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Heels of Love (G Street Chronicles Presents From Love to Loathe Series)

Page 8

by Phoenix Rayne

“What’s wrong with that?” Chelle said.

  “He just, he’s just…” I choked.

  “Obsessive and over the top, and you’re in love with him.” Ayashe said.

  I watched her in the rearview mirror, and she was staring out the window.

  “What?” Chelle asked.

  “She thinks they’re moving way too fast,” Ayashe said in a dry tone.

  “Cricket, do you love him? Wait. Tell me exactly what happened in there,” Chelle asked.

  I filled her in.

  “And then,” Chelle asked.

  I filled her in some more.

  “And then,” Chelle asked again.

  Chapter 5


  We made it back to the condo, and I hopped into the shower. I tried to wash away all the pain I was feeling. Everything was happening too fast, and I couldn’t breathe. Jyme didn’t understand that I had recently broken a one-year engagement. I was nowhere ready for another one. Beyoncé was singing from my cell, and that just made me cry harder. I stayed in the shower until the water turned cold. I stepped out and wrapped my robe around me. I pulled my phone off the counter and opened the bathroom door. Someone had his or her finger pressed down on the doorbell. I went to door and looked out the peephole, and there he stood. I opened the door wide, so he could enter. He walked in, not saying a word to me. He went and sat on my bed with his head in his hands. I shut my eyes and shook my head. Unfuckingbelievable, I was going to kill Chelle.

  I sat right beside him on the bed. We sat there in silence for a while, and then he finally looked over at me. His eyes were swollen and red; that image right there made my heart melt. I’ve never had man shed tears over me before.

  “I’m sorry” he squinted.

  I could tell this man had been hurt to the core and he needed this in his life right now. And I could give this to him; I mean, it’s just a little title how much harm could that do? “I’m your girlfriend” I assured him.

  He pulled me onto his lap. And we sat there forehead to forehead for a moment. My stomach growled so fucking loud that I couldn’t do anything but cover my face.

  “WOW,” he laughed.

  I was so embarrassed, and I had nowhere to hide.

  “Let’s get something in that belly.”

  I wore my new dolman wedge sweater and I pulled on a pair of skinny jeans. I slid into some nude platforms and placed two pearl studs in my ear. I wore my rhinestone banana clip again, with a huge rose ring. Jyme wore a rust color sweater with denim jeans. He had light brown boots and a light brown jacket to match his ensemble. Chelle text me and said everyone was downstairs parked on the street. Jyme and I went down to meet up with everyone. We all ended up pilling into the Expedition and still had room to spare. Chelle, Kanoke, Ayashe, Sheen, and Poke all sat in the back. We went to a Moroccan restaurant called Marrakesh. Jyme said he had already ordered our meal. We were getting something called the Mechoui plus water and wine to drink. We had to sit on the floor, and it was the coolest thing ever.

  Once our food arrived, the half-naked belly dancers appeared. They wore jeweled bras with bright wrapped skirts. None of them wore shoes and they all seemed to be enjoying themselves. There was so much food on the table, and we laughed for the rest of the night. Every time we emptied a bottle of wine, another would appear. Chelle stood up with the belly dancers, and they taught her how to belly dance but with all the alcohol in her system, it didn’t look too good. Jyme took care of the bill and we made him let us take care of the tip.

  We loaded back up into the Expedition and Jyme made us all buckle in. I thought for a second; everyone else had wine or beer, but Jyme drank nothing but water and tea.

  He leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Can I stay with you tonight?”

  “Yes, boyfriend!” I yelled a little too loudly.

  Jyme dropped the boys off at the hotel and Chelle and Ayashe got out with them.

  “HEY! Where are you Tricks going?” I yelled out the window.

  “We’re staying here, Ho!”

  “Bye then.” I yelled back.

