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The Alien Commander's Baby: Sci-fi Alien Romance (Men of Omaron)

Page 6

by Shea Malloy

  This man would devour her if given the chance.

  Gun to her head, she’d let him.

  Her past terrible experiences with men may have strengthened her ability to resist temptation, but her resolve was like tissue paper where Kess was concerned. He exuded power. And not just in that obvious, physical sense, but in a raw sensuality that commanded her body take notice.

  And it did take notice. Her nipples formed hard points, scraping against her robe. Between her legs warm like the heat in her face. Kess reached for the loose knot in her robe’s belt and used it to draw her to him, leaning his face toward hers.

  Suri’s words circled in her head.

  The more you fight against fate, the harder you’ll fall for each other.

  “This is a bad idea,” she said softly. She meant to speak the words in her head to give herself the strength to pull away from him, but even out loud, they had no conviction.

  “Yes, it is,” he said, his lips ghosting over hers as he spoke. “I am not good for you, yet knowing this has not stopped me from wanting to taste every bit of you.”

  He kissed her hungrily, but with none of the fury that had imbued their first kiss. Karen put her hands flat against Kess’ firm chest, intending to push him away, but her fingers curled into his jacket to hold him against her.

  She opened her mouth as his tongue slipped past her lips, and she moaned the moment his tongue touched hers. The fluttery sensation in the pit of her stomach strengthened, coiling downward between her legs where she grew wetter by the second.

  Her fingertips dragged against the light stubble dusting his firm jaw, the slight coarseness in contrast to his smooth tongue caressing hers. His clean scent surrounded her, encouraging her to press closer.

  She’d never felt anything like this before just from a kiss. Her whole body craved him with astonishing desperation. Like if some dormant part of her had awakened and acknowledged that Kess was what she’d needed all this time.

  His hands on her hips, he pivoted her, never breaking their kiss as he walked her backward. Her bottom hit the sturdy edge of the table, and he yanked her robe’s tie free, pushing the robe apart to reveal her naked body.

  “You are so beautiful,” he murmured. He cupped one of her breasts with his big, roughened hand and she leaned into his touch. Then his hand slid down to cover her stomach, pride and triumph burning in his gaze.

  He kissed her again, possessive and greedy, delving a hand between her thighs to touch her. Karen moaned into his mouth, squeezing his shoulders as he slowly parted her with his fingers.

  She rocked against his touch, demanding more without speaking the words. He complied, rolling his thumb over her sensitive clit, then slipping his thick digit into her slick channel. Karen rose up on her toes, her back arching to welcome the intrusion.

  He dragged his lips against her jaw, his voice a growl. “Do you want more, Karen?”

  “Yes… yes…” she whimpered.

  “Mm… so eager to have me inside you.” He pressed a second finger into her and Karen closed her eyes on a long groan. Fuck yes, she was eager when it felt so good. His hot mouth found the column of her neck as he thrust his fingers into her. Karen held onto his muscular arms, spreading her legs wider to accommodate his hand.

  She rocked her hips with Kess’ movements, maximizing every bit of the incredible sensation. Whatever rational thought that said she should be careful of where this moment led got obliterated by his expert touch. Whether this was a bad idea could be studied after Kess had sated the ravenous desire burning her from the inside out.

  He kept his fingers buried in her as he lifted her onto the glass surface of the table. Covering her chest with kisses, he pushed her to lie back. He descended on her breast, pulling her nipple between his lips greedily. Karen moaned aloud, sinking her fingers into the silky strands of his hair.

  “Lift your legs and open them wide for me,” he ordered, pressing kisses down her stomach. He knelt between her spread thighs. Propping her legs up onto the table, Karen opened her legs wide, baring herself to him without hesitation. She felt embarrassed and excited by her vulgar posture, exposing herself entirely to Kess’ lustful gaze.

  Even though she knew what was coming, she still let out a gasp of surprise when he pressed his mouth against her pussy, his tongue darting out to lick her.

