Inseparable: A New Adult Erotic Romance
Page 16
When Jack mentioned going to a strip club for lunch to Julie, she just grinned and told him to have fun. The fact that she was fine with stuff like that after years of taking shit from Sophie made him love her even more.
Jerry was already sitting at a table when Jack arrived, but stood as the hostess brought him over. "Jack," Jerry called with his hand held out. "Man, it's good to see you again."
"Thanks for meeting with me, Jer," he said with a firm handshake. "It's been a while."
"Too long," he said as they both were seated, then turned to the waitress and took a long look at her naked form. "Bring us Shiner Bocks, a couple of medium rare ribeyes with loaded potatoes on the side, and tell Diamond that Jerry is here if she's around today." The waitress left with a smile, swaying her bare ass as she walked away. "Damn, I love this place."
"You still seeing that stripper?" Jack asked.
"Yeah, I like honest women. She wants my money and I want her attention. It works for me."
"I still can't believe you'd rather pay for it," Jack said with a shake of his head.
"Dude, you don't pay them to be with you, you pay them to leave. Besides, after watching what Sophie did to you, I'd rather keep things transactional, if you know what I mean."
"Yeah," he grimaced. "You've got a point about her, but you haven't met Julie yet."
"Julie?" he asked with a grin in his voice. "What's her story?" The waitress returned with their beers and left again with her swaying walk drawing both men's eyes.
"Twenty-five, beautiful, and carrying my son," Jack answered before he took a long pull from the bottle.
"That was quick, but at least you're finally getting that boy you always wanted," he said, suddenly excited. "Congratulations!"
Jack grinned big and sighed. "Now if I could just get my girls back and put a muzzle on Sophie, life would be perfect."
"Good luck with that," he said as he took a drink himself. "My brother proved his ex-wife was an alcoholic and she still got the kids."
Jack nodded warily. "We're back in court next week. I'm hoping I've got enough to get the girls back with the new job and stable home environment."
"Julie gonna be willing to help take care of Lisa and Jen?" Jerry asked. "What about her job?"
"She's gonna be doing freelance work for a interior designer, so her hours will be flexible, but she really wants to be a stay-at-home mom. We're both excited about the baby and making a family together."
"This her first kid?" he asked after taking a sip of beer.
Jack nodded. "Look, I could talk about my life for hours, but the real reason I wanted to see you today was to find out how MJP Engineering is treating you."
"Not so great, my friend," he admitted with a frown. "I've had order screwups, billing problems, late deliveries. It's just not the same without you keeping things running smoothly."
"Have you talked to Mike about it?"
"When he's in town, sure, and he promises he'll look into it. I don't know what he's got going on, but it's fucking up his business."
Jack searched his face for a second before deciding how much to say. "You know Sophie left me for him, right?"
Jerry's face turned red as he leaned over the table. "Are you fuckin' kidding me?"
"No," Jack said. "I'm serious as a heart attack."
"So the man steals your wife, fires you, and expects me to trust him with my business?"
Jack nodded. "I hate mixing business and personal stuff like this, but I admit I was hoping you might see things that way."
"When we're done here I want you to send over your entire product catalog and pricing." A large-breasted, blonde woman came sauntering up wearing nothing but a g-string and a large diamond in her navel. "Jack, have you met Diamond yet?" Jerry asked with a grin as he put his arm around her waist. "Diamond, sweetie, Jack here is gonna be a daddy and we're gonna celebrate."
Later that evening, Jack came home to find Julie napping on the couch, so he closed the door quietly to keep from startling her. She was wearing one of his button-down shirts with nothing on underneath it. He put down his laptop bag and knelt in front of the couch to kiss her awake gently.
"Hey," she murmured as she stretched. He kissed her again as she put her arms over his shoulders.
"Sorry I'm late. I had a meeting with my boss and then went to see my lawyer to pay him enough to finish off the case."
The sleepy smile on her face made his heart skip a beat, but then she frowned. "How did you get the money to pay him?
