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From Enemy's Daughter to Expectant Bride

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by Olivia Gates

  Revenge and love collide in this Billionaires of Black Castle novel by USA TODAY bestselling author Olivia Gates

  Rafael Salazar came back to Rio to destroy the man who stole his childhood. Then he spies the beauty across the ballroom…and passion overwhelms him. Even after the shock of discovering who she really is, he vows to make her his.

  Eliana Ferreira has never met a man like Rafael—powerful, irresistible, unstoppable. She knows something dark drives the self-made billionaire, yet she can’t deny him anything…until she discovers his terrible purpose. She is expecting his baby and is days away from becoming his bride, but will his revenge tear them apart forever?

  He took her into the ballroom so they’d conclude this business with her boss, and he could have her all to himself again.

  Eliana spooled away from him, flashing him an exquisite smile. “I’ll go finish my own mission.”

  Before he could stop her, an erratic movement caught his eye.


  Rafael’s enemy was on a collision course with them.

  Before any of them could move, Ferreira was pulling Eliana into his arms.

  Aggression erupted, almost bursting Rafael’s head. He was her boss? And he was on hugging terms with her?

  Then the words Ferreira kept saying as he clutched Eliana sank into Rafael’s mind.

  Ellie, my baby girl, you’re okay.

  Rafael stared at the woman he’d lost his mind over, in the arms of the man he was here to destroy.

  And everything crashed into place.

  * * *

  From Enemy’s Daughter to Expectant Bride is part of The Billionaires of Black Castle series: Only their dark pasts could lead these men to the light of true love.

  * * *

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  Dear Reader,

  The Billionaires of Black Castle series idea came to me years ago. A blood brotherhood forged in the darkest of pasts who’d escaped the shadow organization who’d kidnapped them as children and made them into unstoppable mercenaries. But I didn’t know if I could write such a series for the Harlequin Desire line.

  When I finally approached my wonderful editor, Stacy Boyd, she loved the idea of those larger-than-life billionaires, each from a different ethnic background, with their adventures and love stories spanning the world, from Brazil to Japan to Russia to desert and Mediterranean kingdoms.

  So was born this series, taking place ten years after their escape, with their secrets deeply buried and their new identities as top world movers and shakers through their joint globe-spanning business Black Castle Enterprises.

  But those men won’t just sit back and enjoy their phenomenal success and power. They won’t rest until they fulfill their blood oath to reclaim their heritages, right the wrongs that had been dealt them, and bring down those who’d imprisoned and exploited them. And as each embarks on his own quest, the last thing he believes can happen is for love to stand in the way of what he wants most, or the mission he’s sworn to with his brothers.

  And that’s just what happens to Rafael Moreno Salazar, this book’s hero. He’s finally about to enact his revenge on the man who’d sold him into slavery…when Eliana explodes into his life. It is only after he’s overwhelmed by desire for her that he finds out she’s his enemy’s daughter.

  What follows is a roller coaster of passion, emotions and angst. I so hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing it!

  Thanks for reading!

  Olivia Gates


  Olivia Gates

  Books by Olivia Gates

  Harlequin Desire

  The Sarantos Secret Baby #2080

  ^To Touch a Sheikh #2103

  A Secret Birthright #2136

  ‡The Sheikh’s Redemption #2165

  ‡The Sheikh’s Claim #2183

  ‡The Sheikh’s Destiny #2201

  §Temporarily His Princess #2231

  §Conveniently His Princess #2255

  Claiming His Own #2265

  §Seducing His Princess #2290

  The Sarantos Baby Bargain #2301

  ΔFrom Enemy’s Daughter to Expectant Bride #2337

  Silhouette Desire

  *The Desert Lord’s Baby #1872

  *The Desert Lord’s Bride #1884

  *The Desert King #1896

  **The Once and Future Prince #1942

  **The Prodigal Prince’s Seduction #1948

  **The Illegitimate King #1954

  Billionaire, M.D. #2005

  In Too Deep #2025 “The Sheikh’s Bargained Bride”

  ^To Tame a Sheikh #2050

  ^To Tempt a Sheikh #2069

  *Throne of Judar

  **The Castaldini Crown

  ^Pride of Zohayd

  ‡Desert Knights

  §Married by Royal Decree

  ΔThe Billionaires of Black Castle

  Other titles by this author available in ebook format.


  has always pursued creative passions such as singing and handicrafts. She still does, but only one of her passions grew gratifying enough, consuming enough, to become an ongoing career—writing.

  She is most fulfilled when she is creating worlds and conflicts for her characters, then exploring and untangling them bit by bit, sharing her protagonists’ every heart-wrenching heartache and hope, their every heart-pounding doubt and trial, until she leads them to an indisputably earned and gloriously satisfying happy ending.