  “Oh god, Kess…”

  He groaned as he licked her again more insistently. “You taste like perfection.”

  Karen raised herself up, fisting Kess’ hair. Soft little gasps escaped her as he feasted on her. He lifted his gaze to meet hers when he pushed his fingers into her again, lapping and gently sucking on her clit. It was the sexiest sight watching this powerful alien man on his knees eating her out, his fingers slick with her juices as he thrust them into her over and over again.

  She squirmed, gyrating her hips, her pleasure rising. Her legs shook. Her eyes squeezed shut, she leaned on one hand, throwing her head back. She chanted his name, tugging on his hair as she came hard on his tongue.

  As her climax subsided, Kess got to his feet, looming over her to claim her mouth in another kiss. Still dizzy from what Kess just did to her, she returned his passionate kiss, tasting herself on his lips.

  “I want your cock inside me now,” she said, reaching between them to grip his hard hot flesh over his pants. Holy fuck. The thing was huge. It might literally destroy her. Still, her pussy craved it. Craved him. She fumbled with the strange clips on his pants, growing frustrated.

  He laughed. “Have a little patience,” he said, throwing her words back at her from that night he’d rescued her. He reached down to help. Karen salivated, her inner walls tightening in anticipation for the unveiling of the monster cock which would soon be hers.

  The black strip on his wrist pulsed red, a trill sounding from it.

  “Are you getting a call?” she asked, irritated. The timing couldn’t have been worse.

  “Yes.” He slipped it off his wrist, ostensibly to turn it off, but he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

  “What?” She wanted to murder whoever it was interrupting them.

  “It is my Administrator, the one I reported to when I was on duty,” he said. The ringing stopped and he frowned at the strip. “She wants to speak with me urgently.”

  She? A spark of jealousy and possessiveness lit inside Karen, but she stomped it out. Kess didn’t belong to her. She was being ridiculous. Ugh. One amazing orgasm later and she was already catching feelings. See, she knew this was a bad idea.

  Karen tugged her robe closed. “Ah, well, you better get going.” She plastered a smile on her face and swallowed her disappointment so it wouldn’t inflect her voice. He must have heard it anyway because he tilted her face and smiled at her.

  “I don’t have to leave yet, Karen.”

  She shook her head and eased off of the table. “I know, but you should if it’s urgent.”

  He said nothing and Karen fidgeted beneath his stare, worried he’d see how much she wanted him to stay and think her clingy. But he pulled her against him.

  “We will finish what we started,” he promised, his voice low and sexy.

  Then he released her before she could respond and strode out of the room.




  Karen peered over the top of Kess’ shoulder as he drove them along.

  The occasional bump and sway of the bike threatened a resurgence of the puking she’d endured earlier, but she kept the nausea at bay. She still didn’t know where Kess was taking her despite how many times she’d asked him since he’d shown up at her door.

  As much as she looked forward to their destination, the journey was fun too. With her hand wrapped around him, she was free to enjoy the firmness and strength of his body pressed against hers. The steamy encounter they’d shared a few days ago was still imprinted on her mind. Being in physical contact with him kept that delicious moment alive and strong in her head.

  Her fa
ce burned with the memory of his lips and hands on her body. The heat travelled south between her legs where she wanted this Dava male to touch her the most.

  She closed her eyes and banished her lewd thoughts to some dark corner. Just in case Kess had the ability to read minds. Then again, if he could read her mind and see all the indecent fantasies she had of him, it was a sure bet he’d be willing to turn her fantasies into reality.

  “Wow!” she said, her wayward thoughts swept away by the present. Kess drove them along a wide pathway that cut through an expanse of blue-green water. Straight ahead at the end of the path was a towering dome-shaped building made of semi-translucent glass. From this distance, it appeared as if the building was submerged in the water.

