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Tiger by the Tail-eARC

Page 11

by John Ringo;Ryan Sears

  First and foremost, she wasn’t sure who was seducing whom. This “Kildar” had exhibited all of the classic signs of arousal and commitment—at least in the act itself—but his leaving before his achieving climax—or at least giving her one—was unprecedented, at least in her experience. There had been nothing wrong with her technique. There never was—every man she had set out to conquer had succumbed to her charms with ease. Which made this man all the more puzzling.

  And the second issue—which she was loathe to admit to herself—was that he had been good at what he did…damn good. Even now there was an itch deep inside her that was begging to be scratched. And there was really only one way to do that. One of the reasons Soon Yi was such a good operative was her complete divorcement of the act of sex from any emotion whatsoever. But that was before she had encountered someone like this Kildar…

  Soon Yi went to the shower to clean up, disturbed by the thoughts that kept running through her mind. If her control found out what had happened, he would accuse her of becoming emotionally involved, and have her removed from the mission.

  The very idea is ridiculous! she thought. He’s just another gwai-lo—a talented one—but another one nonetheless. My mission is clear. It is obvious he enjoys the sexual relationship, and that is what he shall continue to receive in order to deepen the relationship, such as it is.

  As she thought, Soon Yi has unconsciously moved the shower wand down between her legs. Now, switching it to pulse, she let the jet of water stimulate her already sensitive parts until she shuddered and leaned against the wall, gasping as her orgasm overtook her. And although Mike’s face rose in her mind, she banished the vision of him just as firmly, replacing that with her evaluation of him based on what she had seen—and experienced—of him so far.

  He is used to dominating, to being in control. He enjoys it, enjoys causing fear in others—men, women it doesn’t matter. So, how would he react to someone who resists him more—vigorously?

  Afterward, she cleaned herself up and reported in to headquarters. The conversation was brief:

  “This is Black Chrysanthemum reporting. I have initiated a sexual relationship with the mercenary leader.”

  “Does he suspect anything?”

  “No, he is very—single-minded. He still believes that I am just a prostitute who was involved with Yeung Tony.”

  There was a slight pause on the other end, which struck Soon Yi as odd. “I have received information from my superior regarding this new development in your mission.”


  “Not only are you to maximize your relationship with this ‘Kildar,’ and report any information you discover, but you are also under orders to ensure that no harm is to come to him.”

  “I—I understand.” Soon Yi could not fathom why that particular order had been given, but then again, it did not matter. It had been given, and she would carry it out to the best of her ability.

  “What is the status of the package?”

  “They want me to try and convince Tony to set up the meeting with his contact in Hong Kong. I imagine that they are going to attempt to sell it there.”

  “Remain attached to the package at all costs. Again, maintain the relationship with your secondary target, and insure his safety. We will ensure that the proper authorities are notified of your presence once you arrive in the city.”

  “Understood. Black Chrysanthemum out.”

  Soon Yi broke the connection, then quickly stripped the antenna and batteries out of her dress. Looking around for a suitable hiding place, she ran the antenna around the edge of the mirror, and hid the sealed batteries deep inside the bar of soap they had given her. Once that was done, she went to bed, still trying to banish the errant thoughts about the gwai-lo Mike Jenkins out of her mind…

  Chapter Seven

  Whistling with good humor, Adams strolled down the hallway toward Mike’s stateroom the next morning. Seeing the open door, he rapped knuckles on the doorjamb.

  “Hey Ass-boy, you got a minute?”

  Behind his small desk, Mike looked up from his tablet.

  “Sure, come on in.”

  Adams walked in, grabbing another chair and setting it in front of the desk before plopping himself down.

  “Met the new guy. He seems all right, even for a jarhead.”

  “Well, you still get along with Vanner, right?” Mike asked with a smile. “Anyway, since Force Recon’s done the most cross-service training out of all the spec ops, I expect he’ll be able to keep up and then some. Whatever happened to your guy?”

