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Texas Pride

Page 3

by Gerry Bartlett

  Billy laughed. Sure enough, there was “Danger” in bold letters up one forearm. Bad boy. He’d been one before he’d realized that he needed to clean up his act if he wanted to make something of himself and fit in with the society folks who could afford to pay well for his legal services. Now he was so groomed and sanitized he could hardly remember what it was like to be the wild teenager who’d made girls scream when he drove up into their yards and whisked them away for a night of what they’d called naughty pleasure. He had a sudden brainstorm—and here was someone who could help, sitting right beside him.

  “Hey, Albert. I’ll let you borrow my Beemer for your date tonight if you’ll let me ride your Harley. What do you say? Just for one night.” And a plan was put into motion. He had to swear on a stack of bibles he’d treat Slash’s Harley right or he’d be lawyering for his gang pro bono for years to come, but it would be worth it.

  * * * *

  “I don’t see how linking Calhoun Petroleum with that lawyer is going to help the company’s image, Shannon.” Caroline Wilson had decided that she was the boss and she wasn’t going to call her underling Ms. Calhoun. It apparently grated on her last nerve. As did the announcement that they were partnering with Billy Pagan on the charitable donations.

  “We don’t have a choice, Ms. Wilson.” Shannon stood in front of the woman’s desk. She hadn’t been invited to sit. She thought about collapsing in the chair next to her anyway, but she was determined to play this game to win. “Cassidy approved it. Mr. Pagan is willing to front the money to save our pride, if you want to call it that. It is unbelievably generous of him.”

  “Are you sure he won’t let it leak that he’s all the money behind this?” Wilson frowned. “What an embarrassment that would be. Do you trust him? Should we get something in writing? A nondisclosure?”

  “Since he’s acting as our in-house counsel at the moment, I don’t know how I could ask him for such a thing.” Shannon gave up and sat. God, her feet were killing her. “Look. He’s a family friend.” Yes, that was the way she was spinning his offer. “He’s doing this as a favor. Because he realizes that his own image, as a lawyer who has represented some pretty shady characters, could use some polish. Donating to local charities is good public relations for him as well as for us. He’s promised to keep his mouth shut that he’s footing all the bills as long as I stay by his side for the events on this list.”

  “Oh my God! This is a dating scheme.” Wilson smirked. “Seriously? You’re willing to go out with the man to save the company embarrassment?”

  “I’d date a chimpanzee if it would keep us from becoming the town laughing stock.” Shannon slammed the papers down on the desk. “In case you aren’t paying attention, that’s my last name on the company. My father built it from the ground up. If I have to go around with Billy Pagan on my arm at a few charity functions, then that’s a no-brainer, Caroline.”

  She marched—or tried to—back to her cube. Too bad she was limping now. What would happen if she showed up in flats tomorrow? Oh, who cared? She fell into her chair and almost landed on her butt when one of the rollers fell off. Great. She’d obviously been given a piece-of-crap chair to sit in.

  The papers on her desk rustled as she tried to straighten them with shaking hands. Had she blown it? Would she be fired on her first day? No big deal. The consequences were merely her entire inheritance. She looked up and realized Caroline was standing in front of her desk.

  “I’ve been giving you attitude.” The vice president frowned. “Get up.”

  “What?” But Shannon struggled out of the wobbly chair anyway.

  “Someone’s idea of a joke. Friday was a nightmare. Six people laid off. Everyone knew a Calhoun was coming in on Monday while they were out of a job.” She walked around and grabbed the chair then rolled it awkwardly over to another cubicle. “This one’s better. I’m sorry about that.” She tested the new chair, then brought it back and slid it over to Shannon. “Can we start over?”

  “I’d like that. I went over your head about the charity thing. I’m sorry.” Shannon held on to the chair back. “My inheritance rides on my performance here. If I’ve screwed up already…” No, her voice did not crack.

  “Actually, your idea is perfect. We won’t let down the charities and Calhoun is still seen as philanthropic.” Caroline smiled. “Mr. Pagan knows a lot of influential people. Yes, most of those have been in trouble with the law, but he got them off. I’d say that just makes him more interesting.” She shook her head. “You sure you don’t mind going out with him for the cause?”

  Shannon sighed. “He won’t do this any other way. We have a history. Bad breakups in the past. You’d think he would give up, but he just keeps trying.”

