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Page 18

by Harms, C. A.

When her hips began bucking faster I knew she was close. I reached between us and began stroking her clit with my thumb. This threw her over the edge as she screamed out my name and shuddered around my cock.

  When I was sure she was finished, I let go and released myself deep within her. Her body sank to mine and we lay with our chests heaving against one another’s.

  Once I was able to speak, I asked her something I already knew the answer to, “Baby, are you sure I can’t convince you to come to New York with me? I’m going to miss my girls terribly.”

  She snuggled her face into the crook of my neck and kissed me softly just under my ear. “I have my appointment Friday and I don’t want to cancel. I’ll miss you to, but there’s always phone sex.”

  She giggled as I tickled her side. I rolled over taking her with me. She was now pinned beneath me as I held her hands above her head. I looked deep into her eyes. “Telling you what I want to do to your sweet body isn’t enough.” I kissed her softly letting my lips graze across her cheek to her ear. Whispering lightly, “I have to be able to touch you,” I lightly licked her ear before continuing. “I need to be able to taste you, and baby, being thousands of miles away from you,” I sucked her earlobe into my mouth lightly. “Hearing you come over the phone and not feeling you tremble, would be torture.”

  I could tell by the look on her face that she was ready for round two, and I wasn’t going to deny her needs. I brought my lips to hers and when I felt her raise her hips, I slowly entered her again. “Yes, oh Evan.” Hell fucking yeah, morning sex was so hot.

  ~Forty Five~


  I was dreading today so much; Evan was leaving for New York and I would have to spend the next three days without him. I was staring out the back window with the thoughts of being here alone running through my head. I felt Evan’s arms slid around my middle and come to rest over my tiny little bump. I was barely beginning to show. It appeared as if I was extremely bloated though, but Evan was really enjoying it.

  “How’s my girl feeling?” He kissed my shoulder after brushing my hair aside. I took in the feel of his warm lips as they skated across my shoulder and left another kiss just below my ear.

  “Sad,” He twisted me around to face him as I continued. “You see, my favorite guy is leaving me for a few days and I already feel lonely.”

  Evan grinned and stepped in just a little closer. He leaned forward as if he was about to kiss me then stopped. Evan’s lips hovered over mine as he watched my mouth. He whispered softly against my lips. “I want you to come with me…you still can. Then you won’t have a chance to be lonely.”

  We smiled at one another before our lips met in a slow, devouring kiss. Evan had very talented lips, not to mention his tongue really performed some amazing skills. He could literally melt me with one kiss and he knew it. It really wasn’t fair that he had the ability to make me feel dizzy once our lips met. There was no way out of it. When he pulled back, I whimpered.

  “It’s three days baby. I’ll be back on Friday evening…promise. Then we’ll make up for lost time.”

  We said our goodbyes and he snuggled Emma to him, kissing her cheek while she giggled. “I love you angel…Evan will be back soon okay?” She smiled at him as he put her down. She ran off but before she got too far she turned around and waved. “Bye-bye.”

  I looked back at Evan after she slipped through her bedroom door. He hooked his finger into the waistband of my shorts pulling me closer; once again his lips were on mine. He rested his forehead against mine, “I’m going to miss the hell out of you two.” He paused, “I’ll call you when I land in New York…okay?” I nodded my head and he stepped back picking up his bag. I watched as he climbed into the awaiting car and they backed down the driveway.

  Emma and I spent the day with Sarah at the children’s museum. It was nice to have a girl’s day out but I was already feeling the effects of Evan’s absence. Knowing that when I got home later he wouldn’t be there, made me want to stay away. I was on my way home and Emma was battling the sleepiness that was taking over. My phone rang and when I saw Evan’s face I was just pulling into the driveway. I hit the button and his voice filled the car.

  “Hey baby, how was your day?” I couldn’t help but smile. “We spent the day at the museum with Sarah. How has your’s been? Did you make it to the hotel alright?” He explained that there was a delay in his flight and he got in later than he expected, and was just arriving at his hotel. I spent the next ten minutes talking to him until he let me go so he could get to the meeting he was already late for.

