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Promised: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Rebels of Sidyth Book 3)

Page 12

by Sabrina Kade

  I may not be able to say it, but I plan to show her.



  Hujun is planning to kill whoever scared me in the woods a few days ago. I should be terrified at the idea of him putting his hands on me. These are the same hands that are going to take a life later. But as Hujun slowly crawls into our shared shelter, becoming more filled with his massive presence, there’s no one else I want more. I love how big he is and how gentle he can be. I love his scent and full mouth with four canines. And while I’m a little afraid of his fearsomeness and blood thirsty sides, I can’t stop myself from getting excited as he situates himself in the fabrics I’ve laid out on the damp ground.

  I smooth out a spare blanket on the earth, so the wet mud doesn’t get caked in his scales, but Hujun allows me to have most of it, taking a seat. He eyes me with nervousness and a hungriness, and I can’t tell which feeling is more dominant. I’m not sure if I care. I don’t know how long things are going to be like this. There’re so many what ifs.

  I try to focus on the massive alien before me.

  “Tomorrow,” he hisses lowly “You are going to see a side of me I am not sure you’re going to like.”

  I frown, leaning closer. I’m too nervous to lie down in such a confined space, but our shoulders brush against each other’s. I feel the chill of his skin and the rain drying against his scales. Despite the horrible task he plans to complete the following morning, I think I should comfort him. He’s so worried about how I’m going to react. He thinks I’m going to run. That I’ll turn away and never look back.

  He couldn’t be more wrong.

  “Why don’t we deal with that tomorrow?” I tilt my chin up toward his. I don’t want to talk. I don’t want to think about how Hujun is going to kill or die tomorrow. I want his hands on my body. I lean in the last few inches needed so I can brush my fingertips against his bare chest. I love the sparse scales there and play with each one individually, flicking it away from the skin and then pressing it back in line with the others. His stomach is lined and hard, going just beyond an eight pack, and I absently wonder about how hard he must work his body for it to look like this.

  “Tomorrow,” he says again. “Could change everything.”

  He’s not wrong. Oh, poopsicle, I hate how he’s not wrong.

  But I want this. For years, even before I became a space entertainer, it was hard to think of myself as attractive. I’ve always been the cute one. The short one. The funny one. The perverted one. People didn’t understand that just because I’m short, didn’t mean I didn’t want sex. I learned how to masturbate at thirteen to some hottie on a reality show, and I think I got myself off just as often as my little brothers. I could never get enough. I loved the feeling of an orgasm rocking through me. But as much as I loved it, I didn’t like the idea of others giving it to me. I hated losing control. I hated succumbing to someone else’s will.

  I’m not sure to this day what I expected to be different when I signed the line to become a Human Whore.

  I was young. Only nineteen but college proved to be a dangerous situation for me. I moved out of my parents’ house as soon as I could. It didn’t matter that I was only attending the state school in the next town over. I wanted the freedom to do what I wanted, no matter what. And living in a bad part of the closest city and commuting to school was worth it despite the shitty fast food jobs I worked late into the night and early into the morning between classes. Looking back on it now, my life wasn’t perfect, but it certainly wasn’t Lifetime movie worthy.

  When I saw the opportunity to get away, I took it.

  The contract read like something out of a fairy tale.

  Leave Earth behind! See the stars! Be your own boss!

  These are just some of the mixed lies and truths spouted to me. The idea of no bills excited me. And something in my little naïve brain said maybe… just maybe… aliens could help remove my fears of letting others give me an orgasm.

  Sadly enough, my theory worked, and it didn’t.

  Aliens certainly weren’t like humans. They didn’t ask to give me orgasms. They took them from me. It only took a few months before I realized how little control I had again. My new life wasn’t that different from the one I left behind.

  Until I realized I could take the power back. I decided to find ways to enjoy myself. And if I couldn’t? If there were too many tentacles or suction cups involved? I’d escape into the painted beauty hidden in my imagination. With the slimiest and surliest of aliens, I’d imagine Brett Baker, the nerd from my science class in tenth grade who made my thighs drip. With an alien clawing at my face, I’d think about Tyrus Elliot, a horndog in my freshman literature course who grabbed girls’ asses without apologies.

