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Second Chance: A Rockstar Romance in North Korea

Page 13

by Lilian Monroe

  He’s looking over a file that I assume has my information, and I can’t help sweep my eyes over his body. He’s wearing this pale purple button down shirt tucked into his black pants. It fits him perfectly, and I can’t help but wonder what his body looks like. He definitely keeps in shape, I can tell by the way the fabric pulls around his biceps as he moves his arms.

  I glance down at his crotch, I can’t help it. I don’t even know what I’m looking for. As soon as I look down, I look away.

  He’s looking at me. Oh my God. Did he see that? Why would I do that! I can feel my cheeks burning when he bores into me with those dark eyes. He’s got such thick lashes, any girl would kill for them.

  Is he smirking?

  I take a deep breath and try to calm myself. This is OK. He’s a professional, and I’m a professional, and I have a medical issue and I need his help. It’ll be a fifteen minute consultation and then I’ll be on my way.

  “So what can I do for you, Valerie?” He asks. His voice is like butter. I can feel the warmth pooling between my legs every time he says my name. I need to work up the nerve for this.

  “Well, I’ve just moved to the area and need a new physician. I haven’t had a physical in a few years so I thought it would be a good opportunity to find a new doctor. You know, just to.. Get to know the right one.”

  What am I even saying? Stop talking! My heart is beating out of my chest.

  “No problem, Valerie. Let’s get started. Can I call you Valerie?”

  I nod.

  “My friends call me Val,” I respond instinctively. Real smooth, Val. He glances up at me and smiles. His whole face lights up when he smiles and my heart beats a little bit faster.

  “Does that make us friends now?” Did he just wink?

  I chuckle, trying not to sound as nervous as I feel. I’m like a thirteen year old girl right now, all giggles and blushes. I need to get it together! I’m a grown woman and he is a doctor, a professional.

  He grabs a light from his breast pocket and holds it up.

  “Now just stare straight ahead, look at the space right between my eyes.”

  I try to keep my eyes steady as he moves the light around. I try not to let my gaze wander but he’s got to be the best looking doctor in all of New York. He jots a few words down on my chart and I use the time to rake my eyes over his body. He’s fit, and the way his clothes pull against his muscles is making me blush. It looks like he’s made of muscle.

  He turns back towards me and I glance at the floor, embarrassed. Stop staring at him! He grabs a wooden tongue depressor and tells me to open my mouth. I open my mouth and slide my tongue out slowly. My heart beats faster and I realise I actually like being in this position in front of him. Mouth open, tongue out, ready for him to do what he needs to do. My eyes flick up to his and I see he’s looking right at me and his stare burns a hole through me. I feel a thrill in my centre, a warmth in my core as he looks into my eyes with my mouth open for him.

  Is he thinking what I’m thinking? I can feel the blood rushing towards the pit of my stomach and my heart beats a little bit faster. It feels like we look at each other a second too long, and then his eyes flick down to my mouth, putting the tongue depressor down and shining a light down inside.

  I take a deep breath and try to calm my nerves.

  He directs me to move to the examination table. The white paper crunches as I sit down onto it. He motions for me to lay down and I swing my legs over, laying down on the blue plastic bed.

  “I’m going to use my hands to palpate your abdomen, just to make sure everything is normal with your internal organs. Is that OK?”

  I nod.

  He raises his hands and I close my eyes as he moves them from one corner of my abdomen to the other. He presses gently, and I can feel the warmth of his hands through my clothing. I wonder what his hands would feel like on my bare skin, or what they would feel like between my legs.

  My mind wanders as he touches me, and once again I feel a warmth growing under his hands. Everywhere his hands touch leaves a trail of sparks and I struggle to keep my breath steady. I’m trying to pretend like this isn’t the sexiest physical I’ve ever had.

  “Ok, looks good to me. I’m just going to listen to your lungs now.” His voice is professional, sharp. My eyes shoot open and I try once again to rein in my thoughts.

