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Dead Below Zero

Page 7

by Sten Ostberg

He returned his attention to Marte and pressed his finger harder into her skin but couldn’t feel a beat. He watched her chest. It was motionless.


  Karl scooped up some snow from the ground and held it to her cheek. ‘Marte!’

  She frowned then flinched.

  He slapped her again.

  Marte cracked her eyes – recognition registered and her mouth opened and drew breath.

  Karl lifted her by her arms and supported her behind the shoulder blades as she falteringly filled her chest. ‘You’re fine now.’ He felt her back pump as she gulped cold air. ‘Just take a minute.’ There was congealed blood on her scalp. Karl felt anger spike.

  ‘Brynja and Vigar?’ she said weakly.

  ‘I have to get back to them. Kjell’s just left.’

  ‘He’s alive?’ She regarded him with alarm.

  ‘Yes, pulled himself out of the pond. He put you in here.’

  ‘I don’t remember. Only waking up.’

  ‘The whole abuse story was made up by Brynja and Vigar. Seems the fight was over Vigar selling drugs at college.’

  He felt Marte tense up. ‘Kjell was going to kill them both but I had to find you first. Can you move?’

  She nodded and started climbing out of the bin.

  If he’d waited much longer, Marte would have been dead.

  She jumped down into the snow and staggered sideways.

  Karl caught her and slid his arm around her waist. ‘Maybe you should wait here until I’ve taken a look.’

  Marte shook her head. ‘I’m fine. Let’s go.’

  He kept his arm where it was and they made for the back door.


  When they entered, the house was silent.

  ‘Brynja!’ Marte called and hurried through the dining room into the hallway.

  Karl followed and found her rattling the handle of the locked lounge door.

  ‘Are you all right in there?’

  Nobody answered her.

  He assumed Kjell must have exited via the glazed door. The front door was still ajar. Karl walked back outside with Marte close behind.

  The glazed door was open wide and Karl slowed as he approached it and blocked Marte’s path. ‘Let me check first.’

  She shook her head.

  He knew there was no point arguing.

  They both crunched over the snow and peered in.

  Inside the lounge, Brynja and Vigar were seated on the couch.

  Brynja didn’t look up as they entered.

  ‘Brynja?’ Karl could see blood all over Vigar’s hands.

  She eventually blinked. ‘He might come back.’

  Karl released his breath. ‘Did Vigar climb out of the window with you?’ He closed the door behind Marte and noticed Vigar had a bloodied kitchen knife across his lap.

  ‘No. He wasn’t upstairs with me. When I saw Kjell outside, I quickly put Vigar behind the couch and gave him a knife to protect himself with. I had to tell Kjell he was with me in the bedroom so he wouldn’t search for him.’

  Karl nodded and registered Marte was still standing away from her sister by the window. ‘He attacked Kjell?’

  ‘He was strangling me. Vigar had no choice.’

  ‘Vigar?’ Karl dropped to his knees but the teenager didn’t raise his eyes.

  ‘He stabbed Kjell in the neck and arm. The reason Vigar didn’t want you to call him an ambulance at the other house was because, after Kjell tried to hang him, he wanted to deal with his stepfather himself. Now he’s fled.’

  Brynja shifted her gaze to Marte. ‘Are you all right?’

  Marte chewed her lip. ‘I’m sorry.’

  ‘What for?’ Brynja frowned.

  ‘I wasn’t talking to you.’ Her ashen expression was directed at Karl. ‘I’m sorry you got dragged into this.’ Marte dropped into the armchair behind her as if she couldn’t stand up any longer. ‘I should have let you call the police the moment we arrived.’

  Karl tried to mediate. ‘We’re all exhausted. And this is a conversation for another time. But we still can’t make the call because Brynja’s ditched the phones. Unless you can tell me where they are.’

  ‘I threw them as far as I could. They’re going to be buried deep out there.’

  He contemplated the snow. Wary of Kjell returning, Karl stood and locked the door.

  ‘I know where there’s a phone.’ Marte said flatly.

