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Page 20

by Harms, C. A.

  He paused as I watched him take our joined hands and swipe a tear from his cheek before continuing. “Kylie, I want to spend the rest of my days holding you and cherishing you. I want to grow old with you by my side. Baby, will you marry me and make my life complete?”

  I tried to stop the tears but they ran heavily down my cheeks. I reached forward taking his face into my hands, pulling him up from the ground. I crushed my lips to his and my tears moistened our joined lips. “I love you so much Evan Pearson, and there is nothing I would love more than to become your wife.” I kissed him again, “Yes…Yes, yes, yes!”

  We held each other for a moment before he backed up and placed the most amazing, beautiful and overly exaggerated diamond ring onto my finger.


  “Emma, come on baby, mommy’s feet are killing her.” I waddled in through the backdoor. I’ve been trying to drag Emma in for over an hour. She was playing on the playground in the backyard Evan had built. He called it “Pearson’s Dreamland”. It was better than the local parks and I laughed every time I looked out the backdoor.

  “Knock, Knock.” Sarah yelled as she came in the front door. I was never happier to hear her voice.

  “Thank god, Sarah will you please help me get this spoiled rotten child inside. She would sleep out there if I’d let her.”

  She laughed as she walked toward the playground, “Where’s the hubby, still out of town?” I let out a small grunt as I let myself fall back onto the couch. I just passed my eight month mark yesterday and I felt huge. I couldn’t find my feet, but I knew they were down there somewhere because, damn, they hurt.

  When she emerged through the backdoor holding a dirty and exhausted three year old I couldn’t help but laugh. “Evan will be home tomorrow night.” Emma started crying because she wanted to go back outside and Sarah was heading toward the bathtub.

  “I’m going to scrub the grime off the kid and then I will rub your feet.” I heard her yell from the stairway, “Your darling husband better buy me a “Day Spa” pass for being your personal masseuse when he’s gone.”

  I laughed and heard my phone start ringing. After I rocked my way up off the couch I grabbed it right before it went to voicemail. “Hello Sexy.” I could tell he was smiling. “Hey baby, how’s everything?”

  “Sarah just got here. She finally got Emma to come inside and now she’s giving her a bath. I, on the other hand, am miserable. I miss my husband tremendously and my feet hurt.” I hated when he was out of town.

  After Evan’s amazing proposal we got married in my parent’s backyard in Georgia. I felt like my daddy was there with us and it just felt right. The only people in attendance were my mother, his mother, Sarah and Emma. It was a perfect day. We were surrounded by white sheer fabric and a million white roses. It was perfect and simple.

  “I can’t believe it’s already been two months. It feels like I just married you yesterday.” It really had flown by.

  Evan has been so busy at work. After we moved into the house and he began the merger with Prescott Energy I barely saw him. Over the last month he’s been out of town a total of three weeks. I missed him and I was exhausted. He was in a race to get everything handled before the babies came.

  While he was home, he worked hard on the nursery in preparation. We painted the room neutral colors and went with unisex decorations. We chose not to find out the babies’ sex. Evan said they were a beautiful surprise from the beginning and that is the way he wanted the pregnancy to end.

  Evan was telling me about his meeting and he felt everything was pretty much wrapped up. I got a cramp in my leg and bent slightly to attempt to rub it. I suddenly felt a warm sensation and the moisture seeped through my pants. I looked down and the panic set in. “Evan…my water just broke.”

  He was quiet for a second, “Not funny, Kylie.” I took a deep breath. “God damn it, Evan, I am not joking.” I covered the phone with my hand and screamed for Sarah. I heard Evan trying to get my attention but right now I needed Sarah.

  “Kylie…I can call my mom.” I took another deep breath. I needed to stay calm. “Sarah’s here, she can take me. You can tell your mom to meet us at the hospital.” I could tell by his voice he was running around; he was most likely packing his things. “Kylie even if I get to the airport and fly out in the next thirty minutes, I’m four hours away.”

  I let that sink in and tried to not sound bitchy. “Well Evan, then it looks like you should get off the phone and move your ass.” I cramped instantly and grabbed for my stomach letting out a deep pained moan.

  “Kylie, are you okay?” After the pain passed I took another deep breath. About the same time, Sarah appeared at the top of the stairs holding Emma wrapped in a towel. One look at me and she ran down the steps. “Kylie, let me talk to Sarah.” I was getting irritable with the pain and Evan needed to stop talking and move.

  “Evan, I mean it. Get your ass here. I’m not delivering these babies without you here.”

  Sarah took the phone from me and another pain hit me. “I got her Evan, just call your mom and call Kathy. In the meantime, get to the airport and on your damn plan. She’s turning into the devil and I’m not going to fight with her.”

