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If You Were Mine

Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  “I want to give you everything,” he said as he kissed a path along my neck. “I want to make you know what it means to be properly loved.”


  Tingles spread throughout my entire body, settling right between my thighs.

  “I want to touch you everywhere, memorize every part of you until you’re engrained in my brain.” He said the last word on this guttural groan and then dug his dick farther into my belly. “Tell me what you want.”

  “You. I want you everywhere.”

  “I should go slow, be easy with you. You deserve that and so much more.”

  My entire body felt like it would combust at any second.

  “I know what you want, what you need, Daisy,” he said against the side of my throat, his lips moving as he spoke, his warm breath fanning along my sensitive skin. He ran his tongue along the arch of my neck. I felt the chill in the air when he was no longer pressed against me, and goose bumps formed on my body.

  I stared at him, looking so big and intimidating, so powerful and… aroused for me. The outline of his erection pressing against his slacks was huge, if not intimidating.

  “I want to see you bared, want to see every part of your skin exposed for me.”

  A shiver covered me, took hold and refused to let go. I didn’t want it to leave, didn’t want to feel exposed because it was gone.

  “Show me, baby. Let me see what will be mine soon enough.”

  I didn’t know why things were happening so fast, but I wasn’t going to stop this or slow it down. This was exactly what I’d wanted to do for longer than I cared to admit. I wanted to explore this with Lennon, not caring that he was a prince and I was a commoner.

  I found myself undressing, watching the way Lennon stared at me, seeing how excited he was for this. I felt like I was drowning in a current, just allowing myself to go with the flow, let it carry me wherever it wanted to.

  And then he started undressing, and I was locked on the sight of him, frozen in place at all the hard muscle and perfection that was revealed.

  “I’m going to make you mine so fucking hard.”

  The air left me, his words playing in my head over and over again. I could see the way his jaw worked as he appraised me, took in every inch of my body. He was gritting his teeth, his entire body tense.

  Heat blossomed in me like never before.

  “You’re so fucking gorgeous, Daisy.” He took a step closer to me. “I could come just looking at you.”

  His words were sharp, like a knife running along me. I stood there for long seconds, not moving, not even breathing as he looked his fill. And God, he was looking his fill.

  I finally took a stuttering breath. I was bared for him, every part of me on display. I looked down at the erection he sported. He was huge, thick and long, and the crown was slightly wider than the rest of him, a dot of pre-cum at the tip.

  He had his palm wrapped around his dick, and he stroked himself, his focus on my body. “Come here,” he commanded, and I obeyed.

  I wasn’t about to say no, not when I was so worked up I couldn’t even think, let alone breathe. Forcing myself to move was hard, though. My legs felt like rubber. His focus was on my lips, and I involuntarily licked them. He groaned in response.

  Lennon leaned in close, his mouth right by mine. “I want to be inside of you, want to feel you come for me,” he whispered.

  And then he had his mouth on mine. I desperately wanted him to do between my thighs what he was doing to my mouth. His lips and tongue were working me over like nothing I’d ever experienced before, like nothing I ever thought I could experience.

  He broke the kiss, both of us breathing hard. “I hope you’re ready, because I feel like I’ve been waiting my entire life for this.” He gave me this soft kiss after he spoke. “And I don’t know if I can stop myself from claiming you fully.”

  Good, because I didn’t want him to stop, not ever.



  I wasn’t going to be a savage about claiming her, about making her finally mine. My mouth was on hers once more, my tongue fucking her the way my cock would soon enough. I moved away only long enough to get out of my clothes. She held her arms out to me, and I went closer.

  My entire body went tight when she ran her hand over my chest, her touch light but hesitant. That small graze of her fingers along my skin made me feel so many things. My cock was so hard I knew I wouldn’t last when I finally had her as mine.

  I was desperate to make her feel good, for her to cry out in pleasure for me. “I need you on my bed, spread out for me, waiting for me to make you feel good.”

  And when she was in the position I desperately needed her in, I could have gotten off just from looking at her. She was all gorgeous lines and feminine features. Her breasts were full, the tips this light pink color, the nipples hard as rock.

  I let my gaze travel over her flat belly, her long legs, and when I got to her pussy my mouth watered. She had a trimmed triangle of dark hair, her pussy lips bare, visible. The fact I could see how wet she was for me already had me groaning. I reached for my dick again, stroking the fucker as I stared at her.

  “I need you,” I said low, wanting her to know exactly what she did to me, how she made me feel. I was going to open myself up to her more than I ever had with anyone. It had been years since I’d been with a woman, and even then I’d felt empty, lacking.

  I didn’t stop myself from going to her then, crawling on the bed and lying on top of her, letting her feel how hard I was for her, how much I desired her. I started kissing her, licking at her lips, sucking at her tongue. I moved my mouth down to her neck, lapping at the pulse point that beat wildly there.

  I nudged her thighs open even wider, wedging my body between them. My cock was so damn hard, pre-cum steadily forming at the tip. And then I started moving back and forth, pushing my cock between her folds, her pussy lips framing my cock, her slickness covering me. I grunted and groaned, and she held on to me, gasping, begging for more.