  Karl’s hand paused on the handle. ‘What are you talking about? Whose?’


  ‘You lost it at the pond.’ Brynja reminded her.

  ‘No. It’s in the bathroom cabinet. I hid it there because it was still working.’

  Karl turned his back on the window to face her.

  ‘It was in my jeans when I changed out of them, but I thought if I convinced you my phone would be found at the pond, or even in Kjell’s car, you wouldn’t give Brynja up.’ She glanced over at her sister. ‘I can see that was another misjudgement.’

  Karl walked to the lounge door and twisted the key in the lock. He didn’t open it and continue into the hallway, however, but remained frozen there.

  ‘Well?’ Brynja said. ‘Call the police then.’

  Karl turned back into the room and fixed Marte. ‘Don’t you think it’s ironic that this is exactly the outcome you wanted?’

  Marte regarded him blankly.

  ‘If Kjell’s injuries are serious, they’re going to find his body out there and not at the pond.’

  Marte studied Brynja, but her eyes were on the carpet. ‘But we know what really happened.’

  Karl realised they had the most important decision to make since they’d arrived. He knew Marte felt betrayed by Brynja and Vigar but not enough for her to wish them both in jail. ‘What if we find him? If he’s still alive, we can bring him back here. There will have been no murder.’


  ‘I won’t allow him back in this house.’ Brynja said resolutely.

  ‘Listen to what Karl is saying,’ Marte snapped, ‘or you’ll be taken out of here in handcuffs!’ She locked eyes with her sister. ‘If Karl and I stay silent – if – you and Kjell will have to agree that tonight didn’t happen as well.’

  Brynja considered the lifeline being offered.

  ‘That’s only if we can find him alive,’ Karl warned. ‘If he’s dead out there, there’s nothing more we can do.’

  ‘I’ll have to tell the police everything that’s happened.’ Marte didn’t blink. ‘Regardless of what that means for me. But I’ll make sure they know Karl has tried to do the right thing all along. And so will you. Whatever happens, this conversation didn’t. Understand?’

  Brynja nodded.

  ‘We’re losing time.’ Karl opened the door. ‘I saw which direction he was going but he could be too far ahead of us already.’

  ‘Let’s find him.’ Vigar spoke. They turned to him as he looked up from the knife in his lap.

  ‘You have to stay here.’ Brynja placed a hand on his arm.

  ‘No.’ Karl kept his eye on the window. ‘We all go. The storm still hasn’t let up. The more of us there are, the better chance we have.’

  ‘I’m taking this knife.’ Vigar tightened his bloody fingers around the handle.

  ‘No you’re not!’ Marte said emphatically.

  ‘She’s right.’ Karl folded his arms. ‘You’re a family for God’s sake. Drop it on the carpet.’

  Brynja nodded at him.

  He dumped the knife.

  Marte stood. ‘You’re both going to do exactly as we say now.’

  Karl took a step back from the doorway to let them pass. ‘Quickly then.’


  Karl went to the bathroom and took Marte’s phone from the cabinet. There was 30 percent charge. If they found Kjell dead he would immediately call the police and the four of them would have to relate every detail of what had happened. No more lies. He knew Marte would be in agreement, now s
he’d realised how Brynja had deceived them about Vigar being abused.

  But if Kjell were still alive it was ultimately up to him if he wanted to save them all from being instantly arrested. And why would he want to do that?

  ‘He went around the back of the house.’ Karl led them to the kitchen. ‘We can follow his tracks.’

  The four of them passed through the dining room and he opened the back door and turned to Brynja. ‘Where’s your first-aid kit?’

  ‘Top left cupboard.’

  Karl took it out and slid it under his coat. ‘Any idea where he might be going?’

  ‘There’s nothing but a forest beyond … then he’ll hit the main road.’

  ‘He’s probably hoping someone will pick him up.’ Marte zipped her coat under her chin.

  ‘No time to waste then.’ He gestured them through the doorway. ‘Vigar?’

  He was still looking dazed.

  ‘Just focus on finding him.’

  Vigar nodded and joined the other two in the blizzard.