  Sarah quickly grabbed clothes and got Emma dressed. She then helped me change out of my wet pants into something comfortable. When we arrived at the hospital, Millie had a wheelchair waiting for me. I was quickly placed into a room and monitors were strapped around me.

  The time seemed to drag on and on. The pain got worse and I cried harder. I wanted Evan here. The contractions came harder and faster. I was begging for drugs and I couldn’t stop the tears. When the anesthesiologist entered the room I felt like kissing her. I needed something to ease my discomfort; just a little something to dull the pain.

  When I looked up and saw my mother walk through the door, I began crying once again. Following directly behind her, Evan entered the room. Once he saw me his face calmed. He smothered me with kisses and I only cried harder. “Our babies are coming. You seem relaxed. Are you okay?” Evan whispered against my lips before kissing me once more.

  “I got some good drugs. You should have been here two hours ago. On second thought…be glad you weren’t.”

  Before I could explain, Millie spoke up. “I had no idea that our Kylie could be so scary.” I laughed and Evan shook his head and laughed, lifting his brows at his mom.

  I heard a familiar voice come from the hallway. Suddenly entering the doorway I found Brad with his hand over his eyes. “Is it safe to come in?” Brad and Evan tolerated one another for Emma’s sake.

  “I’m decent…you’re safe.”

  He entered the room holding hands with Brooke his new girlfriend. She was good for him. She actually became his sponsor once he completed rehab. One thing led to another and they have now been dating for over three months. “We just wanted to wish you luck.” Brooke was soft spoken and so sweet. Emma loved her and I thought that was a great thing. It was good to see Brad happy.

  He shook Evan’s hand as they approached the bed. “You ready, Dad?”

  Evan nodded his head, “Hell yeah, I’m ready.”

  Brooke gave me a light hug and Evan stepped back a little to make room for them. Brad knelt next to me and when he looked into my eyes my throat tightened. I remembered for a second us sharing Emma’s birth only three years ago. “How are you holding up?” I chose to nod my head instead of speaking, I was afraid I would cry. He stood slightly and hugged me close. He whispered low into my ear. “Ky, you’ll always be my girl. No matter where we are in life or who we’re with. I’ll always love you.”

  My eyes met Evan’s over Brad shoulder. I saw his jaw tense instantly. When Brad stood up he smiled. “You’re going to be fine. You’re a badass, Kylie. Remember to breathe.” I watched them walk out of the room and I reached for Evan’s hand.

  When he came close I tapped my lips with my finger. He bent down to kiss me. “I gave him one free pass, Kylie. Next time I won’t be so genero
us.” He kissed me again, “You’re my girl.” I watched his eyes closely, “Forever and Always.”

  When the time came to push, everyone left the room except Evan. I could tell he was nervous. He held my hand while they got everything ready. I squeezed his hand hard and he looked down at me. “Hey you, stop worrying. You’re supposed to keep me calm remember.” He bent down and kissed me softly. “I love you, baby. I love you so much.” He brushed the tip of his nose across mine, “Seeing you in pain is going to kill me.”


  Over the next two hours I watched in horror as Kylie screamed and cried. I wiped the sweat from her face and kissed her forehead. She made them stop the drugs because she wanted to be aware of when to push; she didn’t want to not feel anything. I would’ve preferred it the other way. I coached her the best I could, trying to remember what I learned in the Lamaze classes we took. Every time she pushed I cracked a little more inside.

  When I heard the first cry I couldn’t stop the tears. I wiped them away quickly so I could see. The nurse held up the baby so quickly I barely caught a glimpse. When she made the announcement from the other side of the room the tears fell again. “Baby Girl #1 weighs 5 lbs. 3 oz.”

  I turned to Kylie quickly and kissed her lips hard. “Thank you baby, thank you so much…God I love you.”

  She smiled up at me, “We got one more coming, daddy.” I turned back to the doctor and it all began again. Twenty three minutes later the second cry filled the room.

  “Baby Girl #2 is here.”

  I laughed out loud and looked down at my beautiful wife. “I am destined to be surrounded by beautiful girls.” I squeezed her hand and she smiled up at me.

  “5 lbs. 1 oz.” The nurse announced from behind me. I couldn’t believe how much love I felt at that moment for two little girls I still hadn’t met.

  After my little girls were wrapped up tightly, they were brought to Kylie and me. Looking down into their little faces, I was overwhelmed with emotion. Kylie had just given me the greatest gifts. “So mommy, what do you think? Do the names we chose fit them?”

  I smiled when I saw her smile spread across her face, “Yeah daddy. I would have to say that you chose the perfect names.”

  “Welcome to the world Ella and Ava Pearson. We’re going to love you forever precious girls.”




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