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The Greatest Knight

Page 47

by Thomas Asbridge

  WM’s strengthening bond with, 119–20

  Heraclius, Patriarch, 168

  Hilary, Saint, 80

  Hildegard of Bingen, 33

  Histoire de Guillaume le Maréchal, comte de Striguil et de Pembroke, L’, see History of William Marshal

  History of the Kings of Britain (Geoffrey of Monmouth), 42

  History of William Marshal:

  commissioning of, 331, 376

  conspiracy against WM discussed in, 140–1

  copies made of, xix n

  evasiveness of, on WM’s dealings with John, 263

  family commission, xviii–xix

  Henry II’s death recorded in, 204

  John Marshal’s darker characteristics mentioned in, 16

  John Marshal’s significance inflated in, 14

  in Morgan Library, NY, xviii

  naming of, xviii

  and Philip’s liege-lord demand of WM, 284

  resembling Arthurian epic, 382

  tournaments discussed in, 62, 65, 116–28

  passim, 133

  tribute to Richard I in, 254

  WM’s encounter with Richard described in, 200–1

  Hodierna, 24

  horses, 47–8

  armour for, 48

  cost of, 38, 48

  height of, 48

  of war (destriers), 38, 48

  WM’s preferred, 48

  Hose, Henry, 297, 302, 303

  land granted to, 311

  Hospitallers, see Knights Hospitaller

  Hubert of Burgh, 276, 280, 330, 336, 348, 350, 362, 366, 376

  Hugh, bishop of Lincoln, 269

  Hugh of Burgundy, 127, 131, 155

  and bidding war for WM’s services, 148

  Third Crusade joined by, 212

  Young King’s offensive against, 135

  Hugh of Gundeville, 92

  Hugh of Lacy, 293, 307, 314

  Hugh of Lusignan, 272

  Hugh of Malannoy, 199

  Humbert, count of Maurienne, 99

  Hundred Years’ War, 379

  hunting, 46–7

  Ile-de-France, 76, 78

  Innocent III, Pope, 252, 318, 322, 323, 334

  Ireland, 96, 182, 195, 208, 292–3

  John’s campaign in, 214

  map of, 289

  WM turns attention to, 287–8

  WM’s expedition to, 297–302

  John seeks to block, 298–9

  see also individual places

  Isabel of Clare (wife), 195, 196, 208–9, 216, 247, 288, 293–4, 302, 305

  death of, 375

  FitzHenry besieges, 304

  lands of, 208

  revenge on FitzHenry demanded by, 309

  Richard I’s gift of, to WM, 206

  Tintern Abbey patronage of, 217

  WM marries, 210

  WM meets, 208

  and WM’s death, 374

  and WM’s final kiss, 374

  at WM’s funeral, 375

  and WM’s illness, 367–8

  and WM’s last days, 369

  in WM’s will, 370

  Isabel of Vermandois, 145

  Isabella of Angoulême, 272

  Isabella of Gloucester, 215, 272

  Issoudun, 188

  Ivanhoe (Scott), 62n

  Ivry, 235

  Jacques of Vitry, 70

  Jaffa, 231

  James of Avesnes, 122, 149

  death of, 231

  Jerusalem, 41, 137, 162, 164–6, 168

  Aqsa Mosque in, 165

  Church of Holy Sepulchre in, 164, 169

  Dome of the Rock in, 165, 171

  falls into Muslim hands, 171, 189

  Saladin continues to hold, 231

  Temple Mount in, 165

  Tower of David in, 169

  WM’s pilgrimage to, see Marshal, William: Holy Land pilgrimage of

  see also Crusades

  Joan (daughter), 371

  Joanne, queen of Sicily, countess of Toulouse:

  birth of, 76

  Raymond of Toulouse marries, 246

  John of Earley, 198, 247, 259, 297, 302, 304, 315, 344–5, 346

  chamberlain’s office granted to, 322

  death of, 376

  Devon granted to, 322

  important source of information, xix

  land granted to, 310–11, 367

  Leinster defended by, 306–7

  in Striguil household, 219

  WM becomes guardian of, 184

  and WM’s death, 374

  WM’s executor, 370

  and WM’s illness, 367

  and WM’s last days, 369

  and WM’s shroud cloths, 371–2

  John, king of England:

  allegiance to pope sworn by, 323

  and Angevin–Capetian Le Mans stand-off, see Le Mans: defence of

  annulment of marriage of, 272

  appetite for power of, 214

  appointed ‘supreme governor of the realm’, 226

  Aquitaine invaded by, 214

  and Arthur’s Brittany invasion, 274

  and Arthur’s capture, 276–7

  ‘bad man’, 243

  betrothal of, 99

  birth of, 76, 82

  and Bouvines battle, 324–5

  Briouze family pursued by, 313–14

  captured nobles mistreated by, 275

  cast as tyrant, 317

  character failings of, 265–7

  Church’s dispute with, 318

  Church’s reconciliation with, 323

  coronation of, 261

  death of, 338–9

  duplicity exposed in, 234

  Eleanor of Aquitaine summons, to series of councils, 229

  English support secured by, in Richard’s absence, 234

  English uprising fomented by, 234

  Évreux’s recovery entrusted to, 242

  excommunication of, 318

  lifted, 323

  and FitzHenry, 301

  flees to Normandy on Richard’s return, 238

  former troops decapitated by, 242

  and France’s intended invasion of England, 322–3

  funeral of, 339

  height of, 264

  Henry II betrayed by, 203, 214

  Henry II’s gift of castles to, 99–100

  homage paid to Capetians by, 233

  infamy of, 264–5

  invested as duke of Normandy, 260

  Ireland granted to, 214, 224, 292

  Isabella of Angoulême marries, 272

  Isabella of Gloucester marries, 215

  and knights’ defence of Leinster, 308–9

  ‘Lackland’ sobriquet of, 90, 214, 271

  and Le Goulet treaty, 270, 271

  left unpunished by Richard I, 207

  long list of enemies accumulated by, 316

  and Longchamp, 223, 225–6

  ‘lord of Ireland’ title of, 224, 292, 298

  and loss of Normandy, 278–9

  and Magna Carta, see Magna Carta

  major castles seized by, 234

  martial genius lacked by, 214

  Mortain refuses to acknowledge authority of, 240

  orders strike against French fleet, 323

  parts of Normandy signed away by, 235

  Philip II confiscates lands of, 273

  and Philip’s liege-lord demand of WM, 284–5

  Poitou invasion plan of, 285–6

  and Prince Louis’s invasion, 336

  raids on English rebel-held territory by, 334–5

  Richard begins to trust again, 243

  Richard confirms succession of, 253

  Richard grants territory to, 215

  Richard pardons indiscretions of, 241

  at Richard’s coronation, 211

  Richard’s death falsely declared by, 234

  as Richard’s obvious successor, 214

  as Richard’s rival for power, 187

  rumoured plot against, 319–22

  WM offers support, 320–2<
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  ‘Softsword’ sobriquet of, 271

