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Alphas for the Holidays

Page 136

by Mandy M. Roth

  He nodded. “I love you, Maggie. I want you to be my mate, my wife. I’ve loved you since I was a teenager, but I never knew how to tell you.”

  “God, Rocky,” she whispered. “I love you too.”

  She reached over and kissed him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Rocky took her down to the soft, braided rug and rolled so that she was underneath him. She moaned in agreement, never letting go of him. She seemed as hungry for him as he was for her and had no fear of letting him know it. He loved that—and so many other things—about her.

  But his Alpha side demanded submission. Slowly, he levered himself over her and pressed her downward. “Bare your neck to me, Maggie. Show me you’re mine.”

  Chapter 11

  The growl in his voice turned her on like she’d never been turned on before. Maggie looked up at him, reading the need for her in his gaze, the power of him evident in every line of his body. This was the man she’d loved most of her life finally claiming her. And this was a claiming…body and soul. She could feel it.

  A little hesitantly, she bared her neck, stretching to the side while trying to hold his gaze. She saw him smile and noticed his teeth were sharper than human teeth were supposed to be. Rocky’s grizzly traits were a little more obvious than Tony’s had been. She jumped a bit, but this was Rocky. She knew in her heart he would never hurt her.

  He growled low in his throat. The sound warmed her, sending spirals of warmth roiling through her body. Rocky’s head descended and he nuzzled her neck, scraping his teeth lightly over her skin. It should probably have hurt, but she felt nothing other than excitement and yearning.

  “Rocky, please.” Her whispered plea seemed to energize him.

  He lifted her top over her arms and did away with her bra in almost the same motion. She’d almost gotten used to him being around when she nursed the boys, but this was different. He knew what she looked like and how tender she was, but they’d never really crossed the line into all out passion. They’d flirted with the idea a few times, but they both knew this time he wouldn’t stop.

  She wouldn’t stop him and she’d kill him if he tried to call a halt. No, this time they were going to see their mutual attraction through to the end. Rocky’s hands went to her pants, unbuttoning and unzipping her with little fuss. She helped him as he pushed the pants and panties down her legs and kicked them away.

  Then he levered up enough so he could unzip his jeans. She worked on the buttons of his shirt, not wanting any cloth between them. She had it open only moments before he pushed his jeans down. He took a moment to put on a condom, which touched her deeply. He hadn’t needed to be asked. They hadn’t had to discuss anything. He knew what to do without being asked. The action spoke louder than words about his care for her.

  He returned, sheathed, to rest his hard cock against her naked core. She was hot, wet and ready for him, and she wanted this like nothing she’d ever wanted before.

  “It’s got to be fast this time, Mags. I’m sorry for that.” He nipped at her earlobe, his teeth sending shivers of delight down her spine. “But I promise I’ll make it up to you for the rest of our lives.”

  “Do it now, Rocky. I can’t wait either.” She shivered in his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist, silently urging him to take her.

  Never had she been so ready so fast. But she’d been waiting for Rocky for years. She’d waited long enough.

  He hesitated just one more moment more before pushing home, long enough to watch her expression as he moved inside her for the first time. The moment was filled with magic, frozen in time and filling both hearts with the joy of homecoming.

  “I love you, Maggie.”

  Rocky seemed to lose control then, pounding away at her body as if he would never get enough. He stroked inside her long and deep, fast and powerful, and she wanted it all.

  “Rocky.” Her pleasure was uttered in a broken whisper as a tumultuous orgasm broke over her senses, but he just rode her through it, bringing her higher still. The second time she peaked, she gasped at the pleasure, sharp, intense and so amazing she didn’t know if she would ever come back to earth. But Rocky pushed her higher yet.

  The third time she came, she raked her nails down his back, scratching him as he bit into the tendons where her neck met her shoulder, not breaking the skin, but placing his mark of ownership there for all to see. Maggie didn’t mind the small pain. In fact, it enhanced the experience, drawing a low moan of pleasure from her this time as Rocky came hard and fierce with her.