  “Can you please sit up for me?”

  He grabs the stethoscope around his neck and places the earbuds into his ears.

  I take a deep breath. He’s going to hear my heart hammering at a hundred miles an hour. This is ridiculous. He’s attractive, fine. He’s also a doctor and I’m here for a checkup. A checkup and a certain… delicate question. This has got to be the longest physical examination in the history of physical examinations. I sit up and wait for him to move towards me, trying in vain to control the pounding in my chest.

  Chapter 6 – Clay

  I take my stethoscope and move it towards her, trying to ignore the twinge of my cock as the blood rushes to it. I can feel it hardening against my pants, and I hope that she hasn’t been able to tell. I know she saw me watching her when she opened her mouth. I’d love to examine that mouth again.

  She jumps a bit when the stethoscope touches her skin. It’s always cold against bare skin. I’m standing by the examination table, looking down at this beautiful woman sitting in front of me. I have a perfect view of her breasts from where I’m standing, with the stethoscope just at the very top of them. I’m careful not to touch her bare skin, or to make any moves that might be considered unprofessional. That look earlier before the tongue depressor was toeing the line.

  “Now take a deep breath for me,” I say.

  She breathes deep, and I move the stethoscope to the other side. Her heart is beating fast, she must be nervous. I don’t blame her. My own heart is beating hard as I move a bit closer to her.

  I place the stethoscope on her skin again and see how the top of her breast depresses from the weight of the instrument. Her skin looks soft, and her breasts look even softer. I want to touch her skin, but I won’t. I can’t.

  I move the stethoscope to her back and slide it down between her tank top and her skin. If only I could slide my hands against her skin and pull this shirt off her. I’d love to get a good look at her body, lie her down and let my hands loose all over her.

  She sits up a bit straighter, and I can still hear how fast her heart is beating. I can smell her from here, she smells fruity and sweet. A little bit like roses. I want to inhale deeply and fill my nose with her scent but I resist.

  I’m at work. This is my job, my dream.

  I can’t let one pretty blonde girl mess anything up for me. I step away from the examination table and she swings her legs over the side. I turn away towards my desk, not wanting to have any more looks exchanged between us.

  “Good! Lungs sound fine. Your heartbeat is quite fast though, have you ever had any problems with your heart?”

  I glance up at her and see her cheeks flush. I can’t help but smile. Maybe she’s feeling what I’m feeling.

  “Are you nervous?” I ask slowly. She flicks those blue eyes up towards my face and I feel the twinge in my cock again.

  “I… yes. I’m nervous. I have.. a problem.” She’s speaking so slowly, hesitating with almost every word. I wait patiently, sitting at my desk. Sometimes it’s better to say nothing and let the patient tell you what they need to say. She looks up at me and when I say nothing, she continues.

  “I… I can’t… I haven’t been able to…” She trails off. Still, I say nothing. She looks at me with those clear blue eyes and I see something else growing inside her. A resolve, fierceness. Fire burns in her eyes as she squares her shoulders and lifts her chin up. Then, finally, she blurts out what she’s been trying to say.

  “I can’t come. I mean, I’ve never orgasmed.”

  I was not expecting that. My cock springs up and I am eternally grateful to
myself for placing her file on my lap when I sat down. I try to ignore the throbbing sensation as I process what she’s just told me. She’s never had an orgasm! I can’t think of a thousand ways I could help her with that. I swallow, struggling to keep my Doctor Voice in check.

  “OK, that’s actually quite common for women. Ten to fifteen percent of women have trouble orgasming. Most of the time it’s mental, but sometimes there can be physiological causes. Have you tried,” I pause, trying to ignore how hard my cock is getting at the thought. “Have you tried… pleasuring yourself?”

  “Many, many times,” she responds. She sounds frustrated, and she’s staring at me intensely. I try to ignore the mental image of Valerie Brooks on her back, playing with herself.

  Many, many times.

  Doctor Voice.

  “And have you tried using an aid?”