  status of, as Richard’s heir, 226

  submits England to papal authority, 323

  swingeing taxation imposed by, 317

  tattered reputation of, 281

  threat to confiscate lands of, 229

  Welsh hostages hanged by, 319

  and Welsh insurrection, 319

  William of Briouze loses favour of, 312–13

  and WM–Philip homage-for-estates deal, 282–3

  WM quells insurrection of, 234–5

  WM reaffirms subject status to, 309

  WM summoned by, for harbouring Briouzes, 315

  WM summoned from Leinster by, 301

  WM supports succession of, 255–6, 259–60

  WM’s Leinster expedition blocked by, 299

  WM’s politic neutrality concerning, 225

  WM’s reluctance to alienate, 224

  WM’s son demanded by, 286–7

  at Woodstock gathering, 303

  John of Gray, 310, 313, 315

  John of Préaux, 133, 147, 281

  Jordan of Fantosme, 104

  Jordan of Sauqueville, 271, 297, 302, 304, 315

  land granted to, 311, 367

  Leinster defended by, 306–7

  Joscelin, Master, 221

  Kerak, 162, 167

  Kildare, 295, 302

  Kilkenny, 295, 301, 302

  King John (Shakespeare), 382

  Kingston, 362

  knecht (servants), 36

  see also knighthood


  and armour, 50, 379

  and chevauchées, 81

  and Christian faith, 40–1

  Crusades’ effect on, 41

  as distinct class and calling, 61

  dramatic changes to, 379

  equites, milites, chevaliers, 36

  evolution of, 36–9

  as rarefied profession, 38

  WM helps to mould, 36

  and ‘freelance’, etymology of, 62n

  history of (real and imagined), 40–3

  and horsemanship, 37, 47–8

  and horses, 47–9

  and knight shortage, 380

  and knights banneret, 129, 132

  mesnie, 38–9

  nobles attracted to, 61

  and Order of the Garter, 380

  preudhomme, 38, 39, 70, 179

  ritual of, 51–3

  and squires, 43n

  and Templar order, 41; see also Knights Templar

  and tournaments, 62–73, 115–29

  ban on, in England, 73

  banners displayed during, 67

  chivalry shown at, 71–2

  coats of arms displayed during, 67

  entertainments after, 145

  at Épernon, 123

  etymology of, 64

  at Eu, 123

  eve of, 66

  fairs at, 65

  ‘grand and excellent’ Norman–French border encounter, 120–1

  great mêlée at, 68

  at Lagny, 132–4

  mechanics of, 65–8, 124

  papal pronouncements against, 64

  at Pleurs, 121–2

  Richard overturns ban on, 247

  sound used during, 67–8

  treated almost like a business, 125

  WM and Young King’s last together, 146

  and weapons:

  crossbow, 51, 379

  lance, 49–50

  shield, 51

  sword, 49

  Knights of Christ (militia Christi), 41

  Knights Hospitaller, 164, 168

  Knights Templar, 41, 164, 168, 170, 323, 328, 373–4

  see also knighthood

  Knights of the Round Table, 42

  Knoyle Hodierne, 24

  La Couronne Abbey, Young King loots, 155

  La Ferté-Bernard, 196

  La Marche, 272

  La Roche-aux-Moine, 325

  Lagny, 132–3

  Lancelot, xix, 72, 143

  lances, 49–50

  Langton, Stephen, 318, 323, 326, 370

  appointed archbishop of Canterbury, 323

  and Magna Carta, see Magna Carta

  WM oration by, 375

  Le Goulet, Treaty of, 270, 271

  Le Mans, 149, 158, 193, 195, 196, 197–8, 268–9

  defence of, 198–9

  Angevins flee, 200–1

  Henry II takes refuge in, 197

  Leinster, 224, 243, 292, 293, 294, 295–310 passim, 376

  Briouze family flee to, 313

  defence of, 305–9

  WM returns to, 309–10

  WM strengthens power base in, 310–11

  WM’s expedition to, 297–302

  in WM’s will, 370

  Leopold V, Duke, 232

  Les Andelys, 251, 278–9

  Liechtenstein, Ulrich von, 66

  Lille, 228

  Limerick, 293

  Limoges, 99, 139, 252–3

  rallying point for Young King’s forces, 151

  siege in, 154, 155

  Limousin, 80


  battle of, 352–60

  preparation for, 353–6

  map of, 355

  Lincoln Castle, 336, 348, 357

  Llewellyn ap Iorwerth (‘the Great’), 293, 319, 366, 377

  Loches, 190, 235, 240, 280

  Richard’s assault on, 244


  as den of vice, 209–10

  growth of, 209

  Tower of, 215, 226

  Long Crendon, 208

  Longchamp, William, 181, 194, 215, 222–3, 237, 243

  Flanders exile of, 226

  John’s smear campaign against, 225–6

  stripped of powers, 226

  Longueville, 207, 208, 235, 271, 282–4

  in WM’s will, 370

  Loudon Castle, 99

  Louis VI of France, 33

  Louis VII of France, 75, 76, 99, 128–9

  ambitions of, for French monarchy, 78

  Becket pilgrimage of, 130

  Becket supported by, 79

  and coronation of Young King, 91

  faltering grip of, on Capetian realm, 130

  Henry II’s peace conference with, 82, 89

  Holy Land visited by, 75

  illness and death of, 130

  second Normandy invasion launched by, 111

  and Young King’s rebellion, 101, 102–3, 105, 106

  ineffective ally during, 109

  Louis VIII of France:

  as king, death of, 376

  as prince, 270, 322, 325

  and barons’ rebellion, see England: barons’ rebellion in

  claim of, to English crown, 319, 335–6

  England invaded by, 336–7

  England quit by, 362

  news of Lincoln defeat reaches, 361

  promise of, over Continental Angevin lands, 363

  untenable position of, 362

  Louis IX of France, 376

  Ludgerhall, 19, 215

  Lusignans, 80–2

  Eleanor of Aquitaine’s party attacked by, 82–4

  and Patrick of Salisbury’s death, 83–4

  Madden, Sir Frederick, xv

  Magna Carta:

  1215 version, xv, xviii, 327–34

  pope condemns, 334

  significance of, 331–4

  surviving copies of, 331

  1216 version, 348–9

  1217 version, 366

  1225 version, 376

  Maine, 78, 109, 196, 197, 275

  Malchael, Roger, 203

  manners and etiquette, 44–5

  Manorbier, 294

  Map, Walter, 12, 87n, 98, 144, 178

  Young Prince condemned by, 159

  Marches, 195, 217, 219–20, 221, 223, 290, 312

  Maréchal, Guillaume le, see Marshal, William

  Margaret (sister), 162n

  Margaret of Briouze, 338

  Marguerite of France:
/>   dower land and cash dowry allocated to, 97

  as Henry II’s hostage, 109

  marriage of, to Young King, 88–9

  sent to Paris, 146, 151

  sexual activity of, 145

  WM reputedly beds, 139–40, 143, 145–6

  Young King begins to live with, 96

  and Young King’s first coronation, 90–1

  and Young King’s rebellion, 101

  Barfleur departure, 110

  and Young King’s second coronation, 96

  Marguerite of Sablé, 268

  Marie de France, 382

  Marlborough Castle, 12, 17–18, 215, 234, 237, 337, 367

  John Marshal’s guardianship of, reapportioned, 34

  ‘Marlborough French’, 35n

  Marsh, Simon, 97, 133

  Marshal, Ancel (son), 370–1

  death of, 378

  Marshal, Gilbert (brother), 6

  death of, 377–8

  earldom passes to, 377

  Marshal, Gilbert (son), 370

  Marshal, Henry (brother), 211n

  Marshal, John (brother), 33, 73, 211, 222

  death of, 236–7

  lands inherited by, 58

  Marshal, John (father):

  callous disregard for WM’s life shown by, 27–8

  character of, in eyes of chroniclers, 16–17

  civil-war opportunities exploited by, 14

  ‘courtly, wise and worthy’, 14

  darker facets of, 16–17

  death of, 58

  disfigurement of, 16, 29–30

  divorce of, from Adelina, 19

  false prediction of, concerning Henry II, 42n

  and FitzHubert, 17–18

  grave of, 74

  and Henry II, failure to find favour under, 34

  History inflates significance of, 14

  impression left on WM by, 29

  mesnie of, 39

  as minor player in Stephen–Matilda struggle, 14–15

  Newbury stronghold, possible site of, 26

  Norman origin of, 4

  presented as main protagonist in Matilda’s flight, 15

  responsibilities of, in king’s household, 6

  and Salisbury family, 18–19

  ‘scion of hell’, 16

  status, land and wealth gradually accumulated by, 6

  Stephen awards castellany to, 12

  Stephen besieges, 26

  Stephen comes into direct conflict with, 25–6

  story concerning heroism of, 15

  Templars given a manor by, 41

  Wherwell fight and sanctuary of, 16

  WM given as hostage by, 26

  Marshal, John (nephew), 247, 263, 297, 302, 321–2, 344

  appointed marshal of Ireland, 303

  forgiveness of, 310

  at Lincoln battle, 352, 357

  and Magna Carta, 330

  oversight of royal forests granted to, 367

  Woodstock betrayal of, 303

  Marshal, Richard (son), 299n, 321

  birth of, 247

  death of, 377

  earldom passes to, 377

  in insurrection against Henry III, 377

  in WM’s will, 370

  Marshal, Walter (brother), 6

  death of, 378

  earldom passes to, 378

  Marshal, Walter (son), in WM’s will, 370


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