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Page 3

by Unknown

  “Don’t worry, I got you.” Scott assured. “Are you open to travel?”

  “Yes, sir!”

  “Are you open to possible relocation?”

  “Definitely!” Jesse agreed.

  Scott pulled out a business card and handed it to Jesse. “That’s the business card of a good friend of mine, Joseph D’Amato. He is the CEO and chairman of the world-famous Madre’s flower shop and star of the reality show. Give him a call. They’re currently looking for a PR rep right now and want someone with a strong background in

  communication. I told him I would keep an eye out. Make sure you mention me so he’ll give you a bit more attention.” Scott shook hands with Jesse. “Let me know how it will go on your first day at work.”

  Jesse was almost beside himself. “Thanks, Brother! I guess your line name is true, you do run things!”

  Scott chuckled. “I try. I was in your position not that long ago so I know the feeling of despair. If I didn’t have someone look out for me, who knows how I would’ve turned out.

  It’s a pleasure to pay it forward.” He then caught eyes with Jerome, who was patiently waiting for him. “Holler at me later, there’s something else I want to do for you.” Scott walked over to Jerome and the men exchanged hugs. “Good to see you.”

  “Good to see you, man!” Jerome smiled. “So, you’re the legendary Frank White, huh? It fits!”

  “I try,” Scott downplayed his status. “What’s your line name?”

  “Barokk ODrama,” Jerome said proudly.

  “For some reason that really fits you,” Scott smiled.

  “You know my sis is here, right?” Jerome stated. “I think she’s in this hotel.”

  Scott knew Mariana’s hotel room. “Yeah, she’s on a business meeting for me now. She

  should be wrapping up soon.”

  “Hey man,” Jerome looked around and pulled Scott aside, “she still loves you, you know that, right?”

  Scott glanced down at his phone. He’d received a notification from Ryan, praising Mariana’s presentation. “I don’t know if I feel comfortable talking to you about your sister,” Scott added.

  “No, I’m just saying if you want to get back with her, now’s the time to do it. She has a lot of guys wanting to date her back in L.A. but you haven’t heard it from me.” Jerome mentioned.

  It was then Scott realized how perfect Jerome’s line name was. Despite being messy, Jerome provided Scott with a lot of useful information. Other men had their eyes on his woman. “I see.” He looked away and saw Mariana enter the hotel lobby. “Excuse me.”

  “Good luck, Brother!” Jerome threw up the yo and Scott threw it back. “You got this!”


  Mariana was having the best trip ever. Not only did she convince Ryan to reconsider expanding nationwide, they loved her ideas on promotion. She suggested for the next branch opening, they do pop-up free coffee weekends to introduce the neighborhood to their brand and have everyone personally meet the owners and potential employees. She also recommended having some kid-friendly offerings on their menu so it’s more family-oriented. To her surprise, Aaron and Ryan accepted almost all of her proposals. They would discuss more the next day.

  For now, Mariana waltzed into the Westin, a little delirious from her beer and hot dog consumption and feeling on top of the world. Nothing could kill her buzz.

  Well, maybe someone could kill her buzz. As she watched Scott approach her with a swag that could be described as purely Scott, she quickly sobered up. She was coherent enough to know she was drunk but her inhibitions were loose enough to proposition Scott in the middle of the lobby.

  “So, how did it go?” He asked her. “Ryan and Aaron seemed to be very pleased with you.”

  “Oh?” Mariana’s eyes widened. “They contacted you?”

  “They just sent a quick e-mail to me, praising your professionalism and ideas.” He proudly smiled. “You should feel very proud. Ryan and Aaron are great men and the only listen to those who have their best interests in mind. I’m glad they’re very fond of you.”

  “Thank you,” she hiccupped and quickly covered her mouth, “I had a few too many with them. I can’t hang with Southern men and their beer.”

  “You never could,” Scott chuckled. “I’ll see you up to your room.”

  “I’m a big girl, Scott,” she reminded him, “I can find my room just fine.”