  When the storm eased for them both, he rested his forehead against hers as he rolled them to their sides. His cock stayed semi-hard within her as if he didn’t want to leave now that he’d finally been granted access to her body.

  “You’re amazing, Maggie mine, and I love you with all my heart.”

  She stroked his slick skin gently, wrung out after the intense love making. “As I love you, Rock.”

  They got up a few minutes later to clean up and check on the babies, but the boys were still fast asleep. Rocky joined her in the bedroom and made love to Maggie again, slower this time. He let her ride at first, then switched positions, taking her from behind while she moaned in pleasure. Maggie had never had so many orgasms in so short a time, but she wasn’t complaining. Her werebear lover was insatiable, and she loved everything about him.

  The next day, it was impossible to hide the change in their status from Rocky’s parents. Marissa and Joe were all smiles and knowing winks and Maggie knew she blushed a few times by the heat scorching her fair cheeks. Rocky seemed to take the teasing in stride, though he was also happier than Maggie had ever seen him. He took every opportunity to touch her, stroking her hair as he passed her chair, taking her hand as they sat side by side.

  And he was smiling a lot. More than he’d ever smiled before. Each and every smile touched her heart, knowing she was responsible—at least in part—for putting that joyful expression on his face.

  Come to think of it, she was smiling a lot too.

  “Why don’t you two take a walk?” Marissa said after lunch. “I’ll look after the cubs, and Rocco can show you a little more of the mountain. You must be tired of being cooped up in this house all day.”

  “Great idea, Mom,” Rocky grinned, kissing the top of his mother’s hair as he passed her. “Want to do a little sightseeing, Mags? We’ll stick close to the house, within the security perimeter.”

  Maggie liked the idea of being alone with him. She hadn’t been away from the babies since they were born, but she knew Marissa would keep them safe.

  “I guess it would be all right. And I’d like to see more of the area around the house. I haven’t gotten to see much except the driveway and what I can view out the windows.”

  “Great.” Rocky took her hand and led her toward the hall closet. “Allie gave me a parka for you since she didn’t think you have much cold weather gear when you got here. She also sent along gloves and a scarf, I think.”

  Rocky kitted her out in short order and they left, heading for the woods. Rocky led the way, showing her paths she hadn’t really realized were there. They weren’t marked, but once she knew what to look for the pathways were a little easier to spot. The one he took her on first led from his house out a ways and down the side of the mountain a little.

  “That’s the Lords’ house. Allie, Tim and Rafe live there,” Rocky pointed to a lovely building set in the woods farther down the trail.

  A smaller trail branched off from the main one they were on, leading down into the Lords’ front yard, but Rocky didn’t take it. Instead, he led her onward toward a destination only he knew.

  He stopped a few times to point out neighboring homes, but he stayed on the main trail that led around the side of the mountain and slightly downward. Finally, he took one of the smaller trails that branched off from the main and they entered a stunning forest glade. One minute they were in the cold sun, the next they were in a warm, shaded, almost magical spot that was filled with all the colors
of green, from light to dark. Growing things defied the winter outside, prospering in this small, protected glade.

  “Betina’s house is through there.” Rocky pointed to a small trail marked with bursts of color. On closer examination, Maggie realized they were red berries on holly bushes growing on either side of the trail.

  “But what I wanted to show you is right through here.” Rocky lifted a trailing vine so Maggie could step under.

  She stopped short. Beyond the sheltering vines, there was a pool of water fed by a trickling waterfall that sent cold water into what must have been a hot spring beneath. Steam rose from the pool, causing a mist to cover the ground. The warmth seemed to be held in by the surrounding greenery, which was much more lush than the winter world outside.

  The warm steam that drifted out of the grotto made this protected spot comfortably warm in an otherwise cold, wintery world. For the moment, they’d left winter behind and found a pleasant space between seasons, beyond time. A space where they could be together in a stolen moment, away from their cares and worries.

