Strong (Kindred #1)

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Strong (Kindred #1) Page 10

by K. A. Hobbs

  “I guess this is it.” she says, as her Mom walks towards the car.

  “Still want me here?”

  “No Carter, I need you here.” she tells me, looking at me.

  She opens her door and after taking a deep breath, I open mine too. We step out into the rain and walk towards the house, I watch as her Mom wraps her arm around her and leads her into the house before realising she isn’t alone and turning back to me.

  “I’m so sorry, you must be Carter? I’m Beth, Carmen’s Mum. Thank you so much for being there for her today, please, come in.”

  She holds out her hand and I shake it, right when I think she’s going to let go, she pulls me into her arms and hugs me, with her mouth at my ear she whispers three little words to me.

  “How is she?”

  “As you can expect, you have an incredible daughter, Mrs Reid.”

  “Beth,” she smiles pulling back and wiping her eyes. “Call me Beth.”

  We walk into the house, Carmen is already inside taking off her jacket and boots. When we step into the house she tries to smile, she tries to make out she’s okay but I can see she isn’t, how can she be? I take off my jacket and she hangs it on the hook just behind the door, slipping off my shoes, I follow behind Carmen into the kitchen where her Dad is sitting, waiting for us.

  “Sweetheart.” he croaks, standing and walking to meet her.

  The next few minutes are heartbreaking, I feel like an intruder standing there watching. The pain is so clear on all of their faces that I can feel it from where I stand. When they all pull back, there isn’t a dry face in the room and the weight of what they’re all about to face is weighing heavy over all of us.

  “Dad, this is Carter,” Carmen tells him, clearing her throat. “He’s Jack’s brother and he came with me today.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Carter. I’m sorry it’s not under nicer circumstances.” he holds his hand out to me and we shake.

  “Likewise, Sir.” I smile, not sure what else to say.

  “Thank you for taking her today.”

  “No need to thank me, I wouldn’t let her go alone.”

  Right there and then, I know I’ve passed the unspoken test, every father wants their daughter to be looked after. Whether Carmen and I are friends or more than that, I know my actions have earned me Mr Reid’s respect and I’ll forever be welcome in their home.

  “It’s Will,” he tells me. “Come, sit down, can I get you something to drink? Eat?”

  “Can we eat after I’ve filled you in? My stomach is in knots still.” Carmen frowns, resting her hand on her stomach.

  “Of course, sweetheart.” her Mum says.

  “Let’s get this over with then.”

  I sit at their table and I listen, holding Carmen’s hand as she causes their world to come crashing down around them. They’re all in the safety of their home, but I sense they feel anything but safe right now. Everything is scary, everything is unfair and with each word that leaves Carmen’s lips I can almost hear their hearts breaking. They ask questions, they show concern and real fear for their daughter and when they know everything and there is nothing left to say, there is nothing but tears left to shed.

  “I’m going to give you a few minutes, okay?” I tell Carmen. “I’ll check in with Mom.”

  I stand and without thinking about it, kiss the top of her head before walking out of the room to the lounge. I do the decent thing and block everything out while I phone Mom and check everything is okay.

  “Hello sweetheart, are you okay? We’ve barely seen you.”

  “I’m okay, I’ve got something important… I’m needed Mom, okay?”

  “Is it that beautiful young lady from the wedding?”

  “Yeah, but it’s not what you think… I can’t tell you any more than that right now, but I’ll tell you when I can.”

  “Okay… You’re okay? Is she okay?”

  “Not right now she isn’t but I think she will be.”

  “Do what you need to do, forget about us. We’re so proud of you, Carter.”

  “Thanks Mom.”

  “Will we see you for dinner? Bring her too?”

  “I’ll let you know.”

  “Okay. I love you, she’s lucky to have you by her side.”

  “Love you too, Mom.”

