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The Claiming of Wondrous Woman in the Land of Ice and Snow (Super Heroines in Erotic Bondage)

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by Bella Swann

  The Claiming of Wondrous Woman in the Land of Ice and Snow

  Bella Swann

  Copyright 2014 Bella Swann

  Published by Bella Swann Publishing

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this e-book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank-you for respecting the hard work of the author to produce this e-book and thank-you very much for purchasing this e-book.

  This is a work of erotic fiction intended for mature audiences only and is not to be read by individuals under the age of 18 or the legal age in their jurisdiction. All individuals portrayed in this story are over the age of 18.

  Cover Design by Melody Simmons of eBookindiecovers

  Chapter 1

  Wondrous Woman looked behind her in sadness as she watched her homeland, the dying planet of Chrysalis, recede in the distance. She wiped a tear from her deep blue eyes as she looked out at the few space ships that were speeding away in every direction carrying the last survivors of her race of female warriors. The cold air from her damaged HVAC unit spilled out into the corridors of her ship and she knew that she would have to enter hypersleep soon or she would not survive as her ship lost main life support.

  Her long, curly red hair bobbed up and down as she strode to the ship’s console and desperately searched for a possible safe haven that would put as much distance between herself and the evil alien race that had attacked and so-easily conquered her planet. Finding a possible destination, a far-off galaxy that had a planet with a similar atmosphere to Chrysalis but a lower gravity, she programmed her ship’s computer to that third planet circling around a sun.

  Shivering at the cold air, her pale skin almost blue, she quickly stripped off her heavy uniform until she was clad only in her polka dot blue bra and blue lace panties. Her huge tits were covered in goose bumps and her pink nipples had hardened from the cold and were plainly visible. With a sad sigh and heavy heart, Wondrous Woman got into her emergency space pod and turned on the stasis field that would keep her in hypersleep as she travelled her long journey to safety. All she could hope was that the emergency life support would keep her alive until she reached this new world and could throw herself on the mercy of the ruling women there.

  Wondrous Woman’s eyes narrowed in concentration. Perhaps the women there would accept her as their natural leader and she could rebuild the matriarchal world of Chrysalis on this new world. She hugged her arms tightly around her huge tits as she slowly fell into hypersleep and her damaged ship travelled slowly towards the Milky Way.

  “Danger! Danger!” thundered out the deep male voice of Wondrous Woman’s ship’s onboard computer. “The ship’s force fields are failing and there is a 90% probability that the ship will burn up on entry of the planet’s atmosphere.” The computer quickly scanned the ship for evidence of humanoid life signs. Finding only the emergency space pod draining life support power from its internal core, the computer immediately launched the space pod out of its landing bay and initiated the wake-up protocol for its hypersleep chamber.

  Wondrous Woman slowly opened her eyes to the ringing of warning bells as the space pod rapidly fell through the unknown planet’s atmosphere. She coughed, her huge tits heaving back and forth, as she tried to shake off the effects of hypersleep and deal with the emergency her ship was experiencing.

  With a tremendous crash, the space pod slammed into a hard surface and then went deeper down into a much more forgiving element.

  As Wondrous Woman’s body jolted from the impact of the crash, she became more fully awake. As she looked around her, she could see a giant crack in the hull of her space pod slowly begin to fill with water. She immediately popped open her sleeping capsule and stumbled out, shivering as the frigidly cold water filling up her pod swirled around her ankles and then up her knees and firm white thighs.

  “Computer, report,” yelled Wondrous Woman as she waded over to the console to check on her location.

  “You are on the third planet from this galaxy’s Sol. Due to the damage the ship has taken, the emergency pod was jettisoned to preserve your life.” The computer’s voice sputtered in and out as its power slowly faded. “Sensors indicate the emergency pod’s hull will breach soon and completely fill with water. You must leave it behind and swim up to the surface of this body of water. All scans indicate there is humanoid life on the surface but far less evolved than on Chrysalis. You must do your best to blend in and assimilate to life on this planet in order to escape long-range detection from our ancient enemy as these humanoid Terrans will be unable to protect you if the enemy should track you here.”