  I worked myself between her legs without penetrating her, but fuck, I wanted to. I wanted to be buried deep in her body.

  “That’s it, pretty girl,” I groaned against her neck. “Move with me. Get off this way.” I moved my face toward hers and started kissing her, slamming my lips down on hers. She started moving under me, gyrating her hips, giving me what I wanted, what I needed.

  “God, yes, Lennon.”

  Her mouth parted on mine, and I sucked in her air, giving her mine in return. I sent up a silent prayer that I wouldn’t explode before this really got started.

  I moved down the length of her body, not able to help myself. I didn’t want this to end, because I wanted to make this good for her.

  I had my face right by her pussy, my hands on her inner thighs keeping her legs spread for me. The scent of her made me drunk, intoxicated with my need. I lifted my gaze and stared at her.

  “Let me make you feel good.” I kept my eyes locked on hers as I dragged my tongue through her cleft, her flavor exploding on my tongue. I could feel myself start to slip, knew that I wouldn’t last. The silky-smooth feeling of her along my tongue could have been my undoing, but I needed to keep my control.

  I wanted to have my face buried between her thighs until my tongue was numb. I started pressing my hips into the mattress, dry fucking the hell out of it.

  When I felt her let go I dragged my tongue from her pussy hole to her clit and sucked that bud into my mouth. I let it go with a light pop and moved up her body, settling right between her thighs. I took her mouth in another hard, deep kiss, and grunted in pleasure, my hips jerking on their own. She opened her mouth wider, and I plunged my tongue inside, fucking her there.

  She panted against my mouth, spread her legs wider, and I pressed my hips farther into hers, my cock sliding right between the center of her.

  I leaned back, placing my hands on the mattress beside her. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” I said, my throat tight. I needed to be
inside of her.

  “Be with me. Make me yours. Take my virginity.”

  My body stilled, hardened further. I’d be her first.

  I’d be her last.

  I grabbed my cock and placed the tip at her entrance. I wanted to tear through the thin membrane of her virginity, making it mine. “I’m not ever letting you go.” In one swift move I buried my dick into her wet, tight virgin pussy. She gasped, and I knew I’d hurt her. There was no going around it though. “I’m sorry, baby.” I cupped the side of her cheek and stilled, letting her get accustomed to my size. I didn’t want to cause her pain. I wanted to make her feel good, and I’d take that discomfort away if I could.

  She had her arms around my neck, her nails pricking my skin. I started moving in and out of her slowly, trying to pace myself. She felt so tight, so hot and wet. I heard her breathing change, and I knew she was right here with me.

  In and out. Fast and sweet.

  Sweat started to coat my skin, my heart raced, and my balls were drawn up tight. I wanted to come so badly, but I didn’t want this to end. I wanted it to last forever.

  “God. Yes,” she whispered.

  I wanted to give her everything I was, everything I am.

  I stared into her face, watching the display of what she felt moving across it, the same euphoria I felt for her. I pushed into her once more and stilled, feeling my muscles relax and contract, feeling my body become so tight it was painful.

  She milked me, her body wanting what only I could give her. And I would be the only one to give it to her. I’d be the only one to ever feel how she felt inside.

  “Baby, I’m going to come,” I gritted, holding on so damn tight to my control, but knowing that I wouldn’t last. I reached between us and started rubbing her clit, desperately needing her to come for me, to get off and scream my name.

  I felt her tense beneath me, and then she was tossing her head back, her neck straining, this low mewl leaving her.


  “Yeah, baby. Tell me.” The pricking of her nails in my skin had me pumping in and out of her again.

  “Don’t stop,” she whispered.

  I had no intention of stopping.

  I really started fucking her then. I should have been sweet, gentle with her. But fuck, I couldn’t stop myself.

  “So good, Daisy.” I slammed into her once more. “Come for me.”

  And she did, right then. She cried out and dug her nails into my flesh harder, moaning as pleasure clearly coursed its way through her, covering her face in euphoria.

  I pulled out then, grabbed my cock, and pumped my hand over the thick length. I stared between her legs the entire time. She was all swollen and wet, pink and mine. I didn’t need anything else to get off aside from looking at her. Hell, thinking about her would do the trick.

  “Be dirty for me, Daisy baby. Show me all of you.” And then she reached down, spread her pussy lips, and showed me every single pink inch of her. I groaned harshly. I breathed out slowly as my orgasm washed through me, unable to stop myself, not even wanting to.

  Groaning deeply, I forced my eyes to stay open as I came. And when I let my load go all over her belly, I felt my pleasure rise tenfold. When my orgasm finally dimmed, I sagged and breathed out, staring at her body and what I’d done to her.

  And before I could stop myself I reached out and started rubbing my cum into her skin, marking her. When I was finished and she was painted by me, I lifted my gaze to her face. “You’re mine, and I’m not letting you go. Ever.” My voice sounded hoarse, strained.

  “I don’t want to be anyone else’s.”

  I moved beside her and cradled her to me. Nope, nothing would stop me from keeping her as mine.