  I take a look around the room and smile when I spot photos of Carmen, she has always been a beauty, even when she was a teenager. I wish I looked half as good as she did, I was the awkward gangly teenager for months when I hadn’t quite grown into my body, I can see it now, but back then I still thought I was the coolest thing in the world. When I can hear regular conversation filtering through from the kitchen I head back in. Beth is busy making what looks like sandwiches while Carmen is speaking with her Dad.

  “I get it Dad, really I do, but I’m not living here.”

  “I don’t understand why. We’d be able to look after you.”

  “I haven’t lived at home in years, no offence to you and Mum, but it would make me go crazy. I need my own space, I need somewhere that’s just mine.”

  “How will we be able to look after you if you’re living somewhere else?”

  “We’ll work it out, okay?”

  “Is that your way of telling me this conversation is over for now?” he smirks.

  “You got it.” she smiles for what I think is the first time today.

  We all have lunch and try to chat about normal things, they ask what my plans are and I’m completely honest with them, I find it hard to be anything else.

  “I thought my plan was to be here for a month and go back, but that was before I met Carmen. I’m not entirely sure what the plan is now, but if Carmen needs me, I’ll be here.”

  “As in you’ll move here?” Beth asks.

  “Yes, I work for my Dad so I have flexibility and I’m sure it would all be okay.”

  “Where would you live?” Will asks.

  “Harry would help me find somewhere I’m sure.”

  “How is Megan? You saw her yesterday?” Beth asks Carmen.

  “She’s frustrated with not being able to do anything and having Harry fuss over her, but other than that, she’s really good. Blooming and beautiful as you would expect.”

  My phone buzzes with a text and I look at the screen and see Jack’s name on the screen.

  What does he want?

  I unlock it and read his message.

  Jack: So you went to Harry’s with Carmen. Don’t try and tell me nothing is going on with you two!!

  Me: We spent the day together. Big deal. Get back to enjoying your honeymoon you ass!

  Jack: You will have to explain yourself Mr Manning. Behave while I’m away

  Me: You’re not my Dad. Go away

  After lunch, Carmen decides she needs a rest and I can’t say I blame her, she insists on driving me to the hotel and when we arrive back, I climb out and she follows me.

  “Thank you Carter, I can’t ever thank you enough for what you did for me today.”

  “Stop thanking me.” I grin, pulling her to me.

  “I’m going to need you to help me find somewhere to live. Will you help me?”

  “Of course I will. Are you up for dinner later? My Mom asked… You don’t have to.”

  “Being normal is what I need right now, dinner will be great. Here?”

  “I guess here? I’ll let you know. Now get your ass home and rest!”

  “Yes, sir.” she mocks.

  “I’m at the end of a phone if you need me.”

  “I know.”

  She turns her face and kisses my cheek and I do the same. I watch and wave as she drives away with a smile on my face. In the few days I’ve known her, she’s become a huge, important part of my life. I don’t know how, I don’t know why, it’s just how it is. l decide there and then not to question it, just go with it, everything happens for a reason, doesn’t it?

  I head up to my room and take a shower, just needing to wash away the day and hopefu
lly, some of the tension. When I’ve finished I suddenly feel exhausted, like everything that has happened over the last few days suddenly hits me, along with a big ass can of jet lag. I pull the covers back and slip into bed, switching on the TV to find something to watch before I fall asleep. I settle on Friends but don’t get more than two minutes in before I fall asleep.

  I wake up to a text from Mom letting me know, if I want to join them for dinner, they’re meeting at seven-thirty downstairs and that Carmen is invited if she’d like to come too. I text Carmen to find out.

  Me: We’re meeting downstairs at 7.30. Want to join us?

  Carmen: I’d love to. I’ll see you at 7.30. x

  If all else fails, go for black, that’s the rule right?

  Well I hope so, because I don’t feel right in anything tonight. I feel the need to blend in and not stand out, so I’m wearing my favourite black wrap dress to dinner. It’s not short, it’s not revealing, it’s elegant and classy and will work with the heels I’ve chosen and my hair pulled back. I slip my feet into my shoes and grab my bag and jacket from the bed.