  “I know you can but I also want to make sure no one else helps you.” He stated as he grabbed her hand. “Let’s go.”

  Scott’s hand felt strong and powerful like she’d remembered. He silently claimed as if he were saying, ‘ you’re mine’ and she couldn’t help but to relish in his strength. As he led the way to her hotel room, Mariana noticed the heads that’d turned to see them walk past.

  If she didn’t know any better, it seemed the Brothers were silently saluting Scott.


  Mariana’s hotel room was comfortably conditioned when they entered it. It was already a little after three and the temperature had considerably dropped, though it was still quite warm outside.

  Scott went inside her mini-fridge, took out a bottle of water, and handed it to her. He sat across from her at the table and watched her carefully drink the cool liquid. “Ahhh,” she sighed, as he head was tilted back, “this is refreshing!”

  Scott was too focused on her tight slacks and sleeveless tank to care about her nourishment. Her skin was slightly damp to the touch and her straightened hair had a bit of frizz. She looked like a goddess to him. “You feel better now?”

  “Much, thank you.” She took another long gulp and set the water aside. “I’m fine now.”

  “Good,” he adjusted his position in the chair, “I’m glad.”

  Mariana kicked off her shoes and was about to undress until she realized Scott didn’t leave; he became rather comfortable in her room. “Were you expecting anything else?”

  “No,” he softly shook his head, “I just want to make sure you’re okay. I’m not quite there yet.”

  “I hope you weren’t expecting sex,” she warned.

  “No, I wasn’t,” he replied, annoyed with the suggestion and his tone didn’t hide it, “and I wouldn’t sleep with you while you’re drunk.”

  “I’m not drunk,” she stated, “maybe a bit buzzed.” She pinched two fingers together.

  “Being buzzed is drunk,” Scott liked seeing a drunk Mariana. She was rather entertaining to be around. “And I want to make sure you’re okay.”

  “I’m fine. Besides, I wouldn’t do anything with you right now.” She declared. “I’ve taken a vow of celibacy.”

  Scott checked his manicure. “That’s cute.”

  “And it’s really in our best interest that we…” Mariana paused as she realized what he said. He replied as if they were discussing the weather. “…wait a minute, did you just say my celibacy was cute?”

  “Yes,” he nodded and finally locked eyes with her, “because it is.”

  He was taunting her. His smug ass taunted her. “When a woman vows celibacy, Mr. Reed


  “Scott,” he corrected.

  “Whatever,” she replied and he simply smiled, “when a woman takes a vow of celibacy, it should be treated with respect.”

  “I’m not disrespecting you at all,” he replied, “when anyone takes a vow of celibacy, it’s deeply personal and has special meaning.”

  “You called my vow, cute.” Her tone had a thick smear of resentment in it.

  “Because it is,” he replied.

  “And there you go again treating me like I’m a child,” she pouted.

  The admission offended Scott and he let out a quiet breath to retain his composure.

  “Name one time I’ve done that.”

  “When you had me arrested,” she mentioned.

  “I didn’t have you arrested,” he replied, “I did have you detained, yes. Maybe we’re forgetting that little tidbit on why that occurred?”

  Mariana slapped Scott at an ice cream parlor before she poured her root beer float over his head. She felt it was a just reaction to him giving her news he was about to introduce her to his racist sister. “You deserved that slap,” she justified.

  “That I did,” he agreed.

  Scott was difficult to argue against. He either agreed or presented an argument that was impossible to debate. He was one conniving motherfucker. “But you’re treating my celibacy like it’s a joke?”

  “Because it is,” he calmly replied.

  Scott went beyond impossible and landed face-first in the disrespectful category. Mariana felt her anger towards him become hotter by the millisecond. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “Mari, when someone takes a vow of celibacy, it’s to focus their mind and cleanse their soul. It’s to make them concentrate on what is good and separate them from impurity.”

  He replied. “You are doing none of those. You’re taking a vow of celibacy as a fuck you to me. Am I right?”

  Mariana gave up even trying to understand her ex. “Wow, the asshole in you doesn’t take vacations, does he?”

