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Snow and Her Seven Hunks_A Reverse Harem

Page 14

by Zoey A. Black

  “Erin, I want you to be happy, but what you’re doing is destructive. This life you are leading is going nowhere. Enrique is not good for you. You both deserve better. Someone has to break the chain of repeating the same mistake over again.” She could see through me with transparency even when I didn’t say one single word.

  I told her it was only for fun, but I wasn’t even sure that I believed it. It wasn’t just Enrique. I fought the natural urge to jump into bed almost every day.

  Being a struggling writer made me live hand to mouth. I found hardship to be an inspiration and the animalistic sex to be the reward.

  I was still feeling the effects. Clutching the blanket to my chest was the only way to retrieve some of my dignity. I could see my clothes making a straight line from the bedroom door all the way over to the bed. It was mingled with his. The skimpy black underwear didn’t hide any of his natural attributes. 8 inches and it was plainly hungry from the moment the head emerged salivating at the eye.

  “I have been responsible for your care since your parents died in that tragic car accident when you were barely in your teens. You had this chip on your shoulder, but I managed to make you live with your moral compass pointed true north.” She was a wealth of information and dispensed her advice without a filter.

  I got up slowly to a sitting position and looked at Enrique breathing deeply under the black silk sheet. The flash of memories of crying out with my toes pointed to the ceiling was making me reach for him. I had to literally slap my hand to chastise myself like a petulant child.

  My laptop was still on across the room with barely the first chapter completed on my novel. It was a good thing I had a day job of writing for a restaurant blog. It was the only thing keeping a roof over my head.

  “I know you’re watching me. It’s a little creepy.” He had his eyes closed with a whisper of his dark hair covering one eye. I adored the combination of his baritone voice and Argentinean accent, oh so irresistible.

  He did know how to look at me in just the right way to have me clawing at his buttons. The tattoos adorning his body were my Achilles Heel. The intricacy of the ink was spellbinding.

  “In the cold light of reality, I’m starting to realize a destructive pattern. We always have the same talk and nothing is settled. I doubt grandma Eugenia would approve of us being together. I never want to disappoint her.” She was my guiding hand and the reason why I didn’t go down a different path of least resistance.

  “I told you this many times, but maybe you need me to continually repeat it. We fight like cats and dogs. We may never have the same opinions on anything, but we fit together like puzzle pieces.” It was true, the make up sex was guaranteed to be mind blowing. Enrique had known me for years. We met in college and I found him irresistibly attractive. He was the one who proposed a strictly no strings attached friends with benefits.

  “You’re always the one I can count on when those feelings are too much for me to handle in the middle of the night. I sent you a text message and you never even hesitated. I don’t look forward to the day when you’re no longer available to satisfy my needs. Some lucky girl is going to have a man who has a roadmap of the female anatomy.” I didn’t want to lose him. I wasn’t even sure if he was attached that I would be able to control myself. He never denied me anything.

  The way he could move to the rhythm of my body had become a guilty pleasure. I knew exactly what I was getting. It was always enough to keep me coming back for more. He worked tirelessly to please me in every way and never gave up until he heard the shrill sound of my voice echoing from the pleasure.

  “I’ve never found anybody matching your hypersexuality. You have a wild and untamed spirit. I’m ruined for other girls because of you. They never are able to match my expectations. Being with you is like walking into a storm and knowing there’s the possibility of getting struck by lightning.” He was capable of some amazing feats in the bedroom, but our activities were not limited to the mattress.

  “I feel the same way about you. We don’t get caught up in the game of seduction. We are drawn to each other like magnets.” My dark hair was fanned across the pillowcase with my scent on his body.

  “Erin, you are my sunshine in my darkest days. What am I going to do without you?” I didn’t think that was true.

  He had confessed during a moment of weakness how he could fall for me. I didn’t feel the same way. I wanted to, but I didn’t. It made me feel that I was taking advantage of him.

  My breasts were modest, but underneath the sheet, they appeared bigger than they seemed. My 5’4 frame was a little disconcerting to those who found me overwhelming. I did keep in shape and I could tell Enrique was of the same mindset.

  “Erin, Enrique is a nice young man, but you don’t feel the same way he does. I don’t like the way you string him along for obvious reasons. I know how you can get lost in his eyes. It’s unhealthy and I wish there was some way I could help you.” There were times talking to my grandmother where I would find solace in her words. She could lift me up when I was feeling down.

  “I don’t normally allow anybody to stay until morning. I hope you’re not expecting breakfast in bed.” I didn’t believe in romantic gestures especially this wasn’t a romantic relationship to begin with. I would think this arrangement benefited the both of us. We both got what we wanted with the strings cut on our sexual puppets. We didn’t get caught up in conventional thinking. I was trying to cement the bond of a physical pursuit of pleasures. I didn’t want him to get the wrong idea.

  “Erin, I’m well aware of what this is between us. I’ve never complained in the past. It’s a simpatico kind of relationship. You can show up anytime and I am more than willing to take your hand to put the look of euphoria on your face. I have never turned you away and vice versa.” I was trying to turn over a new leaf. Jumping any available man was dangerous in this day and age. I found something that worked for me and I was reluctant to let it go.