  “I’ve seen his picture. You could do much worse.” Caroline glanced down the room. “My phone is ringing. Would you believe I don’t even have an assistant now? Just you. And I expect you to get busy on those calls this afternoon. Spin it like we’re collaborating with Pagan. Full partners. The charities don’t have to know we’re not kicking in a dime.”

  “Oh, that’s what I planned.” Shannon sat and kicked off her shoes. “I’ll get right on it.”

  “He must really, really want you, Shannon.” Caroline frowned when her phone rang again. “Rich and handsome. I’d give the man a shot.” She hurried down the hall.

  Give him a shot? Sure. If she didn’t mind letting him order her around like one of his clients. Don’t do this. Don’t drink that. You’ve had enough, Shannon. She’d be damned if she’d let him boss her around, even if he was paying for the privilege. That would be like… No, she wasn’t even going to think it. Her phone rang and she stared at it. Who had this number? But maybe it was public relations business.

  “Public relations, Shannon Calhoun speaking.”

  “Don’t you sound professional. Very impressive.”

  “I am very impressive. What do you want, Billy?”

  “I think we need to finish going over our calendars. I want to get together tonight.”

  Shannon thought about it. Did she want to see him again? “We could straighten out our calendars over the phone. Or with an email. Let me give you my address.”

  “That’s so impersonal. There are things we need to discuss. Dress codes, stuff like that. I wouldn’t want to embarrass you, Shannon, by wearing the wrong thing to an event.”

  “Seriously, Billy? You’ve been going to social gatherings for years now. And embarrassing me didn’t used to worry you.” She remembered being hauled out of a party when he’d decided she’d had too much to drink. Billy had a caveman mentality. She needed to remember that. Of course, when they’d got back to his place… No, some things were best left in the past.

  “I’m trying to change. I could use your help.” He actually sounded sincere. Of course, she knew he could turn that sincerity on and off, like he did in front of a jury.

  “I’m really tired, Billy. It would have to be casual.”

  “Exactly what I had in mind. I’ll pick you up at seven. We’ll catch dinner and coordinate our plans. Is that okay?”

  The very fact that he’d tacked on a question was progress. “Since you asked instead of told, yeah.”

  “Perfect. I’ll see you at your house. Casual. Wear jeans. I have a surprise for you.” Then he hung up.

  Shannon frowned at the phone. Didn’t he remember that she hated surprises? He loved them, of course. It was just one thing they didn’t have in common. Wear jeans. That could mean any number of things, none of them good as far as she was concerned. But jeans meant boots or maybe even, bless them, tennis shoes. She glanced down at the torture shoes under her desk and decided Billy would be surprised at just how casual she could be. She was smiling as she picked up her list and began to dial. She didn’t like anyone to surprise her, but surprising him would be something to look forward to all afternoon.

  Jeans with s
trategically placed tears really shouldn’t cost more than those without a single hole in them, but the designer label had made this skintight and faded pair ridiculously expensive. It seemed a shame to pair them with the leather running shoes but her feet thanked her for the choice. No way was she dragging out another pair of stilettos. Shannon picked up the phone in her bedroom when it beeped.

  “Your date is here, honey.” Their housekeeper, Janie Schaumberg, had answered the door.

  “Thanks, Janie. I’ll be right down.”

  “Brace yourself. Mr. Pagan has a surprise for you.” Janie chuckled.

  “What is it? Maybe I should back out.” Shannon walked over to the window overlooking the front of the house. She couldn’t tell what he’d arrived in though because he’d obviously parked under the portico. “Janie?”

  “Come on down, honey. I think you’re in for a fun night.” She hung up.

  Shannon grabbed the cross-body bag where she’d stuffed her driver’s license, cell, and lipstick then gave her hair a final pat. She’d decided to just pull it back and tie it with a scarf that coordinated with her bright blue top and matching jacket. No, she wasn’t trying to please Billy, though she did know blue was his favorite color. It was also a color that brought out her eyes.

  A woman should always look her best, no matter who she was going out with. You never knew who else you’d run into. That was why she fussed with her earrings, changing them at the last minute from studs to silver dangles. Oh, this was ridiculous. She had no reason to be so worked up about a casual dinner with Billy Pagan. But a surprise? Her stomach knotted as she finally threw open her bedroom door and headed down the stairs.

  He stood at the bottom, a helmet in his hand. What the hell?

