Words Heard In Silence / Xena Uber
Page 59
Reverend Williams waited the long pause that traditionally was allowed for anyone who wished to object to speak up. Charlie felt a bead of sweat slide down his temple; his ingrained fear of disclosure once more raised its head and the little voice taunted him. What if someone comes forward and tells them what you really are. It would serve you right.
Rebecca looked into his eyes, trying to put all of her love and faith in him and in them into her expression. All is well my love. We are going to be together forever. She took a deep breath and focused on the silence around them. If Mrs. Williams opens her mouth, I will slap her silly.
But no one objected, and Reverend Williams continued.
"I require and charge you both, as ye will answer at the dreadful Day of Judgment when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed, that if either of you know any impediment, why ye may not be lawfully joined together in Matrimony, ye do now confess it. For be ye well assured, that if any persons are joined together other than as God's Word doth allow, their marriage is not lawful."
If he knew, he would end this. If any of them knew, they would end it. You are no man, Charlie, and the church does not sanction marriage between two women. Charlie stood silent. In all ways, for most of his life, Charlie had been a man. He loved Rebecca as a man loves a woman.
Rebecca smiled at him, trying to reassure him with the devotion in her eyes.
"Charles, wilt thou have this Woman to thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?"
Charlie swallowed hard, then answered clearly, "I will."
"Rebecca, wilt thou have this Man to thy wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honor, obey and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?"
Rebecca only nodded. The slight giggles from the front row made her realize she needed to speak her answer. "I will." She managed to get out quietly.
"Who giveth this Woman to be married to this Man?"
Mr. Cooper stepped up and declared clearly, "In the name of her dear, departed father, I do." With that, Mr. Cooper took Rebecca’s right hand and lifted it.
Reverend Williams took her hand from Mr. Cooper and laid it in Charlie’s right hand, laying his own hand over their joined fingers in blessing. He turned to Charlie and said, "repeat after me."
"I, Charles, take thee Rebecca, to be my wedded Wife and with all my worldly goods do thee endow, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth." One phrase at a time, Charlie declared his oath in firm, ringing tones.
Charlie loosened his grip on Rebecca’s hand; she then cradled his large hand in her own for her vows.
"I, Rebecca, take thee Charles, to be my wedded Husband and with all my worldly goods do thee endow, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth." With each phrase, Rebecca’s voice grew stronger and clearer, until her last line rang through the church.
Reverend Williams then asked, "Where are the rings?" as he looked expectantly at Richard. Richard fumbled slightly as he drew the two rings from his vest pocket and laid Rebecca’s gently in the center of the prayer book that the Reverend was holding. The Reverend blessed the ring, saying, "Bless, O Lord, this Ring, that he who gives it and she who wears it may abide in thy peace, and continue in thy favor, unto their life's end; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." He turned to Charlie and said, "Take this ring and place it on Rebecca’s finger, saying the following words: ‘‘With this Ring I thee wed: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.’"
Charlie took the ring and very gently placed it on Rebecca’s hand. His voice was husky with emotion as he declared his vow to her. With this action, he was claiming Rebecca as his very own.
Richard then offered the second ring, an action that was not common but accepted. Reverend Williams blessed the ring for Charlie.
Rebecca took the ring, with a very shaky hand, afraid for a brief second she would drop it. She licked her lips as she slid the ring on Charlie's finger and repeated the words she barely heard, because she was far too busy smiling at Charlie.
Reverend Williams ’ voice broke into the moment, "let us pray."
The entire congregation stood and repeated the Lord ’ s Prayer; all except Charlie and Rebecca, who were too busy looking at one another to really be aware of what anyone else was doing.
Reverend Williams added the benediction for married couples. "O Eternal God, Creator and Preserver of all mankind, Giver of all spiritual grace, the Author of everlasting life; Send thy blessings upon these thy servants, Charles and Rebecca, whom we bless in thy Name; that they, living faithfully together, may surely perform and keep the vow and covenant betwixt them made, whereof these rings given and received are a token and pledge, and may ever remain in perfect love and peace together, and live according to thy laws; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
He joined their right hands together again and said, "those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder."
Charlie felt a great weight lift from his soul. The wedding was over; no matter what, Rebecca was his wife.
Rebecca could not help herself as she let the tears slip down her cheeks, she was so happy finally to be Charlie's wife.
The Reverend continued: "Forasmuch as Charles and Rebecca have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and thereto have given and pledged their troth, each to the other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving Rings, and by joining hands; I pronounce that they are Man and Wife, In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."
The two of them knelt for the final blessing.
"God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, bless, preserve, and keep you; the Lord mercifully with his favor look upon you, and fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace; that ye may so live together in this life, that in the world to come ye may have life everlasting. Amen."
"By the powers vested in me by the Commonwealth of Virginia, I declare you man and wife. Charles, you may kiss the bride."
Charlie took her in his arms and slowly, reverently lowered his lips to hers. It was a kiss like a symphony; it began slowly and tenderly and ended with all of the reverence and love Charlie knew how to express.