  Karl pulled the door shut after them. If anything the snowfall had got heavier. He pointed out Kjell’s footprints, which were already fading. They set off after them.

  Kjell had a ten-minute head start. Karl spotted some large splashes of blood. How badly injured was he? It looked like he was bleeding profusely. Maybe he wouldn’t even make it to the forest let alone the road.


  They left the grounds that belonged to the house and Vigar took the lead, wading through the drifts and picking up the trail of blood to the left and right of them. It was obvious Kjell had been staggering from side to side.

  Karl kept squinting beyond him, looking for a prostrate shape half covered with snow.

  Vigar turned. ‘I can’t see any more blood!’

  They all scanned the area around them.

  Vigar took a few paces forward and suddenly dropped out of sight.

  ‘Vigar!’ Brynja rushed to where he’d been standing.

  Karl grabbed her. ‘Wait or we’ll lose you as well.’ He trod tentatively towards the hole where Vigar was and tested the snow in front of him. There was no solid ground beneath it.

  Vigar emerged and managed to pull his head and shoulders clear. He spat out flakes and grunted as he tried to heave himself out.

  ‘Looks like a trench.’ Karl pointed ahead. ‘Try to find the incline the other side and climb up it.’

  Vigar swivelled his body and thrust himself forward. He gradually started to rise as he scrambled up the opposite bank and once again stood on firm terrain. ‘I’m okay, you can make it through this way!’

  Karl beckoned to Marte and Brynja. ‘Walk to the edge … here.’

  They made their way over to him.

  ‘I’ll go next.’ Karl tested the rim with his boot. ‘It’s steep but the snow will cushion you if you fall.’

  He slid down up to his chest and pumped his arms as the snow closed over him. He found the bottom of the trench, strode to the other side and quickly ascended. As soon as his face was clear of the snow he turned and reached out.

  ‘Make your way towards me. I’ll pull you up.’

  Marte went first and he soon had hold of her hand and lugged her past him. She joined Vigar above Karl.

  ‘Hurry, Brynja.’

  She didn’t move.

  ‘Mum, we don’t have time for this!’ Vigar yelled.

  She shook her head.

  ‘Come on, Brynja!’ Marte commanded. ‘Kjell’s lost a lot of blood. If you don’t save him, you can’t save Vigar!’

  Brynja closed her eyes and charged down the bank. She vanished under white and Karl quickly ploughed his way forward, found her and dragged her up.

  They all caught their breath and Karl peered through the snowfall.

  ‘That’s where he dug himself out.’ Vigar pointed to a pile of disturbed snow further along the edge. There was blood all around it.

  Karl followed the pools and tracks with his eyes as far as he could. Up ahead he could just make out the perimeter of the forest.


  The carpet of snow on the forest floor was shallower as most of it lay heavily on the canopy of tree branches above. But that made the area in front of them even darker and only chinks of light illuminated small patches of ground.

  Karl took out Marte’s phone and tapped on the torch. ‘How far until we get to the main road?’

  Brynja shook her head. ‘I’ve never been through here. This was on Kjell’s running route though.’

  Karl knew he’d have to keep an eye on the battery supply. He still wanted to be able to make a call if they found him.

  ‘Kjell, we’re here to help you!’ Marte shouted.

  They all listened. A flurry of snow fell into one of the beams of light but there was no response.

  Karl directed the torchlight ahead, stepped over a rotten trunk and negotiated the snowy ground. The others followed closely.

  ‘Kjell!’ Marte cried again. ‘We have first-aid! Call out if you can hear me!’

  Nothing. They kept moving.

  ‘There.’ Karl illuminated Kjell’s footprints.

  They quickened their pace. There were thicker pools of blood either side of them.


  ‘Can’t see them anymore.’ Karl arced the beam of the torch around the dark mulch ahead.

  As they’d moved further into the forest the trees had become denser and there were only occasional patches of snow where it had managed to penetrate.

  ‘Listen.’ Karl held up his hand.

  Traffic – the hiss of a few vehicles beyond.

  ‘Kjell!’ Marte’s voice echoed back.

