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From Enemy's Daughter to Expectant Bride

Page 4

by Olivia Gates

  The pleasure was so acute she bowed up on a shrill cry.

  His other hand clenched her buttocks, he bent and clamped her lips in a fierce kiss.

  “Do you feel how wet and hot and ready for me you are?”

  He glided up, nudging her most sensitive knot of flesh. She shrieked in his mouth, ecstasy almost too sharp to bear. He circled her swollen knot with his crown until everything in the world focused on the point where his flesh tormented hers.

  “Please, please...”

  She pleaded with him even when she didn’t know if she could accommodate him. But this...this was what she’d been waiting for all her life. This was why she’d never been tempted to share her body with a man. Because she’d never experienced anything like this mind-searing, caution-annihilating lust.

  His lips possessed hers again, swallowing her pleas as he thrust against her, prodding her nub over and over.

  The pleasure became an unbearable pressure that clamored to unfurl. When she felt she could stand it no more, he quickened his tempo and snapped the tension inside her.

  He pinned her beneath him as she bucked and shrieked, release tearing through her. Continuing to pump his hardness against her quivering flesh, he drained her of the last spasm of pleasure her body needed to discharge.

  She slumped beneath him, depleted, sated, her intoxicated gaze fixed on him as he rose to his knees between her splayed legs. Pumping his erection, groans gusted from his depths as he climaxed, his blazing eyes never leaving hers.

  She’d never known anything as incredible as the sight and sound of him in the grip of orgasm, nor felt anything as fulfilling as knowing she’d given him as much pleasure as he’d given her. Breathing slowing down, she spiraled into a chasm of satisfaction and melted deeper into the plushness beneath her....

  Awareness flooded back into her as she felt him gently wiping her belly before he came down over her, claiming her lips in luxurious kisses. It was as if after devouring her, he was now sipping her, savoring her. Each clinging kiss solidified the intimacy they’d shared, and told her the explosive episode had been a prelude to a deeper passion.

  When he finally raised his head it was to reach above her. A light burst on. Even though it was soft and soothing, her eyes squeezed shut. When she opened them again, she found him looking down at her indulgently.

  “What—what just happened?”

  She hadn’t intended to speak. Certainly not to say something that moronic. But she had, her voice deep, husky and nothing like she’d ever heard it.

  Expecting ridicule to enter his gaze, his hypnotic eyes only turned serious. “No idea. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. But if I have to guess, I’d say...magic.”

  Relief swamped her. He didn’t consider her bewilderment an act, or stupid. And he felt the same way.

  She exhaled in relief. “In the absence of any other explanation, I’d have to agree.”

  Yet now with the madness-inducing arousal sated, embarrassment started to submerge her.

  What had she done?

  She sank deeper into what she now saw was an oversize, dark green and gold silk brocade couch, acutely conscious of their state of undress, of every inch of his flesh that was still pressed into her most intimate parts.

  As if attuned to her needs, as he’d seemed to be from the start, he rose off her, slid to the ground and kneeled beside her. After forcing his unabated erection into his pants, he retrieved her panties. Navigating the high-heeled shoes he’d left on her, he slid the panties over her shaking legs, caressing and kissing his way from her foot up. Her senses had ignited all over again as he fitted the damp garment back on her hips. And that was before he pressed a hot kiss on her core through the fabric, and almost blew out any fuse left intact in her brain.

  As she struggled to deal with the new blow, he rearranged her skirt over her legs, then eased her up to a sitting position. He was so tall he was on her same level even on his knees. Before he pulled her bodice up, he cupped her heavy breasts in his large palms and saluted each gloriously sore nipple with a soft kiss. Every string holding her up gave. She slumped forward against his endless chest.

  He received her weight with a shuddering groan. Then after a final kneading caress, he scooped her breasts back in her bra, rearranged the bodice over them, reached behind her and pulled her zipper up.

  Brushing her hair back, he cupped her jaw and claimed her parted lips. He drew back, pausing for a moment before he came back over her, plundering her lips and body.

  Deepening their kiss, he rose and pushed her back against the couch. When he finally tore his lips away, her head was swimming and her body had ignited all over again.

  “It’s actually physically painful to stop ravishing you.” His teeth gritted. “I thought taking the edge off would cool us down long enough for us to get introduced. Seems I was wrong.”

  “Ellie.” Her name left her in a rush as he moved to gather her to him again. Her heart would burst if he resumed kissing her. “My name is Ellie.”

  “Ellie.” He frowned as he sat back, repeated the name as if tasting it. Then he shook his head. “It doesn’t suit you.”

  “Why, thanks!”

  His lips pursed at her sarcasm, an imperious eyebrow raised in disapproval. “How could your parents see the glorious baby you must have been and give you such a nondescript name? Ellie? What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “My parents actually gave me a pretty lofty name. I extracted a nickname from it as everyone thinks it makes me sound like a character from a medieval play.”