  None of these things matter. Not really. My past plays no role in my future.

  I’ll never go back home. I’ve come to accept that. Sadly, I don’t want to go back because I know the only things waiting for me are unpaid credit card bills.

  Everything was going well enough until I landed on Hethdiss with nineteen other women in my line of work.

  Suddenly, there was a choice.

  If I wanted an orgasm, I had to admit I wanted it.

  I grew arrogant. I assumed I was safe again.

  And then Yayk brought me back to reality.

  And now Hujun’s here with me and bringing me back to an even newer reality.

  My world has shifted too many times to count. My past only reflects how I feel in the present. If I’m having a good day, things weren’t terrible. If I’m having a bad day, I’m pretty sure I have Mommy and Daddy issues.

  Focus on the here. Focus on the now.

  I blink as I realize Hujun’s still kissing and moaning into my mouth. I’ve become lost in my thoughts again, and as though he senses me drifting, he pulls his lips away from mine and focuses his attention on my eyes.

  “Are you alright?”

  With Hujun, I’m always going to be alright, but I’m afraid to tell him that now. Back when he was rejecting me, it was easy to keep pursuing him. But now that he’s starting to open up to me, I feel hesitant. Am I ready to give myself up to him? Am I prepared to be vulnerable? I talk a big game about sex but orgasms? I’ve always thought of them as something that solely belonged to me. And now, looking into Hujun’s eyes, I’m not sure if that’s something he’s going to agree with. He seems like the type of man that if he wants me, he wants all of me. If he’s going to let down his walls, I better start knocking mine down and grinding the bricks into dust.

  “You are not frightened of me now, I hope.” Hujun reaches a large arm around my head so he can gently take some of my hair in his long, scaled fingers. He pulls my face closer to his, brushing the tip of his nose against mine. I feel sharp tingles of arousal all the way down my thighs and to the tips of my toes, and Hujun sniffs. “You are not disgusted by my touch.” This seems to shock him, and it hurts me.

  “Of course, I’m not frightened. Not of you.”

  He arches an eyebrow. “Your words imply there is more to your statement then you are letting on, Ellis. Please, if something worries you, let me know.”

  I bite on my lower lip. I should tell him. Tell him my warped views of sex and orgasms. How I want to have sex with him so badly, but I’m afraid of giving myself entirely to him. He’s going to laugh. Or worse? He’s going to be freaked out. I’ve been chasing him for months, but I guess after a while I never really considered that he would want me back.

  And pleasure and sex are going to lead to orgasms. He’s going to see me fall apart from his touch.

  “Ellis…” he hisses lowly. “You are speaking yet saying nothing. What is wrong?”

  I lean in to kiss him, but he doesn’t seem interested.

  “What is wrong?” he tries again.

  I feel the frustration building in his voice and his body. He’s tense now, thinking something’s wrong with him. That I’m changing my mind. After everything, I'm a complete and awful c
ock tease. His fingers curl through my hair, making me moan slightly. I’m damp between my thighs, and he can no doubt sense my arousal. This is all I’ve wanted since he introduced himself to me.

  He’s mine for the taking, but I’m still hesitant.

  “You are thinking of Yayk.” He removes his hand from my hair. “You are worried I am going to treat you as he did. Like a pleasure toy.” He frowns, leaning back a few inches. The air feels empty without his enormous presence, and despite my fears, I crawl between his bent knees.

  “That’s not…” I frown, unable to finish because maybe he’s right. I rise as tall as I can be in our shelter and search Hujun’s face. It’s not a beautiful face. It’s not a gentle face. Shit, it’s not an attractive face – not in the conventional sense anyway. He’s hard-lined and carries more years on his shoulders than anyone else I’ve dated. There’s obvious lust in his golden eyes, but he’s not pushing me.

  Maybe I am afraid of him now because what happened with Yayk.

  Maybe it’s not the orgasm at all. I’ve orgasmed and survived after an alien took pleasure from me without consent more times than I care to think about.

