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Devoured By Darkness

Page 27

by Alexandra Ivy

  The thought was enough to make her curse the cramped passageway that forced her to squeeze through on her hands and knees.

  She traveled several hundred feet before she at last crossed paths with a larger tunnel that led upward.

  With a sigh, she straightened, only to lurch to the side, banging her head yet again.


  She hadn’t realized how much energy she’d drained. Now it was an effort to stand upright. Ignoring her exhaustion, the throbbing cut across her chest, and the various head wounds, Laylah forced her legs to hold her weight. Then, one slow step after another, she moved up the tunnel.

  She lost track of time. It felt like an eternity had passed since she’d first fled with Marika hot on her heels, although she suspected that it had been less than a half hour. Funny how time could drag when she was battling a lunatic vampire.

  At last she managed to stumble her way back to the original passageway. Then, finding the spot she’d been searching for, she lowered herself to her knees, her head bent as she struggled to dredge up the last of her failing strength.

  Distantly she was aware of the mini-tremors that shook the mountain and the fine dust billowing through the air. You couldn’t create a cave-in without repercussions. But, so far the upper chambers hadn’t collapsed.

  Which meant that Tane should be fine.

  Always assuming the mage hadn’t …

  No. She shook her head. She had to trust he could keep himself safe.

  For now her duty was to her child.

  Scrubbing her fingers through her short strands of hair, Laylah rose to her feet and squared her shoulders. Then, lifting her hand, she carefully searched until she’d found the exact spot where she’d left Maluhia before opening the veil.

  She trembled from the effort, sweat dripping down her face as she reached into the mists and wrapped her arms around the baby.

  It would, of course, be safest to simply remain in the corridor and travel as far and fast away from the mountain as possible. But, the very fact she could barely hold open the smallest doorway warned she was far too weary to make the attempt.

  She would need hours, if not days, of rest before she could shadow walk again.

  Allowing her cloak to drape around the babe, Laylah closed the veil and turned to continue her path through the dark tunnels.

  For the moment her only thought was finding Tane. And then curling up in the nearest corner to rest.

  After that …

  Any fuzzy plans beginning to stew in the back of her mind were forgotten as the unmistakable scent of fresh herbs mixed with the thick dust in the air.

  A Sylvermyst.

  Heading in her direction at a rapid pace.

  She glanced over her shoulder, as if she hoped a magic door had suddenly appeared. What she saw instead was a whole lot of nothing.

  No magic door, no quick escape route, no fairy godmother.

  Just the cramped passageway that led back to the crumbling caves below.

  Effectively trapped, she clutched the baby tight against her and watched the Sylvermyst with long chestnut hair and bronze eyes round the corner and step into view.


  “Don’t move, Jinn.”

  The fey kept his crossbow at his side, but he didn’t have to wave his weapon around to make his point. He screamed danger from the coiled muscles of his slender body to the lethal intent etched onto his beautiful face.

  Laylah tried to swallow the lump in her throat. Judging by the Sylvermyst’s ripped T-shirt and the blood staining his jeans, his past few hours had been about as much fun as hers, but unlike her, he didn’t look like he was running on empty. Just her luck.

  “What do you want?” she demanded.

  His lips twisted in a parody of a smile. “We have unfinished business.”

  Great. She gave a shake of her head.

  “Is there a freaking demon who isn’t lurking in this cave?”

  The odd, metallic gaze lowered to the child she had tucked beneath her cloak.

  “You hold the fate of the world in your arms.”

  “And that’s exactly where he’s going to stay.”

  He took a step forward. “No, I’m afraid that’s not possible.”

  “Stop,” she gritted. “You’d better keep your distance …” She deliberately allowed the threat to dangle. He didn’t look particularly intimidated. Big shocker.


  “I’m not helpless.”

  He took several more steps toward her. “Neither are you at your full …” He jumped backward as she released a bolt of energy that hit him square in the chest. He glanced down in shock at the singed hole in his T-shirt.


