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Promised: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Rebels of Sidyth Book 3)

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by Sabrina Kade


  Rebels of Sidyth

  Book Three

  They’re both battle-scarred—but her scars are on the inside.

  Sabrina Kade

  Copyright ©2018 by Sabrina Kade


  Cover Illustration by Rebeca Covers

  Typography & formatting by Sabrina Kade

  Editing services provided by Moonlight Proofreading

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.



















  Author Notes – Sabrina Kade



  I hate being weak. I hate being needy even more.

  There’s nothing more annoying than listening to York talk dirty to her alien, Azan. I swear to God, she has one of the filthiest mouths I’ve ever heard, making it almost impossible to keep a straight face around Hujun lately. I’m sure I’ve become more of a prude recently, and York’s sex cries cause the hairs on my arm and neck to stand at attention. It’s not York’s fault. Things have been more intense since the incident around Christmas. Lately, I’m relieved when York and Azan go off to their cave beyond the lair because York is a screamer. It’s not that I don’t like things rough, but I’m still recovering, and sometimes York sounds like the sex isn’t consensual.

  I have to remember that’s not the case.

  Azan’s pleasuring York because she wants him to.

  Blythe’s pleasuring an alien prince between pregnant puke sessions because sex is one of the only things she still enjoys.

  Until a few weeks ago, Sidyths on Hethdiss like Azan and Prince Korben didn’t seem like anything special. As a woman of twenty-five on the Human Whore tour, I’m not used to seeing anything unusual, for that matter. Aliens of all shapes and sizes love getting pleasured. They’re not usually kind. And they certainly don’t respect humans. At least not the ones I’ve encountered. And why should they respect us? We signed the contract to do this line of work. Now granted, most of us didn’t think we signed up to become star whores, but that’s beside the point. All that matters is the contract was signed, and we’re never going to see Earth or our families again.

  Sidyths were just another race of aliens who were cruel to humans. I expected nothing more than having to spread my legs night after night and hope the assignment would end quickly.

  But as it turns out, these Sidyths are quite unique. Because unlike those who live on their homeworld, they don’t want to humiliate or murder women simply because they’ve been told all their lives that they’re inferior. These Sidyths wish to treat women kindly.

  For months, I almost refused to believe Sidyths could be different than what I’ve always known.

  But then I was painfully reminded of how Sidyths behave on their homeworld.

  York lets out a loud moan that reaches my ears all the way back at the central lair opening, and I wince slightly, curling into myself as I try to keep the painful memories from overwhelming me. The massive alien standing to my right shifts, noticing my minor distress.

  Immediately, memories of Yayk’s cruel hands fade. But only slightly.

  “Human women are loud.”

  I swallow hard as Hujun lowers to find my eyes. He can keep me centered if I simply focus on his intense, golden eyes. But damn, I always forget how small I am next to him until he bends at the knees so we can talk. Loud noises startle me lately, even when we’re alone, so he keeps his voice low and even. Not an incredible feat considering how low his voice is to begin with, but I appreciate it just the same. Hujun’s eyes dance across my face, and I try to stop the trembles from being noticeable under his keen attention. It’s hard not to think there’s something sexual behind his gaze. I want a sexual gaze on me. But only his. No one else’s.

  After everything that’s happened, I don’t want another man to touch me again except for the one beside me who stands a few inches over seven feet tall.

  Despite keeping my focus on Hujun, I can’t stop my mind from wandering. Lately, it’s all too easy to lose focus because of all I want and fear.

  I hate that Blythe and York have gotten Chosen so easily.

  I hate wanting Hujun so bad I could cry.

  I hate how scared I am for the first time Hujun does decide he wants me.

  The steady thrumming in my heart picks up a notch, and I swear Hujun’s tasting the air around me. He must smell my fear. He also knows how shook up and fucked up I am after what happened before Christmas.

  Despite this mental turmoil, I want to pleasure the massive Sidyth standing before me.

  Some of the others on this assignment – better known as the Human Whore Tour – crack jokes about how ugly Hujun is, but they can all kiss my round, brown ass. They don’t know him the way I do. Hujun’s beautiful, if not a little intimidating to look at. People say he’s too big but being a few inches shy of five feet tall myself, everyone already looks enormous. And Hujun keeps me safe. Some Sidyths have viewed my size as a weakness and think they can push me to do things I’m not comfortable doing. A few punches to the groin taught some a lesson but not enough because now Hujun rarely leaves my side.

  He thinks what happened to me is his fault, but it’s not.

  And though sometimes I hate that he only watches over me as a favor to Prince Korben – the leader of the exiled Sidyths on Hethdiss – I’m glad Hujun’s kept his promise.

  If not for him, I might be dead.