  “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” Adams leaned forward in his chair. “It seems Liu got out of the military two years ago, and into something much more lucrative.”

  The beginning of a frown crossed Mike’s forehead.

  “I’m listening.”

  “Turns out he’s head of security for the largest import company in Hong Kong. If it can be brought into China and sold for a profit, they want it. I also found this article on the internet that says beer is the number one alcoholic drink over there.”

  Mike’s frown grew larger.

  “Wait a minute—you actually researched something? On the Internet? You know that involves computers and stuff, right? Why do I feel like I should be worried about that?”

  “Okay, okay, I actually had one of the girls pull the info together, but that’s not important. What is important is that I set up a meeting with my buddy, take him a couple six-packs of Mountain Tiger, he kicks it up the chain, and boom! We gain entry into a huge new market for our beer.”

  Mike expression made him look like he’d just been pole-axed.

  “You? You? You want to negotiate a Mountain Tiger distribution contract for China? That seems like it falls a bit outside your qualifications.”

  “Not quite, see, here’s what I was thinking—”

  “As I recall, didn’t you fall asleep the one time you sat in on a meeting about the brewery?”

  “That wasn’t my fault—I had been informed there was going to be a tasting session.”

  “And didn’t Mother Lenka end up chasing you out of the brewery with a stick?”

  Adams spread his hands in a “what-can-you-do” gesture. “You know Mother Lenka. She overreacts to everything…”

  “And would this negotiating involve, say, roaming around Hong Kong getting drunk, laid and probably gambling…? Sort of like, oh, VEGAS? You do remember Vegas, right? Oh, wait, no you DON’T remember Vegas at all… And when you’re drunk you’re the WORST negotiator in the WORLD…”

  “I won’t be negotiating anything, so you can relax on that front. We just have the girls whip up a quick packet of information on our products—hell, they can probably e-mail one to us from home. I give it to him, along with contact information for the brewery, and Mother Lenka or someone back home who handled the negotiations in Vegas can take it from there.”

  “Let me repeat. Hong Kong. You do realize the Keldara have never been to a city like that. That I’m going to need all of my guys present and frosty to keep them in line. Although, expecting you to be present and frosty under those circumstances is the real silliness.”

  “Yeah, but that’s what you brought this Morgan guy onboard for, right?”

  “Not really—he’s supposed to be regional intel, not oversee a team. He just got here, and none of us save Vanner really know him. Yes, he looks great on paper, but does he still have the skills? You never know that kind of stuff until the shit goes down, and if he doesn’t, it’s too late.”

  “Yeah, I know. But even then, you take care of yourself, too—as you’ve proven time and time again.” Adams shrugged. “When it comes down to it, Mike, I’m a door-kicker and ass-whipper, pretty much in that order. Give me a hard target to take down, and I’m your man. But riding in limos to meet black marketeers in fancy hotels and talk about computer chips, not so much. This way, I can also get something done while you’re out chasing your intel.”

you were planning to beat your friend into working with us, then yes, you’re the perfect guy for the job. But I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around you selling our beer.”

  “Hell, Mountain Tiger’s so good it practically sells itself. All I’m doing is sitting down with an old friend and giving him an opportunity to make his company and ours some money.”

  “I was really counting on your ugly mug being there to ensure that this Arun Than guy doesn’t try to double-cross us.”

  Adams shrugged. “Just take Oleg—he’ll do just as well in the hardass role as I would, probably better.”

  “Promise me this is not going to turn out like Vegas.”

  Adams stared back at him, the picture of innocence.

  “Of course not. SEAL’s honor. This is a simple meeting, in, out, no muss, no fuss.”

  “Yeah…don’t forget I know all about the honor of a SEAL when it comes to furlough.” Mike narrowed his eyes, as if trying to see inside his Master Chief’s head, before nodding curtly. “All right. But you will stay in touch. If the shit goes down, I expect you to double time it back if I need you.”