  When she’s not writing, she is a doctor, a wife to her own alpha male and a mother to one brilliant girl and one demanding Angora cat. Visit Olivia at

  To Pat Cooper. I’m so honored and grateful my writing has struck such a chord within you.

  Your reviews have literally changed my life.



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven



  He woke up in darkness again.

  His cheeks were wet, his heart battering his chest, and his screams for his mother and father still shredding his throat.

  “Get up, Numbers.”

  The vicious voice had terror expanding in his chest. The first time he’d heard it, he’d been terrified, thinking it was a stranger in his bedroom. But he’d soon realized it had been even worse. He’d no longer been at home, but somewhere narrow and long with no windows and no furniture. He’d been on the freezing ground, hands tied behind his back. That voice speaking heavily accented English, the language he knew so well, had said the same thing then.

  And that had been how this nightmare had started.

  “Seems Numbers wants another beating.”

  That was the other man. He believed he’d never see anyone but these scary men ever again. And they called him Numbers. It was why they’d taken him. Because he was good with numbers.

  He’d been offended when they’d first said that about him. He wasn’t “good with numbers.” He was a mathematical prodigy. That was what his parents and teachers and
all the experts who’d sought him had said he was.

  He’d corrected them, and he’d gotten his first ever slap for it. It had almost snapped his neck, sending him crashing into the wall. As the shock and pain had registered, he’d realized that this was real. He was no longer safe and protected. Anything could and would be done to him.

  At first, that had made him angry. He’d said if they returned him to his parents, he wouldn’t tell them they’d dared lay a hand on him. The two men had laughed, just like he’d always imagined devils would. One had told the other that this Numbers kid might take longer to break than they’d thought.

  He’d still insisted his name wasn’t Numbers, and the other man had backhanded him on his other cheek, even more viciously.

  As he’d lain on the ground, shaking with fear and helplessness, the men had told him what to expect from now on.

  “You’ll never see your parents or leave this place again. You now belong to us. If you do everything we tell you, the moment we tell you, then you won’t be punished. Not too bad.”

  But he’d disobeyed their every order ever since, no matter how severely they’d punished him for it. He’d hoped they’d give up on him and send him home. But they’d only grown more brutal, seemed to be enjoying hurting and humiliating him more, and the hope that this nightmare might end had kept dwindling.

  “Shall we give Numbers a choice of punishments today?”

  He heard his tormentors snickering, could barely see their silhouettes towering over him out of the eye that wasn’t swollen shut. And in that moment, he gave up.

  It finally sank in that what he’d endured their abuse so long for would never happen.

  This nightmare would never end.

  His captors would never stop their cruelty, his parents would never rescue him and no one else would ever help him. It would never stop getting worse.

  And if this was what his life would be like from now on, he no longer wanted to live.

  But he couldn’t even kill himself. All he had in his cell were metal bowls for dirty water and slimy gunk and the bucket he used for a toilet. There was no way to escape them even through death. Except maybe...

  The idea took hold in a second. He’d tried everything except playing along. Maybe if he did, they’d think they’d broken him, and let him out of his cell. He could escape then.

  Or die trying.

  One of the giants kicked him in the ribs. “Up, Numbers.”

  Gritting his teeth against the shriek of pain, he rose.

  A terrible laugh. “Numbers finally obeys.”

  “Let’s see if he really does.” The other monster shoved his foul-breathed face in his. “What’s your name, boy?”

  The burning liquid in his shriveled stomach rose to his mouth. He swallowed it with the last thought of resistance. “Numbers.”

  A slap stung across his sore cheek, if not as hard as usual. They’d punish him anyway, just not as badly when he obeyed. “And why are you here?”

  “Because I’m good with numbers.”

  “And what will you do?”

  “Everything you say.” Another slap left his ears ringing, his head spinning, yet he continued, “The moment you say it.”

  In the faint light coming from outside, he saw them exchange smiles of malicious satisfaction. They believed they’d succeeded in breaking him. And they had. But he didn’t intend to live long enough for them to enjoy their victory.

  And they did as he’d thought they would—they dragged him out of his cell. Too weak to walk, he hung between them, his bare feet and the knees exposed through his tattered pants scraping on the cold, cobbled ground.

  Barely able to raise his head to look where they were taking him, he got glimpses of soaring, blackened columns and arches, with a roiling gray sky between them. The whole place looked like a medieval fortress from one of the video games his father had gotten him. The one thing he noticed or cared about now was that the walls between the columns were low enough to jump over. To escape...or fall to his death.

  Then one of the monsters said, “If you get near the walls, you’ll get caught, beaten then thrown back in your cell for twice as long as it took to break you the first time.”