  Since attacked by a delivery boy from Hujun’s homeland while he was dropping off the supplies for Christmas, I’ve been more on edge. I can’t be sure, but I think Hujun misses the sassy, more abrasive side to me. In his own way, I think he’s trying to pick fights, but I’m afraid of upsetting him with a sharp response. What if he thinks I’m too broken now? What if Prince Korben relieves Hujun of his duty to watch over me? What if I’m so much of a pussy, Hujun doesn’t want me anymore in the first place? I can’t make sense of half of what’s going on in my head, so I can’t even begin to process what’s going on in his. One thing I do know is Hujun says he’s never going to take advantage of me.

  And while that’s fucking adorable and I understand what I’ve been through seems pretty traumatic, I’m not a kid. One of his brothers from his homeland may have tried to rape me but it’s not like I won’t recover. This isn’t the first time an alien stole pleasure from me without my consent.

  Hujun knows this. He hears my words, but the only thing he processes is that this time he could have stopped it. He could have saved me.

  I wish he understood tha
t he already has.

  Since I became a Human Whore, I’ve known nothing about Sidyths other than they’re monsters. Especially their females. Females squeeze males to the point of unconsciousness when they want to mate and will kill competing females without a second thought. Males aren’t innocent, though. Males kill women merely to prove they’re weak.

  And at first, when I and nineteen other women were dropped off on Hethdiss with a planet full of them, I worried the next few months were going to be hell. Blythe worried they’d hunt us for sport at an alien bachelor party.

  Thank goodness it wasn’t exactly that, but so far, my experience on Hethdiss can’t compare to anything.

  These Sidyths are different. They’ve been exiled from their homeworld. They refuse to follow their people’s traditions. They don’t want to kill women. They want to worship them. To treasure them. They want to Choose them, but they also want to be Chosen. Or something like that. I’m still not sure of the specifics. What matters is we aren’t getting raped. We aren’t being hunted. Instead, we’ve all been promised something we’ve almost forgotten in our years of work.

  A choice. A chance to say no. A chance to say yes.

  In just a few months, I’d almost forgotten what Sidyths were really like.

  After Yayk’s terrifying visit, I no longer conveniently forget that Hujun isn’t a typical Sidyth.

  There’s no one else I want, and I’m pretty sure I’m the only human woman he tolerates without a scowl.

  And even though I’ve told Hujun on more than one occasion that I want to have sex with him, but he says I’m not in my right mind. I need to recover. When he’s really grouchy, he says pleasure’s not part of the arrangement. The arrangement. Like I’m some obligation he has to take care of because Prince Korben’s ordered it so. What a fudging crock of poopsicles. And when he’s super grouchy? Hujun says he needs to wait because he’s not sure if mating with me would please Prince Korben.

  What. The. Fudging. Fuck.

  A Sidyth may have attacked me but I’m not a fragile doll. I don’t want protection only because I’m short and have a babyface. I want Hujun to want to be with me because he wants to be. For once, I want to come first in his eyes. The girls say I need to show Hujun what coming first is all about. And while none of the others know what I’ve been through, they have a point.

  I’m sick of the sexual innuendos, but they’re not wrong.

  Regardless, Layla (a fellow babyface) needs to shut up because at least she has a Sidyth chasing her endlessly no matter how annoying he is. And “bloody hair” Sloane? One of the dumbest girls I’ve ever met? She’s oblivious to how much the most human looking Sidyth here – Exer – is going after her with more confidence. Then there’s the worst. Dakota and Cade. Those two have sex around the clock with no strings attached. I swear they don’t know a thing about each other, other than they both like it rough. Don’t ask how I know that.

  I may look like a baby and I may be sized like a kid compared to Sidyth males but I have women’s needs. I may have almost been pleasured without consent but unfortunately, it wasn’t the first time.

  I’m over it. Kind of. Sort of. Maybe.

  And who knows? Maybe it’ll be different with Hujun. Once I see him climax, maybe my night terrors will stop. Maybe I’ll stop thinking the worst in all the Sidyths just because I can hear sex moans across the fields.

  Having sex with Hujun could fix things.

  I need a reminder that sex is good. Sex is fun. I can say yes. I can say no.

  Somehow, I need to get laid by Hujun, even if I have to convince Korben to order him to. Even if I have to fight against every voice in my head screaming sex is wrong, and Hujun’s going to hurt me because he’s a Sidyth.

  Hujun isn’t only a Sidyth to me. He’s beastly and grumpy, yes, but he’s also protective, and soft-spoken.

  I remember the look in his eyes when he came after Yayk as he had me pinned against the tree while stroking his cock. His eyes shifted to something dangerous. Something deadly. The Hujun that pulled Yayk’s massive body off mine was wild. That Hujun was ready to take a life.

  Sometimes I worry Hujun will kill for me.

  But would he be killing for me, or Prince Korben’s honor?

  All that said, I have fantasies about his mouth between my legs.

  “Azan’s mate sounds very excited,” Hujun rumbles.