  “An aid?” She frowns.

  I gulp.

  “A vibrator. Or any type of toy. They can be quite helpful for many women.”

  She breathes in, understanding what I mean.

  “Actually, no. I haven’t. I’ve always been too nervous to go and buy one.”

  I nod, trying to keep my face and voice steady and ignore the raging hard cock in my pants. Am I really going to prescribe a vibrator to a patient? Is this real life?

  “Ok, no problem. Here’s what we’ll do. I’ll write down some of the toys that we recommend here.” I turn towards my desk, trying to pretend that these aren’t just the vibrators I’ve enjoyed using on the women I’ve been with, or vibrators I’ve enjoyed watching women use on themselves. I pull out my prescription pad and jot down a few names.

  “They’re available online, so you can order them directly to your house. Usually they have discreet packaging so it shouldn’t be embarrassing when the postman comes. Just try to relax and let go of the stress. Light some candles, get in the mood before you start.”

  This seems so wrong, to be talking about setting the mood when we’re sitting in my start white office, surrounded by medical examination materials. I desperately want to help her orgasm right here, right now. My eyes flick to my exam table and I think about what her ass would look like if I bent her over it right now.

  I look back at her and then glance down at her file, trying to pretend to read it.

  “In case that doesn’t help, I can do a full hormone panel and see if anything is unusual there.”

  She takes a deep breath, seems relieved. She nods. I hand her the small square sheet of paper with the names of my favourite sex toys, and call in the nurse to help me with the blood sample for her hormone test. I start typing, writing up my report and prepping for the blood sample and finally, finally my cock relaxes.

  I’m back to work, doing what I love. Doing what I’m meant to do. I can put this sexy blonde woman out of my mind and move on with my life.

  Chapter 7 – Valerie

  Thank goodness that’s over. I breathe in deeply as I walk out of the doctor’s office and into the fresh air outside. I feel like I’ve just run a marathon. I feel sweaty and tired and clammy, and I can tell that my panties are soaked through.

  That could not have been more uncomfortable.

  I glance down at the sheet of paper in my hand. He said these were his usual recommendations, and that it was quite common for women to have this problem. I must not be the first to come in with this issue. That makes me feel better. If other people have had this problem then it’s more likely that I’ll find a solution. I take another deep breath and head towards my car. I have all afternoon, maybe I’ll look some of these toys up online.

  I pull up my phone and call Emma. I hope she’s awake. She answers on the second ring.

  “Emma. You will not believe what just happened. I’ve just been to the doctor.”

  “Yes? And??” She asks excitedly. “What did she say? Can they help you?”

  “HE took some blood samples for a hormone test,” I answer, emphasizing the he. “He also gave me a prescription.”

  “Oh yeah, what’s it for?”

  “It’s a prescription for a vibrator.” I answer drily.

  Emma’s laugh bubbles over through the phone. I can’t help but smile along with her.

  “Em, I wish you’d been there. It was just my luck that my doctor is quite possibly the sexiest man I’ve ever seen. He’s tall and has these eyes, they just pierced through me. And his voice is all husky. I couldn’t focus. He did a full physical and honest to goodness I feel like my orgasm problems were almost solve then and there.”

  She’s still cackling and I join in.

  “It was probably the worst possible scenario I could have imagined. I’m all hot and bothered and then I have to tell this guy that I can’t come! There was this moment, where he told me to open my mouth for that whole tongue depressor thing and honestly I thought it was the start of a porno or something.”

  Emma hasn’t stopped laughing, and I finally feel like I can relax. The stress and awkwardness of the situation dissolve and I laugh with her.

  “What do they even look at with that tongue depressor?” She asks between giggles.

  “I have no idea, but when your doctor is stupidly sexy, it’s very uncomfortable.”

  We laugh some more and I feel much better.

  “So are you going to get a vibe? What did he recommend? Haven’t I been telling you to get one?!”