  “I warned you,” she rasped, praying he wouldn’t suspect that she was as astonished as he was. “Next time I won’t be so nice.”

  For once her prayer seemed to work.

  Or maybe the fey just assumed he could talk her into handing over her baby.

  “Easy, female.” He lifted a hand, his tone patronizing.

  “There’s no reason we can’t discuss this in a rational manner.”

  “My name is Laylah, not female,” she snapped. “And this is Maluhia.”

  “Laylah,” he grit between clenched teeth. “This isn’t your battle. Give me the child.”

  “You’re wrong. It’s very much my battle.”

  “Why?” He appeared genuinely perplexed by her refusal to toss aside Maluhia as if he were no more than some trash she’d found. “That babe has no connection to you. Unless Marika lied and claimed …”

  “Maluhia became my child the moment I took him from the mists,” she fiercely interrupted.

  “Admirable.” His tone revealed he found her anything but admirable. “But don’t you think it’s unforgivably self-indulgent to condemn the world to hell because you want to play mommy to a creature born of sin?”

  Her spine stiffened at his accusation.

  Maluhia was an innocent. And there was nothing self-indulgent in her desire to protect him.


  “I’m not the one who wants to return the Dark Lord.” “Neither do I.”

  The stark words brought the conversation to a screeching halt.

  She blinked, trying to figure out what new game he was playing. Did he really think she was stupid enough to believe he had become her aunt’s henchman, not to mention chased her and the baby halfway around the world, for shits and grins?

  “I don’t believe you. You’re …”

  “Evil is no doubt the word you’re searching for,” he smoothly completed her sentence.

  Her chin tilted. “That’s exactly the word I want. It’s no secret the Sylvermyst willingly worshipped the Dark Lord and were banished from this world.”

  “Most were banished, Laylah,” he corrected, anger flaring in his beautiful eyes. “Get your facts straight. Some of us chose to become slaves rather than continue to follow the Dark Lord.”

  She frowned at the throbbing sincerity in his voice. “Only because you didn’t want to be cast out.”

  “A fey does not put himself in the hands of Morgana le Fay just to avoid banishment.” An ancient, unimaginable pain twisted his features. “Trust me.”

  Against her will, Laylah found herself wondering if he could be speaking the truth.

  Not that she trusted him. A man like Ariyal would always have his own agenda.

  But, it wouldn’t hurt to hear him out.

  After all, the longer she could keep him occupied, the better chance that Tane would come riding to the rescue.

  And she didn’t doubt for a minute that her mate was already on the hunt.

  “Fine, I’ll play,” she said. “If you don’t plan to use Maluhia to return the Dark Lord, then what do you intend to do with him.”

  He pulled a large, indecently sharp sword from the scabbard strapped to his back.

  “I intend to kill him.”

  Tane flowed with silent speed through the
tunnels, only distantly aware of the tiny gargoyle struggling to keep pace.

  His mating bond with Laylah assured him that she was alive and somewhere in the lower chambers of the mountain, but his vampire senses warned him that the tremors shaking the ground beneath his feet were warming up for something truly catastrophic. Within the next few hours this whole damned mountain was coming down.

  Time to pack up and move on.

  The sooner the better.

  If only he could convince his stubborn mate.

  Rounding a sharp curve in the tunnel, Tane and Levet came to a matching halt, both glancing toward the entrance to a nearby opening in the stone wall.

  “Why do I smell female vampire?” Levet demanded, a sly smile curving his lips. “And does Laylah know you are keeping a secret stash?”

  Tane tested the air, a dagger clenched in his hand. “It isn’t Marika.”

  “No.” Levet frowned. “But it is familiar.”

  It was familiar. Tane’s brows snapped together as he realized why.


  “Oui.” The gargoyle was equally confused. “I thought she was hunting the Sylvermyst?”

  Tane carefully inched forward, peering inside the narrow opening.

  “She was.”