  “When has he ever?” He calmly replied.

  “Well, yes, you’re the reason behind my celibacy vow,” she folded her arms and smirked at him.

  “And you just proven my point,” he glanced at her, “congratulations.”

  “I just told you how you made me swore off men and sex and you congratulate me?” She didn’t know if she should laugh or give him a swift kick to his jaw. She had a feeling she would be more satisfied with the latter and not the former. “How does that make you feel?”

  Scott thought for a moment. “Determined.”

  “And another thing, how dare—” Mariana paused as Scott once again caught her off-guard. “Did you just say determined?”

  “Yes, determined,” his Southern accent became more pronounced.

  Mariana stammered for a minute before she finally took a deep breath. “I know I shouldn’t even bother but why?”

  “Well,” he rose up from his chair and walked over to her. He placed his hands on her hips and stared deeply into her soul. “The same man who’s responsible for your celibacy vow should be the same one that causes you to break it, right?”

  Mariana’s mouth felt cottony and she felt her heart beat so fast, it was practically pounding in her ears. Her clit twitched with want and thumped in the same pounding rhythm as her heart. She hated how his tone could change her opinion of him within an instant.

  The same man that commanded her to suck his cock and stay still as he masturbated her to orgasm was the same man that comforted her. “I thought you said you wouldn’t sleep with me while I’m inebriated?”

  “I’ll back off,” he stepped back and let go of her.

  He challenged her and she rose to the occasion. “You think I’m full of shit?” She whispered.

  “Yes,” he met her whisper with one of his own. “I want to kiss you forever. I want to make love to you to the end of time. I won’t do any of those things until you tell me yes.”

  His words made her tremble beneath his touch. The softness of his green eyes reassured her he wouldn’t harm her. The way he held her spoke volumes – he wanted to love her, protect her, and comfort her.

  She wanted him to leave. She wanted him to stay. She wanted him to leave her alone. She wanted him to blow her back out. She couldn’t have both. It was either one or the other and she had to choose wisely.

  “You should go,” she finally spoke.

  Her eyes said something completely different and they both knew it. Still, Scott knew when a woman said no, that was the end of conversation. “Why do I continue to fight for you and give you everything when you’re clearly over me?” Scott was defeated. “You know where to reach me.” He left her room.

  Mariana collapsed on her bed. She immediately regretted forcing Scott out of her room but it was for the best. He wouldn’t make love to her in an inebriated state; even he had hard limits.

  Her heart was conflicted and her breathing steadily slowed down to a normal rate. It wasn’t just lust. Lust meant he would be on top of her right now. Lust meant she could fuck him with no second thoughts or delayed regrets.

  No, it was much more than that. She loved that man with everything and truth was, she’d never stopped.

  Scott Reed was – and is – her everything.

  He could turn her on with a simple glance or an even simpler, hello. The way he kissed her stood the test of time and no other man has ever compared. It wasn’t the tonsil hockey she’d perfected in high school with other boyfriends. No, Scott could kiss her, mouth closed, hands to his side, and Mariana would be aching and wet for more.

  When he took Mariana out to dinner, he opened doors and held out her chair, even ordering for her – a chivalry that was lost in the current state of dating and Mariana wondered if Scott was the last of a dying breed. She then remembered it was the Southern gentleman in him. It was just how he was raised.

  Still, it didn’t stop the fantasies from taking over. As she undressed and got ready for a nap, her fingers traveled all over her toned body, remembering how it was his fingers inching along her skin. She missed the look he gave right before he tasted her pussy and brought her to orgasm numerous times. She definitely missed how his cock smelled, slightly musky with a scent that was signature him. He kept his pubic area neatly trimmed, with a sleek amount of hair was softer than hers.

  She wanted to feel him in her mouth, in her pussy, and maybe if she begged, in her ass.

  He kept telling her she wasn’t ready for it and she impatiently waited for when she would be ready.

  Maybe…she would be ready that week.

