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The Brightness Duet: Complete Series Boxset

Page 11

by Bri Stone

  I’m meeting Thom’s only ‘person’ besides me.

  It’s a big deal.

  I just showered but my neck is sweating nervously. I hadn’t even decided what to do with my hair, it’s in a messy bun and still half wet from my shower. With Thom, yes; but that’s beside the point.

  I don’t know why we can’t keep our hands off each other. I don’t know how I managed to keep my hands off him in M1 either. I’m happy to be where we are now. Even with the guillotine of residency looming in the back ground.

  “Perrie? Are you still trying to find something to wear?” Thom knocks on the door—I don’t know why—before he comes in.

  “Yeah.” I whisper.

  I turn to look at him. He is already dressed in an oxford shirt and dark khakis. Looming in the door way like an Adonis. My Adonis.

  “Sparks, it’s not that serious.” He flashes an easy smile, crosses the space between us and holds me to his body.

  I relax and inhale his fresh scent. I wrap my arms around his solid lats before I need to separate myself, or we’ll never make it out the door.

  “It feels like it. He must already hate me for not meeting him the past three years.”

  I wasn’t even sure what to count as our anniversary. Our first date seemed right since we jumped right to being in a real relationship. We don’t have time to plan real dates. It’s mostly studying, and ordering take out, or running to grab ice cream. I think we only plan a real sit-down dinner on our anniversary, September 27th. This year we took a day trip to San Bernardino. We tasted wine on the vast ever greens and fondled each other like teenagers behind the bushes when no one was looking.

  “He doesn’t. I swear. Just...” he looks at my rack of dresses and picks one up, “Wear this.” His smile is smug.

  I frown at the tight cocktail dress Melinda practically forced me to buy online. It’s the only way I can do any shopping.

  “Thom.” I deadpan.

  He laughs and hangs it back. He sighs and shakes his head. “You suck at making decisions. We need to go in like twenty minutes. Stan loves Zazie and it’s a little way out.” He winks, rubs my shoulder and then leaves.

  I groan and keep shuffling. I tell myself to just pick something. Anything.


  A maxi dress that comes up to my knees in the front. It’s strapless but has off the shoulder sleeves. The print is an abstract mix of pink, white, and green. I choose black sandals and move to the bathroom to do my makeup. I hardly wear it but after my foundation I choose a good blush and eyeshadow. I put on a little bit of gloss and let my hair down. Once I add mouse, it looks wavy on purpose.

  I grab my purse and walk out to meet Thom nervously. “Is this okay?”

  He turns from the island, looks up from his phone. His smile is wide and competes with the sun coming in from the windows. “You look stunning. Come here.”

  I smile, and he takes me by my waist. He kisses my cheek, and then my lips. Softly, so my lip gloss doesn’t smear.

  “Thanks.” I whisper.

  “Let’s go.”

  WE GET TO ZAZIE EARLY. The inside opens to a winding staircase, and one wall is made entirely of brick. It’s cozy and very traditional. Our booth is near the window, opposite the table is a single chair. It’s nice to be close to Thom.

  He takes my hand in his lap and kisses my temple.

  “Don’t be nervous.” He smiles.

  I look in his eyes and find a sort of calm. But my palms are still clammy, and my heart is still fluttering.

  “I’m...anxious. I haven’t seen him in three years. How much does he already know about me?”

  Thom scratches his head and looks bashful. “Um, mostly everything. I talk about you a lot.” He grins, and his cheeks go darker. I smile at the thought of Thom ever being shy.

  Thom has a jovial personality. He’s very boyish, but also very certain of himself. He can neutralize almost any situation with a joke or a smile, and everyone always looks to him to keep things going. The few times we hang out with Chris and Donald, Thom is clearly the conversation starter and finisher. Only Melinda can beat him at that.

  “I guess that isn’t too bad. I don’t have to tell him my life story.” I laughed but it was nervous and awkward. I didn’t have much of a life story, but I did have a story. It was one I got a little more comfortable telling over the years, but I still wondered what people would think of me.