  A tear slowly trickled out of Wondrous Woman’s right eye as she nodded in understanding. “One day,” she promised, as she looked around sadly at her destroyed space pod, “I will return to Chrysalis and free my people.”

  She shivered as the freezing cold water rose further up her taut abdomen and began to swirl around her huge pink nipples, hardening them painfully as she forced her way to the cracked hull of her pod. Grabbing an emergency air breather and positioning it over her delicate nostrils, Wondrous Woman placed her hands on either side of the crack and easily forced the crack fully open. As the water came pouring through the hole, Wondrous Woman pushed her body through the widened crack. She shuddered as her entire body was immersed in ice cold water as she swam up to the cratered surface of the frozen lake that her emergency pod had crashed through.

  As Wondrous Woman neared the surface of the ice crater, she felt her blood chill in a very different way as a primal fear moved down her firm body and centred in her very core. She was not alone in this frozen lake after all. A predator was down there with her, circling her from beneath and getting closer and closer.

  Although, normally, as a Chysalian, Wondrous Woman would be the match of any creature that dared attack her, she was still groggy and severely weakened from the effects of her long hypersleep, and had not much more strength than a less-evolved Terran. As she paused to look down in the swirling, murky waters beneath her, she felt but could not see a long, hard sinewy body force its way through her legs, its rough scales abrading the softer flesh of her inner thighs.

  She froze in hopes that she was just imagining this monster swimming through her legs, forcing them even farther apart so that she was forced to straddle the long, rough body beneath her. She unconsciously whimpered in fear at what this unknown creature would do to her as its snake-like body seemed never-ending as the creature slowly paused with the weight of her legs resting down on either side of it.

  She reached down with her shaking hands to feel the muscular contractions of the creature’s body as it undulated back and forth between her legs. Unable to help herself, she moaned a bit in pleasurable fear as the pressure of the creature’s scales moving slowly but roughly against her frozen cunt began to warm her up and cause her pussy to start to tingle and get a bit wet.

  Her face blushed in shame as she felt her nipples begin to get even harder, this time from the stirrings of sexual desire, not the ice-cold water.

  As her sexual scent began to percolate through the water, the creature slowly turned its massive body around in the water. While the lower part of the creature’s body slowly circled Wondrous Woman from behind, the front part of the creature with its massive, triangular
shaped head, beady black eyes, and long flickering tongue, turned around for a better look at its prey that was giving off such a tantalizing and unexpected scent.

  Unknown to poor Wondrous Woman, she had crashed into the underwater lair of the prehistoric monster known as Manipogo. The locals swore they could still see glimpses of him in the shadowy waters when they fished Lake Manitoba late at night. Despite many modern Terrans who foolishly believed him to be extinct, Manipogo had been the death of many a fisherman or unwary swimmer who had ventured too deep beneath the surface of Lake Manitoba. But now, he had a far more satisfying prey upon which to satisfy his deep, primal urges.

  Manipogo’s eyes darkened as he looked down in pleasure at the beautiful prey who had so foolishly wandered into his domain. With a snort of interest, he moved his head closer to the temptingly scented creature and tightened his body possessively around Wondrous Woman’s slender waist as he drew her closer to him.

  Wondrous Woman moaned in fear tinged with pleasure as the massive, hard, undulating body forcing her thighs apart tightened its muscles and pulled her closer upwards towards it. She knew that she should be terrified and fight back against the creature who had taken control of her body but she was mesmerized by the darkness in its eyes that had taken away her will to resist.

  Manipogo began to lick Wondrous Woman’s soft throat with his long, flickering tongue as he delighted in the sweet saltiness of her soft skin.