  “Okay, but you better call me later to tell us goodnight. Emma is going to be sad that she slept though this call.”

  I could sense his smile, “I definitely will. I couldn’t go to sleep without telling my girls goodnight. I love you, Kylie.”

  “I love you too, Evan. Bye.” We hung up and I got everything out of the car.

  Later that evening Evan called as promised and told both Emma and I goodnight. I was just getting ready to go to bed when I was startled by the doorbell. I stood silent for a moment before making my way down the hallway. With my phone in hand, I peeked around the corner toward the front door. The shadow was tall but thin…feminine. A sudden jealousy ran through me. What woman would show up at Evan’s door? I’d lived here for months now and nothing. Now the first night Evan is gone, a woman shows up.

  I made my way to the door slowly as it rang again. I pulled the shade up just enough to see through the crack. I took in a sharp breath and held it when I realized that it was Millicent. What was Evan’s mother doing here? I debated ignoring her and hoped she’d leave, but when she rang the bell a third time I decided against it.

  I flipped the deadbolt and then removed the chain across the top. Slowly I opened the door, when our eyes connected, I held my breath again. She seemed slightly shocked but recovered quickly. “I’m sorry it’s so late. I was hoping I could speak with Evan for a moment.” Her voice seemed off a little, slightly shaky. I then noticed that her eyes seemed reddened and tired.

  I opened the door wider as I stepped aside and she stepped in. After I closed the door I turned to face her. “Evan is actually out of town for a few days. He won’t be back until Friday evening.” She let out a shuddering breath and I watched her face closely. Something was definitely off. Millie was not her normal refined, everything is perfect self. I questioned my next move but then brushed off the part of me that despised her.

  “Millicent is everything okay? You seem upset. I mean, I know that I’m not one of your most favorite people, but if there’s anything I can do?” She shook her head softly before she quickly wiped a tear from her cheek. I could tell she was doing everything she could to hold herself together. I reached out and placed my hand onto her arm. She looked into my eyes and allowed me to lead her to the couch. After she took a seat, I asked her if she needed something to drink. When she nodded her head I excused myself and went to the kitchen.

  I stood in front of the fridge wondering what she would want to drink. I knew nothing about her, but decided to take a chance. I wasn’t that experienced when it came to wines, but being with Evan, I’ve learned a few things. I pulled out Evan’s bottle of Cabernet and one glass.

  When I made my way back to the living room, I noticed Millie was no longer on the couch; she now stood at the mantel over the fireplace. I watched as she slowly looked over all the pictures Evan and I have slowly began to collect. As I got closer, I observed her holding one in her hand. Looking back to the mantel, I realized it was my first sonogram. Evan framed it and said, “It’s our babies first picture Kylie, we have to display it.”

  She was aware I had come back into the room and turned to face me. Still holding the frame she smiled just barely, “How far are you?” I realized then she was asking about the baby. I placed the wine and the glass onto the coffee table and took a seat in a chair. Millie slowly made her way back to the couch. I poured her a glass of wine and handed it to her.

p; When our eyes connected I answered her question, “Four months.”

  She smiled, “So my son’s going to be a father. After everything that girl put him through…he’s finally going to be a daddy.”

  I flinched when she referred to Alexis as “That Girl”. They had always been so close but hearing her now you would assume they were enemies. She sounded so venomous towards her. After a short silence she began speaking again, “I should’ve listened to my son. I should’ve trusted his judgment regarding Alexis. Now I’ve lost the only son I have and…my husband.”

  My heart sank when she said the last part. What did she mean she lost her husband? My pulse raced and my breathing became strained. Oh my god…how would I tell Evan? His father was gone and he would never get the chance to reconcile. He would know the pain I felt over that very same thing. Before I could panic any further Millie’s hand rested on my hand. I turned to face her, “When did it happen?”

