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Page 32

by Madison Michael

  Instead of living in misery, barely able to lift her head from the pillow, unable to imagine another happy day, she was living a dream beyond any she could have imagined. Charlotte was smart, she worked hard and she had been fully prepared to take care of herself for the rest of her life. Now she would have the opportunity to do that with a shoulder to lean on when she needed it - a strong, virile and very handsome shoulder.

  Alex loved her. He wanted to marry her. She still could not fathom that reality. No matter how many times he told her, no matter how many times she stopped in the middle of whatever she was doing to admire the gorgeous ring on her finger, she questioned her good fortune.

  “I cannot believe I am this lucky,” Charlotte admitted on the plane coming west, taking his hand in hers and kissing him softly on the lips. “I feel like you have rescued me from the mouth of the dragon and now I have landed in Oz or something.”

  “You are mixing your fairy tales, but I understand. My colleague, Ann, told me years ago that in a truly great relationship both people think they are the lucky one. I never forgot that.”

  “Well, I certainly know I am the lucky one here,” Charlotte responded.

  “As am I. The luckiest man alive.”

  Charlotte could not be persuaded away from believing she had the better result. His family had embraced her as one of their own and Aubrey was already conspiring with Luiza on the wedding plans - happy plans this time. Charlotte feared she would get no say in things once the two of them took over, but she was content to let them plot and scheme. They could have the wedding. She just wanted the marriage.

  I am definitely the lucky one.

  Alex’s dad was exactly as she had hoped, although his memory came and went. He recognized Alex without difficulty but struggled to remember Charlotte from day to day. Still, his long-term memory remained intact and he regaled her with stories of ‘chasing the big one’ around the globe, of sleeping under the stars in Hawaii, and of the girls he met in Australia. He made her laugh until she cried describing how hard he hid his success when it came, feeling like he sold out his vagabond ways.

  Charlotte was completely star-struck, shameless in her efforts to pick his brain about business, where his genius still shined through. He gave her some business advice, then he offered surfing tips, and they seemed to help although she reconciled herself to being a minnow in a sea of sharks. His wit and wisdom were invaluable and with his permission, Charlotte began taping their chats to share “with future grandchildren.”

  “Nothing would please me more than that,” Zack told Charlotte. “Grandchildren. Imagine. There was a time when I feared I would not even have access to my son and now I will have a daughter and someday grandchildren. I hope they have my brains, and your beauty,” he told her.

  “You flirt,” Charlotte chided.

  “If you’ve got it, flaunt it.” He still had it.

  California was a magical getaway for Charlotte. A time to see a different, more relaxed Alex. Although he ran a huge company and was making consequential decisions daily, he was less stressed in California, as if being closer to the operation made it easier to lead.

  “Would you prefer to live out here?” Charlotte asked finally, coming back to the present. She was afraid of his answer. She loved it, but Malibu was so far from Rhode Island.

  “Would you do that for me?” he asked in awe. He maneuvered the car into the carport and they walked arm and arm into the beach house they were renting.

  “If it made your life better,” she told him. After giving her a resounding kiss and telling her how much he loved her for offering, Alex declined. Charlotte hid her relief. “Whatever you want, Alex.”

  “I would like to come back and forth a lot while my father still knows me, but I want to live in Chicago with you. It has always been my home. I love Chicago, our friends are there, and it turns out to be halfway between all the other places we want to be. We can come here for week, go to Rhode Island for a week, then spend a week at home.”

  “Oh my god, we would be living out of a suitcase, Alex. That would be insane.”

  “I see your point. We will have to figure this out with a little trial and error, I think. I just want to be where you are, Charlotte. I want to build a life together that includes my father, my mother and sister, Charles, your family and their families. I want it all, but as long as I have you, I will be happy anywhere.” Pulling her into his arms and looking deep into her tawny eyes he asked, “How soon can we get married?”

  “First Sloane and Randall have to have a wedding, Alex. I refuse to even try to compete with that. Then we can set a date. This summer, maybe?” She kissed the tip of his nose to soften her words a bit before continuing.

  “Somewhere in Newport, I think. What about one of those big mansions on the Cliff Walk? Would that work for you?” Alex queried.

  Charlotte was getting excited by the idea, starting to visualize the event in her head. “It would be a blast, Alex. A destination wedding for the Chicago brigade but someplace where it is affordable for my family to attend.”

  “And we still get a one-of-a-kind Rocha wedding cake,” he teased. “Make any plans you like. This wedding will be whatever you want, Carlotta Maria. Just do not make me wait too long.”

  “Waiting? Who said anything about waiting?”

  With that, Charlotte took Alex by the hand, a seductive smile lighting her face. Tugging on him gently, she wandered down the hall wrapping her arm about his waist as they moved and reaching up to kiss his cheek. Alex turned to lift her into his arms, taking her mouth with his as he moved into the bedroom. Charlotte returned his kisses with increasing fervor, wrapping her arm tightly about his neck and kicking the door closed behind her.


