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Alphas for the Holidays

Page 77

by Mandy M. Roth

Amie stuffed her feet into her brown Bear Claw boots, thankful that Isoke hadn't left her any gifts last night.

  She hoped the Kongamato hadn't given Dante too much trouble. She'd sent the creature downstairs with directions to her friend Oliver's store, and asked him to find something for Dante to wear. She hoped that something included a shirt. She didn't need to be drooling over the hot Spaniard all day. Control was key.

  Besides, Oliver owed her. She'd used her magic to find him a man, and a decent three-year lease on a building near Jackson Square.

  When Amie hopped out into her living room, tugging on the back of a boot, she realized both her friend and her monster had failed her in the worst possible way. Dante sat at her kitchen table with the newspaper spread out in front of him, sipping coffee and looking better than he did half-naked.

  He wore a long-sleeved black shirt that should have been modest. Instead, it hugged his chest and arms in all the right places. And if that wasn't bad, he wore a pair of tan pants that made him look relaxed and sexy as hell. A pair of black leather chukka boots completed the outfit.

  Damn Oliver.

  "Are you ready?" Dante said, easing back from the table.

  Would she ever be?

  He'd even cleaned her kitchen.

  Enjoy it while it lasts.

  "What's the plan?" she asked just to have something to say. He was looking at her as if he'd like a repeat of what they'd done when they'd met.

  Amie straightened. Get it together. She'd be in trouble if she couldn't maintain her focus.

  He approached her, completely relaxed and sexy as hell. "No plan," he said, easing an arm around her as he led them to the door.

  "That's right," she said. "You're probably not familiar with the city anymore." He smelled like Ivory soap and pure man. Three days, she reminded herself. One foot in front of the other. Shoulders back. And no drooling.

  Of course Isoke had left them love and fertility presents on the stairs.

  "Your dragon works fast," Dante said, navigating her past a series of mud-coated rocks and hairballs. "I had these cleaned up a half hour ago."

  "You should have seen what he did for my birthday."

  Amie tamped down the urge to clean before they left. It wouldn't help, not if the Kongamato was determined to bring them his brand of luck.

  But love charms didn't work on the unwilling, and Amie knew her limits. Whatever she had going on with Dante would end in three days.

  She leaned against her man as he lifted her over a particularly tricky spot.

  Isoke would say she was settling for crumbs again, but he wasn't the one who had to bear responsibility when things got out of control—and they would if she wasn't careful.

  Lasting love didn't happen to the women in her family. Wishing for it would only make her end up like her mom.

  Much to Amie's relief, she and Dante escaped VooDoo Works without Isoke trying to help them further. She kept the Closed sign in the front window of the store, feeling strange and, for the first time in a long time, free.

  The sunshine warmed her face as they strolled past the people and shops that crowded Royale Street. Two- and three-story buildings lined the way, topped with wrought-iron balconies and displaying multi-colored flags that flapped in the breeze. Amie breathed deep. Mmm…someone was selling roasted almonds.

  And dead rat?

  The acrid odor touched Amie's nose a second before she spotted a red Kongamato tail disappear into The New Orleans House of Wax.

  A muddy brown rat flew out of the door behind him, very dead and sporting a necklace of white Life Savers breath mints.

  "Isoke!" she hissed, as the rat slid across the pavement.

  She zigzagged around the festooned rodent as she barreled through the door.

  What was he thinking?

  No Kongamato went out during the day. Isoke would be seen. She didn't want him hunted, hounded…or worse.

  Amie closed the door of the wax museum and almost tripped over the stack of free tabloid newspapers and coupon books at the front. She breathed a sigh of relief as she spied Isoke in the front entryway, posed next to a life-sized statue of voodoo queen Marie Laveau. The Kongamato's teeth shone in rows of white and his face and body contorted into a giant snarl.

  "What are you doing?" Amie hissed, glancing around the small front room.

  Isoke dropped the pose. "I am helping you fall in love. Did you get my rat?"

  Amie squinched her nose. "Yes," she said, peeking out the door. "Dante is cleaning it up right now."