  So even that plan was impossible. But he couldn’t go on like this anymore. He couldn’t take it.

  Before he begged them to just kill him and be done with it, they pulled open two towering wooden doors, dragged him across the threshold and hurled him to the rough ground.

  When he finally managed to raise his head, he saw that they were in a huge hall with rows of tables filled with silent boys who’d all turned at their entrance.

  “This worm is your newest addition. If you see him doing anything you’re not allowed, report him. You’ll have a bonus.”

  With that, his two jailers turned and left him on his knees facing the boys. His pride surged back under their scrutiny, had him staggering to his feet, the initial hope he’d felt when he’d realized he wasn’t alone here draining away. He knew boys could be cruel to those smaller and weaker. And from a first sweep around the room, he was probably the youngest around.

  He stood, trying not to hug his aching side, not to show weakness, and almost sagged back to his knees in relief as they turned back to their food and whispered conversations.

  So they were all afraid to even raise their voices as the boys in his old school had, who’d been free to laugh and joke. These boys were prisoners like him. They’d been broken before him.

  Painfully good smells of hot food hit him, making him dizzier with hunger. Trying to appear steady, he headed toward the source of the aromas.

  He was struggling to reach the lid of one of the massive containers when a hand raised it. He hadn’t felt its owner’s approach.

  It was an older boy with a shaved head and piercing black eyes who was already as tall as his own father. But instead of being intimidated by the boy’s size and fierce looks, he felt...reassured by his presence.

  “My name is Phantom. What’s yours?”

  His real name rose to his tongue before he swallowed it. This boy might be waiting for him to do something “they weren’t allowed to,” like tell his real name, so he could report him and get a bonus.

  To be on the safe side, he only said, “Numbers.”

  The boy’s winged black eyebrows rose. “That’s your specialty? But you can’t be older than seven.”

  “I’m eight.”

  At his indignation, the boy’s gaze gentled. “The first month—or three in your case—of starvation made us all look smaller. You must now eat well, so you can grow as big and strong as possible.”

  “Like you?”

  Phantom’s lips twitched. “I’m not done growing. But I’m working on it.”

  The older boy filled a bowl of steaming stew that smelled mouthwatering compared to the rotting messes he’d been unable to force down for what he’d just now realized had been the past three months. He’d had no way of knowing how long it had been until Phantom had told him.

  After handing it over, Phantom filled himself a bowl, then beckoned for him to follow. “If you warranted a name according to your skill that young, you must be a prodigy.”

  It pleased him intensely that this huge boy with the soundless steps and penetrating eyes could see him for what he was. Even after his jailers had stripped him of everything that made him himself.

  Encouraged, he asked, “How old are you?”

  “Fifteen. I’ve been here since I was four.”

  The boy had answered his next question before he’d asked it, telling him that what his jailers had said was true.

  He’d never leave here.

  They reached one of the tables and Phantom gestured for him to sit down. There were five other boys, each looking as different as could be from th
e other, all older than him, but none as old as Phantom.

  Two boys scooted along the bench to make space for him as Phantom introduced him to them, his lips somehow not moving, so it would appear to the guards who flanked the hall that he wasn’t talking at all. Each of the boys introduced himself. Lightning, Bones, Cypher, Brainiac and Wildcard.

  As they continued to eat, each of them asked him something, about his past life. He emulated the boys in stealth, telling them truths without revealing facts. Then they started giving him equations, which he solved with perfect accuracy no matter how convoluted they made them.

  By the time they finished eating, he felt he’d known these boys for a long time. But the guards were announcing the end of the meal, and all the boys stood up to leave the hall.

  Unable to control his anxiety, he clung to Phantom’s arm. “Will I see you again?”

  Phantom gave him a stern look, making him remove his hand before the guards noticed. But his voice was gentle when he said, “I’ll see that you’re brought to our ward.”

  “You can do that?”

  “There’s a lot you can do around here, if you know how.”

  “Will you teach me?”

  Phantom raised his eyes to the other boys. And it was then he realized they weren’t just fellow prisoners who sat together for meals or shared the same ward. These boys were a team. And Phantom was asking their approval before he let him join them.

  Suddenly, this was all he wanted in life. To be part of their team. His old life was gone. And he just knew he wouldn’t have a new one without these boys.

  He watched each boy give Phantom a slight nod, each filling him with hope he’d thought forever dead.

  Before Phantom started walking away, leaving him behind, he said, “Welcome to our brotherhood, Numbers. And to Black Castle.”


  Twenty-four years later

  Rafael Moreno Salazar stood in the shadows, looking down from the mezzanine of his newly acquired mansion in Rio de Janeiro.


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