"By closing the largest single contract sale in the company's history. Drillworks was one of my old customers and the buyer was an old fraternity brother. He said he couldn't trust a man like Mike with his business any more. The commission on that sale alone will cover what we needed for the trial, so I talked my new boss into an advance."
"Holy shit, that's fantastic!" Julie hugged him tight and kissed his cheek. "We've got leftovers if you're hungry."
"I'm still full from lunch."
"I bet you are," she said with a grin. "Do you need someone to help empty you out?" Reaching down, she stroked the front of his pants until he stiffened in her hands.
"Yes, I believe I do." He kissed her as she tugged on his belt and worked the zipper down. In seconds she had his heavy shaft out and had scooted herself to the edge of the couch.
"Come on in," she whispered as she drew him closer. With him kneeling in front of the couch, she pulled him between her thighs and guided him inside. Tilting her head back while he penetrated her, he kissed along her neck until he reached her soft earlobes. "That's it," she purred. "Tell me about the girls you saw at lunch. Did they have big tits?"
"Some did," he gasped as tried to find a comfortable rhythm. "One even had a diamond stud in her belly button."
"Was she pretty?" Julie asked as she clutched at his back with goose bumps breaking out along her arms and legs. "Did she make you hot?"
"Yes, but after finding you like this, she doesn't even come close." Finally hitting a motion that worked for them both, he increased the pace while she held on tighter. "Oh God, you're so sexy, Julie."
"Baby," she muttered as she kissed his cheeks and neck. "I'm so close, don't stop." Grinding herself against his shaft, she let him press her back into the couch until she cried out. "Fill me up," she gasped. "Give it all to me."
When he felt her pulsing finish, he let himself follow her, whimpering through the final strokes as they panted and kissed. "So good," he murmured between kisses.
"You can go eat lunch there anytime you want if you come home like this," she said through happy giggles. "That was fun, if a bit quick."
"I guess those girls at lunch got me a little worked up. What the hell did I do to deserve you?" he whispered in her hair.
"Nothing, remember?" she answered, pulling back to kiss his lips. "Only you."
Chapter 17: Jack
They woke early the morning of the hearing to get ready for the long day in court. Jack put on a suit and let Julie fix his hair because his hands were shaking too much. By the time they reached the courthouse, Jack was glad he hadn't eaten breakfast with his stomach roiling and twisting noisily.
He led Julie to the same family court room he'd been in the day Sophie gutted him. The judge would be the same hard-nosed woman who'd favored Sophie before, so despite all their preparation he still struggled to be hopeful. Keeping a smile fixed on his lips, he squeezed Julie's hands as they waited in the hallway outside the courtroom.
His attorney was the first to arrive, carrying a heavy satchel and rolling a large document carrier behind him. Jack introduced Owen Zachary to Julie and allowed them to chat while he continued to stare at the growing crowd of people getting off the elevators. When he recognized Polly, Julie's best friend, he waved to get her attention. She came over looking determined, but grinned as she hugged them both.
Continuing to scan the crowd, he finally spotted the person he'd been most anxious to see. Claire Brousard was a
stout, graying woman in her sixties, but her fast pace and sharp expression made her appear decades younger.
"Jackie," she called as she approached, using the softer French version of his name. "I did not got lost this time." Her thick French accent sounded like home and warmed his heart. After hugging her tight, Jack stepped back to introduce her to the others.
"Mama," he said to her, accenting the last syllable. "This is my lawyer Owen Zachary. And this is Julie Polk and her best friend Polly Makutsi. Everyone, this is my mother Claire Brousard."
Clair shook hands all around, but kept a steady eye on Julie. After greeting them all, she turned back to Julie and said, "So you care for my boy?"
"Yes, Ma'am. I do, very much."
"I can tell. He light up when he speak of you. I call you sa lumière even before I know you. I see his light in you now." She gestured up and down at Julie with her hand.
Julie nodded and said, "He's in my heart."
"When are you due?" Claire asked, surprising Jack because he hadn't mentioned Julie's pregnancy to her yet and Uncle Charlie wouldn't have said anything.
Julie glanced at Jack with a confused expression. "September. How did you know?"