  Jyme buckled my seatbelt back up, and I leaned back and sung with the radio. When we pulled in front of the building, Jyme’s Beyoncé song was playing. I turned it up and shouted with the radio. Jyme opened the truck door and helped me down. I slid down into him and sang all the way to front the doors. I had just made it to the chorus when we got to the front desk. Jyme handed Randy his keys and mumbled something to him. I was still singing and had just started to seduce Jyme at the counter. I slid my body up and down against his very slowly. I felt his bulge growing and I cupped him. He smiled wide then he caught my hand and laughed a nervous laugh at me.

  “Stop it Cricket,” he strained. Randy shuffled through his papers nervously. I started kissing Jyme on the side of his neck and I tried to unbutton his pants. He stopped me abruptly clearing his throat loudly. He waited for Randy to find the form he needed to fill out so the valet would park his truck in the garage. Jyme turned to look at me face to face; he placed both of his hands on my forearms.

  “Stop,” he said.

  I gave him the military salute and started singing “Sergeant Pepper.” I went back over to the door attendant, and he gripped the door so I couldn’t get out.

  “Dance wee me,” I slurred.

  He laughed and said, “Anytime, Ms. Hooper.” He held his hand out for me and hummed a tune I had never heard before. We waltzed and waltzed, and then Jyme came over and cut in. The door attendant kissed my hand, and I tried to curtsey but almost lost my balance. Jyme straightened me, and then I air-kissed the door attendant and Randy. They both caught my kisses, and I leaned against Jyme. The elevator dinged, and we walked in.

  As soon as the doors shut, I slammed Jyme against the wall. “Kiss me,” I hissed like a snake. Jyme tried to push the tenth floor button, but I insisted on him kissing me first. The elevator went down all by its self; I had to grip Jyme for balance. Someone got on from the basement, but I was too busy trying to undress Jyme’s clothes to care. Jyme was actually letting me semi undress him. He was not stopping me like before. He whispered in my ear, “Not tonight.”

  I pulled back from him. “Why not!”

  He grinned and placed his pointer finger over his mouth.

  “It’s not too big; it’ll fit; we can try,” I begged. He just stood there shaking his head. “It’s the BIGGEST I’ve ever seen in my WHOLE life but…pleassssssse,” I hissed out. The elevator dinged, and I turned around and straightened myself. There was a man standing there in the elevator with his back towards us. The doors opened, and D’Artagnan turned to face us. He nodded and stepped out of the elevator.

  My face fell. I was so ashamed of my behavior. Jyme walked up to the front and pressed the tenth floor, and I started crying. “Shh, Jyme said and pulled me into him. “What’s wrong?” The elevator door opened, and we walked out. I was sobbing and shaking uncontrollably. I stayed in Jyme’s arms until we got into the condo. I sobbed into his chest once we were behind closed doors.

  “Cricket?” We walked to the bedroom, and he sat me down on the bed. He went into the bathroom and turned the faucet on. He came back with a wet towel and a glass of water. I drank the water, and he laid the cool towel on the back of my neck. The towel felt so good, and I calmed down. He handed me two tissues, and I blew my nose. Then, he handed me two more. He shrugged out of his jacket, slid out of both shoes and pulled his sweater off. He kneeled down and pulled both of my platforms from my feet. He shut off the light and slid into the bed pulling me into him. I felt safe and warm in his arms, and I was just about to drift off.

  “You love me, don’t you?” I asked. There was nothing but silence in the dark, and then I heard a faint, “Yes, I do.”

  I woke the next morning to Jyme nuzzling into my neck. I snuggled up to him. And then I smelled my body wash. I sniffed hard at him, and then I opened my eyes. “You showered.”

  “Yes, I did.”

  Something came to mind
just then, something in what he just said. It felt like a déjà vu moment, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. The buzzer rang from the speaker in the wall in the living room. I got up and walked to the front room. I pressed the button and spoke into the speaker. “Yes,” I called out.

  “Ms. Hooper, you have two guests at the front desk,” the box stated.

  “Yes, please let them up.”

  “Right away.” the box answered.

  I turned, and Jyme stood right there. He gave me a big grin and pulled me up into a hug. I pulled back from him.

  “Okay…can you let them in? I need a shower.”