  Kess slowed to a stop when they arrived at the end of the path. Unhooking her arms from around Kess, Karen climbed off the bike and craned her neck to gawk at the building. The water lapped against the edge of the circular platform surrounding the dome, its dazzling surface and the lavender evening sky captured in the reflection of the glass.

  “What is this place?” she said, her feet carrying her toward the entrance without thought. She wanted to explore every inch of this building.

  “My home,” said Kess, following at a much more leisurely pace behind her.

  Karen ground to a halt and spun to face him.

  “Are you serious?” she asked, and then the ensuing words came out of her mouth before she could stop them. “Then I guess this means you’re loaded.”

  Kess furrowed his brow. “Loaded? With what?”

  “Money,” said Karen, wishing she could remove her foot from her mouth. “It’s an Earth slang for ‘wealthy.’”

  “Ah. Then, yes, I am loaded.” He regarded her with amusement. “I am a Yen—a lord. This is the Reihanat and the surrounding lands has belonged to the Reihan family for years.” He stepped closer, lowering his voice. “And our child will inherit it too.”

  Our child.

  God, that phrase sounded too good to be true. She had come from a humble family and yet here she stood, carrying a baby with a prestigious heritage. She felt like she’d stumbled into a twisted Cinderella story of some kind. She didn’t have the prince or the marriage, but her baby’s father was a handsome alien lord who, even now, stared at her like a hungry wolf with a plump, juicy sheep in its sights.

  “So it’s just you alone in this big ol’ house?” Karen forced herself to put distance between them even if she wanted the complete opposite. Ever since their… encounter a few days ago, all sorts of dangerous hope had sprung into existence like dirty weeds encroaching on a pristine garden. She needed to rip them all out before they overran her with ridiculous thoughts of a happily ever after with Kess.

  “Yes,” he said. “My mother lived here but now she shares a home with her lover.”

  She faced the Reihanat again, wondering what Kess’ mother looked like as she followed him to the doors. Kess pressed his palm against a blue, glowing circle on the door and it slid open at his touch. He settled his hand on the small of her back and guided her inside. As much as she appreciated the view of what looked like an entrance parlour, the feel of his hand, warm and insistent against her back, occupied her attention the most.

  “And your father…?”

  “Is dead.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry.”

  Kess shook his head. “He died doing what he loved. He hunted petila boars and one speared him through the chest with its horn.” He fell silent, his gaze unfocused. “My brother was with him on the hunt. He killed the boar and brought it home for us to eat.”

  “Was it any good?”

  “Delicious.” Mirth curved his lips and Karen returned his smile, pleased he had a dark sense of humour too.

  Kess took her on a tour of the Reihanat. Just as she’d suspected, the impressive building descended into the depths of the waters. Light fixtures were appended on the outside. They cut a swath through the thick darkness underwater, revealing various sea creatures unlike anything she’d seen on Earth. The glass was so transparent, it was as if she were suspended in the middle of the ocean.

  Standing in the dimly lit observatory, she admired the view, caught between awe and trepidation that only sturdy glass and metal frames kept them safe. Then a ball-shaped, flesh-coloured, faceless creature with a large maw slapped itself against the glass in front of her and sucked on the surface.

  She made a sound of startled disgust and stumbled backward into Kess. He surrounded her with his strong arms and kept her upright when she threatened to topple over. His low chuckle reverberated from his chest against her back.

  “It can’t hurt you.”

  “I disagree. The more I look at it, the more its hideousness is ruining my eyesight.”

  Losing interest, the ball-shaped creature moved along. Karen stepped out of Kess’ hold and he came to stand beside her. They shared a comfortable silence during which she stole glances at him. His seemed deep in thought, his features relaxed. What was he thinking about? He was such a mystery, constantly keeping his emotions and his thoughts in check. Occasionally, she caught a glimpse of that raw emotion he hid so well. He had some dark, heavy burden he carried. That night he’d rescued her, he’d fought against those lizards with a wild desperation. Like if he was fed up of that burden and would rather die than carry it another day. Perhaps that was why he had such a negative reaction to waking up alive.