  The server comes, and we get sweet tea.

  “I told him you’re kind of boring.” He deadpans, but I know he is joking.

  He finally smiles and then kisses me by surprise. I smile inside and lean into the kiss. His thumb grazes my jaw as he sucks softly. I stop from moaning as I relax into his touch and my eyelids flutter.

  “What a wonderful welcome.”

  The voice makes me pull away from Thom and I stare up at Stan in shock. My cheeks boil, and my neck too. Thom just laughs and stands to hug him. I do the same, intending to shake his hand but he hugs me instead. It makes me feel warm inside, like it does when I hug Thom.

  “Nice to see you again, Perrier.” He smiles.

  Stan is very charming. And very handsome. His hair is neat, but messy at the top. Blond in a way that sets off his dark eyes. His features are strong and his stature commanding. His crisp blue dress shirt doesn’t hide his toned body either. I feel bad for women his age. The men, too.

  My thoughts go to remind me how much he looks like Thom, but I push it away and say it’s just hindsight of knowing he grew up with him.

  “Just Perrie.” I swallow nervously.

  I sit back next to Thom and he rubs my knee and smiles. Our legs touch under the table and it calms me down a little.

  “Did you order?” Stan takes his seat and straightens the cuffs of his shirt.

  He has a surgeon’s hands, I don’t know if that’s a real thing, but they are good hands.

  “No, waiting on you.” Thom sings.

  Stan gives him a look. “I’m worth the wait.” He smiles. When he glances at me I sit up straighter and manage a small smile. I honestly don’t know how to act around Stan, because I know he isn’t his dad, but I do know he is important to him.

  They go back and forth, and I find myself watching them both. Studying how they interact wasn’t something I got to see often, and it was entertaining. Especially their inside jokes.

  “So, Perrie. How do you feel about doing your interviews?” Stan turns the conversation to me.

  We already ordered. Eggs Benedict all around, because Stan swore they were the best.

  “Good, I think. It’s hard to tell.” I smile nervously. The question posed a plethora of emotions, but I wasn’t prepared to show them.

  Interviews was another bout of proving myself. Of begging people to take a chance on me. It wasn’t the best thing to have to do. Not in high school for college, not for med school, and not for residency either.

  “Yeah, they like to pretend they hold the key to the future. I guess I’m not to talk, since I’m judging the boards this coming year.” He grins.

  “Whoa. That sounds...intense.” I wasn’t sure what to respond. The subject of interviews and my future beyond now was on my list of things to avoid.

  “It is a very intense job. What’s your specialty again?” He sips his black coffee. Thom is the only other person I know that drinks their coffee black.

  I could never imagine drinking black coffee.

  “Forensic pathology.”

  “I’ve honestly never met anyone set on that before starting residency.”

  “In all your years?” Thom teases.

  “I know a lot of people say, that people switch to that if they fail surgical intern exams.” I say. I’m a little more at ease now, because Stan is easy to talk to once I get past my nerves.

  Stan makes a face and shakes his head. “They’re dumbasses. What made you choose that?” He has a curiosity to his voice.

  “Um, a number of things but I think it was mainly because of how
my mom died.” I swallow a lump and Thom takes my hand. Being forthcoming about it would help me in the long run. Plus, it was Stan

  Stan’s face drops, and then tightens. “I’m very sorry to hear that.” His voice is soft.

  “Thank you. It was a long time ago. But it is something I wanted to do for a long time.”

  “You’ll be good at it. It may be awkward if one of Thom’s patients ends up on your table.” He cracks half a smile.

  Thom shakes his head and I remind myself how far apart we’ll be. And for how long.

  “Unless it crosses state lines, that won’t happen.” I giggle nervously.

  “Oh. Right. You know, it’s good you didn’t register to match as a couple. They say it doesn’t matter, but those assholes...for some reason you aren’t allowed to have a life beyond medicine.” Stan says with ease. I know he has a lot of knowledge about the industry because of his experience, and I was glad for it.

