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by Unknown

  Everything he had ever felt about her came flooding back to him. How his bathroom would smell like Noxzema whenever she washed her face. How she burned grilled cheese sandwiches and he still ate them because he knew she tried her best. How she spent an extraordinary amount of money on his favorite whiskey because although she hated the taste, he loved drinking it.

  He knew their relationship, whatever it was, whatever they both pretended it was, would never be the same again.

  It’d been several long years of playing cat and mouse with each other. Now, game time was over. Her eyes trusted him but he knew her heart was still unsure. Too much hurt.

  Too many false promises. Too many substitutions and replacements but none of them could match the real thing.

  He knew she wanted the big wedding and he would give her whatever she wanted. He had a sudden urge to take her to the nearest courthouse and deal with the necessities later.

  It would be a disastrous financial mistake on his part, though his heart would be overjoyed.

  No. Pleasure first, business later. Her skin was hot to the touch and as the heat between her thighs welcomed him, he felt his own need anxiously respond. He wanted to hear her scream his name, leave deep welts in his back from when her nails dug into it, and give in to him until they both were exhausted.

  It was about to be a long night for them both. “Of course.”

  They stole kisses from each other a she slowly began to ease up and down on him as she gasped and cooed, locking eyes with him, and forming a rhythm only they knew. They rocked together in slow motion, realizing it was more than just sex. It was a spiritual connection only bestowed onto them from above. She shuddered and sighed as he

  watched the different reactions on her face. She looked and felt like heaven on earth.

  They slowly kissed, tongues intertwined, as they moaned in each other’s mouths. He pulled away to kiss her neck and softly squeeze her bouncing breasts while her fingers became lost in his hair. She became greedy to feel more of him and increased her tempo, rocking her hips faster and more furious against him.

  Her resolve completely broke open, replacing it with an anxious and sexual woman who just wanted to be fucked. Her face was buried in his neck and he guided her ass to several quick thrusts on his cock.

  “Fuck, Mari…” his Southern drawl was music to her ears. She couldn’t respond with words but soft mewls and whimpers.

  Scott could no longer wait. He picked her up and laid her down on the bed, lifting both of her legs against his chest. Her entire body quivered with pleasure as he furiously drove into her, repeatedly, claiming her as his and that she would never forget it. With each thrust, he went deeper until he finally hit her G-spot and she screamed in ecstasy.

  “That’s it,” he purred as he continued.

  Mariana’s soft moans morphed into deep ones as she begged Scott not to stop. It was then she realized how much he’d held back from her as he unleashed a torrent of furious thrusts. Her head was spinning, her body was on fire, and her heart was overjoyed. The man she’d wanted forever, her soul mate, her long-lost love was reunited with her. It was a beautiful feeling.

  Her toes curled and clutched as he kept a firm grasp on her thighs and drove harder into her. Her slick wetness once again comforted him like a warm hug from an old friend. He matched her moans with grunts and promises to take care of her forever, for as long as they lived.

  He held her steady as he relentlessly pounded into her, releasing one last guttural moan before he emptied inside her, her convulsing pussy milking his cock dry. He steadied himself for a short while before he laid beside her in bed.

  You’re still in love with her.

  The real question was when did he ever stop? After he pushed her away, all he could think about was her. After she pushed him away, he hired her so he could keep tabs on her. And now they were together, sweaty bodies tangled together with the heavy smell of sex in the room and love pounding through their hearts.

  One thing Scott knew for sure, their future was definitely uncertain.


  “You never did tell me how it came to be you experimented with your sexuality.”

  Scott shrugged and rubbed Mariana’s bare shoulder. With the candlelight still flickering in the room, they conversed on a small range of topics. It was refreshing to talk to her like a best friend, and not some strange woman he just had sex with. “Freshman year before I pledged. I wasn’t having any luck with girls. I scored with a few but I was shut down left and right.”

  Mariana turned around and looked at him with wide eyes and open mouth. “You were shot down?”