  “Then what …” Levet squeezed beside Tane to get a glimpse of the female vampire who was bound and gagged in the center of the hard stone floor. “Oh. Kinky, but I like it.”

  Tane snorted as Jaelyn glared at the gargoyle with a promise of pain to come.

  “Do you have a death wish, gargoyle?” he demanded.

  “Non.” Indifferent to the danger, the tiny demon gave a flap of his wings. “But I do have several birthday wishes if you would like to hear them. My party is to be held next month.”

  “I can’t think of anything I want less.” “Fine.” Levet gave a wounded sniff. “See if you get an invitation.”

  Tane shook his head, turning his attention to the female vampire.

  He could make out the cuts and bruises that were visibly healing, but he couldn’t detect any serious wounds. Which meant there was no way she should be held captive by the simple leather straps.

  Something else was going on.

  “Stay here and keep your mouth shut,” he muttered, stepping through the opening and pressing himself against the jagged wall.

  “Hey. I saved your worthless …”

  “Do you want to walk into a trap?” Tane hissed.

  Levet looked sulky. “Not particularly.”

  “Then let me concentrate.”

  “Oui, concentrate to your heart’s content.”

  Remaining against the wall, Tane caught and held the other vampire’s gaze.

  “Jaelyn, do you know what happened to you?” He waited for her nod. “Was it the Sylvermyst?” Her eyes flared with fury. Okay, he was going to take that as a yes. “Bastard,” he muttered, his lips twisting as she gave a fervent nod of agreement. He paused, his gaze skimming around the darkness. “Can I come to you?” He wasn’t surprised when she shook her head. “Is there a spell?” She deliberately tilted back her head, gazing upward. He leaned forward to follow her gaze, his gut twisting at the sight of the black shadow hovering near the ceiling. “Shit. Levet.”

  “Oh, now you need me … eek.”

  The demon screeched as Tane reached to grab him by the horn and dragged him into the cave.

  “Can you control spooks?”

  Levet struggled against Tane’s ruthless grip, his wary glance heading upward.

  “Only evil dabbles with the dead. Sacrebleu” He shuddered. “Spirits, zombies, vampires. They should stay in their graves where they belong.”

  Tane ignored the insult, swinging the gargoyle toward the strange symbols surrounded by a circle that had been burnt into the rock floor.

  “What’s that?”

  Levet continued to thrash around, his tail twitching in agitation.

  “It must be where the Sylvermyst cast the spell that is holding the spirit.”

  “What happens if you disturb the symbols?”

  “It’s possible that it will release the ghost. Not that pleasant of a thought,” Levet said, his tone sour. “Or it might return it to the Underworld.”

  Tane silently debated. He hated specters. How did you kill something that was already technically dead?

  Hell, you couldn’t even injure them.

  Good news was, they rarely bothered vampires. Bad news was, he didn’t know a damned thing about them.

  His gaze flicked from the circle to the shadow spinning above. Time to roll the dice.

  “At the very least it should keep the creature distracted,” he said aloud.

  “More likely it will just piss him off.”

  Tane set the gargoyle on the ground. “We’re about to find out.”

  Levet scrambled for the opening. “It is your baptism.” “Funeral,” Tane muttered, grabbing the twitching tale and tugging the coward back into the cave. “It’s my funeral.”

  “Whatever.” Levet folded his arms over his chest. “I will wait here.”

  “What you’re going to do is give me enough time to get Jaelyn free,” Tane corrected in frigid tones.

  “Why do you not play decoy for the ghost and I will rescue the maiden?”

  “Do I really have to state the obvious?” Tane asked, casting a meaningful gaze over the stunted three-foot form.

  Levet called him jackass in several languages before conceding defeat.

  “If I get eaten by a ravenous, flesh-eating specter I am going to haunt you for the rest of eternity.”

  “Shit, don’t even joke about it.” Tane held up three fingers. “On the count of three.”