  “Yeah, we thought so.” Thom rubs my palm. I squeeze his hand back because I can’t manage a smile. The thought of separating from Thom is scary and not breakfast conversation.

  Our food arrives, and conversation stays easy throughout. Stan entertains me with stories of Thom as a child.

  “Wait, so how old was Thom when you met him?”

  Stan feigns a thinking face. “Uh, young. Still annoying.”

  “Stan isn’t a fan of children.” Thom explains his inability to place his age. “I remember being in first grade when I had a rash on my arm, and mom took me to see him.” He answers for him.

  Stan nods and clears his throat. “Oh, right.” I sense something in his voice but can’t place. Honestly, it sounded like he was lying or holding something back; it’s hard to believe he wouldn’t know Thom’s age.

  He smiles at me, but I don’t quite buy it. I say it is just my nerves messing with my head.

  We continue, and Stan asks more about me. Simple stuff, and it tells me Thom really has told him nearly everything. But he tries not to hint at it very much. Like how chai tea is good for you; well, I knew that. Just not the way Starbucks makes it.

  “I like you Perrie. We should meet more often.” Stan winks and it becomes more obvious that he is a natural flirt. Kind of like Thom, but not in the same manner, obviously.

  “Thanks.” I giggle nervously.

  “So, Thom has met your family, right?” Stan checks. I nod. “So, it’s just me that’s left out.” He sighs dramatically.

  Thom groans and shakes his head at his Uncle. It’s endearing and it’s obvious how much they love each other. How close they are. I have that with my sister and my father, so I value that connection.

  “And, Alice—Thom’s mother. She would have loved you.” Stan’s eyes are sincere, the mood shifts. It’s intimate and serious. I look up at Thom and he nods.

  “She would have.” He kisses my cheek and Stan changes the subject easily.

  I find myself laughing from my belly a lot. Enjoying them both. We paid the tab a while ago, but we still just sit there, talking about nothing in particular.

  “You know, I taught Thom everything he knows about sex. I trust he’s putting it to good use?”

  I blush everywhere at Stan and he just laughs. Meanwhile I’m gaping, trying to find my words.

  “Sorry, he doesn’t have boundaries.” Thom grips my hand tighter. I laugh at how close they really are.

  “Erm, no comment.” I bite my lip nervously.

  “Anyway. Whatever you both need, I’m your guy. I have a lot of people who owe me favors in the residency program. At Mass Gen and Mayo.”

  “I don’t know if I matched there yet.” I get nervous just thinking about match day. Though I’m not surprised Thom told him of my top choice.

  “Still. Wherever you go, I’ve been around.” He winks and Thom groans again. I laugh at their relationship.

  Meeting Stan is a better experience than I imagined. I had never been that easy around anyone before. His personality is a lot like Thom’s. I suppose it’s because Thom grew up with him, pretty much. But there is something deeper between them, and it’s admirable but also brings up a lot of Shonda Rhimes type theories in my head. Stan really took on a role, and it did influence Thom’s life.

  I wonder what it would have been like if he wasn’t there when Alice passed away.

  “It was great to meet you. I hope we don’t go too long without a nice conversation, embarrassing Thom, again.” Stan hugs me goodbye in front of the café.

  “I hope so too.” I laugh. He grips my shoulders and smiles before turning to Thom.

  They hug, and I watch Stan drive off in his flashy black Mercedes sedan.

  “See, that wasn’t so bad.” Thom kisses me and walks me to the car.

  “I guess not.” He holds me to his side and I relax into him.

  “Hmm. Let’s go home. I have plans for the rest of the evening.

  GOD, AM I IN LOVE WITH THOM. So, in love it makes people frown when they see us in public. So, in love that I am petrified. Because I had always focused on one thing. I kept family close and made school my life.

  Now Thom is more than I could have bargained for. Getting to this point in med school, my life was about to set up. Choosing matches for residency programs, planning the next four years of my life, the whole nine. I knew I didn’t want to be apart from him.