  I can do this.

  I can go out and be normal for a night, tomorrow I’ll think about everything else, but tonight I just want to be Carmen. Mum and Dad have thankfully gone out for the evening too on my insistence. They were going to cancel their plans, but I told them absolutely not. I drive over to the hotel and sing along to Chaka Khan all the way. I need to go dancing, that will help. I need to think of nothing but the music, it will help me de-stress. I wonder if Carter will go out dancing with me? I can’t ask Megan, and Josie’s on her honeymoon. I make a mental note to ask him as I park and give the keys to the valet. I check my phone when I step inside and see a text from Carter.

  Carter: We’re having drinks, I’ll come meet you. Text me when you’re here x

  Me: I’m here x

  A few seconds later, Carter comes towards me and I actually wobble a little in my heels. He looks incredible, dressed in a pair of black trousers and a slim fitted white shirt. It’s a simple outfit, but the shirt stretches over his shoulders and highlights his narrow waist and teamed with what can only be described as the best smile I’ve ever seen and those chocolate brown eyes, the overall effect is a deliciously impressive one. I notice a group of women standing waiting to check in are following his progress to me, he’s the kind of guy you pay attention to, without him even trying. He stops in front of me and leans forward, placing a kiss on my forehead and reaching down to take my hand.

  “You okay?” he asks, concern in his eyes.

  “As much as I can be, are you?”

  “I am so much better now you’re here, they’re driving me nuts! Are you ready to meet them all?”

  “Yes.” I grin happily.

  We walk into the bar and I spot Carter’s family, I recognise them all from the wedding. I’m introduced to everyone and Carter asks what I’d like to drink. I’d sworn off alcohol when I first found out, but after the day I’ve had, I think I deserve one.

  “A white wine, please.” I smile, sitting in one of two vacant seats.

  “Carter was telling us about your day together,” Alexis smiles. “We should totally spend the day together, I desperately need to hang out with someone my own age while we’re here!”

  “That would be lovely.” I smile, not telling her it isn’t going to happen.

  Carter comes back with our drinks and sits next to me, his arm casually draped across the back of my chair. I let everyone else talk, happy to listen to their adventures in the city and what their plans are for the rest of their stay. When we all go to sit down for dinner, Carter again, sits next to me, Alexis on my other side. When his Dad asks him a question, she leans closer to me and whispers in my ear.

  “Are you dating my brother?”

  “No,” I laugh, turning to face her. “Why would you think that?”.

  “I’ve seen how he looks and you, and how you look at him, not to mention he’s had his hand in yours under the table while we’ve been sitting here.” she raises an eyebrow at me and smirks.

  “You noticed that.”

  “I notice everything, I’ve got two brothers, I learned from an early age to see and hear everything so I had leverage over them.” she winks.

  “Good plan, I can’t imagine what it was like growing up with two brothers.”

  “Stinky. Boys are stinky and having two only made it worse. The bathroom was always busy and there was always football stuff all over the place, and don’t even get me started on game day. They took over the whole front room!”

  “What are you telling her, Lex.” Carter scowls, leaning closer.

  “Just how delightful it was growing up with you and Jack.”

  “She’s talking crap.” he laughs.

  “You don’t know what I said. I could have said you were the best big brothers in the world, couldn’t I?”

  “I know you, Titch, you didn’t say that.”

  “You’re right, I don’t lie.” she grins.

  “Shall I tell Carmen what it was like growing up with you? How every other week there would be a new guy and another broken heart story to tell?” he teases her.

  “I wasn’t like that, I was with Tyler growing up, so shut it!” she growls at him. “What about you and Madison? Who might I remind you, called me again yesterday asking for you.” she rolls her eyes dramatically.

  “Who’s Madison?” I ask intrigued.

  “Carter’s ex, she’s a bunny boiler.” she mock whispers.