  Sure, I might have cried, but I woke up the next morning and went about my shit.

  Maybe I’m afraid because I know things won’t be the same if I have sex with Hujun.

  This pleasure is going to mean something. This orgasm is going to mean something.

  “You do not have to close yourself off to me, Ellis,” Hujun rumbles. “If you are frightened, we can go to sleep. And after you see me tomorrow, then you can decide—”

  “No,” I interrupt, lunging forward to cover his mouth with my hand. His eyes widen, and I quickly lower it, not wanting to offend him. A fierce blush hits my full cheeks, but I remain close. “Sorry, I mean. No. I don’t want to sleep.”

  “What is it that you want? I am sorry, I am not sure. I taste your arousal, but there is fear mixed within. I am not sure why. Is it me?” I shake my head. “Is it memories of Yayk?” I shrug. “Would you like to explore me again?”

  I lift my head, making a very unsexy coughing sound. “Are you serious?”

  He nods. “I remember how that makes you comfortable. Perhaps, if you explore me, your worries would not overwhelm you. Your mind is busy.” He inches forward, bringing me closer to him. Our chests touch. His cock is completely erect. I feel powerful. Less frightened. With a dick this hard, he’s probably longing to shove it between anything right now, and yet he’s as calm and composed as ever.

  He doesn’t want me to freak out.

  “Honestly, Hujun, I’m not sure what my problem is. I don’t know why I’m so nervous.”

  “You are not sure of the precise reasoning. You have many mild worries.”

  I blush. He sees right through me.

  “If I do not watch while you explore me, will that help?” he tries, taking one of my hands in his. My entire fist easily disappears within his, but it’s only for a moment before he brings his hand to his chest and unfolds my tightly curled, nervous fingers.

  I never imagined him taking the reins like this.

  I always thought I would be in control, but I suppose I like Hujun so much I’m paralyzed with fear of ruining everything.

  “Ellis.” Hujun’s voice comes out like an impatient growl, and I know my time to be indecisive has run out. I either need to touch my damn alien or tell him I’m not interested and never will be.

  I used to be strong.

  The Sidyths made me complacent.

  Yayk made me weak.

  Hujun can bring me back to life.

  I swallow hard and wrap my arms around his neck, and I swear there’s a sharp intake and outtake of breath when my fingers brush against a few stray scales between his shoulder blades. I can’t get over how they feel. York says they feel like sage leaves. I’m not sure what those are, but if they’re like bay leaves and fuzzy like a peach, then I guess we’re on the same page.

  “Do my scales scare you?” Hujun asks carefully. When our eyes lock, he frowns. “I know they are different from your skin. Humans are soft.” He leans in and brushes his nose against my neck, inhaling. “I am not sure if the other women have the same scent as you, but if they do, I have not noticed. You smell like…”


  “Smoke. And happiness.”

  Another inhale makes my pussy drip. I can’t believe how turned on I am with just a few simple words. This never happened before. Even when a few aliens tried to turn me on to make me wet, I was in my mind. Thinking about Brett or Tyrus. Thinking about families I used to watch on Hallmark Christmas specials. Considering how beautiful it would be not to have signed the damned papers to become a Human Whore. I had no idea what I signed. It might as well have been an abduction.

  It was undoubtedly a more intelligent version of an abduction.

  “I’m not scared of your scales,” is all I can manage to gasp as Hujun remains still until he pulls his head away. I look into his eyes, wondering how I ever thought I could get his face confused with Yayk’s, even trapped in the most vivid of nightmares.

  There isn’t a trace of maliciousness in his eyes. They are golden, and stern, but they are not cruel. I lean forward and slowly brush my fingertips against the ridges and scales above them, licking my lips and fighting the need to kiss him. He’s so hard I wonder if he could fight Yayk with his cock like a scaled sword. The thought makes me snicker, and Hujun stiffens.

  “Is something about me funny to you?”

  I shake my head. “No. I’m sorry. I was noticing that…” I trail off, lowering my eyes to his cock, but Hujun remains focused only on me.