  “It’s like a little oasis of summer in the middle of a cold world,” Maggie whispered, feeling as if this place was sacred somehow.

  “That’s a good description.” A new voice caused her to turn sharply. Rocky was right behind her, but the new man spoke from off to her left somewhere.

  “Stop skulking, Slade. Come out and meet Maggie.” Rocky’s tone was friendly, even teasing, so she took her cue from him and relaxed a bit.

  The man who stepped out of the leafy cover to their left was one of the most exotic beings she’d ever met. He was as tall as Rocky and just as muscular, though built on the leaner side. He looked sleeker somehow. And more deadly.

  “Honey, this is Slade. He’s in charge of security on the mountain.”

  “Pleased to meet you, ma’am.” Slade nodded and smiled slightly, but it didn’t help him look any less dangerous.

  His black hair shone with health and vitality. His blue eyes seemed to dance in amusement when he realized she was struck speechless by his abrupt appearance.

  “Don’t let him scare you, Mags. He’s on our side, thank the Goddess.”

  “Oo-rah,” Slade commented quietly, and both men chuckled. “If there’s anything you need, you know where to find me, Rock.”

  “Thanks, buddy. For now, I’m just giving Maggie the nickel tour. Tim and Rafe filled you in?”

  “You know it,” was his cryptic answer. “We’re as ready as we can be.”

  “Good. Thanks for helping with this.”

  “It’s my honor.” The expression on Slade’s face went from humor to seriousness in the blink of an eye. He stepped forward and lifted Maggie’s hand. She’d apparently been struck dumb by the man’s presence. Why couldn’t she think of anything to say?

  “Your cubs will be safe here, ma’am, if I have anything to say about it. They’re the future. Thank you for bringing them here.” Slade bowed over her hand and sniffed once, then kissed her knuckles lightly.

  It was an odd gesture, but she figured it had to mean something among shifters. Maybe he was learning her scent for some reason? Maybe that would help him protect her babies? The idea intrigued her and she knew she’d have a bunch of questions for Rocky when they were alone again.

  She nodded, still not speaking to the strange man. He confused her senses and made it hard to think of anything to say that wouldn’t sound rude. So she kept silent. He seemed amused again as he let go of her hand and turned to leave. Between one blink and the next, he was gone.

  What in the world was he?

  Rocky was chuckling when she turned to look at him. She hit his shoulder.

  “Stop laughing.”

  He laughed even harder. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you speechless before.”

  “Well…” She didn’t know what to say to that. He was right. “There’s something odd about that guy.”

  “You could say that.” Rocky’s chuckles subsided but the smile didn’t leave his face as he drew her into his arms. “Slade’s a tricky one. Ex-military, like a lot of our best warriors, but there’s something about him even spookier than most of the Special Ops guys.”

  “You can say that again.”

  “There are all kinds of rumors about his origins,” he went on conversationally, stroking her hair away from her face.

  “What rumors?” She grew breathless as the look in his eyes mesmerized her.

  “Do you really care?” He drew closer, lowering his head to tease her lips with his. “Slade isn’t the man for you.” He moved his mouth to her neck, making her shiver.

  “I know.” She gasped as Rocky’s teeth teased the sensitive skin behind her ear. “You are, Rock.”

  He growled and bit down on her earlobe gently. The sensation went straight through her, making her yelp in surprised pleasure.

  “I’ll never get enough of you, Maggie mine.” His lips found hers again and his kiss was an assault of the senses that she welcomed.

  Nothing else existed for her but this man, this moment, this loving embrace. She was surrounded by him, enveloped in his passion and she wanted to give him all she was and more. She felt her heart open up, as it did every time Rocky was near, and pour out love for him.

  He popped the snaps of her parka open as he moved her backward and pinned her to the trunk of a wide, sheltering conifer. The scent of pine surrounded her, making her very aware of the untamed feel of the setting and the way the man who kissed her fit so well in this wild, sacred place.