Before Rebecca could think clearly enough to breathe, a tiny familiar voice rang through the church, "Papa!"
Elizabeth lunged to try and stop the little imp who had managed to escape from Tess’ grip and was making a very determined beeline for her Papa’s legs. She failed.
Charlie had no choice but to tear his attention from Rebecca in order to catch the little girl who was flinging herself at him with abandon. Rebecca could only smile as Charlie scooped her up; she took his arm as the three of them turned to face the assembled guests.
Reverend Williams could not resist the impulse, "Ladies and gentlemen, may I present General and Mrs. Redmond –– and Emily." The applause was mixed with laughter as the congregation greeted the new couple and the child whom all knew would soon be legally theirs.
The kitchen was a scene of organized chaos. Sarah had recruited several of her family members to assist in the cooking. Reg had taken charge of the wine room. Duncan had organized a group of volunteers to act as servers. The wedding party was due any minute and Duncan and Reg were organizing glasses and bottles of champagne to greet them.
The guests starte
d arriving. They pulled their carriages, wagons, traps, and mounts into the front yard, where men under Tarent’s supervision took charge of them. They then assembled on the front portico, waiting for Charlie and Rebecca to arrive before they entered the house. Finally, Shannon came prancing into the yard, drawing Rebecca’s small trap, which was decked in blue and ivory ribbons. Charlie was driving; Rebecca was holding young Em. All three were smiling and laughing, evidently at something Em had said.
Charlie drew the small carriage to the front door. He took young Em and handed her down to a waiting Tess, then got down himself. He walked around and gently lifted Rebecca from the carriage. Instead of putting her down, he simply walked to the front door and carried her over the stoop, to everyone’s applause. The guests crowded into the house behind them.
When Charlie finally settled Rebecca back on her own feet, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek. "Welcome home, General Redmond."
"Welcome home to you, Mrs. Redmond. Shall we stand here and cuddle or shall we greet our guests?"
She sighed, "I would rather cuddle, but I suppose we should be civilized and greet our guests."
"I could just sweep you off your feet and carry you upstairs. We could leave Richard and Elizabeth to cope with the rest of it."
She laughed and whispered in his ear, "I dare you."
Charlie made as if to lift her back into his arms. "You know better than to dare me, darling. And I missed you so much last night."
"Well are you going to stand here and talk about it all day?"
Charlie, in quite a mood himself, decided that this teasing was too tempting, and, sweeping her up in his arms and, he started moving determinedly toward the stairs. As he passed Richard, he whispered, "Handle the guests for me for a while, will you?"
"And, oh, what should I……" He stopped and shook his head. "Never mind, I will think of something."
As Charlie carried Rebecca up the stairs, the assembled guests broke out into gales of laughter. Richard stepped to the foot of the stairs. "It seems our hosts have urgent affairs to tend to, so until their return, please enjoy yourselves."
Duncan and his group of volunteers had been standing at the door, handing out glasses of champagne as the guests filed in. When Charlie reached the top of the stairs and stopped for a moment to put Rebecca down on her feet, Richard raised a glass, "to the Redmonds." The entire company joined him, still laughing.
Charlie, a little breathless, just grinned and tossed a casual salute.
Rebecca gave an embarrassed little wave and took Charlie's arm. "You are a bad man, Charlie Redmond," she teased as they walked down the hall.
He opened the door to their rooms and ushered her in. "I am being no worse than usual, dear. And I do have experience as your lady’s maid. I thought you might like to change into something more comfortable. I seem to remember some lovely green velvet that I suspect is no longer a bolt of fabric. I also thought you might like this." He stepped up and took her in his arms, laying her back a bit and kissing her thoroughly.
She took a deep breath when Charlie let her up. A rather silly smile was etched on her face. "Yes, yes, I suppose I could change." She took a deep breath trying to calm her racing pulse.
"Of course, we could take a little rest before we go down to our guests. Just a few minutes together, on that nice, soft bed?" Meanwhile, he began undoing the many little buttons on the back of her bodice.
"Charlie, if we lay down on that bed, we will not get back up before tomorrow. Now, do you want to have to explain this to all our guests, who I might remind you include Generals Sheridan and Grant?"
Charlie sighed a large, dejected sigh. "No, I suppose you are right." As he continued to undo the various buttons and ties of her dress, he peppered her shoulders with little kisses. "I just…… I just want ––"
Rebecca shivered and moaned quietly as her knees went weak and her stomach dropped. "Charlie...be good."
"Oh, all right my dear, as long as you promise that I do not have to be good tonight."
"I do not expect that either one of us will be good tonight."
Charlie grinned at that comment, then set to work helping Rebecca finish removing her wedding dress and don a more comfortable party dress. The sooner they got back to the guests, the sooner they could bid them good night.