  “Who I was back then isn’t who I am now,” he reminded her, “Anyway, I roomed with Elliott before I moved in with Jeff. Elliott was bi, but gayer, I suppose. I guess I was more sexually fluid than I thought. One night over beer and some daring, I had my first encounter.” He recalled. “It wasn’t anything to write home about. It happened a few more times before I realized, ‘I think I want to try a little harder with women.’ And then I pledged.”

  “Do you ever regret it? The gay stuff?” She asked.

  “No, because I knew more about my body. It also forced me to pay more attention to women. I wasn’t a dynamo in bed but I knew how to make a woman come.” He kissed her shoulder. “And if a guy knows how to do that, everything else is just icing on the cake.”

  Her fingertips inched along his muscular arms. “Did you ever want me to experiment with another woman?” She asked.

  “It crossed my mind but I knew the only reason you would do it would be for me. If you wanted to experiment with another woman, it would have to be your call.” He replied.

  “I don’t want to,” she answered. “I mean, not yet.”

  He caught the last part of her statement. Yet? “Oh, so that’s what we’re doing now?”

  “I mean…I don’t know…not right now. Maybe.” She nodded. “Just maybe. I don’t know any bisexual or gay women, though I’m sure there are some at work. I wouldn’t feel comfortable sleeping with someone I work with. Well, besides you but that’s different.”

  “Who did you have in mind?” He asked.

  “I don’t have anyone in mind!” She laughed. “It was honestly just something I randomly thought about one day and I was like, ‘Hmm, I wonder what that’s like...’”

  Mariana’s stance has always been a solid no. Scott never pushed it nor did he bring it up in conversation. Now, it was a wavering maybe. The thought of seeing Mariana licking another woman or have one perform on her made Scott’s cock hard.

  And he knew the woman who would be perfect for her. Visions of her jet black, flowing locks, light green eyes, caramel complexion that seemed to shimmer in oil, ridiculously thick body, and devious smile brought his other ex-girlfriend into focus. “I won’t force you, baby,” he reassured her, “if you ever want to go down that path, I’ll support it.”

  “Of course you would!” She giggled. “You would want to watch.”

  “That too,” he admitted, deliberately leaving out the part he would also want to participate, “but I’m all for anyone exploring their sexuality and seeing what they would like and won’t. Life’s too short to just do missionary all the time.”

  “Now, you know you did a lot more than missionary,” she referred to their BDSM play,

  “a lot more. ”

  “What we did was more than sex,” he agreed, “it was a spiritual connection between us.”

  Mariana stared at the ceiling as images of past play times flashed through her head. How he had a machine fuck her while he casually read a book. How he punished her for masturbating and she didn’t know a squirting orgasm existed before then.

  How he fucked her mouth until he was tired of it.

  She was eager to please him, denying her needs so she could facilitate his. It was the happiest she’d ever been. She’d terribly missed it and wondered if things could ever go back to the way they were. “It was.”

xuality is something everyone should be comfortable with and not suffocate because of society’s rules.” He rubbed her shoulders. “Everyone wants people to be pious but then you have the porn industry steadily bringing in billions each year. Well, somebody is watching it.”

  “We never made porn,” she quietly replied, “not saying we should now but we never did.”

  “We watched ourselves a lot, didn’t we?” He played with her right nipple. “I loved looking over at the mirror and watch you suck my dick. It was one of the beautiful things I’d ever seen.”

  She turned to him and softly kissed his lips, savoring his taste. “Tell me more,” she said in a tone above a whisper.

  He returned the kiss and gently suckled on her bottom lip. “I loved seeing you on top. I loved seeing your titties bounce as you rode my cock. I loved watching your face knowing I was the one behind that pleasure.”

  She rolled on top of him and sat upright. His cock was already hard and wavering against her ass. “I’m a fan of being on top.”

  “Ooh,” he purred. He stretched out his arms and cupped both of her breasts. “I’m a big fan of you being on top.”