  Rocky unbuttoned her shirt and pulled down the cups of her bra to cup her bare breasts in his big hands. They were sensitive, but he knew just the right pressure to use to make her squirm with arousal.

  Maggie let herself bask in the moment, enjoying every touch, every exciting caress. She’d never made love outdoors before, but she had a feeling that was about to change. She’d never been so daring in her life.

  Rocky dipped his head to her neck, grazing his slightly pointed teeth over her sensitive skin in a way that made her moan.

  “That’s right, honey, let me hear how much you want this. We can be as loud as we want out here. The babies won’t hear.” His words were gasps against her throat as he slid his hands lower, lowering her pants with impatient, arousing motions that drove her wild with desire.

  She’d had to be so careful not to scream his name when he took her before. She’d wanted to, but there had been the sleeping children to consider, not to mention his parents. But out here, in the secluded grotto, it almost felt as if they were the only two people in the world. Sure, that other very disturbing man had been here, but he was gone now, disappeared into the sheltering trees, and the feeling of being locked away from everything and everyone was pervasive. Maggie let her spirit rise to Rocky’s challenge and would not hold back this time.

  No, this time was for them alone. No children. No parents. Only the two of them alone in the woods that were Rocky’s natural habitat. It seemed fitting that he make love to her here, taking her in that special place in the light of day and the presence of the tall, protective trees.

  Maggie toed off her sneakers, helping Rocky rid her of her pants and underwear. They made a nice pile of insulating fabric to stand on, but Rocky probably wouldn’t leave her on her feet for long.

  Maggie’s hands went to his waistband while Rocky’s mouth returned to hers, the fire between them flaring hotter and higher with each second that passed. She unbuttoned and unzipped to find him bare beneath his soft jeans. He didn’t seem to like underwear, and that was fine with her at the moment. One less barrier to what she wanted.

  Rocky broke the kiss and reached into the pocket of his shirt. His jacket was open, but his flannel shirt was still buttoned, rubbing enticingly against her nipples when he kissed her. He produced a foil wrapped condom from the shirt pocket and ripped it open with his teeth.

  She’d never seen anything sexier than his impatience. Maggie took the condom from him and rolled it onto his
thick cock, caressing him as she did so, loving the way he growled when she squeezed him.

  “Any more of that and this’ll be over before it starts, Mags.” He swooped low to put his hands under her bottom and lift.

  He was so strong, he lifted her as if she weighed nothing at all. The parka she still wore protected her back from the rough bark of the tree as Rocky slid her upward. She wrapped her legs around his waist when he had them aligned.

  Rather than the quick claiming she had expected, Rocky held her gaze with great solemnity as he directed his cock into her waiting, eager pussy. He slid in, inch by inch, watching her expression, his eyes saying more than words ever could about the specialness of this moment.

  When they were fully joined, he paused, continuing to hold her gaze.

  “You are my heart, Maggie. My soul. My whole life. I would die if I lost you now.” She saw the stark truth of every single word written on his rugged face. “Please say you’ll never leave me.”

  “I won’t ever leave you, Rock. Not voluntarily. You are my home,” she answered simply. It was a truth she felt down to her toes. Finding him again. Being with him… She had finally come home.

  Rocky’s eyes filled with emotion and he leaned forward, sealing their declarations with a brutal kiss that aroused her even more. He pinned her against the tree with his body and began to move in long, languid motions that made her pant and gasp, moan and sigh. She even growled a few times when he took her to the precipice of pleasure, only to back off before she could tumble over.

  Their lovemaking was primal. Eternal. Rough and wild, just like Rocky. She loved it. She loved him.

  And this time, she did scream his name when he made her come.

  “I hate to interrupt something so obviously enjoyable,” Slade’s voice came to Rocky from behind. He’d known the damned cat shifter hadn’t really left.

  Maggie gasped and fought to be let down. Rocky complied, lifting her off him and lowering her feet to the pile of her clothing still on the ground at their feet.


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