Burn Out

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by Cheryl Douglas

  Burn Out

  Book Four in the Nashville Nights Next Generation Series

  Cheryl Douglas

  Copyright © by Cheryl Douglas

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, including photocopying, graphic, electronic, mechanical, taping, recording, sharing, or by any information retrieval system without the express written permission of the author and / or publisher. Exceptions include brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Persons, places and other entities represented in this book are deemed to be fictitious. They are not intended to represent actual places or entities currently or previously in existence or any person living or dead. This work is the product of the author’s imagination.

  Any and all inquiries to the author of this book should be directed to: [email protected]

  Burn Out © 2013 Cheryl Douglas

  Nashville Nights Family Tree

  The Turners

  Trey and Sierra Turner - Nashville Nights, Book One, Shameless

  Jared and Elaine Turner - Trey’s parents

  Alisa Turner - Next Generation, Book One, High Stakes

  The Coopers

  Josh and Lexi Cooper - Nashville Nights, Book Two, Fearless

  Jay and Victoria - Josh and Ashley’s son and daughter-in-law / Nashville Nights, Book Seven, Hopeless

  Mike and Tori Cooper - Josh and Ashley’s son and daughter-in-law / Nashville Nights, Book Eight, Careless

  Aiden Cooper – Josh and Lexi’s son / Next Generation, Book Two, Trade Off

  Brianna Cooper – Josh and Lexi’s daughter / Next Generation, Book Three, Game On

  Ava Cooper – Jay and Victoria’s daughter / Next Generation, Book Eight, Blown Away

  The Spencers

  Luc and Marisa Spencer – Nashville Nights, Book Three, Ruthless

  Nikki Spencer – Luc’s daughter / Nashville Nights, Book Five, Relentless

  Ryan Spencer – Luc and Marisa’s son / Next Generation, Book Three, Game On

  Evan Spencer – Lun and Marisa’s son / Next Generation, Book Four, Burn Out

  The McCalls

  Ty and Avery McCall – Nashville Nights, Book Four, Reckless

  Anna McCall – Ty and Avery’s daughter / Next Generation, Book Five, Fast Track

  Nick McCall – Ty and Avery’s son / Next Generation, Book Six, Time Out

  J.T. McCall – J.T. and Derek’s brother / Nashville Nights, Book Five, Relentless

  Nikki Spencer – McCall – J.T.’s wife / Nashville Nights, Book Five, Relentless

  Lauren McCall - J.T. and Nikki’s daughter / Next Generation, Book Seven, Face Value

  Derek McCall – J.T. and Derek’s brother / Nashville Nights, Book Six, Heartless

  Ashley McCall – Derek’s wife, Jay and Mike Cooper’s mother / Nashville Nights, Book Six, Heartless

  Book Four – Burn Out

  As the President of Titan Records, Evan Spencer knew he had big shoes to fill when his father, Luc, retired and awarded him the top spot. Fifty hour work weeks turned into eighty hours and his girlfriend, Erika, gave him an ultimatum… either he make their relationship a priority or she’s leaving him. He doesn’t expect her to follow through on her threat, until she does.

  Erika Carlton knew her ex-boyfriend, Evan, would be at their friend’s wedding in the Bahamas. One week in a tropical paradise with her ex could be torture. It’s a good thing her new boyfriend is there to act as a buffer.

  Evan has a plan. He has seven days and seven nights to prove to Erika that he’s willing to do whatever it takes to salvage their relationship. But when she shows up with a new man, Evan realizes he’s going to have to step up his plan or risk losing her forever.


  One Year Earlier

  Evan Spencer walked into his luxury penthouse to find two large suitcases by the door. His heart did an unexpected flip-flop as he tried to find his voice. “Hey, Erika, where are you, baby?”

  He withdrew the carefully wrapped box from his pocket. He told himself his girlfriend of almost six years deserved the expensive diamond necklace he’d bought for her thirtieth birthday, but even as he selected it and handed over his credit card, he knew he was just trying to ease his guilty conscience with another meaningless gift that did nothing to fill the void. As a veterinarian, Erika didn’t wear a lot of jewelry to work and she’d never been the type of girl to be impressed by material things. That was one of the reasons he loved and respected her so much.

  She walked out of the bedroom and his gut twisted when he looked into her eyes. Carefully applied make-up couldn’t conceal the redness that told him she’d been crying. “I’m sorry I’m late, sweetheart. I got tied up at work.”

  They were supposed to attend an event for one of his artists at Jimmy’s bar tonight. As the newly appointed President of Titan Records, these events had become par for the course. Erika normally didn’t complain, but he knew she was disappointed when he told her they’d have to postpone her birthday celebration in favor of a party in someone else’s honor.

  “It’s okay,” she said, gesturing toward the suitcases. “I’ve been busy.”

  Evan tried to swallow the knot of dread threatening to choke him. “I can see that. What’s goin’ on? What’s with the suitcases?”