  Isoke brightened. "Good. Lots of love magic in that one. And breath mints! You know, for before you kiss."

  "Stop it. Go home now. You know this is against the rules."

  A teenager in a House of Wax polo shirt stepped out from the main lobby. "Can I help you?"

  Amie jumped. "Err…" She eyed Isoke, who had fallen down dead dragon-style at Marie Laveau's feet.

  "Ticket sales are this way," the girl continued.

  Isoke refused to budge, except the edges of his mouth seemed to tip into the start of a smile.

  Amie hesitated. What was she supposed to say? I can't leave without my bullheaded-pain-in-the-neck-better-go-home-if-he-knows-what-is-good-for-him Kongamato?

  And now she couldn't even look at him because she sure as heck didn't want the ticket girl noticing anything.

  "You behave," she said to the Marie Laveau statue before turning on her heel and leaving the Kongamato to obey—or not.

  Outside, the dead rat had vanished and Dante leaned against a streetlamp as if nothing had happened.

  "I told him to go home," Amie said.

  He raised a brow. "You think he will?"

  "No," she said, glancing back, "but he's going to keep hiding in plain sight until we leave."

  "Then come," Dante said, offering his arm, "let's oblige the little monster. Isoke has to handle things his own way."

  That's what worried her.

  Amie fought the urge to glance backward as she and Dante continued down Royale Street.

  She wished she knew more about her own city. Truth was, she didn't leave the neighborhood much. "I can suggest a few things to do," she said, enjoying the tingle of excitement as she leaned against his hard frame. They did need a plan.

  "No," he said, his fingers lingering at the top of her pink skirt, right where it met her untucked sweater. She sucked in a breath as he found the warm skin just above her waist.

  "We could go to the information office," she said quickly.

  "No." His fingers drew lazy circles on her skin.

  "Tour guide?" she suggested, ending in a squeak.

  Rat or no rat—in a minute, she was going to have to drag him behind Ed's Oyster Stand or run straight home.

  He laughed at that, delighted. "No." He took her hand in his, not bothered at all by the people who had to walk around them. It was as if he was carving out a little piece of New Orleans just for them. "I think we will do quite well on our own." He nudged her. "Relax."

  "I'm relaxed," she said too quickly.

  He wrapped an arm around her and they began walking again. "Why is it so hard for you to simply let good things come to you?"

  "I like to know what to expect." She trailed one hand over a sculpted guitar outside Manny's Jazz Club.

  They wandered past vendors and street musicians and mimes. Soon they came upon St. Louis Cathedral, where his youngest sister had married. He steered Amie over to the spot just to the right of the church, where his sister's wedding party had fled after guests pelted a beehive with rice meant for the bride and groom.

  He smiled as he told her the story. "You have to understand the dresses back then," Dante said, holding his hands wide.

  "I have some idea," Amie said, trying not to laugh.

  "For a moment, we believed a bee had gotten up there. I certainly wasn't going to check. And my sister's attendants were scattered everywhere. I told Antonio it was his job," he said.

  "Another brother?" she asked.
br />   "The groom," he corrected.

  Amie gasped. "He didn't."

  "He escorted her directly behind that wide oak for a quick inspection."

  Amie gave an exaggerated gasp. "The morals of the eighteenth century."

  "Scandalous," Dante agreed.

  He leaned in to kiss her and Amie was about to close her eyes when the tree above them shook. A giant black rat hit every branch on the way down and thwumped at their feet.

  "Isoke!" she shrieked.

  Then she noticed the gold band tied to the rodent's tail.

  "My apologies." The Kongamato flapped his wings as he settled on a high branch. "I saw you heading for the church and wanted you to be ready!"

  Amie opened her mouth for the lecture of the century when Dante touched her arm. "Don't."

  A crowd had begun to gather, murmuring questions.

  Two boys rushed up. "It's a rat!" they yelled, to a chorus of eeews!

  Amie kicked the rat's tail until the ring came loose and Dante—bless him—pocketed it. No telling where Isoke had found the gold band, but he would return it.