  Jyme unlocked the door and followed behind me. He closed the French doors behind us. I turned to look at him, and then I heard the front door open. Chelle and Ayashe were talking a mile a minute.

  “I’m going to hop in the shower real quick, you guys,” I called out to them. I heard a faint, “ok” between their chatter. I turned from Jyme and headed toward the bathroom.



  “What’s your real name?” he asked.

  “Eugenia Hooper.”

  “What’s your mother’s name?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “What’s your father’s name?”

  “Forrest,” I answered.

  “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”


  “Where were you born?”

  “A little town in Tennessee.” He watched me and followed me all over the bedroom. I gathered my clothes and underwear together for the day. “I’m going to get in the shower now.” I shut the bathroom door and got into the shower.

  About a minute later, Jyme knocked at the door.

  “Yeah?” I yelled.

  “Can I come in?”


  “I just want to talk.”

  “Alright,” I sighed. All I wanted was a nice quiet shower and now that was not going to happen. He opened and shut the door. I heard the toilet lid clink.

  “What’s your favorite color?”

  “Anything that sparkles.”

  “How many times have you been in love?” he asked.

  “None.” I answered.

  There was nothing but silence for a long moment. “Why?”

  “I don’t let people in.”


  “Because people can’t hurt you if you don’t let them in.”

  “I stared at you all-night, and I wondered what you were dreaming about. I was in a long relationship with Elle, but this seems like the first time somehow.”

  I turned the water off and cracked the shower door. I pulled my robe down and wrapped it around me. I stepped out of the shower, and it all hit me like a ton of bricks. I looked at him and remembered everything. “You love me,” I stated. I watched him very carefully.

  He stood and then he walked right in front of me.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “You can’t. I will never love you back. I am broken; I am seriously beyond repair I swear to you. I’m not making this up, I’m not loveable,” I warned.

  He stood there, not saying a word. He walked right up on me and pulled our bodies together. “I don’t want to wake up without you next to me anymore.”

  “Jyme, I’m not capable of love. I’m not even a hundred percent sure that I love me.”

  “I can help you make your heart strong enough to love both of us.”

  “GOD, you’re not listening to me. You’re going to literally hate me,” I told him.

  “I’ll carry the weight for the both of us for now, but I’m going to need your help later on down the road.” he smiled.

  “You’re impossible.” I laid my head on his chest and held him tight.

  “Will you go to the reservation with me today?”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because you’re my girlfriend and my mom wants to get to know you.”

  “Um, alright” I breathed. “I need to drop Ayashe and Chelle off first.”

  “Okay, I’ll drive.”

  Jyme had to stop by the apartment and change clothes on the way. Chelle decided to get the scoop while Jyme was inside.

  “So GIRLFRIEND, dish…and I mean now,” she demanded. I filled them in, and they accused me of lying when I told them nothing happened. Chelle explained that their sole purpose of staying at the hotel with the guys was to insure I got some. Ayashe begged to differ; she explained that she really wanted to spend some time with Sheen. I asked Ayashe what the story was with them, and she explained that she was still legally married, but that her husband pretty much abandoned her and her kids. She said the reservation frowns upon outside relationships, no matter what. She said she wanted to be with Sheen, but the reservation would never approve. “Once you’re in, you’re in for life with them,” Ayashe breathed.

  “So how much money do you think Kanoke has?” Chelle asked.

  “You like Kanoke? YOU SLUT!!!!!!!!!” I screamed. We all burst out laughing, and Jyme got back in the truck with a huge grin.

  “I could hear you guys laughing all the way in the apartment.”

  “So Jyme, what do you think Kanoke’s net worth is?” I asked.

  Jyme gave me a strange look, and we lost it again. Ayashe had to let down the window because she laughed so hard that she started choking. We were giggle boxes all the way to Olympia.

  My phone beeped and I checked the text message. It was from Ayashe, and I started to turn around and ask her what she was doing, but something in my gut told me to leave my mouth shut. The screen read, “You need to eat before you get there, and Elle will be there today. Prepare yourself for the worst; this isn’t a friendly visit.”

  “OK, THX.”