  ‘I can see it.’ Vigar headed to his right.

  Karl could discern car movement on the road through the tight gaps in the trees. ‘Wait!’

  ‘Vigar, come back!’ Brynja called after him. ‘We have to stay together!’

  Vigar halted and turned. ‘We could already be too late.’

  Kjell emerged from a tree trunk behind him. He was wielding a thick branch.

  ‘Vigar!’ Brynja screamed.

  Before he could react, Kjell clubbed Vigar in the back of the head and he collapsed to the floor. ‘Stay the fuck away from me!’

  But Kjell was advancing, branch swinging back in readiness.

  ‘Kjell.’ Marte extended her palm. ‘You’ve lost a lot of blood. We’ve got first-aid with us. Let us help you.’

  Kjell lurched through a beam of light and Karl could see how pale he was. The shoulder of his blood-saturated blue shirt was shining from his new wounds.

  ‘Don’t touch me!’

  Brynja cowered against a trunk as he staggered towards her. He whipped the branch at her but struck the bark as she ducked. Marte tried to grab it from him but he yanked it away.

  ‘Kjell!’ Karl fumbled inside his coat for the kit.

  Kjell charged at him and struck him before he could pull it free from the zip.

  Karl yelled as he felt his wrist break and toppled backwards onto the wet ground.

  ‘Still haven’t walked away, Karl?’

  ‘Please, listen to him.’ Marte took a few paces back as Kjell brandished his weapon at her.

  Karl’s right hand was uselessly crushed against the first-aid kit as he struggled to get his other inside the zip. ‘You’ll die if you don’t let me dress those wounds.’

  ‘Not before this bitch does.’ Kjell returned to Brynja.

  ‘No!’ Karl attempted to stand.

  ‘Kjell!’ Marte tried to intercept him but he lashed out at her and the end of the branch caught her full in the face. She dropped to her knees, stunned by the blow.

  ‘This has been a long time coming.’ Kjell was standing over Brynja as she covered her head with her interlaced fingers.

  ‘Don’t do it!’ Karl still couldn’t get upright.

  Kjell raised the branch to bring it down on Brynja.

  A split second before he did, Vigar
planted a rock in his scalp.


  Karl could see luminous green flashes through the trees as the paramedics weaved their way towards them.

  ‘They’re here, Kjell. They’re going to take you out of here.’

  Kjell was conscious again. He’d blacked out when Vigar had struck him with the rock but had opened his eyes a few minutes after Karl had called the emergency services. Karl had dressed his wounds.

  Kjell blinked and one eyelash stuck to the blood on his skin. ‘Think this is going to compensate for everything that’s happened?’

  Karl turned to where Vigar was comforting Brynja. Marte had her arms folded and was positioned a few feet away from them. He returned his attention to Kjell. ‘Think about this. Do you really want Vigar to go to jail? And Brynja?’

  Kjell nodded and grimaced. ‘That’s exactly what I want. And don’t think I’ll forget about you and Marte.’

  Karl looked up as he heard the sound of the paramedics’ boots squelching through wet leaves. ‘This could end right here.’

  ‘Which would be very convenient for you, Karl. Hope you kissed Nadina when you last saw her because you’re not going to be seeing much of her in the future.’

  ‘Over here!’ Karl signalled to the paramedics. He looked Kjell in the eye and leaned down.

  Kjell flinched, but Karl only whispered something in his ear.


  When they got back home Karl and Marte waited in their lounge. It was about a quarter of the size of Brynja and Kjell’s. Karl didn’t light the log burner. It was possible they wouldn’t be in the house for very long.

  Karl stood by the window, arm in a sling, looking into the storm. It still hadn’t abated. Marte was sitting in the armchair with Nadina on her lap. They’d picked her up from Marte’s parents as if nothing had happened and, when asked, said their evening off had been fine.

  Nadina sensed something was wrong between them and wasn’t as chatty as usual.

  Karl turned and smiled at her as she played with a toy mobile phone.

  Marte looked up at him. ‘What did you say to Kjell?’


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