  Mariana adjusted her position and sank down on him. Even though they’d just made love, it felt like a new feeling all over again as she wrapped tightly around him. She gave a soft sigh and squeezed her eyes shut, relishing the feeling of him. He was right, their sex was more than just physical; it was definitely on a spiritual plane that neither could explain nor want to.

  Scott watched her reaction as she rode him. Waves of ecstasy covered her face as she softly bounced on his cock. Mariana was never patient for her orgasm and always wanted to get off as soon as she started, but Scott taught her the power of patience. She loved and hated the orgasm denial they often participated in, but she’d come to appreciate it.

  “There you go,” he placed her feet on his thighs to give her more access. The change in position shocked Mariana and she squealed in pleasure. “Lean over,” he directed and she followed suit. “Grab my wrists.” He placed his hands over his head and Mariana grabbed his wrists. “Now fuck me.”

  “Oooh, fuck!” She cried. Mariana was pressed against Scott’s chest as she happily bounced on his cock. It was more than just her being on top – he was willingly her submissive for the time and she took full advantage of it. She kissed his neck and felt her pussy become wetter as he moaned in her ear. She finally met his lips again and explored the inside of his mouth, drinking from him. He tasted sweet, with a touch of bourbon, and was just as hungry for her.

  Her body began to shake as her moans turned into soft coos and small cries. Scott knew she was close and he encouraged her orgasm. Seeing her face when she climaxed was what heaven felt like. “Come for me, baby,” he purred, “I want to feel you come all over my cock.”

  Mariana’s resolve once again broke and her eyes flew open as the orgasm shot through her body like a gun blast. She laid on Scott’s chest as he thrust a few more times to meet her orgasm with one of his own. As he was getting close, he pulled out and shot all over her ass and lower back, calling out her name, feeling spent, and more in love with Mariana than ever.


  It was unusual to be dissected by his Brothers.

  As Jesse stood in Scott's suite and had Brother Taye measure him while Brother Fletch give him a much-needed fade, he realized how much down on his luck was he ever.

  It had been a solid two years since he’s held a job and it was a temporary one. Each time he went into an interview, he was always a part of the last group interviewed but never the final candidate.

  He was lucky enough he paid off his car but his job prospects left him without money to get it fixed. He made a little money doing odd jobs here and there but even temporary positions were old after a while. He was on his last dollar and final hope.

  He borrowed money from his mother to attend the Conclave in hopes to free his mind from desperation and give him a clean break. He wanted to reconnect with old friends and maybe, hoped someone would give him a chance. He didn’t think it would be the trip of a lifetime.

  Scott watched the magic unfold in front of him. He put his line name to good use, made a few phone calls, and called in many overdue favors and promises from his New York contacts.

  He felt like he was watching Cinderfella getting ready for his ball. “How's the resume going, Mike?” Scott asked.

  “Almost done.” The younger Nupe typed up as a couple other Brothers added their input.

  Mike was the head of HR in his company and knew what employers were looking for.

  “Just finishing up now.”

  Meanwhile, Jeff was on the phone with a dealership in New York. “Okay, so I'll need something smooth. Chrome wheels, Bluetooth, and leather seats. Not top of the line but right below that.” Jeff mentioned over the phone.

  “No, get top of the line,” Scott spoke, “I'll cover the difference.”

  “Second thought, we'll make that top of the line.” Jeff revised. “Yes, it’s from Scott Reed and Jeff Miller.”

  Scott watched Brother Fletch finish off Jesse’s fade. “Nice,” he finally revealed a smile.

  “I like it.”

  “Thank you, Brother Scott,” Fletch smiled. “You’ll never find another barber like me.”

  A knock at Scott’s door and he shouted to them to come in. Jesse’s new suits had been delivered. “Hot off the press from the suit exchange!” Brother Daryl carried three suits.

  “You can’t get any cleaner than this. Kleaner with a K, that is!”