  One by one he lowered his fingers, then trusting the gargoyle to keep up his end of the rescue mission, he rushed across the floor, tossing Jaelyn over his shoulder and heading back across the cave. Once at the entrance he lowered her to the ground and easily sliced through the leather straps. She took care of the gag herself, tossing it aside with a foul curse.

  There was a flash of light and Tane turned his head to see Levet using his magic to destroy the symbols.

  A loud shriek cut through the air, and Levet fell to the floor, his arms folded over his head and his tail between his legs as the dark shadow arrowed straight for him.

  “Help,” the demon screamed. “Tane, get it away.”

  Ignoring the urge to leave the annoying gargoyle to his fate, Tane shoved his dagger back into its sheath and stepped toward the center of the cave.

  A blade, no matter how sharp, wasn’t going to help against a spirit.

  The shadow continued downward, swooping over the shivering gargoyle’s wings before landing just outside the destroyed circle.

  Tane growled in warning, but before he could charge to the rescue, the shadow was shifting and pulsing in an ominous manner.

  He stilled, warily eyeballing the strange phenomenon.

  Was the thing going to disappear? Or attack?

  Turned out, it did neither.

  Instead the darkness coalesced, changing from a formless blob into a tiny female barely four feet tall.

  Fear jabbed through Tane’s heart at the familiar sight of the small, heart-shaped face with the almond eyes that were entirely filled with black and the childishly small body that was covered by a plain white robe.

  She looked so similar to Siljar that Tane briefly thought the powerful Oracle was haunting him.

  A hideous thought.

  Then he realized that the delicate features were cut on softer lines and the long hair that floated eerily around her shoulders was a pale gold rather than gray.

  The female was obviously the same species as Siljar, but a younger version.

  Oh, and dead.

  Or at least he assumed she was a ghost.

  He didn’t know enough about the peculiar demons to know for sure.

  Still cowering on the ground, Levet kicked his tiny feet, his head tucked beneath his arms.

  “Get it away,” he cried. “Get it away.”

  “For God’s sake, open your eyes,” Tane snapped.

  “And have my soul sucked out? Do not be ridiculous.”

  Tane heaved a sigh. “Levet, open your damned eyes.”

  There was a long pause before the gargoyle at last re moved his arms so he could peek at the tiny woman standing at his side.

  “Oh.” Almost as if he were embarrassed, Levet scrambled to his feet.

  Tane felt a cold stir of air as Jaelyn stepped to his side. “Don’t hurt her,” she told Levet. “She was only doing as Ariyal commanded.”

  Levet’s glance didn’t stray from the specter, his expression … dumbfounded.


  The female leaned toward the gargoyle, seeming to be as fascinated as Levet.

  “Do I know you?” Her voice was sweetly musical, but filled with a surprising power considering she was a ghost.

  “Levet, at your service.” The gargoyle performed a formal bow. “And you are?”

  “Yannah.” With a tinkling laugh the female suddenly grabbed Levet’s face between her hands and kissed him with a shocking intimacy.

  When she finished, Levet’s wings were flapping and his tail twitching.

  “Yannah,” he breathed. “You are … I am …”

  His stammering words were brought to an end as the ghost reared back her arm and before anyone could guess her intent she had cold-cocked the gargoyle, sending him flying through the air to hit against the far wall. Then, taking a moment to wave a tiny hand in Jaelyn’s direction, the ghost abruptly disappeared.

  Tane’s brows lifted as Levet peeled himself off the wall and marched toward the opening with a grim expression.

  Talk about bizarre encounters.

  “Levet, where are you going?”

  “I am French,” the demon muttered, his steps never slowing. “Your point?”

  “No woman kisses me like that and then disappears.”

  Tane didn’t halt the gargoyle’s grim exit. He was honest enough to admit that he owed the annoying demon a debt of honor.

  But that didn’t mean he had to like it.

  Besides, he didn’t have time to waste trailing after the fool. Every instinct he possessed screamed he had to get to Laylah.



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