  But if a gun was to my head and I had to choose between my number one program and him...

  It nauseated me to know that Thom would always choose me.

  “Are you okay cleaning up?” Rick Sanders, the ME I work for, is a nice old man. I guess he is about sixty. He had been published and awarded so many times, I can’t even count. He turned down a chief ME job for the state, and they still ask him every year.

  I want that.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  He retreats to his office. I wash everything up, dispose of the instruments that should be, and am finally free to leave. To go study. But at least I can be with Thom. I smile sappy as I leave the building.

  I am a few blocks from the school, and Thom always has his lab on Thursday evenings.

  I wait outside the Atrium for Thom. Five minutes to seven. He should be out by now. I don’t text him, so I don’t disturb him. I find a bench and read a book on iBooks, with Pandora playing in my headphones. I’ve found myself obsessed with indie books, reading them at rapid speed on study breaks and during downtime at work. Thom laughs at me for it all the time, because I read smutty books. I don’t care, because I can tease him for still eating chicken nuggets like they’re the only food on earth. And they’re the kiddy kind too. I guess I can’t talk, since my staple foods are Chobani yogurt, chai tea lattes, and egg rolls. More times than not those have been my meal.

  I am so engrossed in the book I don’t notice Thom next to me until he kisses my cheek. If it were a stranger, I would scream. And it wouldn’t feel as good either.

  “Hey, sorry I got caught up.” He grins.

  “It’s okay.” I meet his gaze. Thom hasn’t changed much. He does wear a permanent light beard now, it frames his jaw in a strong way.

  I sigh as his thigh brushes mine. Now I’m thinking about him inside of me. I’m hungry. I should be thinking about that.

  “Everything okay?” I ask him.

  He stands up and takes my gray backpack. He stopped carrying his. He just walks around with his black notebook and Mac book.

  “Yeah, I was talking with Donald.”

  I nod. Him, Chris, and Donald are best friends. I think. They rarely see each other. He has this lab with Donald though, and sees Chris in passing. Still, they’re friends.

  “Hungry?” He prompts me to walk with him.

  We head in the direction of his car. Dad offered to buy me one, but I didn’t see the need for it. Thom and I go to the same place every morning. Everything is close by and there is a Whole Foods right across the street from our place.

  “Yeah, but—”

  “Coffee first. I know.”
r />   “It’s actually tea.” I correct him.

  He pulls me to his side with his arm over my shoulders, his fingertips graze my collarbone until my body comes alive.

  “It’s a latte, I consider it coffee.” He smiles down his nose at me. “I love when you wear these.” He gestures to my gray/black scrubs. Rick insists I wear them to blend in. Everyone working for him wears scrubs. Thom still dons his Henleys and jeans or khakis.

  “Whatever. And after that?” I ask him.

  He grins and lets out an exaggerated sigh. “Let us see where the night takes us.”

  I laugh. He had been mocking how the Romans talk in Spartacus, the show we are now watching. In the summer we watched Orange is the New Black, joining the hype. We stop at a Starbucks and he buys our drinks. I have learned to just stop trying to pay, unless I can be fast enough or have my card ready. But he had my bag.

  He always gets a green tea latte, so I don’t know why he mocks my chai tea.

  After that we find a good place to stop, Pete’s. We both order burgers.

  “Stan kept pestering me about those applications. I’m so glad they’re done with.” He rolls his eyes and drinks down his tea.

  We just finished submitting our residency applications and I felt both excited and terrified about it. The next thing is interviews, if I’m lucky, and that is another feat I can’t even think about. But in the days we sent over our applications, it loomed in the air that we could very well end up across the country from each other.

  My top program was Mass Gen, then Brigham and then Johns Hopkins. His were New York Presbyterian and then the Mayo Clinic.

  The problem is obvious.

  I could end up in Massachusetts, and him in Minnesota. Maybe New York. I never told him I couldn’t bear to give up any of those programs. Just like before, if I were held at gun point and had to choose matching with Thom over one of those programs...


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