  Wondrous Woman moaned in pleasure at the feeling of the long, hard tongue so roughly rubbing over her throat and up and down her neck. Unable to stop herself, she arched her back so that her huge tits were closer up towards that tantalizingly rough tongue.

  Manipogo snorted in pleasure at her obvious desire to have him turn his attentions further down her slutty body. He lowered his massive head further down her chest and began to lick his way down to her hardening tits. As he began to rub his rough, massive face against her swollen tits, Wondrous Woman moaned uncontrollably. The feeling of his scales rubbing so roughly against her soft flesh caused her to pant in pleasure.

  Wondrous Woman reached out her arms around his massive, snake-like body and began to run her hands up and down Manipogo’s back, delighting in the feel of his hard scales against her.

  Manipogo moved his mouth more firmly over her hardening pink nipples and began to rub his teeth over her bra covered flesh. He slowly pushed his tongue under her blue bra and began to lick around her pink nipples as Wondrous Woman moaned in pleasure. With a possessive roar, Manipogo used his teeth to cut through the cloth between her huge tits and expose her naked tits to him. He forced his massive head between her tits and moved it from side to side.

  Wondrous Woman moaned as she felt his rough, scaly head rub up and down her tits and she then gasped as she felt his hot, wet mouth begin to suck hard on her tits as his rough teeth grazed back and forth over her rock hard nipples. She tightened her arms around Manipogo’s body as she began to arch her hot pussy upwards towards his undulating body.

  Manipogo chuckled as he felt Wondrous Woman begin to rock back and forth against his rough, sinewy body that was forcing her thighs further and further apart. He began to teasingly flex his scaly hardness up and down against her soft pussy, delighting in her soft moans of delight and the sweet, wet fluids that were pouring out of her and gushing down his undulating flesh.

  Wondrous Woman began to hump her sweet pussy up and down against Manipogo’s snake-like body, panting and moaning in pleasure as her swollen clit hit his hard scales again and again and again. Desperate with desire, she began to pull her pussy up and down his long, undulating body as she tried to move her pussy further up his body to reach his massive head and that long, rough tongue.

  Manipogo sighed in delight as the sweet scents of her pussy juices flowed into the water and slowly swirled up towards him. He moved his head from her hard, pink nipples that he was biting and sucking on with such pleasure and slowly began to lick and rub his rough, scaly head further down her tight abdomen towards her sweet pussy.

  Wondrous Woman sighed in pleasure as she felt his rough head rub underneath her massive tits and then down her soft flesh towards her hot pussy. She moaned as she felt his long, flickering tongue dart in and out of her navel. Unable to stop herself, she shoved her pussy upwards towards his tongue as she arched her back downwards in order to get enough momentum to shove her hot cunt further towards his mouth as she begged him silently with her body to lick her pussy lips.

  Manipogo used his lower torso to force her pussy closer up towards his head as he wrapped his lower body back up towards her tempting tits. Having encircled Wondrous Woman’s body possessively with his snake-like flesh, Manipogo lowered his mouth to her pussy and began to suck her through her panties. With a quick twist of his head, he shoved his long, flickering tongue deep beneath her panties and began to force his tongue deep into her pussy, stroking the inside walls of her hot, sweet pussy.

  Wondrous Woman pushed her pussy harder and harder against his mouth as she felt his tongue take possession of her sweet flesh. She shivered in pleasure filled with a tinge of pain as she felt his rough teeth scrape up and down against her swollen pink clit. She opened her mouth in surprise as she felt the tail part of his snake-like body begin to circle around her face and against her lips.

  With a grunt of possession, Manipogo shoved his tail into Wondrous Woman’s mouth and began to move it further and further into her throat. He shoved his tongue deeper into her sweet pussy and began to lick further and further down her cunt as he forced his tail deeper down Wondrous Woman’s throat.