  “Is everything okay?” Jyme asked.


  We dropped the girls off, and I jumped out the truck, hugging them both extra tight. It was so much easier getting in and out of the truck in flats. Jyme had insisted that I dress down a little. So I wore a gray t-shirt with a sequin pocket, skinny jeans, and a pair of grey sequin Toms. “Can we grab something to eat on the way?” I asked.

  “No. We can sit down and enjoy a meal somewhere.”

  “Alright,” I smiled.

  “How about brunch?” he asked.


  “I know a place.”

  We pulled into a restaurant called O’Blarney’s, an Irish pub. We had a fabulous brunch and were both stuffed. We went a different way than the way I went before to get to reservation. We drove up through the mountains, and everything looked so fresh. We pulled up in front of Jyme’s house, and I saw the big boulder sitting at the dead end street. I stared at it for a moment; that day seemed so long ago, and it had only been two weeks. I jumped out the truck and followed behind him.

  He held the door open for me, and I entered the little house. I walked into a living area; there was a brown couch and two matching chairs. A flat screen TV hung on the wall, and a couple of dozen picture frames covered the walls. I laid my jacket down and went straight to the pictures. There was so many of Lil Samson and his baby sister. I saw the pictures of him through the years, and then, there she was.

  Elle was everywhere in this house and that made me swallow hard. She looked very plain, and I wondered if he liked that in a girl. From the looks of it, we were total opposites. We both were brown skinned, but she was skinny and wore light blues and beiges. I didn’t see any pictures of her with her hair down. She seemed to wear it up constantly.

  Jyme yawned wide and wrapped his arms around me. He nuzzled into my neck, and I leaned back to kiss him.

  “Why don’t you take a nap?” I asked.

  “Come lay down with me?”

  “No, I think I need to get this over with.”

  “Get what over with?”

  “The screening and the test from your mother and sister,” I explained.

  “They’re not like that,” he assured me.

  “Have you ever dated s
omeone that didn’t belong to this reservation?”

  “You already know the answer to that.”

  “Trust me. They are trying to feel me out.”

  ‘Women,” he yawned.

  “Don’t try to figure us out; it will make your head hurt.” I told him.

  We walked out the door, took five steps and walked into another house. Mrs. JJ, Patty, an elderly lady in a wheel chair, and two older women sat at the small kitchen table. They all greeted us both and sat me down at the small table. Patty squeezed my hand, and I squeezed hers back. We all wore our pleasant faces in front of Jyme.

  Jyme explained he was going to go take a nap before we had to go back this afternoon.

  “Oh, new love, I remember those late nights,” Mrs. JJ giggled.

  I felt my neck getting hot, and Jyme shook his head at his mother. He kissed my forehead and went out the door. As soon as the door closed, all of the smiles were gone. Well, all except for Patty’s; I had a strong feeling hers was genuine.

  Mrs. JJ was pulling dishes in and out of the oven.

  “Mrs. JJ, can I help you with anything?” I asked.

  “No, I want you just to sit your plump ass right there so I can keep an eye on you,” she hissed.

  I sucked in a deep breath and then released it. I sat there and didn’t say another word until they asked. And believe you me, they asked. They asked me my age, my weight, how many sex partners I’d had, where I was from, why I moved to PNW, what I wanted with Jyme, if he’d given me money, if he paid me for my services, if I had any kids, if I’d ever been married, why I had never been married, if I’d had any abortions, what religion I was, where I worked, where I lived, what I drove, and about the quality of Jyme’s and my sex life.

  When I told them we really didn’t have one yet, they all looked surprised except Mrs. JJ. She gave a wicked grin and turned her back on me. She pulled the last dish out and then told me to go and get Lil Samson. On my way out, I heard her say, “He will be here in five seconds going off on us. You watch and see.”

  I went back over to the little house and quietly walked down the hallway. I looked in the bedroom directly across from the bathroom, and there he lay. I slid in next to him, and he pulled me close. I let the tears roll down silently; I would never tell Jyme about what just happened. I didn’t want to give them the satisfaction.


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