  “Enrique, we have been doing this dance for a few years and the steps get even better over time. We’ve gotten to know each other’s bodies. We always tend to surprise one another and that’s not always easy.” He threw off the blanket and showed me what men called morning wood. It was a healthy specimen. He smiled while glancing over his shoulder on the way to the bathroom.

  “I might need some help reaching those tough to reach areas. Would there perhaps be a volunteer for those services?” I was biting my lip. There was no way I was going to miss out on these kinds of morning calisthenics. It was a good way to burn off some calories.

  I gave him one finger to indicate I was going to need some time to check my messages. It wouldn’t be long before I was curling my legs around his waist. I wanted to feel the cold black tile pressed up against my back.

  The man had a way of making me drop my guard. There was never a dull moment. I always had to replace a few pieces of furniture, but that was a small price to pay considering the smile on my face. I might have walked alone, but at least I had the necessary real-life toy in my possession to alleviate the frequently felt sexual frustration.

  “The water isn’t going to remain hot forever. I might have to take matters into my own hands.” I thought of what a waste that would be.

  It was sacrilege to think of him doing what I could do for him. He had already told me in confidence there was no better feeling than my mouth satisfying his oral curiosity.

  “Keep your pants on and I will be there in a moment.” He was already naked underneath the hot spray and I could see the steam from underneath the door.

  I had turned off my phone with plans of not being interrupted during those moments of complete bliss. He had done the same thing. We had shut out the world entirely to immerse into the pleasures we could find in each other’s arms.

  I was feeling relaxed and inspiration was right there at my fingertips. I was ready to tackle my book with a familiar theme. The main character was addicted to sex.

bsp; I turned my attention to my messages, turning on my phone and finding one from my publisher begging for a sneak peek. She was just going to have to wait until I polished up a few details. Patience was not one of her strong suits. It was one of the reasons why we worked well together.

  There were times I hated her for how easily she could take apart my manuscript with many unnecessary red lines crossing through the text. I came to the painful realization it was nothing personal. She wanted me to capture the same lightning in a bottle. My first book had a cult following. It didn’t make a lot of money, but enough to give my publisher ideas for a sequel.

  The next message made me stop in my tracks. My grandmother had suffered a heart attack and was barely clinging to life. I didn’t even think about it, getting dressed quickly and running out the door without any explanation to my disappearance.

  I bumped into Paige my sassy redheaded roommate from college. She made me stop and give her the details of the reason why I was going off the handle. She lived across the hall where I could hear her extracurricular activities. The walls were thin and she was quite vocal. She made no excuses for her jump from one man to another.

  She found male entertainment flying from one country to the next as a flight attendant.

  She decided to go with me to the hospital. I was going to need all the moral support I could get.



  “I don’t need you telling me what to do. Sometimes I wonder the reason why I keep you around. We’ve been together long before I became a billionaire. Do you really think I like the way I feel? Look around you. This is not normal behavior.” There were dishes broken and I had literally used a baseball bat to turn my glass coffee table into millions of fragments of glass.

  “I’m not trying to tell you what to do. I won’t be like every other person in your life telling you what you want to hear. I’ve been trying to get your attention, but maybe you need to have a cold hard look in the mirror. Nobody can do this for you. I can make suggestions, but ultimately it’s your decision.” Stella was one of my dearest friends.

  “I can’t believe I let her get close enough to hurt me. I’m losing my mind and I feel the walls closing in on me.” Anxiety attacks were my cross to bear. It was a crippling feeling to let my emotions boil over.

  “I was tempted to put together some kind of intervention, but I figured a more personal approach was prudent.” She was a beautiful black goddess with the attitude to match. She was never one to keep her mouth shut when she had something important to say.

  “You know me too well. I thought she was the one and she betrayed me for a muscle-bound freak. I wouldn’t have found out had I not come home early from a business meeting.” The migraine was nothing compared to the way she had emasculated me.

  “I warned you not to get personally involved with her. Money has a funny way of corrupting the best of us. I can tell you are in emotional and physical pain. Don’t you think it’s time for you to do something about it?” I had been walking an emotional tight wire with no safety net to break my fall.

  “The only thing I take solace in is we didn’t seal the deal. There won’t be any lengthy negotiations in court. To think I almost proposed to her. I was going to propose to her during Thanksgiving.” I had bought an extravagant engagement ring. I didn’t even want to think of the kind of money I was willing to spend on her.

  “You did dodge a bullet. Not everyone is going to be a gold digger, but there are those willing to do what it takes to get their pot of gold. You need to be more vigilant, but first, you need to take care of yourself.” The last few weeks were growing increasingly difficult for my staff.

  In the boardroom, I was ruthless and dominating, but outside I had the reputation of being the nice guy. I was reminded of what my father said about nice guys finishing last.

  He was a bitter old man. The only thing he did right by me was make me strong enough to stand on my own 2-feet. His death served a reminder to me that life was fleeting and could be over within the blink of an eye.