  He turned his head and caught her staring. Embarrassed, Karen fumbled for something to say.

  “How did that urgent meeting with your Administrator go?”

  “She has revoked my suspension now that I am well again. I resume my duties as commander to my unit once I am fully healed, thanks to you.” He stepped closer, leaning against the glass to gaze at her intently. He continued before she had a chance to congratulate him. “You cannot leave Omaron. You will stay here once you have given birth to our child. Perhaps before the child is born.”

  Karen’s eyebrows climbed in surprise before they lowered into a frown. “You can’t make that choice for me and override my wishes like that.”

  “You can’t leave with my child.”

  She glared at him. “It’s mine too.”

  “Exactly.” His eyes shone with determination. “This is our babe’s ancestral home. It is exactly where it should be. As you are its maiya, you should be here too.”

  “I have commitments on Earth,” she said, fuming. This man had the behaviour of a pendulum, swinging from insanely attractive to insanely infuriating. “I’m supposed to forget about them? You’re out of your mind.”

  “What sort of commitment?” His handsome features hardened. “A mate?”

  “I’m not with anyone or I wouldn’t have let you… we wouldn’t have done what we did the last time we saw each other.” Her face burned, though she was secretly pleased by the jealousy flashing in his eyes. “Look, I’m still in school studying to become a doctor.”

  “I will ensure you receive the best medical education if you continue your studies here.”

  “I…” her voice faltered. “It’s not that simple.”

  He reached for her, wrapping an arm around her waist possessively. He trapped her between the glass and his hard body.

  “Because you make things complicated,” he said softly. She had the sense it wasn’t in response to what she’d said, but a thought he voiced aloud. He leaned forward like if he was going to kiss her, but he stopped himself, his gaze conflicted. “I am stronger than this.”

  Her pulse raced. “Stronger than what?”

  “This crazy, constant need to kiss you,” he rasped. “To bury myself inside you and claim you as mine.” His eyes darkened with arousal and anger. “I am stronger than this but you weaken me.”

  And he closed the tiny gap between them and kissed her.




  Kess liked the way she closed her eyes and shivered when he pressed his lips to hers. Satisfaction filled him
when she returned his kiss, relenting with a soft moan that undid his control.

  Slipping his hands down to cup her backside, he guided her against him fully as he slipped his tongue into her warm, sweet mouth. He wanted her to feel exactly what she did to him, how much he needed her.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, molding her round breasts against his chest. His healing wounds objected to the movement, but he ignored it.

  She was impossibly soft, her flesh silken. His desire for her made everything else insignificant. With this breathtaking woman in his arms, he couldn’t believe he’d ever been content to be alone.

  He slipped his hand under her short dress. Since collecting her from the palace, the sight of her exposed, creamy thighs had kept him in a constant state of semi-hardness.

  He had seen what lay beneath the light material of her Earth clothing. He had touched her, tasted her, enjoyed the sound of her gasping his name as she found release by his hand. He intended to do it all again and more.

  Her flesh quivered as he skimmed her thigh. Her whimper encouraged him, sent his questing hand higher to touch the damp heat between her legs. He broke their kiss and dragged his mouth along her smooth neck. The delicious, needy noises escaping her lips made him hard almost to the point of painfulness.

  “I’m going to fuck you right now, right here,” was his growled promise.

  “Mm… but you owe me something first.” She moved her hand between them, squeezing him gently over his trousers. “This.” He groaned, his hard length twitching eagerly against her palm. “I want to suck it.”

  She dropped to her knees before him. He reached down to help her but she batted his hand away.

  “I can do it.”

  And she did, her warm hand gripping him and pulling him free. Pride surged through him at her slackened mouth and widened eyes as she pumped him experimentally.

  “We have a problem, Commander,” she said, her lips curved up. “This isn’t going to fit.”

  Kess smirked down at her, liking the sound of her voice wrapped around his title. He sank his fingers into her hair, drawing her forward.


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