  Wondrous Woman choked and coughed as she felt the massive tail fill her mouth and begin to push its way to the back of her throat. She tried to open her mouth in protest and push it out, but the tail had already filled her mouth and she simply couldn’t open up any further. As she moved her tongue from side to side, up and over Manipogo’s massive tail, in an attempt to make more space in her mouth, Manipogo moaned in pleasure at feeling her tongue dart between the scales of his tail. His tail hardened further, causing Wondrous Woman to gasp in panic as she felt her mouth being filled even further and her soft tongue squeezed and flattened between Manipogo’s tail and her own mouth.

  She reached out her arms in a futile attempt to pull Manipogo’s tail out of her mouth. However, as she pulled and pushed against his tail with her soft, but strong hands, Manipogo hardened even further and tightened his body more firmly against her flesh. With a soft sigh of surrender, Wondrous Woman relaxed her throat and body against the prehistoric monster that had taken such control of her flesh.

  Wondrous Woman groaned as Manipogo’s tail moved further down her throat until she could feel his flesh moving deep inside her. Her nipples hardened even further as they rubbed up against his rough, scaly flesh that had tightened itself around her tits and slender waist. She spread her thighs even farther apart as she rubbed each slender thigh up and down against Manipogo’s massive head as she began to bang her pussy harder and harder against him, forcing his strong, rough tongue deeper and deeper into her pussy.

  Manipogo’s eyes darkened in pleasure as he began to bite harder and harder on her swollen clit as his tongue circled round and round her gushing pussy. He tightened his body around his sweet prey as he forced his tail deeper down her throat. He could feel her gasps of painful pleasure and the tantalizing softness of her tongue as his scales overfilled her mouth and rubbed roughly against the roof of her hot, wet, mouth. He moved his rough scaly torso against her swollen tits, shoving her hard nipples in and out of his scales as he possessively used her body for his own pleasure.

  Wondrous Woman began to scream in pleasure filled with pain as she felt his rough, undulating body move over hers and tighten until she couldn’t breathe but only lie helpless in the coils of his sinewy, snake-like body. Her hands moved down towards the rough head pushing her thighs apart as he fucked her pussy with his tongue and fucked her throat with his massive tail. As she felt his teeth clamp down on
her swollen clit and begin to bite and nibble over her pussy lips still covered by her blue panties, she screamed in pain and pleasure and came in a wave of pussy juices that flooded down her helpless pussy, down her thighs and drenched Manipogo’s face and head with her hot, sticky juices. Her head fell back as she lay helpless in the coils of his body, half-fainting from the pleasure of being possessed so completely by the prehistoric monster.

  Manipogo snorted possessively as he felt the complete surrender of his prey to his fucking. He slowly pulled his massive tail in and out of Wondrous Woman’s mouth and throat, delighting in her lack of resistance. With a groan of possession, he opened up the vents right below the tip of his tail and flooded Wondrous Woman’s mouth and throat with his milky, hot sperm.

  Wondrous Woman choked and gasped for breath as she felt the pounding ocean of sperm flood into her throat and warm its way deep down into her belly. She raised her hands to the massive tail that was still undulating in her mouth and throat and tried to pull it out of her mouth. Yet, she could not pull his massive tail away from her mouth. In fact, the motion of her hands against his tail only seemed to increase the flow and milkiness of the hot semen that was flooding her body.

  Manipogo rammed his head back and forth against her hot, sore pussy to the rhythm of his exploding semen down her helpless throat. Unable to stop herself, Wondrous Woman exploded into another orgasm at feeling her soft flesh so roughly abused - both pussy and mouth at the same time.

  With a final thrust of his tail down her throat, Manipogo gave her pussy one last, long lick and then slowly pulled his massive head from between her soft thighs. He moved his head up towards her huge tits and nuzzled them back and forth while he suckled each hard, pink nipple. With a final lick of her beautiful tits, he moved his head up to look down at Wondrous Woman’s face. He grunted happily to see her mouth forced open by his massive tail and the milky sperm that had overflowed her mouth and coated her face and neck.


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