  I was exhausted, but it felt so good. I felt so good.

  We’d been in bed for so long, tangled in the sheets, our bodies sweaty, sated.

  And still I knew I’d never get enough.

  I was sprawled on the bed, my chest rising and falling as I tried to catch my breath.

  “Hey,” he said, his voice thick with the arousal we’d just shared.

  I turned to face him, the smile on my face unstoppable. “Hey,” I responded softly. The thought that I should be embarrassed by what we’d shared wasn’t lost on me, but all I felt was elation… completion.

  I looked him in the eyes. “Where do we go from here?”

  He was silent for a second but kept me close. “I tell the world you’re mine.”



  I knew exactly what my mother and father wanted to speak to me about, so instead of pretending this would be smooth sailing, I headed toward the dining room where they were eating breakfast.

  My thoughts, however, were focused on Daisy, who still slept in my bed, the sheets tangled around her nude, perfect body. All I could think about was what we had done the night before, of the way she felt, smelled, and the sounds she made when I was deep inside of her.

  I entered the dining hall, the grand windows open and the sun streaming in. My mother and father sat at the table, papers strewn out in front of them. My brother and sister sat at the other end of the table, clearly knowing what this was about and not looking pleased. My brother, the next in line for the Crown, had always been very regal, taking the royal family tradition to heart. I, on the other hand, was the fuck-up of the family, the disappointment.

  I stood there, not starting the conversation, just staring at my father and waiting for him to declare what an unfit son I was, how I’d brought shame to the family, and so on. He glanced up at me, his glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, his blue eyes, which were the same shade as mine, staring at me with this curiosity and sternness.

  I straightened my back, waiting to get this over with so I could go back to Daisy.

  My father finally folded the paper and turned it around so the front page was facing me. “I'll start off by asking when exactly did you leave last night, and why didn't you have an escort?”

  “I'm not a child, and don't need a guard everywhere I go. I can handle myself.” I felt my blood pressure starting to rise. I saw the way he glanced at my split lip. I was a twenty-five-year-old man, and although I wasn't as traditional as my brother and sister, I did try my best not to embarrass the family. But of course a situation such as this, where I wanted, needed, to defend Daisy, made it so I didn't care about anything else.

  “To be honest, Lennon, I don't even care about the fact you were caught fighting at a pub and it was recorded for all to see.” My father set the paper down and removed his glasses, his gaze stern as he took me in. “What I'm more curious about is the young lady that you have in your bedroom right now.”

  Every protective bone in my body went on alert. I wanted to deny it, not because I didn't want to admit I had Daisy in my room, but because I wanted to protect her from any kind of speculation that might arise from her being with me.

  “Who I have my room is no one's concern but mine.” I shouldn't have been speaking to my father this way, the King and ruler of our small country, but when it came to Daisy I wanted her protected from everyone, even my family. And to be honest, my family could be the harshest critics of all.

  “Darling,” my mother said in her sweet, regal voice. “There are many women to choose from. There’s no need to go for the help.”

  I should've just bit my tongue and not said anything in response. I wanted to sit down and talk to them, explain how I felt for Daisy, that she was more than just a servant. But I was getting angry and wanting to defend the woman that I cared about… the woman that I loved.

  “Her name is Daisy and she's not the help.” My back was so straight it was starting to ache, and my hands were so tightly curled into fists that my nails dug into my palms.

  My father lifted a dark eyebrow. “Not the help? Is she not an employee of the Royal house?”

  My heart was thundering. “No, she’s not the help.”

  “Then what is she?” my fa
ther challenged.

  I knew what I was about to say would be picked apart until it was just bare bones and raw flesh. “She’s the woman I love.”


  Later that day

  My heart was pounding so hard, my nerves taking control. I knew what the King and Queen wanted to talk to me about… the relationship I had with their son. Lennon had said as much when he told me we had to speak with them.

  And as nervous as I was, I knew I wouldn't lie, wouldn’t pretend like what I felt for Lennon wasn't anything but genuine and true.

  I thought back to the moment when he’d come back into the bedroom, his eyes lighting up when he saw me. I was still naked in his bed, the sheets wrapped around me, the feeling of euphoria settling into me once more.

  Our night together had been magical, like a fantasy, even. It sounded a little bit cliché, but it had been true. It had been real.

  I stared at myself in the mirror. He cared about me, and I cared for him. There was nothing in this world I wanted more than to be with him, and after last night I felt like that was a reality, our possibility.

  “Ready?” Lennon asked from the bathroom doorway.

  I turned around and faced him, the bed behind me still mussed from the passion we’d shared. When he’d come back into the room just hours before he hadn't said anything, just given me this long once-over. But I'd known that something was wrong, despite the heat and light I saw on his face. There had been something that needed to be talked about.

  But before anything could be said he'd taken off his clothes, climbed into bed with me, and made love to me all over again.

  “No, I'm not ready, but I don't want to keep them waiting.” The fact that I was going to have a private viewing with the King and Queen had everything in me standing at alert.

  I'd been in their presence plenty of times working for them, but this was different. This was me speaking with them about my relationship with Lennon.


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