  “Yeah well I guess it just took a sexy stranger doctor to convince me,” I laugh. “I’ll look them up this afternoon and order one. I guess then it’s just a matter of seeing what the hormone test shows.”

  “Well maybe just think of him when you test out your new toy, he seems to have had a positive effect on you. I haven’t heard you this excited in months!” She’s laughing, and I’m eternally grateful to have her as a friend.

  Otherwise I know I’d be replaying that appointment over and over in my head and probably convince myself not to order any of the vibrators. I change the subject.

  “What about you, any developments after your escapades last night?”

  “Nah, it’s only been a few hours since I left this morning. I gave him my phone number so I guess it’s just a matter of waiting to see if he texts. I’ve just been laying in bed in and out of sleep, trying to recover. I’m going to be sore for days.”

  I laugh. She’s definitely not shy with her words. I love it though, she’s gotten me out of my shell many times. I used to be almost cripplingly shy and I don’t think I’d have been as successful at work if she hadn’t helped me open up.

  “Did you get his information? Maybe you can text him later.”

  “No, I just left my number with him as I was leaving this morning. I’m not too worried, after a night like that I don’t see how he couldn’t want more!!”

  I smile. I’d love to have her unshakeable confidence. We hang up the phone and I get in my car and drive to my favourite coffee shop. I deserve a nice coffee and a fresh pastry after a morning like that.

  I sit at a table in the sun outside the cafe and order a latte and a fresh danish. The barista brings them out and smiles at me. I lean back in my chair and relax, sipping the hot drink and closing my eyes. Maybe things aren’t so bad, and I’ll be able to find a solution to this problem.

  That’s the first time I’ve been attracted to anyone since my breakup, so that must mean I’m moving on.

  I pull up my phone and start looking up the products that Doctor O’Neill wrote down for me. All of a sudden my screen flashes with what look like huge purple penises. In shock I lock my phone reflexively and slam it on the table.

  I breathe in and try to angle my phone away from anyone that might be walking by. I glance around before unlocking my phone again. I scroll through slowly, looking at different options.

  He wrote down four toys for me.

  The first three look huge, and seem to have a million settings. I can’t imagine using that on myself. They have bells and whistles and bit
s hanging off them, and it sounds like the move in circles and vibrate and do a thousand things at once.

  That’s too much for me. At least it’s too much for my first one.

  I need something a bit less… intimidating. I don’t think a big purple vibrating dildo is sexy, and I doubt it’ll help me have my first orgasm.

  The fourth option is a bit slimmer. It isn’t shaped like a penis, it’s just a smooth curve with a white handle. I read the reviews and am pleased to see it’s highly recommended. It has a few different settings but seems simple enough. Before I know it I’m entering my credit card information. My heart is beating fast again, I’m excited. I tick the option for overnight shipping. If it gets me off, it’s worth the extra $14.99.

  Chapter 8 – Clay

  I get home and collapse onto my bed. I can’t stop thinking about her. Valerie. Val. She’d been so unintentionally sexy in the way she moved and talked. And then I saw the fire in her eyes right before she asked the question that must have been plaguing her for years.

  I can’t help but wonder if she’s ordering one of the vibrators I suggested. If she’s playing with herself. My mind wanders with that image, thinking of her laying down with her new vibrator. Maybe she’s thinking of me, I know she was thinking the same as me when she opened her mouth and slid out that sexy tongue.

  I’d do anything for the chance to give her an orgasm. There’s no way she’d be able to resist. She was already like putty under my hands, and my skin hadn’t even touched hers. The most I’d done was palpate her abdomen for all of ten seconds.

  I think about those ten seconds, the way my hands moved over her flat stomach, and the way she just stared up at the ceiling. Her small, perky breasts fell back to either side of her chest and I fought the impulse to stare at them, to memorise their shape. I wanted her to make eye contact with me but I was glad when she didn’t.

  I need to stop thinking about her. This doesn’t happen. This isn’t me. I need a cold shower. I stand up and empty my pockets onto my side table.


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