  “His death threw me into a tailspin and she was right there to pick up the pieces. She must have seen me as vulnerable and pounced like a vulture picking at the bones. I should have seen it, but I was blinded by wearing my heart on my sleeve.” Stella was very vocal on the subject. She was making me eat my words with a heaping helping of humble pie.

  “Your outbursts are making those who do business with you nervous. They want some assurance. I’ve done my best to navigate the choppy waters,” Stella switched to a more nurturing tone, almost mother like. She continued, “I have made an appointment for you to spend some time with a therapist in a secret location in Costa Rica. We can tell the press you are going on an extended vacation.” I didn’t like her going behind my back, but I knew she was doing it in my best interest.

  “I would say you should know when to stay out of my business, but I forget sometimes who I’m talking to.” I was lucky to find her. I was responsible for pulling her out of the gutter into the financial world of business.

  “I have a debt of honor to repay and I doubt I will ever be able to. You will always have my loyalty and respect. It doesn’t matter if you listen, but I will tell you what I think regardless of contrary opinions.” She was wearing a tasteful black skirt and nude stockings to accentuate her long legs.

  Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and those glasses didn’t hide the Emerald green of her eyes. The fragrance was familiar, but she never was willing to tell me her secret to seduction. Guys were notorious for dropping like flies at her feet begging for her attention.

  “I don’t see it that way. I saw this potential and I was able to envision you in a position of power. Learning from me and taking it into the world is what I’m going to leave behind as my legacy. I will go to this resort, but how do I know my identity is going to remain anonymous?” She had the necessary documents and the reputation of the resort on file.

  “I don’t make this suggestion lightly. Business is suffering and those underneath your umbrella can’t afford these distractions. There are those waiting to see you weak and in no position to fight back.” The red blouse with an abundance of flesh underneath had many a man falling victim to her feminine charms.

  “Stella, I admit I do have to get my groove back.” I was poking fun at her name and referencing a movie at the same time. It was a defense mechanism.

  “It’s a good thing you know how to laugh when your world is crumbling around you. I’ll do my best to keep the wolves from your door in your absence. The jet is fueled and ready to go. I took the liberty of packing a few things. Your luggage is already waiting for you on board.” I stood at the window waiting for some kind of sign, but I knew there was no point in pining for something I couldn’t have.

  “I don’t know what I did to deserve you. I swear there are times you are my guardian angel. I’m going to have to consider giving you more responsibility. You pretty much know how to run things without me. I will be back. The man you see here today won’t be recognizable.” I had let a few things fall through the cracks. Being a billionaire came with it many headaches.

  “You’re only 30-years-old. You have your whole life ahead of you. This is a valuable lesson and one that will serve you well in the future.” Her earrings were made of sterling silver and molded into boxing gloves.

  It was my Christmas present to her last year when I found out about her foray into the ring. She was definitely not somebody I would want to meet in a dark alley. I pitied the fool who tried to mug her for her purse.

  “I was a scientist and I have a few different patents worth millions in annual revenue. Viagra is nothing compared to what I have ready to go onto the market. It needs to pass a few more tests before getting approval by the FDA.” I had come a long way from when I was wearing a lab coat to the office every day. I wanted to excise cancer from the world, but I was greedy to make a lot of money doing so.

  “I don’t know
how you are going to replace the little blue pill. If anybody can, then it would be you. Tyler Moore is a name synonymous with pharmaceutical advancements. The Board of Directors is circling the blood in the water. I would, in your position, call them each personally to assuage their fears. I would suggest a tiny gift of appreciation.” I didn’t like bribery, but I would make the exception to make my absence a little more palatable.

  “I need to distract them long enough to regroup. An all-inclusive trip to my private island for them and their family should suffice.” I had acquired the island for a considerable sum. It was real estate I had coveted from the moment I was old enough to dream. It was one of many islands uninhabited.

  “The car is waiting for you downstairs. I know how to reach you in case of an emergency. There’s nothing on your calendar. I have pushed back any appointments you may have made for the next couple of weeks. This place caters to those who respect their privacy.” I grabbed my laptop and slid it into the black leather case.

  “I do need to get some distance. I’ve never been prone to anxiety attacks until recently. The added migraines from my youth are quite debilitating. Have somebody clean up this mess while I’m away.” There was nothing that couldn’t be replaced. I was surrounded by the finer things, but nothing was priceless in my eyes.

  “I’ve already taken care of that. Don’t worry about a thing. At the very least, you’ll be able to get some rest without the constant droning of those begging for your time.” She would field any questions. I was confident in her abilities. I didn’t feel like I had to hold her hand. She was my rock.

  “I have a reputation for being a philandering playboy in the press. I don’t know who was surprised more them or me when I finally found somebody I was willing to settle down with. I should’ve known it was too good to be true.” I didn’t even want to mention her name.

  As far as I was concerned, she was dead to me. I was almost hoping she would come crawling back only to find a cold and calculating man waiting for her. I was never going to let my heart lead me by the nose again.


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