  “Your dick!” I squeak loudly. “It’s poking me in the stomach.”

  He doesn’t move. He looks quite perplexed. “Does it bother you?” He removes a hand away from my shoulder and gently takes his length in his hand. In my own, I worry it would look like a screenshot from a porno, but in his hand, his dick looks deliciously and perfectly sized. I’m kind of nervous at how big he is, and what he plans to do with that sword of muscle, but he only strokes it a few times, groaning at the sensation.

  “You’re huge,” I mutter.

  “You are small.”

  I blush. “True. Your cock is still enormous.”

  He nods. “Yes. This I have also noticed. Are you worried you will not be able to take me?” He clears his throat. “If you would ever desire such an idea?”

  I do desire such an idea. The length of his cock alone is enough to make my mouth water. I never thought I would feel anything but fear for a dick this long, but suddenly, I feel like I need to challenge myself. All the girls joked how there’s no way I could take a dick as big as Hujun’s. Maybe they’re right. But we can’t be the first short chick and tall guy to get it on, right?

  Most professional basketball players back home have wives, and they can’t all be supermodels.

  “You can touch me. If you’d like,” Hujun offers. I blink and look up, surprised to find that he looks almost as embarrassed as I feel. Maybe he’s not as confident as he’s pretending to be. I’m sure I’m more experienced than him, but I’ve never taken a cock as big as Hujun’s before. It’s like a human’s, and yet, it’s very alien.

  My eyes drop to his lap as he slowly starts to shimmy out of his shorts, kicking them to the corner of our shelter. I swallow hard, unable to look away from his throbbing muscle as he continues to stroke himself off. I don’t think he’s going for an orgasm, but just watching him do this is like the best videos I used to watch in high school.

  Without thinking, my hand automatically goes to my skirt.

  Hujun hisses loudly. “What are you doing, Ellis?”

  “Touching myself…” I moan loudly as my fingers brush against my folds. “Is that okay?”

  “It is…” He stops stroking himself off, paying close attention to what’s going on below my skirt. A hand appears and moves what little fabric covers me, and his thumb
brushes against my hip. “Sidyth women do not do this. Do you… are humans…”

  “One could say I’m a champion of getting myself off.” I quicken my fingers slightly, teasing my clit with each touch. I keep my eyes on Hujun as he watches with raw, feral fascination. I don’t think he wants to stroke his cock right now, but just from watching me, it’s jutting up and down on its own. What few scales are there are starting to splay from the strong muscle. His dick is like a damn Tootsie Pop.

  I wonder how many licks it would take me to get to the center?

  “Your arousal,” Hujun croaks. “The scent is powerful. Very… smoky.”

  “Yes. See?” I remove my hand to hold up my glistening fingers to Hujun. “But damn… I’m supposed to be exploring you, right?”

  He swallows hard. “Right.”

  I brush a finger across his lips anyway. “You can taste me, you know?”

  “Is that allowed?”

  I nod and start to finger myself again, watching as Hujun’s tongue darts out, and he tastes my cream. A thick, heavy hiss escapes his lips and his eyes hungrily eye up my pussy, and the fingers working within it.

  “I want to do that.”

  “Do it then.” To tease him slightly, I grab his hand and lower it toward his cock.

  He hisses impatiently, gently batting my hand away. “No. I want to touch you. Like that. Do what you do to your cunt.”

  My eyes widen. “Cunt? That’s a naughty word.”

  “I never said I spoke in a flowery manner.” A noise between a hiss and a growl comes through his throat as he hastily grabs my hand and pushes it aside so he can try. I don’t expect much. I’m pretty sure he’s a virgin, but within seconds he’s managed to brush against my clit, and I gasp loudly.

  “Fuck, Hujun!” I scream, falling against the blankets. I buck my hips, practically pushing my pussy into his fingers, and he watches with extreme satisfaction as he continues to finger fuck me.

  No wonder York’s so loud. Having Hujun beating me off like this, I want to cry out to all the stars, moons, and suns. I want to cry out for a higher deity, and that may as well be Hujun because I swear he’s the source of the light I’m running toward.


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