a scant 6 steps. When the feet of his White King landed on the sixth set of golden footprints an audio feature was activated. A woman’s voice was heard in the stillness, since everyone was straining to hear which of the Fates Lux had awakened.

  “You are hereby granted three lives-two besides the mortal one you posess. You may give one away, as a gift, to save another player, but only one.”

  A cheer went up from Lux’s rooting section. To obtain such a desirable power gift on the first toss was unusual and was seen by some as a portent that Lux would surely be favored in the game. Lux waved at the audience and smiled happily and guilessly at his brother, Cass, who was sitting at the end of the table looking pensive.

  It was Cass’s turn to toss the three golden dice. He smiled as he drew a total of 14-the toss allowed him to travel almostly completely around the edge of the Foggy Marsh, which is what he had strategized to do. The only caveat was that his next toss must add up to less than 9 to accomplish his strategy. Even though a trek around the periphery of the Marsh might seem an exercise in futility to some, Cass had noticed that some surprising benefits could be realized. He had seen one of the coveted Circles of Light appear in the middle of the Marsh and invite whoever was closest into it. Entering one of the Three hidden Circles of Light(which appeared in completely different locations each time the game was played) guaranteed many useful tools of power to the player who was fortunate enough to land on the Circle or be invited into it. Cass knew that a Circle appearing in the Marsh hadn’t happened for quite some time, perhaps as many as seven years ,and he had a hunch that it might happen during the course of this particular game, if he was lucky.

  And he was feeling extremely fortunate tonight.

  The game continued. Cass received a rescue card and had to use it to retrieve Orry from quicksand around the Marsh. Cass dispatched two players to attack Lux in the Arid Desert, costing Lux one of the three lives that he had been granted, and also mortally wounding Daniel, who was playing a knight errant on Lux’s team. Lux had to make a wrenching decision on whether to restore Daniels life force(leaving Lux with only one Life remaining) or let him die on the battlefield.

  To Lux the choice was clear, and he used another one of his Life Restoring gifts to bring Daniel back to life. This decision won him applause and accolades from the crowd but caused Cass to literally rub his hands together since now Lux only had one Life Force left -and it was not transferrable to another player.

  A Sand Fairy granted a wish to Merilee, one of Lux’s team players as she pursued Orry in the desert and she wished to defeat Orry, leaving Cass with one less player. As Orry’s game piece was carried off to the region known as Valhalla. It was always possible that Orry might magically be reactivated later in the game due to a spell, wish or charm granted to any of the remaining players on Cass’s team, but for the time being he was out.

  There was a short intermission for a half hour so that the gamers and their audience could stretch their legs. It was during that interval that it occurred to Cass that if he wanted to defeat Lux, he needed to go after the member of Lux’s team who was the newest and most vulnerable. The one that if placed in a dangerous position would rattle Lux’s objective decision making abilities, perhaps even causing him to make a fatal error.

  Pierre. Pierre was unfamiliar with the nuances of The World of Azglen and because of his naivete the one most likely to lure Lux into a compromising position.

  As soon as the game was resumed Cass moved aggressively toward Pierre, who Lux had directed to travel solo toward the Portal of Bones. Cass’s 17 pace roll had landed him in the Labyrinth for the meantime. Before Cass was able to direct Fress and DeMarcus to attack Pierre, the Minotaur appeared suddenly as a 3D holographic image, challenging Cass to battle.

  Everyone was on the edge of their seats. Cass had no lives to spare, and although sacrificing his teammate M
akenna to the beast would buy him a reprieve for that turn,he knew that by his next turn he would be fighting the beast himself.

  Cass declared that he would fight the Minotaur then and there. The crowd roared in approval.

  Since this was the Deluxe edition of the game. Cass was handed a wireless controller and an animated image of the Black King squaring off with the Minotaur was projected on the twin screens at the sides of the fireplace. The only weapons at Cass’s disposal were primitive, and he selected the battleaxe against the Minotaurs weapon-a flail consisting of a metal ball with projecting metal spines secured by a chin to a study wooden club.

  The sound of the ensuing battle reverberated throughout the hall-like room. Cass managed to land an early blow at the minotaurs head, breaking off one of its horns. The crowd cheered.

  Although Cass deflected the Minotaurs answering blow, he did receive a knee injury, which he quickly healed by applying the magic ointment he’d been granted from landing the first blow to his opponent. Cass caused the Minotaur to howl in anguish and fall to it’s knees by landing a blow with his battleaxe deeply into the beasts shoulder. As a reward, a blue Fairy appeared on the animated monitor( as the Minotaur, bleeding profusely, shook it’s head and swayed as though it was ready to topple over) and gave Cass the gift of ordering movement of any pair of his team mates on the board.

  Delighted, Cass ordered Pierre to be slain by Fress and DeMarcus. It was a critical move, applauded by most of the audience, but Lux’s face looked like a thundercloud. Pierre fought valiantly and well, but , as a new player, was unable to prevail against the two more experienced opponents, and eventually fell when Fress landed a mortal blow with her dagger.

  Lux , even though he still possessed one life force reprieve, could not gift it to Pierre, as much as he wanted to, since he had already given one away to Merilee.

  Pierre’s demise in the course of the gameplay cast a somber note, and the audience appeared anxious. The Minotaur Cass had defeated finally fell over, and those supporting the Black King cheered. Cass flushed with pleasure, but looked apprehensively toward the far end of the table, where Lux was shooting blue daggers at him from his usually insouciant blue eyes.


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