  “Aye aye, Captain Crunch.”

  * * *

  Soon Yi was dressed and sitting at the edge of her bed when Katya returned at mid-day. This time blond woman wore a more relaxed outfit of navy slacks and a white, short-sleeved blouse.

  “How are you this morning, Ms. Yi?”

  “I am—all right. I have considered your proposal, and I think that I may be able to help your—Kildar.”

  Katya’s elegant eyebrow arched in surprise. “Please continue.”

  “I believe that I can convince Yeung Tony to work with your people.”

  Katya nodded. “How?”

  “We were—closer on the island than I had revealed at first. I—I did not want that to become known to the Kildar, for fear he would further torture me to force Tony to tell him what he wanted to know.” Soon shook her head sadly. “It wouldn’t have worked, of course.”

  Katya shook her head. “Probably not. So, why do you think you can persuade him now?”

  “Because I believe I can appeal to Tony’s self-interest. If I may ask, what were you planning on doing with the three of us once you had gotten the information you are seeking?”

  “Most likely you will be turned over to the authorities in Hong Kong, who will deal with you as they see fit.”

  “That is something I am sure Tony would not like at all. Please, let me speak with him. If I can offer your guarantee that you will not turn him over to the Chinese authorities, I believe he will do as you ask.”

  “I will discuss this with the Kildar. I will be right back.” Katya turned and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

  * * *

  “What’s your take on this?” Mike asked after Katya had filled him in on the conversation.

  “I do not see the harm right now,” Katya replied. “After all, your methods do not seem to be gaining you very much, are they?”

  “Little fucker’s durable, I’ll give him that. I’ve got all the information I need, but he refuses to make the call to Than and set the meeting for his ‘new personnel.’”

  Katya rolled her eyes. “I cannot say that I blame him, since you probably plan to kill him the moment that is done.”

  “The thought had crossed my mind.” Mike turned to the third person in the room. “Jace, your thoughts?”

  “The black market in Hong Kong—hell, all of Southeast Asia, for that matter—operates on equal parts trust and distrust, if that makes any sense.”

  “Just like everywhere else in the world,” Mike replied.

  Jace nodded. “You will definitely need Tony breathing to confirm a meeting with Than. If he gets even a hint that something’s not right, he’ll disappear, and you won’t have a dumpling’s chance at dinnertime of finding them. Unless Vanner feels he can set up an audio suite of Tony’s voice that will sound authentic, which is hard enough for another speaker. Not to mention any computer program will have a lot of trouble parsing vocal tone and inflection. Since he’s disposable anyway, if you give her the ammo of seeming to bargain for his life, she may be able to pull it off.”

  “And we still have not come up with anything on this woman other than her hooker story, right?” Mike asked.

  Katya shook her head. “Correct. If she has a jacket, it is very well hidden.”

  “Crap. I could really use some leverage on her, instead of the other way around.” Mike looked from Jace to Katya and shrugged a shoulder. “Set it up. Jace, work with Katya on this, watch the hooker as she talks with Tony. Let me know how it turns out.” He turned back to his iPad.

  Katya turned to the tall man. “Follow me.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Jace left the stateroom and walked behind the short, blond woman in silence. She didn’t make small talk, and Jace didn’t try either—along with the off-limits edict on the intel girls, Vanner had also warned him about Katya. Too bad, really as she is fucking gorgeous, he thought while watching her hips sway under her slacks.

  “You are better off keeping your mind off my ass and on the job at hand,” she said without turning back.

  Jace smiled in return. “I’m pretty good at multi-tasking when necessary.” His attempt at humor only earned him a wintery glare. “Damn. Is it me, or did it just get fucking chilly in here?”

  “It is definitely not you.”

  They headed through the ship until they came to a bedroom door guarded by a huge Keldara. He had a young face and hair so blond it was practically white. Jace nodded at him—he was still trying to learn all their names—and got a stolid nod in return.