"A mother knows. I tell you true I do not approve of this without marriage, but I am so glad you have stood by Jackie in his hard time. Will you give him a son?" she asked with sweet smile as she extended her hand.
Julie's chin quivered as she nodded. "Yes," she said as she took Claire's hand and held it tight.
"Then I shall love him, Lumière, as you love my son. It is good at last to meet you."
Jack beamed at them both while his mother and Julie spoke quietly together. Owen cleared his throat to get Jack's attention, then nodded toward the elevators. There came Sophie surrounded by three men in suits and a small Hispanic woman holding both Lisa and Jen's hands. When the little girls caught site of Jack and Claire they screamed, "Daddy! Meemee!"
He stepped closer and knelt down with his arms open to hug them, but Sophie stepped between them and held the girls back. "Oh no," Sophie hissed as she stared at Jack. "Consuelo!" The smaller Hispanic woman grabbed them and held them close until they stopped squirming.
"Elle est le Diable," Claire muttered, shaking her head as she stepped towards her granddaughters. "Come to me, mes 'tites filles." The girls tore loose from Consuelo's grip and ran to their grandmother's arms.
"I don't have to put up with you anymore, you old witch," Sophie hissed. "Hug them while you can, because when this is over it'll be a cold day in hell before I drive them out to that swamp you call home."
Claire glared at Sophie over the girls' heads while clenching her jaws. Julie moved next to Jack and took his hand as he faced Sophie and her legal team.
"I'm going to enjoy this almost as much as last time," Sophie purred.
"We'll see about that. Where's Mike?" Jack asked.
"Something came up at work, but he'll be here later."
Jack grinned and said, "Yeah, I know what came up. When you speak to Mike, be sure to mention that I closed on Drillworks yesterday. He'll understand what it means."
When Jerry had agreed to switch suppliers, Jack decided to use it to send a message to Mike. Being fired without an employee or severance contract, there was no non-compete clause to worry about, so Jack could steal every customer they had. Mike would realize the implications, even if Sophie didn't.
"Whatever," she huffed and rolled her eyes. "Consuelo, take the girls to that courthouse playroom down there and keep them busy. Mommy has work to do."
Everyone filed into the courtroom and took their places. Julie, Polly, and Claire all sat behind Jack and his attorney who stood waiting for the judge. Sophie and her three attorneys huddled on the other side of the aisle next to their table.
"All Rise," the bailiff announced near the front of the room. "The family court of Harris County, Texas is now in session. The honorable Patricia Hightower is presiding. Please be seated."
The growling pain in Jack's stomach increased when he saw the blond-haired judge sit and shuffle the paperwork before her. After everyone was seated, the judge said, "Good morning. We've got a full docket today, so I don't want to waste time on pointless formalities. As most of you know, I run things pretty informally most of the time, but I won't hesitate to boot you out of here if you lie to me or waste my time. Are both parties ready?"
"Yes, Your Honor," Owen said, standing standing to speak.
At Sophie's table, an older man stood and said, "Yes, Your Honor."
"Well hello, Frank, what's a senior partner doing at a divorce hearing?" Patricia asked Sophie's attorney with apparent familiarity.
He seemed embarrassed when he said, "A friend called in a favor. It's good to see you again. How's Roger?"
The judge laughed and said, "Playing golf today, I imagine. Let's get this show on the road. Since Mrs. Brousard filed, why don't you begin?"
"Thank you, Your Honor. Mrs. Brousard is suing for sole custody as well as child and spousal support. We have evidence that Mr. Brousard broke his marital vows with his wife and abandoned his family. He took a job out of state and is no longer primarily a resident of Texas. He has missed both of his scheduled visits with his girls. Additionally, he has demonstrated his contempt for his wife and family by impregnating and cohabitating with another woman."
As he spoke the two other attorneys assembled the paperwork that provided the evidence of their claims and handed it off to the clerk of the court. The judge wrote during the entire recitation and continued to write for a few moments afterward before looking toward Jack's side for their opening statement.