  “Can you believe this? After everything we did, look where the guy ends up!”

  Tyler shook his head in disbelief and took a sip of the 15-year-old scotch in front of him. He savored the fiery liquid moving across his taste buds before responding.

  “The contract you wrote is iron-clad. He can’t come back for more from you, even if he has nothing left.”

  “I never did understand how you knew so much about buying someone off, but I was so glad to have you there when I needed you.”

  “I just knew, ok? I’m a lawyer, Alex. I am supposed to know.”

  “I think there is a lot more to it, but if that is all you’re saying, so be it. Anyway, here is what I was able to find out.” Alex leaned close across the table of the crowded bar, even though no one was paying attention to the two friends conversing. “He bragged to his no good friends one time too many.” Alex couldn’t stop the gratified smirk that broadcast his feelings.

  “What did you expect, AJ? You gave the guy a million bucks! I told you to give him less. With less, he might have been better able to keep it under wraps. But you had to pay all that money. I warned you. It was too much temptation for him.”

  “I wanted to be sure he would never bother Charlotte again. Money was no object.”

  “So you said before, a dozen times. So wipe that grin off your face and tell me what happened?”

  “He bragged to his buddies and the low-life assholes robbed him.” Alex paused like a seasoned storyteller, enjoying a look of astonishment spread across his friend’s face. “Idiot converted it to cash, stashed it at home and told the world. What did he expect?”

  “So they took it all?” Tyler fell against the back of the stool, laughing.

  “Most of it, I guess. Of course, Gil knew who did it and went after him with a gun. Dumb shit. Now he has no cash and he’s going to end up in a Portuguese jail. They charged him with attempted murder. Tons of witnesses. He will be found guilty for sure.”

  The two men sat drinking in silence, enjoying the moment, their drinks and the apparent fairness in the world.

  “I guess he only got what he deserved,” Tyler stated. “No matter what, he can’t come after you or Charlotte.”

  “You think a contract wou
ld stop him?” Alex couldn’t hide his concern. “Or a jail?”

  “Well, the jail will stop him for sure. At least for a while.”

  “At least fifteen years.”

  “Then I would marry Charlotte on schedule and live your life. Fifteen years in jail may be just what Gil needs to straighten out at last. Jail has a way of doing that.”

  “What do you know about jail? Do not tell me you’re a lawyer either. You have never been a criminal lawyer and we both know it.”

  “That’s true. The man is gone and fifteen years is a very long time,” Tyler responded, distracted. “You have a wonderful woman who loves you. Go enjoy your life.”

  “Do I detect a trace of loneliness, Ty? What about Regan? You two have been circling each other for ages. Go after her, Bro. You know you want to.”

  “Maybe you’re right, AJ” Tyler mused. Staring off into space, Tyler was almost thinking out loud as he repeated cryptically, “Maybe you’re right. Maybe enough time has gone by for me, too. I think it’s time to find out.”


  Dear Reader,

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  Follow Tyler and Regan’s story in the conclusion of the Beguiling Bachelor series. Watch for “Besotted”, Summer 2017.

  Happy reading,



  Although the work they do is vital, and despite the fact that I am bound to forget many important people and their contributions, I will attempt to keep my acknowledgements short and sweet.

  Thanks, first and foremost, to my intrepid editors, Linda and Monica, who bring you a much better novel than the one I wrote originally. They do exquisite work on very short lead times and for no compensation besides a not-always-gracious thank you.

  My gratitude to a wonderful beta team. Their thoughtful and insightful comments and feedback contributed the prologue and epilogue ideas and so many other great suggestions. Their enthusiasm for the story was a real boost too.

  My thanks to Mars Digital Media for my new cover art and photos. I presented a challenge since each day I found a better looking guy to grace the cover than I had selected the day before. I got no complaints even when we went to version six!

  Thank you to my friends, family and new-found colleagues at for their encouragement in this endeavor. Last, I must recognize the numerous experts whose webinars, blogs and podcasts teach me the ins and outs of self-publishing. These gurus are amazing in their knowledge and generosity. It is a challenge to stop listening and reading long enough to write. You guys rock!


  Madison Michael traded 28 years in Fortune 500 tech and management positions for a chance to spend her days with sassy heroines, sexy, rich heroes and nothing but happy endings. Growing up the daughter of a librarian, she learned to love books, especially classics and romances, and spent winters cuddled under blankets losing herself in novels.

  After living in the northeast, southeast and the west, Maddy returned to her Midwest roots, paying homage to Chicago in her novels. She lives in Evanston, IL with two feline editorial assistants and great views of Chicago’s famous skyline.

  Madison is the author of three books in the Beguiling Bachelor series, as well as several short stories. She is a member of Romance Writers of America.

  Follow her blog at



  Bewildered – A Beguiling Bachelor Prequel

  Bedazzled –May, 2016

  Beholden – October, 2016

  Bedeviled – March, 2017

  Besotted – coming Summer, 2017


  Studmuffin – a steamy short-story (June, 2016)




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