  Katya turned to him. “We are here. You will be additional security. I am sure you can act the part of a big, hulking American, right?”

  “If pressed,” Jace replied.

  “We will escort her to the pirate’s room and go from there. Keep your mouth shut. I will do the talking,” Katya ordered.


  “Stay right here. Open it, Oleg.”

  The man-mountain unlocked the door and Katya went inside. There was a brief conversation, leaving Jace alone with the Keldara. He scanned the big man quickly, not raising an eyebrow at the prosthetic foot. He’d known several operators who were just as deadly minus one limb. Sometimes they were even more so, as opponents tended to underestimate them.

  He nodded at the room. “Is she always like that?”

  A frown crossed the giant’s face as he considered the question. “She works for Kildar. Answers only to him or Jay. Is much like Caucasian viper: deadly if provoked, so best to always approach with caution. I do not spend any more time around her than necessary.”

  “Good to know.”

  The guard nodded.

  There was movement from inside the room, and a small Chinese woman emerged a moment later, followed by Katya. The prisoner barely glanced at either of the two men before dropping her gaze to the floor.

  “This way.” Keeping a firm grip on the other woman’s arm, Katya marched her past the door guard. Jace fell into step behind the two women as they proceeded to the aft section, where the engine noise was muted, but noticeable.

  Katya took the Chinese hooker to a door guarded by two Keldara. She snapped a command at one of the guards, who unlocked and opened the door. The mingled stink of sweat, piss, and blood drifted out of the room.

  “Bundun!” Soon ran inside the room. “Could one of you release him, please?”

  Jace threw a questioning glance at Katya, who nodded. Taking out a SOG Spec-Elite folding lockblade, he flipped it open and stepped inside.

  The stink was much stronger, combined with an underlying odor of burned flesh. The room was almost bare, containing only a chair and single bed. Although a tarp had been spread out underneath the chair, rusty, dark brown spatters marked the carpet and walls. A narrow doorway led to a tiny bathroom that had been stripped of any accouterments, and contained only a sink and a shower st

  The prostitute was bent over the man, murmuring something Jace couldn’t quite hear. “Step away, and keep your hands where I can see them,” he said in Mandarin. She moved aside, and Jace got his first look at the captive.

  The pirate was a fucking mess. His face had been severely battered, with his right eye swollen completely shut, and one ear missing, replaced by a stained red bandage. Trickles of dried blood crusted his mouth, and one side had a sunken look that Jace recognized as being caused by several missing teeth. He bent to cut the zip-ties restraining the man in the chair, freeing his feet first, then his arms. When he cut the last one, the Malay nearly fell over.

  “Get out!” Soon Yi hissed. “He won’t listen to me if any gwai-los are here!”

  “Don’t try anything stupid,” Jace warned as he headed for the door.

  “You’re not staying in there?” Katya asked as he walked into the hallway. “What if she tries to kill him?”

  “She wouldn’t be stupid enough to off her meal ticket.” Jace shook his head as he closed the door. “You said you guys are willing to try this her way, it’s best to let her do it how she wants. He’s already been brutalized by other men, and if he’s seen relying on a woman to save him now, it just emasculates him further. Besides, you have the room wired for cameras and sound, right?” He continued off her nod. “So, if she can get what you want in private, what does it matter if she’s watched or not?”

  “I don’t trust her, that is what matters. We shall see.” Katya turned to the door and crossed her arms.

  “Yeah, I bet you get that feeling a lot.” Jace did the same with his arms and leaned against the wall.

  * * *

  The moment the door closed, Soon Yi’s demeanor altered completely.

  “Come on, come on, get up!” Appearing to care for the beaten pirate, she roughly hoisted him up, slinging an arm over her shoulder as she half-carried, half-dragged him to the bathroom. Yeung Tony’s head lolled on his shoulders as he moved.


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