  “I take back my condemnation of your parents if they gave you a distinguished name. What is it?”


  His eyes suddenly grew soft. “Eliana. God has answered.”

  He understood the meaning of her name. He was the first one to ever do so.

  He took her hand, pressed his lips in her palm. “Now, that is you. You must have been their every prayer answered. As you are the answer to my every fantasy.”

  Her blood blazed as it rushed to her cheeks. “You’re poetic, too? Isn’t it enough you’re...all that?” She made an encompassing gesture, then rushed to splay a hand over his chest as he surged toward her. “We aren’t anywhere near introduced yet, and if you touch and kiss me again I—I...”

  “You’ll catch fire again.”

  She turned her head against the couch. “I can’t deal with the way I did the first time, so give me a chance to...”

  A gentle finger on her chin brought her eyes back to his. “I thought I was imagining it before, but you are shy.”

  “Pretty laughable, I know, after...after...”

  “You went up in flames in my arms?” he completed for her again. “I find your shyness no such thing. But I felt it even through your mind-blowing response.” She hid her face in his chest, felt his chuckle rev below her cheek. “Don’t be even shier now. You affected me the same way, minus the shyness part. Meu Deus...the way you surrendered to me, as if you couldn’t help yourself, as if I’d overwhelmed you.”

  “No ‘as if’ about it. You more than overwhelmed me.” She burrowed deeper into him, arousal mingling with relief as he crushed her harder in his embrace.

  So this was what desire was all about. This was what had been missing all her life. Him. She must have felt him out there, have instinctively known that accepting anything less, with anyone else, would be shortchanging herself.

  Out loud, she whispered, “So this is the kind of crazy attraction that drives people to commit insanities, huh?”

  His beautiful lips curved. “Delightful insanities.”

  She couldn’t have put it better. “Yes.”

  “But even in my insanity, some fail-safe mechanism kicked in and pulled me back from possessing you without protection.”

; She gaped at him. That hadn’t even crossed her mind!

  Then the enormity of the whole situation hit her. Hard.

  He smoothed a hand over her flaming cheek. “I only did so for you. Another unprecedented thing for me.”

  “You mean you usually don’t consider your...partner?” she croaked, reeling with belated shock at her own folly.

  “I usually consider my partner and myself. This time I only considered you. This was so out of the blue, progressed with such blinding the last moment I thought you might not even realize what you were risking. So even though it was beyond me to stop pleasuring you, I had to protect you.”

  “Oh...” She found no words to express what she was feeling. This was...huge. He could have just taken his pleasure, but he hadn’t. He’d put her safety before his own carnal needs. Her hands squeezed his arm in gratitude, loving the sheer power her fingers felt beneath them. “Thank you.”

  He gathered her tighter to him and planted a kiss on her forehead. “Anything for you, minha beleza, anything at all.” He drew away to look down at her. “But now that I’m not about to have a heart attack with arousal, I will procure all precautions, and props.”

  Props? The word ricocheted in her imagination as he leveled the full force of his gaze on her.

  “Give me your promise.”

  “Wh-what promise?”

  “That you’ll spend the night in my arms.”


  She really had to stop saying that!

  “Then after this night, the next night. And the next.”

  Throat closing at his intensity, she murmured, “Wouldn’t you want to see how one night goes before committing to more?”

  “I know how this night will go. I will pleasure you to within an inch of your life, make it impossible for you not to crave more.” At her head shake his eyebrow rose again, what she felt certain sent powerful men cowering. “How can you think this won’t happen?”

  “Because I have no idea if I can make it impossible for you not to crave more nights.”

  “Have I blown a fuse in there with too much pleasure already?” One finger gently tapped her temple, his smile lazy assurance itself. “It’s the only explanation as to why you’d even consider something so ludicrous.”

  “If you say so,” she mumbled.

  “I do. Now give me your promise.” At her hesitation, he frowned. “Are you worried I might turn out to be a nutcase?”

  She coughed. “That is one thing that didn’t even cross my mind.”

  “So you’re saying you trust me?” He dragged his teeth along her neck like a vampire searching for the sweetest spot for a bite. Her head fell back, giving him the exposure he needed to find the best one.

  A shudder of acute pleasure shook her whole frame as he took that nip. “I’m saying I couldn’t even think about anything beyond what you made me feel. If you didn’t notice, I haven’t exactly been functioning on any logical level since you...‘summoned me.’”

  He raised his head, pure male satisfaction gleaming in his eyes. “No, you haven’t. But neither have I.”

  It was so gratifying that he confessed her equal effect on him so openly. “I was and still am operating purely on instinct.”

  “And your instincts are telling you to trust me?”

  “I can’t explain it—” she dived into him again, nodding against his hot-velvet flesh “—but they do.” She looked up, whispering what felt like a pledge. “I do trust you.”

  His eyes blazed in response. “Implicitly?”

  She nodded again.