  She laughed lightly and I found her reaction slightly disturbing. “Oh honey, he isn’t dead…at least, not yet.”

  I shook my head. What in the hell was going on? I was so confused and wasn’t sure what to say to her.

  “Kylie, Walter is sleeping with Alexis. I found them today at a hotel….in bed together.” I know my opened mouth must have hit the floor as I gaped at her in shock. I was completely speechless and nauseous.

  She took a long drink from her glass of wine. “It’s been going on for a couple of months. I suspected something when they always seemed to have to work late or go out of town for some reason. I kept seeing charges for hotels on the credit card but never thought too much of it. I knew he had to get a room when he would go out of town so that explained it.” She took another big gulp of wine looking back up into my eyes. “I looked a little closer at the last bill and found myself wondering, why he would need to rent a hotel room locally? Seven times in one month he booked a room for one day; there is no explanation for that. I guess he wasn’t smart enough to put it in her name.” She shrugged her shoulders, “All it took was flashing my ID and the second credit card to the same account he used. Poof, I had a spare key and was on my way to the room.” She laughed lightly, “Imagine my surprise when I walked into the room to find Alexis mounting my husband.”

  I sat with my hand over my mouth. “Oh my god…I can’t believe they would do this to you. The nerve of them after…everything you have done for them.” She watched me closely.

  After I took a drink of my water she continued. “Kylie, I never really gave you a chance, did I?” I shook my head and started to say something but she held up her hand to stop me. “I’m sorry I was such a judgmental bitch. You obviously aren’t who I thought you were. You make Evan happy, that’s very clear. When I look around this room and see the photos of the both of you, and the pictures taken with your little girl…his smile is genuine. I haven’t seen him smile like that since he was a kid.”

  “Don’t be too hard on yourself, Millicent. I understand you only wanted what was best for him. Any good mother would want the same; sometimes we just go about the wrong way.”

  I offered her the bed in our room and I would sleep with Emma. She refused at first but after I continued to insist she finally agreed. She helped as I put fresh sheets on it and as I was walking from the room she spoke from behind me. “Thank you Kylie…for everything.”

  I smiled, “It was nothing.”

  Millie took a step toward me and reached out, taking my hand into hers. She squeezed lightly, “It was everything. You listened to a bitter woman spill her heart after she treated you horribly. You invited me into your home after I said awful things to you. I can never apologize enough for the way I’ve treated you. You’re a good person and I never should have judged you. My son wouldn’t fall in love with someone unless they were wonderful.” She released me slowly, “Can we wait until Evan gets back to tell him? I don’t want this weight on his shoulder’s while he’s trying to work.”

  I nodded, agreeing to wait until Friday to tell Evan the news. I thought she should be the one to tell him anyway. We said goodnight and I made my way to Emma’s room. I carefully climbed into bed with her, holding her close. I couldn’t fall asleep for a long time after our conversation. I lie in bed shocked at the night’s events.

  ~Forty Six~


  I woke to the smell of bacon and coffee. I stretched my arms above my head and then opened my eyes. Pink, I was surrounded by pink. I looked around the room and then it all came rushing back to me. Emma stirred a little next to me but after a minute, she fell back to sleep. I slowly crawled from the bed and made a quick stop in the restroom.

  After reorganizing my mess of blonde waves, I walked toward the kitchen. Millicent stood at the counter with a plate of bacon and scrambled eggs. Next to it sat a pile of toast. She looked up when I entered and smiled, “Good morning, I thought I’d make us breakfast. I couldn’t sleep.”

  I walked to the cabinet and reached up to grab a coffee cup. “Thanks. It smells great.” I poured myself half a cup of coffee because it was all I allowed myself. After I added a little cream and sugar I turned toward Millie to find her watching me.

  “You know that a full cup would be okay, right?”

  I smiled in return, “Half a cup already makes me feel guilty enough. It’s enough for me.”