  "Come with me." Dante took her hand and led her over to Café du Monde.

  "The little beast is going to get himself captured," she muttered. Or killed. And dang it, she really would have enjoyed that kiss.

  "Let him be," Dante said, pulling back a chair for her. "Maybe he'll give up."

  He didn't know Isoke.

  At least the crowd hadn't noticed the red Kongamato waving to Amie and Dante from the high branches of the ancient oak.

  Amie introduced Dante to caffe lattes as they watched the small mob disperse.

  "I swear that monster has nine lives."

  Dante's gaze slid over her, warm and sensuous. "Let's just hope I only need two."

  Afterward, they kept an eye out for rats bearing gifts as they wandered to the Farmers Market. There, Dante completely lost his mind over the variety and flavors of hot sauce. Amie bought a bottle of Gib's Bottled Hell and he rewarded her with an utterly blissful shrimp jambalaya upon their return home.

  She pushed back from the yellow table, unable to eat another bite. "Amazing."

  Dante leaned over her to take her bowl. "Don't thank me." He nodded to a book open on the countertop. Smiling crawdads holding forks and knives danced over the cover of The Rajun Cajun: Recipes from New Orleans. It had been a gift from Oliver. Naturally, she'd never cracked it open.

  Dante rinsed the bowls and poured himself another cup of coffee—his third since they'd returned. Then he leaned against the counter and smiled for no reason at all.

  It made no sense, but she found herself smiling too.

  She could almost excuse the last twenty-four hours as something that had been done to her. He'd showed up at her door. He'd suggested a date. He'd asked permission to court her. She flushed, remembering the yellow snapdragon he'd picked for her from a planter box along the way. She'd tucked it behind her ear and felt every inch the lady.

  Maybe it was time for her to treat him back. She'd been thinking about kissing him all day and now was her chance. Amie stood.

  "Querida?" he asked, setting aside his coffee mug.

  Amie drew close to him. Their first kiss had been mind-numbingly intense. She'd waited, expected him to kiss her again today. He'd held her hand, touched her side, laughed close. But aside from the near kiss under the tree, he'd never taken the next step. She couldn't believe she was actually going to be the one to make a move.

  He was so beautiful, so alive. After her dull dating history and nine dry years, she'd earned this. Amie practically sighed in anticipation. She knew just what she needed—and just how much she was willing to give.

  Amie slid her arms around Dante's neck, warm and strong. "Thank you," she said. "This has been a wonderful day."

  She raised her lips to the long column of his throat and was delighted when he let out a soft groan. She licked his ear and he shuddered. She touched her lips to his and he pulled away.

  "Amie, wait," he whispered against her.

  "It's just a kiss," she said, nuzzling him. A small thing, really.

  They'd done it before. They'd almost done it this afternoon. Nothing had changed.

  "You don't mean it," he said quietly.

  "Yes, I do," she coaxed, nibbling at his lower lip.

  He gathered her into his arms. "No," he said, touching his forehead to hers. "You don't."

  She could feel him—all of him—pressed full against her. He wanted this.

  Dante rubbed his hand along her back. She could feel the tension in him, and the longing. "It has to be real," he said simply, quietly. "This either means you want me, that you're willing to at least try to love me. Or it doesn't." His eyes flicked to hers and held. "You tell me which."

  "Dante," she protested. This was a big step for her. Besides, what did he expect? He was leaving soon. "I'm out on a limb here as it is."

  He caressed her cheek, ran his thumb along her chin. "I don't want you out on a branch. I need you to jump."

  She drew back, hurt. "You know I can't do that." This was her first date in nine years. She'd closed her shop. She'd shared the whole day with him. She'd dodged rats bearing gifts. She'd told him what to expect from the start. This had to be enough.

  Amie saw the pain in his eyes. "I can't settle for less than the real thing," he said. "Not this time."

  "You've got to be kidding." She'd just tried to give him more than she'd given anybody and he somehow needed more? "What do you want from me?"

  He gave her a penetrating look as his hands snaked up her back, leaving ribbons of pleasure in their wake. "You know."