  He had asked her to move in with him several months ago when it became obvious if he didn’t do something to try and salvage their relationship, he would lose her. He couldn’t let that happen, so he offered what he thought was a reasonable compromise. She could move in with him so they could spend more time together, only it hadn’t helped. Work still demanded the vast majority of his time. He rarely got home before nine or ten at night and usually had to work weekends to meet the demands of his job. The business required he travel more than he liked, but it was a given in their industry. His father had done it for years, and their mother accepted it. He told himself that Erika would as well, if she loved him as much as he loved her.

  She turned away from him and walked toward the window.

  Evan stared at her a long time, waiting and praying she wasn’t about to tell him it was over. He couldn’t imagine his life without her. They’d met in college and he’d been in love with her ever since. When he thought about his future, his life beyond Titan Records, it revolved around her and the children they wanted to have... one day. Now he was terrified that day may never come.

  When he couldn’t stand the silence a second longer, he came up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “What’s goin’ on, sweetheart?”

  Erika leaned in to his chest a second before pushing away. She gripped the window ledge and the diamond bezel on her watch sparkled.

  The watch was another expensive gift intended to ease his guilty conscience. He handed her the wrapped box and whispered, “Happy birthday,” in her ear. “I love you.” When she didn’t say anything, he said, “You gotta know how much I love you.”

  She stepped out of his arms without taking the box. “It’s not enough anymore. We both know that.”

  “Don’t,” he whispered. They’d had this argument so many times over the past year, and he kept hoping things would get better. His job involved crisis management, and he loved it, but he kept praying for the reprieve that never came so he could give his girlfriend the time and attention she had every right to expect. “I don’t want to argue tonight, not on your birthday.”

  “You think this is what I want?” she asked, looking up at him.

  The raw pain he saw in her bright green eyes tore at him. “Look, I know you’d rather do something else tonight. Why don’t I see if I can get Ryan to handle this thing at Jimmy’s? You and I can go and have a nice dinner-”

  She glanced at her watch, its showiness mocking him, remin
ding him that he really didn’t know her at all if he thought a gift like that would compensate for the fact he was never around.

  “It’s after ten. I had a salad hours ago.”

  He hated that she had spent her birthday alone, eating a cold salad in front of the TV, when he should have been wining and dining her, proving to her that she was the most important person in his life. “I’m sorry about that, but-”

  She held her hand up. “It’s okay. I’m not looking for any more apologies.” She sighed. “Quite frankly, I’m tired of listening to them. Tired of pretending things will get better when we both know they won’t.”

  “Don’t say that.” Feeling more panicked and helpless than he ever had, he could barely draw a breath. “We can work this out. I know we can.”

  She shook her head. “I let myself believe that for the longest time.” A sad smile crossed her face. “You don’t know how much I wanted to believe that. Letting go of you and the dream of being your wife is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.”

  “You can’t do this.” There were no words to make her understand what he would sacrifice if she would just give him one more chance to make up for his mistakes.

  “I’m sorry, Evan.” She reached for his hand. Looking at their joined hands for a long time, she finally spoke. “You gave me some of the best years of my life, and you’ll always have a special place in my heart.”

  He gripped her hand tightly, refusing to let go. “This is not over, it can’t be.”

  “It’s been over for a long time,” she whispered, looking up at him as the tears spilled down her cheeks. “You have a new life now, one that doesn’t include me.”

  “That’s not true,” he said between clenched teeth. “You’re the best part of my life. You always have been.”

  “You don’t have time for us anymore, and I can’t be with a man who treats me as an afterthought.” She squared her shoulders and pulled her hand from his. “I deserve better.”

  “I can give you better if you just give me a chance.”

  “I’ve given you so many chances.” She sighed as she walked to the end table and picked up a framed photo of the two of them. She ran a fingertip over the glass before brushing away the tear sliding down her cheek.

  He knew she was right. She’d told him half a dozen times they couldn’t go on this way, but he fooled himself in to believing tomorrow would be a better day. Now he’d run out of days to make things better. “Just one more. That’s all I’m askin’ for. Please. You can’t throw away six years-”

  She turned to face him, effectively silencing him when he saw how much this was hurting her. “I can’t invest a lifetime in a relationship that isn’t working. I can’t continue to give my love to a man who has nothing to give me in return.”

  Evan sank down on the couch and dropped his head into his hands, tugging his cropped hair as he struggled to find the words to heal the pain he’d caused her. “I do love you. Damn it, why can’t I make you see that?”

  She set the photo down and came to stand in front of him. Dropping to her knees, she held his hands. “I know you love me; that’s not what this is about.”

  “Isn’t that the only thing that matters?”

  “Not anymore.” She reached up to restore order to his tousled hair. “You were the first and only man I’ve ever loved. My lover, my best friend… you were the center of my world for the longest time, Evan. There’s nothing I wouldn’t have sacrificed to make this relationship work.”

  He knew everything she said was true, which made it hurt all the more. “What can I do…?”

  “You can let me go,” she said quietly.

  “I’d do anything for you… anything but that.”

  “I want to get married, Ev.” She sunk her teeth into her full bottom lip. “I want to move on to the next phase of my life.” She sat back on the upholstered ottoman, still holding his hands in hers. “I want to have a nice house, a couple of kids, a dog or two…” She released his hands and brushed away the tears. “I can’t wait forever to start that phase, and I don’t want to.”