  I heard a noise behind Millie and I peeked over the counter to find Emma. She was dragging her doll by its leg as it scraped along the floor. Her little hand was rubbing at her sleepy eyes. When she saw Millie she whimpered. “Mommy,” she cried. I placed my cup down and went to pick her up.

  “Hey baby girl, it’s okay. This is Millicent. She’s Evan’s mommy.” Millie took a step toward Emma and handed her a piece of toast, “Here you go sweet angel. You can call me Millie.” Emma took her toast and held it close, taking a small bite. Her eyes never left Millie’s. “You have the cutest little cheeks and your mommy’s curls.” She smiled at me as I walked to Emma’s chair and placed her in it. After buckling her in, I scooted her close to the table and got her some juice.

  Millicent spent the day with Emma and me. We sat around and watched television. We ordered in lunch and cooked dinner together. She shared stories of Evan as a child and a teenager, making it a point to not mention anything regarding Alexis which I greatly appreciated. I had a feeling it was more for her benefit than mine though.

  It was about seven o’clock Thursday night when she announced that she needed to be going. “I have a situation I need to handle.” I followed her to the door with Emma close behind.

  “You don’t have to leave. You’re welcome to stay until Evan gets back.”

  She bent down and brushed her thumb over Emma’s cheek and kissed her forehead before standing once more. Then she took my hand into hers, “Oh honey, thank you, that means a lot to me. However, I need to handle this now. You see, Evan may have not said anything, but the company is mine. It was my father’s money that started it and it will be me that walks away from this marriage with it. Walter may think he’s crushed me…but honey, he has another thing coming. He’s about to know what it feels like to have just the clothes on his back. He messed with the wrong woman, darling. I just hope that Alexis was worth losing it all.” She leaned forward and kissed my cheek before turning to leave.

  I closed the door wondering silently what the next twenty four hours would be like. When Evan called me I tried so hard not to appear effected by what I now knew. I couldn’t lie to him, but I really didn’t want to be the one to tell him either.

  Friday arrived and I just needed to get through the day until evening. Evan would be home tonight and I missed him desperately. He called me around four thirty saying his last meeting ran late and he would have to take a later flight. Working for Arthur Prescott was nothing like working for Pearson. He was used to the private company jet that would be waiting for him when he was ready to fly home, not one he was forced to wait on.

  I sat on the couch that evening and waite
d for the headlights to come up the driveway. Emma had been in bed for over an hour already. When the lights finally flashed, I ran to the door, and I fought the disappointment I felt. Millicent climbed out from her car and slowly walked toward the door. “Has he not made it home yet?” I shook my head and we walked together back inside. I was really hoping she would’ve waited until tomorrow. I wanted to have one night with him before things crashed down, but here she was.

  We sat at the snack bar and I had a light snack while she had a glass of wine. When I heard the jingle of the door my heart raced with excitement. He walked in through the garage door and his face was anything but happy. He looked directly at his mother and then to me. His gaze fell to the counter between us as he took in the scene. He placed his bag on the floor and walked in our direction.

  Once he reached me, he placed his hand onto my hip and leaned over to kiss my temple. It was an uncomfortable silence until he chose to break it, “What is going on here?” His eyes flipped from mine to his mother’s. He took a protective stance at my side and I placed my hand onto his stomach.

  “Evan your mother came here Wednesday evening and you were gone. She needs to speak with you.”

  He stepped back looking down at me. “Why didn’t you tell me? We’ve talked every day, Kylie.” He seemed angry with me.

  Millicent immediately came to my defense, which shocked Evan as much as it did me. “Evan, don’t you dare get angry with her. I asked her to allow me to speak with you myself. I didn’t want her in the middle of this issue.”

  “I feel like I’m standing in the middle of the fucking twilight zone. Will someone please tell me what in the hell is going on here?” I flinched at his obvious irritation.

  “I think I’ll leave you two alone. I’m just going to go to bed.” I stepped back and turned toward the bedroom when I felt him grab my arm. He pulled me into his arms and hugged me close.


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