  “You won’t freak out when I make unusual demands in bed?”

  Her eyes grew wider as his filled with that predator’s gleam that made her pulse race in anticipation.

  Still, she had to ask. “Define unusual.”

  “Unusual in quantity...not quality.” Before she could tell him that wasn’t much better, he added, “At least, not too unusual in quality.”

  “There you go again with unrealistic expectations.”

  His lips twisted. “You think I’m false advertising?”

  “It’s me who has performance...or rather conformance anxiety. I don’t think I can meet your demands in quantity. It’s out of the question I could in quality.”

  “Just leave everything to me. As you’ve done so far.” He took her on his lap, caressing her all over. “Any complaints?”

  “Only one.” She fidgeted over the massive hardness beneath her, the simmering inside her flaring up again. “That you seem to have created a monster.”

  Those perfect teeth flashed as he pressed her against his arousal. “You want more.”

  “I want you,” she moaned.

  “Not as much as I want you. Ah-ah-ah...” He placed a silencing finger on her lips when she started to protest. “You just have to trust me again on this. Now...your promise.”

  She pushed out of his arms, trying to scramble off his lap. “I can’t. My brain feels like I was in a collision and I...”

  He let her separate them, his face suddenly chiseled from granite. “Are you regretting it?”

  “God, no. It was...beyond magical. But...but...”

  “It’s too much, too fast.”

  She nodded, anxiously probing his reaction. And it felt as if a cool balm had spread over her burning flesh. There was only self-deprecation on his lips, empathy in his eyes.

  After the way she’d surrendered to him, another man would have accused her of leading him on, then playing hard to get. A few men had even called her a tease.

  But he wasn’t like those men. He was like no other.

  She wanted to kiss him for being so wonderful. But a kiss might destroy his control, the only thing that stopped her from getting in over her head. More than she already had, that was.

  “It isn’t too much or too fast, not for me,” he said, his voice a dark caress. “Every second with you is how I’ll define perfection from now on. But I will slow down—for you.” He swept her into his arms again and she succumbed on a ragged sigh, sank back into the luxury of his embrace. “But there are so many more intimacies I need to share with you, many untold pleasures. I need to keep kissing and touching and talking to you. So when everyone goes away, you’ll stay.”

  “Yes.” Then she frowned. “But what do you mean stay?”

  “The night. In my bed. In my arms.”

  “I got that. But stay where?”

  “Stay here, of course.”

  “You’re staying here?”

  “I should think so. I own the place.”

  And suddenly, all the details she’d missed—in him, in what he’d said, which should have made sense before now but hadn’t—coalesced. Into one big wrecking ball.

  It swung into her so hard, it knocked her out of his arms again. “You’re...him?”


  Ellie gaped at the man who’d given her her life’s most intense experience. He was...he was...

  “I’ve been referred to in some extremely unflattering ways before,” he drawled. “‘Him’ wasn’t among them.”

  “I mean you’re...that man?”

  “‘That man’ is also not what I want to hear on your lips.”

  “’s just... Okay, stop! Let me breathe.” Shaking her head, she splayed her hand on his chest as if to ward him off, but really to steady herself. “You’re...Moreno Salazar?

  He took her fluttering hand to his lips. “To you...I am only Rafael.” He punctuated his words by suckling each finger. “You will moan my name into my lips...scream it against my flesh...all through the night.”

  She was a molten mass by the time he pulled her other hand, wound her arms around his neck. But she still had to say...something. Anything.

�But you said you won’t make love to me.”

  That wasn’t the issue here. Or what she’d meant to say.

  He kissed the arms hanging limply around his neck. “I think I proved there are other ways of pleasuring you.”

  “But I thought you understood, agreed that I need to—to...”

  “Regroup? Yes, I know. And I won’t do anything to cross your comfort zone anymore.”

  This man seemed to be reading her hectic mind, defusing her agitation, saying just the right thing.

  But... “That’s still not it.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “You even have to ask? It’s who you are. It changes everything.”

  His lips stilled on the sensitive flesh of her inner arm, then he raised his head, a spectacular frown descending over his leonine brow. “It changes nothing. I’m still the man you lost your mind over, the man you wanted with every fiber of your being. And that’s the man I’ll remain to you.”

  “Yes, but you’re also Rafael Moreno Salazar, and I’m here attending your ball because my...boss is here to court your favor. And this complicates everything.”

  “This complicates nothing, I tell you.”

  “Oh, but it does. It tangles business with pleasure in a way I couldn’t have expected in my wildest dreams. Now I can’t spend the night with you. I don’t even know how everything will be affected by what we’ve already shared.”

  Ellie’s arms slid off his shoulders and she slumped back. She felt as if he’d hurtled out of her reach when just minutes ago she’d felt he was closer to her than anyone had ever been.

  She pitched forward, dropped her head in trembling hands. “Oh, God, why couldn’t you have just turned out to be just another guest here, just a regular man?”


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