  She wondered how it would feel, relishing all of his thickness as he took her quavering tight ass. Would she cry? Would she beg him to stop? Or…would she beg him to

  continue and take all of it? Would she ask him to shoot on her ass, her back, or even her pussy?

  As Mariana fingered herself to orgasm, she knew sometime during that week, she and Scott were going to resolve the boiling sexual tension, one way or another.


  He could still smell her desire.

  As Scott pretended to listen to his mother’s phone conversation, he thought about the long walk down the corridor back to his hotel room. They could’ve spent the entire afternoon making love in numerous positions as they pushed and pulled. He missed seeing her full lips wrapped around his thick cock as fucked her pretty mouth. The same lips begged him to fuck her. The same lips pleaded for him to let her climax. The same lips spewed obscenities as she climaxed.

  The same lips that told him a resounding no.

  It didn’t matter if her eyes and body told him something different. When a woman said no, it wasn’t up for debate. He wondered if she was going to tell him no again and this was just a sample of what to expect.

  The last time they’d spent the night together, it was under unfavorable circumstances.

  She’d just broken up with her ex and drowned her sorrows in one too many shots of vodka, resulting in a deep carpet cleaning in his Maserati from her vomit. He spent the night taking care of her, foregoing sleep so she was okay.

  It was that night he realized he no longer cared about the tit-for-tat they both played with each other. She would do something just for him to retaliate and so on, daring each other on who could be the bigger asshole. It was a weird kind of love expression they had toward each other – pretending not to care but deep down, they cared too much to ignore.

  Scott was convinced that Mariana put some type of spell on him, making him lose all sense and control when it came to her. He was a powerhouse in the advertising world, coming up with brilliant ads that shocked and awed. He was a phenom in philanthropy, often giving away millions to those who truly needed it.

  When came to matters of the heart, however, he was confused and love-struck, a

  blubbering fool inside yet he kept his composu
re on the outset.

  He took an extended cold shower upon entering his hotel room and relieved his hardened cock in the process. That little incident in her hotel room was never going to happen again. He would not leave them both in a position with no action to take place.

  “Are you still there?” Deborah Reed’s high voice rang out.

  Scott shook his head and focused his attention back to his mother. He was getting ready for the All-White Party happening later that night. He was going to see if Mariana wanted to come with him. “I’m here, Mother.”

  “Are you enjoying your week with your friends?” Deborah asked over the phone.

  “I am. It’s been great seeing everyone,” Scott replied as he ironed a shirt, “lots of activities so I’ve been very busy.”

  “And how’s Mariana?” Deborah asked. “Is she coming over for supper on Sunday?”

  “I hope so.” He replied. He didn’t know if Mariana would come after what had transpired but it didn’t hurt to ask. “She’s busy with a business trip here so I need to see how her schedule is.”

  “Well, you should know, you’re her boss!” Deborah laughed. “It would be nice to see the two of you together. I love to see you anytime, Scott Christopher, but Mariana brought something out of you I hadn’t seen in a long time.”

  “Oh?” Scott finished ironing his shirt and hung it up. “What was that?”

  “A smile. A much-needed smile in your eyes and heart. She’s your soul mate.”

  “Well, we’ll see,” Scott knew his mother was correct. Mariana was his soul mate in many ways. Now he was waiting for destiny and fate to step in. “I’ll keep you posted.”

  “Christine and Hassan will be coming over on Sunday.” Deborah reminded. “As will your father and his wife, and their baby.”

  “I’m looking forward in seeing everyone,” but Christine, Scott wanted to say but kept silent. A knock at his door interrupted his attention. “I need to get going, Mother. I love you. I’ll talk to you later.” He hung up and opened the door. “Was that a nice nap?”

  Mariana swallowed as she laid eyes on Scott. His hair was still wet from the shower and he had a towel around his waist with another casually hung around his neck. His physique was leaner than it was the last time she’d seen him naked. His chest was broader and muscular, with a perfect tan. His nipples were perky due to the cold temperature of the air-conditioned room. His abs were ridiculous, leading down to his hip dents and stopping where the towel was.


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