  He said the only thing he could think of to keep her from leaving. “Marry me.”

  She closed her eyes and tilted her head forward. “I can’t.”

  “I thought that’s what you wanted?” The frustration was mounting, and the man who was always in control watched everything spiral out of control like a dark and dangerous vortex pulling him into its core.

  “No, what I want is someone to share my life with, a husband who’ll be there to support me and help me raise our kids.”

  “I want to be your husband,” he said, knowing anything he said now wouldn’t be enough to repair the rift between them. “I want you to have my babies…” His voice broke when he thought about the fact she would be another man’s wife now. She’d have someone else’s babies. “God, Erika,” he said, bowing his head. “Don’t do this. Please. I can’t lose you.”

  She framed his face with her hands. “You’re gonna be just fine without me, Ev. You’re the strongest man I know.”

  “No, you’re the one who makes me strong. I can’t do what I do without you. Don’t you get that?”

  She closed her eyes as though her heart and head were still at war over her decision to leave him. “Yes, you can. You were born to do this. You’re going to take that company to heights your father never even dreamed possible.” She leaned in to kiss his cheek. “And when you do, no one will be more proud of your accomplishments than I will.”

  “None of it matters without you,” he said, pulling her into his arms. She clung to him as he buried his face in her long, silky hair. “I don’t give a damn about that company if I don’t have you to come home to at night.”

  She ran her hand along his jaw. “It may feel that way now, but in time, you’ll realize this was for the best. You’ll have the time you need to devote to the business without feeling guilty or torn about leaving me home alone so often. Trust me, you’ll be glad I let you go to pursue your dream.”

  He felt the sting of tears burning his eyes, but he had already wasted too much time hiding the truth from her. If he’d shown her how much she meant to him sooner, she wouldn’t doubt their relationship now. “You’re so wrong.”

  “It’s okay to have goals and dreams that don’t include getting married and having kids. That’s not the life for everyone.”

  “It’s the life for me,” he said, his voice sounding raspy. “It’s what I want… with you.”

  She brushed her lips across his cheek. “I have to go. My parents are expecting me. I’m going to stay with them for a while, until I can find a place of my own again. The movers will be by tomorrow to pick up the rest of my things… while you’re at work. I’ll leave your key on the front desk when I’m finished.”

  “Keep it,” he said, desperate to hold on to the hope that she could change her mind and come back to him. “Just in case.”

  She kissed him gently on the lips, wiping away the tears that collected on his lower lashes. “I’m not going to change my mind. I’m sorry.”

  Chapter One

  Evan Spencer stared down the length of the table, watching the woman he planned to marry, talking and laughing with the man at her side. It killed Evan to see Erika having fun with someone else, knowing he would be taking her home tonight, sharing her bed, giving her the kind of pleasure she used to find only in his arms.

  “I know this has gotta be hard on you, man,” Ryan Spencer said, clapping his brother on the shoulder. “If you wanna leave, no one would blame you.”

  He was there to celebrate the pending nuptials of his best friend, Dominic. They’d all gone to college together and Erika developed a friendship with Dominic’s fiancée, Lena. She’d agreed to be one of Lena’s bridesmaids, which meant the next few weeks would be torture as they all planned to accompany the couple to the Caribbean for their wedding.

  “I can handle this,” Evan said, getting to his feet. There was no sense maintaining the aw
kwardness that had defined their previous meetings. The next several weeks would go much smoother if they made the effort to call a truce, for the benefit of Dom and Lena, as well as the rest of their friends and family.

  He paused beside Erika, glaring at the man at her side before he extended his hand to her. “May I have this dance?”

  The table fell silent as everyone held their collective breath, waiting for Erika to respond. Her eyes darted to her date before she plastered a smile on her face and said, “Of course.” She stood, tossing her napkin on her chair. “Excuse us,” she said to the rest of the group.

  She allowed Evan to take her hand as he led her toward the small dance floor. He took it as a sign she wanted to keep things civil as much as he did. She slipped into his embrace as though she belonged there, and for a fraction of a second, he allowed himself to pretend the last year hadn’t happened.

  “How have you been?” she asked, looking up at him.

  Her close proximity was turning him inside out, but he refused to allow her to see how much she affected him. Trying to get her back had cost as much of his dignity as he was willing to surrender to the cause. He still loved her, suspected he always would, but when she’d told him, in front of their friends, that she’d fallen out of love with him long before she walked out of his life for the last time, he knew it was time to let her go.

  “I’ve been good… busy.”

  She spared a glance at their table. “Your date is lovely. She seems nice too.”

  He had driven Natasha to the party, not as his date, but as a friend. They were both working late and headed in the same direction, so it seemed logical they would drive together. His brother, Ryan, may have hired her to work as an apprentice in their legal department against Evan’s wishes, but he was man enough to admit when he was wrong, and he’d clearly been wrong about Natasha. She was one of the hardest working, sweetest, smartest women he’d met in a long time, and their relationship had quickly evolved from employer / employee to friends.


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