  “I think York is a special case.” My voice is soft like always since the incident, and I hate that it’s like I’m afraid to be heard. How can I explain to Hujun or anyone for that matter, that I hate the person I’ve become, but I’m not sure how to become the person I was? None of the girls know what happened, and part of the reason I remain silent is that I don’t want there to be a panic. There’s an amount of ignorance and bliss on Hethdiss that I don’t think any of us is used to, and if the girls find out a Sidyth almost raped me, I’m not sure how long the delicate balance would last. Suddenly, it won’t matter that Blythe is pregnant and happy with a former alien prince. It won’t matter that one of the scariest Sidyths here, besides Hujun, all but worships York.

  Nope. All they’d hear is rape. And that would put them on the defensive.

  Like there’s another way to react to the word rape.

  “Azan is doing a good job with pleasuring her.” Hujun nods to himself as though this is the most casual conversation in the world, and dare I say, I detect a bit of pride in voice.

  “Ewww…” I can’t help grumbling. “TMI, much?”

  He frowns. “Tee-ehm-I?”

  “Too much information, Hujun.”

  A low, slightly annoyed hiss escapes his lips as he straightens up. “You did not know Azan before he came here. I will pretend not to be offended. Azan always wanted a mate. He wanted a woman to Choose him, but he feared this would never be the case.”

  My eyebrows furrow as I picture Azan. He’s undoubtedly humanoid looking enough, if not for one mystery. “Because of the mask?”

  He nods. “York is good for him. She does not seem to be afraid. She is willing to take a risk with him.”

  My pulse quickens. My mouth goes dry. “Risk? Is he dangerous? Will he…” My eyes trail up to the cave. York’s moaning. Is it possible she doesn’t want to…

  “Once a Sidyth male has Chosen a mate, he will die for that woman. You have nothing to fear for your friend. Azan is strong and brave. He will protect her because that is how Sidyths are expected to act on Hethdiss.” He puffs out his chest proudly as though he’s talking about a son, and I’m more perplexed than ever.

  Azan would die for her. Azan would protect her no matter what. And Hujun looks incredibly pleased with that. Why wouldn’t he want that feeling for himself? He already protects me. And sometimes I’m pretty confident he would kill for me. Why can’t he take the next step? Am I so sexually unattractive to him that he can’t picture being intimate with me?

  For the first time in a long while, I want to be six feet tall. Hell, I’d settle for five.

  Maybe those extra inches would help Hujun see me as a woman and not some child who needs to be looked after.

  “Oh, Christ. Again?” A voice rings out from behind me, and sure enough, Celeste’s there with Glykoran, ready to relieve Hujun of watch duty. Her full lips purse as she narrows her near-black eyes into the dark and like clockwork, York lets out an almost painful sounding cry, which means she’s close to having an orgasm.

  Lucky skank.

  “Again.” I roll my eyes and turn toward the two of them, finding Celeste and Glykoran to be one of the weirdest pairings on the planet.

  Glykoran – though certainly not ugly – looks like a model for a naughty daddy romance book. He’s shorter than Hujun by a few inches, and he’s much thinner, though no less muscular looking. His hair is pale blond, almost white, and pulled back into a high ponytail. Celeste fixes it that way because she thinks him having a man-bun is hilarious, and Glykoran’s too polite to argue with her. Plus, he has pale scales across his jaw tha
t almost look like stubble. He’s not bad looking. Not at all. And typically, I would say he’d make an excellent match for Celeste who’s always seemed wise beyond her years.

  The problem is that Glykoran has a wife and kid back at his homeworld.

  Still, though, I can’t hold a grudge against Celeste. In our line of work, kindness is such a difficult thing to obtain. York and Blythe may have a beautiful happily ever after but I’m sure Celeste’s happy enough. Maybe I should be too. If she can find happiness with a seven foot, Sidyth, married father, maybe I can find happiness with my grumpy beast.

  “OH GOD! OH YES!” York’s voice pierces the air.

  Then again, I wouldn’t mind an orgasm or two to go with my grumpy beast.

  “At least this means they’re done for a little while.” Celeste shares a chuckle with Glykoran. As always, he good-naturedly agrees with her, but Hujun stiffens.

  “Azan has amazing endurance. I am sure he will pleasure his mate again if she requests.”

  Celeste’s nose scrunches up. I really need to talk to Hujun about oversharing, especially when it comes to sex. But I’m afraid to ask anything of him. Sometimes the fear is so paralyzing, my body freezes up, and Hujun has to lean close, cradle me into his arms or wrap me up in a warm hug. I hate that it takes so much fear from me to elicit such kindness from him, but honestly, it’s worth it.

  But that doesn’t mean I’m going to challenge him all the time.

  I’m afraid he’ll get tired of me.

  I’m afraid he’ll tell Korben he can’t watch over me.

  I’m afraid he’ll take advantage of me.

  I’m afraid because part of me wants him to take advantage of me.

  I’m so fudging afraid I can’t put my thoughts together lately, and I’m left gasping for air.


  I pinch my eyes shut, placing my hand on the wall of the lair to keep my footing.


  Hands wrap over my shoulders. Yayk’s back. He’s back, and he doesn’t like that he’s been denied and humiliated. He’s been waiting to find me alone.


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