The guests were cheerfully drinking Charlie’s champagne and munching on little delicacies that were being handed around by the troopers turned waiters. Most were happy and amused by the antics of their hosts, willing to wait until Charlie and Rebecca returned before they began serious celebrating. A small cluster of ladies, centered on Mrs. Williams, were busy noting every flaw, every event that strayed from Southern tradition, every ineptitude of the troopers as waiters. The lovely Misses Reynolds and Simms were part of the crowd. It rankled that Rebecca Gaines had captured such an eligible bachelor, particularly since she had already proven she could not give the distinguished General any heirs.
Elizabeth stood quietly listening to them carry on until she simply could not take it any longer. She finally stepped into the middle of the group, turning slowly and managing to give each one of them a dirty look. "All right. I have had quite enough. From the moment I met all of you, all you have done is continually harp on Rebecca and Charlie. You do not like the fact that they have found each other in this disturbing time and you are miffed that Charlie would rather have an educated and talented lady on his arm than whiney young girls who have no clue what it means to be a woman. And you," she turned to Mrs. Williams, "you hateful, spiteful woman. If you are so taken aback by all of this, then why do you not ride your high horse right out of here? These two people are my dear friends. They are kind, loving, charitable, good Christians. I will not have anymore of your sniping on what should be the happiest day of their lives."
Richard watched as Elizabeth took the hen fest to task with raised eyebrows and lips pursed to keep from grinning outright. My, my, she is a feisty one. If only she could see her way…… Richard shook his head slightly. He had not found the same courage that Charlie had. Perhaps before they left for the spring, he would ask her. Smoothly, he inserted himself at Elizabeth’s elbow. "Excuse me, my dear, but General Sheridan is asking for you."
Elizabeth looked at Richard and started to argue, but she could see by the look in his eyes; she should just be quiet now and leave gracefully. "Yes, Richard, of course."
She looked back at the women she had just taken to task. Mrs. Williams was an interesting shade of red, while some of the younger women had the grace to look abashed. "Excuse me, ladies, but duty calls." The acid behind the words was unmistakable.
Richard, in the interest of veracity, escorted Elizabeth over to the corner where Sheridan and Grant were chatting; the Generals had watched the little contretemps with interested amusement. Grant spoke up first. "Ah, Doctor Walker, lovely day, lovely wedding. By the way, in the future, may I call on you to admonish my troops when they get out of hand?"
At that point Elizabeth had the good grace to blush.
"Oh, no, General. You cannot have her. She is my secret weapon in keeping my troops motivated in the field –– and not just because of her lovely appearance or her skill as a physician." Phil Sheridan was grinning ear to ear. "By the way, Polk. When are you going to step up to the line with the good Doctor?"
Richard choked on the champagne Sheridan had allowed him to take into his mouth before asking that question. Elizabeth managed to give him a gentle pat on the back. "Actually Philip, I am not sure Richard is the marrying type. I think he is married to the Army."
Richard blushed, a rare sight on his usually relaxed and self-confident visage. "I am not sure of that, sir, but I suspect that Dr. Walker is married to her profession." In that moment, Richard found a certain courage, as he turned to Elizabeth. "Nevertheless, I would be joyous to join you in supporting that commitment, if you will have me."
Elizabeth did not have an opportunity to answe
r before several things happened as once. Richard realized exactly what he said, and looked as if he wanted to bolt. General Grant, completely amused by the junior officer's unfortunate timing, allowed himself a loud laugh. Rebecca and Charlie entered the room, drawing all the attention to them and Em piped up for her Papa.
Sheridan leaned forward and whispered in Richard’s ear, "You know I will hold you to that, even if she does not." Richard gulped and nodded.
Rebecca and Charlie stopped halfway down the stairs, as the guests turned and again applauded the newlyweds. Rebecca, in her blue and ivory wedding dress, had been radiant. In the green velvet and lace ball gown, she was absolutely alluring. The look on Charlie’s face, a mixture of pride and joy, was a portrait that burned itself into everyone’s memory. The moment was broken by a small voice piping "Papa. Mama Becca. Em hungwy."
Charlie caught Duncan’s eye and nodded. As the doors to the dining room were thrown open, he announced, "Ladies and Gentlemen, dinner is ready. Please, join us." He scooped Em up in his arms and escorted Rebecca into the room, followed by Richard and Elizabeth as their best man and maid of honor. The other guests filed in as well. Between tables in the dining room and the large reception hall, there was seating for all sixty odd guests.
The flurry of formal actions gave Elizabeth a moment to regain her composure, as well as a bit of privacy with Richard in the midst of the crowd. "Did you mean what you said?"
"Umm...well...." He straightened up, took her hands in his and bestowed his best and brightest smile on her. "Absolutely, my dear. Absolutely. Whenever you are ready and are willing to have me."
Elizabeth bit her lip. Richard was always charming and courtly. She had come to rely on his steady presence and support more than she liked to admit. But intensely personal emotions were something Richard had trouble expressing. Do I love him? Yes, I think I do. Will I marry him? I think we will need to talk about that. She smiled tenderly, knowing full well what that proposal had cost her friend. "Thank you, Richard. Can we discuss this in a more private setting?"