  “We dated for two years, she wanted more than I was willing to give so we broke up.”

  “You mean you finally came to your senses.” she snorts.

  “Lex, you can stop talking now.” he growls at her.

  “I was just asking Carmen if she’d like to come out with me sometime while we’re here.”

  “Carmen is busy.” he scowls at her.

  “But she can fit in seeing you? I’m much better company than you are.”

  The waiter arrives then and brings our starters so I’m saved any more awkwardness. It’s almost ten when I notice the time, and I’ve had three glasses of wine. I decide I’ll call a taxi and pick up my car tomorrow. Carter’s Mum and Dad have gone to bed leaving Carter, Alexis and I downstairs in the bar, when Alexis announces she’s going to bed too, I say goodnight and stand ready to go hail a taxi home.

  “You can’t drive, Carmen.” Carter tells me, holding me by the elbow.

  “I’m going to get a taxi, it’s okay.”

  “Why don’t you stay?” he asks, then seems to realise how it sounds. “I don’t mean like that, just, you’ve had a bad day and maybe you could do with some company.”

  “You have a double bed?”

  “A queen.” he grins.

  “And will you make me a hot chocolate before bed?”

  “Of course, I even have cookies.”

  “Okay.” I nod, wrapping my arm around his and walking towards the lift.

  When we get to Carter’s floor, I text Mum and let her know, I’ll be home in the morning, then switch my phone to silent. Carter unlocks his door and holds it open for me. I step in and actually gasp a little.

  “Carter, you have the best view!”

  “I know, cool huh?”

  “And you have a bath by the window! Please tell me you’ve used it?” I turn back to look at him and he’s smiling.

  “No, I actually haven’t, more of a shower kind of guy.”

  “That is the most shocking thing I’ve ever heard.” I roll my eyes, running my hands along the top of it.

  “You’re welcome to use it.” he adds cheekily.

  “Nice try.” I slap his arm and he grins.

  “I’d leave the room, Carmen. Unless of course you’d prefer me to climb in and wash your back?”


  “Sorry, sorry,” he backs away and holds his hands up. “Blame the beer.”

  I walk towards him and stop when I’m in front of him, leaning
forward so my lips are inches from his, I inhale his scent and close my eyes. I let my head move a little closer and when I’m so close I can feel his breath on my face, he stops me.

  “Carmen, I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “Sorry,” I mumble stepping back. “Blame the wine, blame the day, blame how ridiculously attractive you look tonight.” I turn around and bring my hand to my forehead, trying to calm myself down.

  “Don’t apologise, it’s been… It’s not been a normal day for you, it’s okay.”

  He comes to stand behind me and when he turns me around, I wrap my arms around him and rest my head on his chest.

  “I just need to be held, Carter. Can you do that?”

  “Sure I can.” he whispers.

  “I need to dance too.” I speak against the cool cotton of his shirt.


  “It’s the only thing that soothes me. Can we dance?”


  “Yes, here.”

  I unlock my phone and find my chilling playlist, I don’t care what song plays, I just want to dance. The opening bars of Run To You begins and Carter steps up to me and pulls me to him. As we move to the music, I remember dancing with him at the wedding, how everything else floated away, ceased to exist while I was in his arms. I close my eyes and hope being so close to him has the same effect tonight. After three more songs, we both kick our shoes off and in seconds, we’re in each other’s arms again. It’s comforting and soothing and I think we both need it.

  We spend another hour dancing and when I yawn, Carter suggests we leave the music on and lay in bed. He pulls a t-shirt out of his wardrobe and hands it to me, leaving me to get ready for bed while he goes into the bathroom. I slip out of my dress, leaving my knickers on and climb into the huge bed. Everything smells like Carter and when I lay back, the pillows are the comfiest pillows I’ve ever slept on. He appears a few minutes later wearing a pair of loose fitting pyjama pants and a t-shirt, he looks cosy and smiles when he sees I’m already in bed.


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