Owen stood with a satisfied grin and spoke while he carried a stack of papers to the clerk. "Jack Brousard is a faithful family man who is employed locally by Deep Drilling Supplies, Incorporated. He has paid all court mandated support payments on time and still resides alone in the apartment the court has on record for his address. Mr. Brousard has directed me to file a counter claim against Mrs. Brousard for sole custody of the two minor children."
"I see," the judge said with a weary sigh. "And why would I grant that given all the evidence from the interim custody hearing and the additional evidence supplied today?"
"We have some rather damning evidence of Mrs. Brousard lying to the court, Your Honor, if you'll allow it."
"Why wouldn't I?" she asked.
"Mrs. Brousard had two encounters with Mr. Brousard's friend, Julie Polk. On both occasions, Mrs. Polk recorded statements made by Mrs. Brousard that contradict the facts she's provided the court."
Jack had been watching Sophie out of the corner of his eye and saw her grow pale as Owen spoke. Her attorney glanced her way, but schooled his face to avoid showing surprise or concern.
"That is a bit unorthodox, but I'd like to hear the recordings before I decide if I'll admit them. Anything else you'd like to bring up at this time?"
"Yes, Your Honor. We have a report from a private investigator that states Mrs. Brousard and the children have not been staying at the address she's provided with the court. We have evidence that Mr. Brousard has been denied contact with his children to coerce him to agree to her terms for divorce and annulment of their marriage. And finally, there was an incident where Mrs. Brousard publicly threatened Mrs. Polk which was recorded, witnessed, and had a police report filed against her."
"I see," the judge said, her forehead wrinkling as she watched the large stack of evidence from both sides grow as the clerks sorted and registered each document. "I'll need some time to review all this. The court will recess for one hour."
The Bailiff stood and said, "All Rise."
By the time the judge shut her office door, Sophie was surrounded by her attorneys and the sound of agitated whispers reached Jack's ears. Julie leaned over the rail to rub his shoulders while Owen got his notes together for the remainder of the proceeding.
"Thanks, Owen," Jack said with a sigh.
"Everything is going to plan so far. I'm more hopefu
l than when we came in."
"Me, too," Jack said as he got up to stand with Julie and his mother.
Their quiet conversation focused on the judge and predictions based on her reaction to their evidence. Jack tried not to get his hopes up, but that didn't keep him from glancing towards Sophie's table with satisfaction. She was red-faced and gesturing his way while she whispered. He occasionally heard her spit words like white trash and coonass which added to the grim pleasure he felt at her distress.
As time dragged on, Jack paced behind the table. He wished he could sneak out to see the girls, but waiting for the judge seemed more prudent. At one point the tense whispers at Sophie's table stopped and her lead attorney walked over toward Owen. Jack stepped closer to listen.
"Owen, is it?" the gray haired man said. "I'm Frank Abernathy from Abernathy, Peters, and Quaile." When he extended his hand, Jack noticed Owen swallow hard.
"Owen Zachary," he said with a tense tone. "What's up?"
"Owen, we're about to get into a heated case of he-said, she-said and I'd like to cut to the chase. Our bottom line is Sophie keeping primary custody, but after discussing things we've decided to allow Jack here to have the girls on the weekends and alternate holidays. We will even agree to cut the support payments in half, but only if Jack agrees with the terms of the annulment so Sophie can marry again in the Catholic church."
Jack was shaking his head as the acid boiled in his stomach. Owen's glance at his expression was enough for him to say, "I don't think that's going to happen, Frank. That's almost exactly what Jack agreed to *before* your guys fucked him at the last hearing."
"Look, the past is the past and there's nothing I can do about that now. Once the judge comes back, this offer is gone, so I suggest you discuss it before it's too late." He raised his eyebrows when he threatened, then returned to the table to speak quietly with Sophie.
Before Jack could say a word to Owen, the door at the back of the courtroom flew opened and Mike stomped in with his eyes flashing between Sophie and Jack. Sophie stood up and smiled, but it faltered when she saw his expression. Jack watched as he stormed over to her and hissed out a long rant in her ear.