  “Fantastic,” Scott looked down at his phone and read an e-mail. “Good news, Jesse. I have a friend back in L.A. who would like to meet you. He’s Ian Ferguson of the Ferguson dynasty. They own pretty much all of L.A. entertainment and sports teams.

  He’s interested in meeting with you regardless how your meeting goes with the D’Amato family.”

  Jesse took a deep breath and tried not to be overcome with emotion. He’d prayed every night for a miracle and here he was, being blessed beyond measure. “This is too much,”

  Jesse looked around and tried not to get teared up, “I don’t know if I’ll ever repay you.”

  “You can,” Scott mentioned, “you’ll pay it forward.”

  “For the next two years, you’re going to be donating your free time promoting local Black-owned businesses in Harlem and assisting them with whatever they need to get the word out.” Jeff mentioned. “I’m already in contact with a few so you’ll be hearing from them shortly.”

  “And whatever money you have leftover from bills and savings, you’ll be giving back to the Kappas so they can assist another Brother in your position,” Scott added. “You won’t pay us back but you’ll pay it forward.”

  “We’re Kappas,” Brother Fletch replied.

  “It’s what we do,” Brother Taye answered.

  Scott threw up the yo and the other Brothers followed. “We make it do what it do.”


  “You were awfully quiet back there,” Jeff mentioned as he joined Scott for a private dinner at 4th and Swift. “I know you were focused on getting Jesse set up but it was a little strange.”

  “Have a lot on my mind,” Scott perused the menu, “a lot is going on at work and the Conclave here, so just been swamped with ideas and what have you.”

  “That’s all good but that’s not it,” Jeff grinned, “do I have to beat it out of you?”

  Scott’s eyes narrowed. “Beat what out of me?”

  “Um, Bella told me she spoke with Mariana the other night. You know Bella tells me everything, right?” Jeff grinned. “I mean, Mariana’s here and you two are…”

  “I know she’s here and I know what we’re doing,” Scott interrupted.

  “Do you?” Jeff asked. “Because it doesn’t seem like you do.”

  “Oh shit,” Scott looked around and hoped no one was listening to their conversation.

  “We’re grown. It’s…fun.”

�You hesitated there,” Jeff noticed, “what’s up?” He took a sip of water.

  “Mariana wants to eat out another bitch,” Scott casually mentioned to which Jeff spit out his water. Scott’s eyes widened and calmly sipped his water. “Yeah, my reaction was a bit calmer.”

  “Dude, what the fuck?” Jeff waited for the server to come by to clean up the mess before he continued. “How did this come about?”

  “We were talking about my experience with Elliott and she mentioned how she might consider sleeping with a woman on her terms.” Scott casually shrugged. “So that’s it.”

  “Wow, your country bumpkin ass gets all the goddamn action and I’m just sitting wondering what the hell is my problem?” Jeff shook his head.

  “Hey, I may be getting a lot of pussy but you have something I don’t – a family.” Scott pointed out. “I would gladly trade all of this for a wife and kids.”

  “You say that now but trust me when you’re cleaning toddler vomit for the thirteenth time in a day, you’ll be wishing you’d fucked more women when the opportunity was there.” Jeff mentioned. “Don’t get me wrong now. I love Bella with all of my heart. We did it the right way. Were wild and free when we were younger and had children after being married and childfree for several years. We don’t have any debts, and fully own all of our homes and cars. We vacation several times a year and she can afford to shut down Rodeo Drive for a few hours to spend my money.” He laughed and Scott smiled. “But if you have the opportunity to get it out of your system now, do it.”

  “I’m trying to,” Scott replied. A server came by to take their orders and quickly left. “I contemplated proposing to her this week and –” Jeff spit out more water. “ – dude, you need to stop doing that shit while I’m speaking.”

  Jeff quickly wiped his mouth. “Do you know what the fuck you just said to me in the last several minutes? First, you casually tell me Mariana wants to fuck another woman and now you said you thought about proposing to her this week? How in the hell am I suppose to react? ‘Oh, that’s nice. Can you pass the butter?’”


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