  Love magic. Amie closed her eyes. She couldn't imagine what it would be like to share love magic with a man like him. It would be passionate, explosive. It could eat her alive and leave her with nothing.

  She shook her head. "I'm sorry." She couldn't do it. She couldn't risk it. Not in a million years.

  Chapter 8

  Dante was still hard as a rock when he woke up twelve hours later. His shoulder throbbed. Well, what else was new? He pushed the thought aside and shoved his way out of the La-Z-Boy.

  He heard Amie in the kitchen and smelled a fresh pot of coffee, French roast if he wasn't mistaken. The tan pants dug into his waist. They'd been uncomfortable as hell to sleep in, but he'd been too tired take them off.

  The fatigue had come on quickly last night, and he'd slept in today. The spell was wearing off. He'd better make today count.

  He could hear Amie in there talking to herself. The woman was trouble—more so than he'd imagined.

  Dante ran a hand through his hair. It had all seemed so simple. A powerful woman, truly meant for him would seek him out. He'd have a new life and a new love at the same time.

  At last—someone who could love him back.

  Amie could be that woman if she gave herself half a chance. Instead, she wanted to give him scraps of herself. Well, he wouldn't do it.

  Dante tucked his shirt into his pants, his gaze settling on the wedding ring he'd left on the top shelf of her bookcase. Amie needed to decide what she wanted. He'd already married one woman who didn't care enough. He'd rather die than go through that again.

  "Latte?" she asked, as he made his way into the kitchen. Amie wore an orange sweater dress that accented her curves. For a moment, his focus lingered only on her. Then he saw she'd been busy while he slept.

  The woman had not only bought a cappuccino maker, she'd laid out jeans and a dark green button-down shirt over one of the kitchen chairs.

  "Thanks," he said. He would have been embarrassed if he'd let himself think on it too long. He couldn't remember anyone, save his mother, buying gifts for him.

  He leaned against the counter and watched her make foam.

  She gave him a sideways glance. "Four cups a day keeps the zombie away."

  "Then you'd better stick to three," he said, as Amie handed him a fresh latte.

  He took a long sip, savoring the sweet
warmth. He took her delicate hand in his and squeezed it.

  If he did die again and if he had to go away for good this time, he'd know he had this moment.

  "Come on," she said, "let's try to get out before Isoke wakes up."

  Dante showered and dressed before they headed downstairs.

  Amie's shoulders dropped slightly when they spied the empty perch at the back of the store.

  Dante touched the top of her arm. "I'm sure Isoke is fine."

  Amie sighed. "I just wish we knew where he was."

  Dante opened the door for her, as had become their habit, and Amie hadn't even hesitated today when she left the Closed sign on the door of the shop.

  "Why VooDoo Works?" he asked, admiring the display of love charms in the window.

  She glanced at the industrial sign that she'd commissioned. "Because it does." She laughed. "Sure the spirits can be unpredictable, but the everyday practice of voodoo is quite practical."

  "You don't have to convince me," he said as grave dust wafted down on the other side of the door.

  "You can't always determine exactly what results you're going to get," she clarified, slipping her hand into his, "but you usually get what you truly need."


  Amie got her wish when they boarded the St. Charles Streetcar and spotted a Kongamato roof ornament. Dante could hear the beast's claws clattering against the tin roof the entire way from Canal Street and into the Garden District.

  Dante pointed to a corner of Audubon, which was packed with neat, modern homes. "I used to live right about there."

  She leaned against him. "Do you miss it?"

  "No," he said, surprised. Rather, Dante found the new houses most intriguing with their wraparound porches and big yards, perfect for raising a family. His old life was a thing of the past. Amie was his future. "Although," he said, leaning close and breathing in her spiced ginger perfume, "I do miss the crawfish."

  Amie wrinkled her nose. "I never cared for them. Too ugly."

  He leaned back, his arm slung over the seatback behind her. "Well, you would have loved our crawfish. We used to catch them in the freshwater stream out back. The most handsome crustaceans you'd ever meet."

  "I am a sucker for a handsome face," she said, leaning into him.


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