  “Billy, that looks like a motorcycle helmet.” Shannon frowned as she reached the last step, staying there before joining him in the entry.

  “It is. I picked up one with a shield. Wouldn’t want you to be bothered by the wind or, God forbid, insects.” He grinned. “Try it on for size.”

  “Since when do you ride a motorcycle?” She ignored his outstretched hand. They were eye-to-eye as long as she stayed on this step. Otherwise he’d be taller, above her, making her look up and feel small and feminine to his big and masculine. She didn’t hate that feeling, but it wasn’t something she liked about herself, that tendency to let him overpower her with his strength.

  “I borrowed it for our date. I thought it would be fun for a change. What do you think?” He grinned. “Come on, Shan, let’s do something a little wild. A little adventurous. Are you up for it?” He settled the helmet gently on her head and fastened the strap under her chin. His smile shined in his eyes too, as if his enjoyment of life, of being with her, was going to make for a great evening if she would just loosen up and go along.


  “Of course if you’re afraid to get on the back of a motorcycle, I can call a cab.” He was daring her to be Shannon the wet blanket, throwing cold water on his plans. Well, maybe she’d surprise him for a change.

  “Afraid? Not on your life.” She grabbed his hand. “Let’s go!”

  He took her elbow and showed her to the door, throwing it open so she could see the enormous Harley parked at the bottom of the front steps.

  She pushed past him. “I haven’t been on the back of a motorcycle in years. Tell me you’re a good driver.” She glanced back at him. He was grinning. Of course. He’d manipulated her. Damn it. Well, so what? She was going with it. It was a beautiful night and this looked like fun. She needed to cut loose. Her life had been nothing but dreary disappointments lately.

  “I took a few practice runs on my way over here. It’s a powerful machine. I admit it took me a few minutes to get the feel of it. It had been a while for me.”

  “Who does it belong to?” She ran down the steps and touched the shiny chrome. “It’s beautiful.”

  “A client who also works as my investigator. It’s his baby. So you’d better believe I’ll drive carefully.” Billy showed her where to sit behind the driver’s seat. “Watch for the tailpipe. I’m glad you have on jeans but those holes may give you trouble.”

  “They’re not anywhere the pipe will touch me.” Shannon grinned, liking the way the bike felt between her legs. “Didn’t you notice? I have rips in very strategic places.”

  “Oh, I noticed.” He winked. “I’m on my best behavior, Shan, in case you didn’t notice.” He picked up a second helmet that he’d left on the seat and slipped it on. “But that can change in a heartbeat.” He stared at her for a long moment. “We’re starting over. I hope you’ll let me do that. Start fresh with you.”

  “Billy.” Shannon held onto the leather seat. When they took off, she’d have to hold onto him. Hold his waist and maybe lean against his firm back. She’d be able to inhale his male scent, so familiar, making her remember… “I want to think that could happen, but…”

  “I know. We have history. I made mistakes.” He smiled sadly. “I hope you’ll admit that you did too.” He dragged his leg over the bike and settled into the seat. “Brace yourself. This hog is loud.” He turned the key.

  Mistakes? She wasn’t touching that one. And could they really start fresh when there were so many things she couldn’t forget? Shannon grabbed him when the roar felt like it was going to blow out her eardrums.

  He revved the motor then yelled at her to hold tight as he eased them down the driveway. The house where her inheritance forced her to live had been her late father’s dream home. It was in the middle of sedate River Oaks, the mansion-filled neighborhood where the rich in Houston lived. The loud motorcycle was no doubt drawing attention and frowns from everyone on the quiet street as Billy drove them toward one of Houston’s many freeways.

  Zipping down the highway once they hit an interstate was exhilarating. Billy seemed to know what he was doing and didn’t take chances. Yes, it was a little terrifying when large trucks zipped past them. But then many people in small cars honked and waved, some of them men with obvious Harley envy. By the time Billy pulled up in front of a popular Cajun restaurant and parked, Shannon was windblown and thirsty but hooked.

  “What did you think?” He was grinning as he helped her climb off.

  “I loved it. Now buy me a drink.” She handed him her helmet and glanced at the restaurant. “I hope they make a good martini here.”

  “Will you humor me? Remember why we keep breaking up?” He put his arm around her shoulders and squeezed.

  “How could I forget?” Shannon had always enjoyed a party. Billy had been serious and had disapproved of her lifestyle. “What’s the deal, Billy?”

  He faced her and looked into her eyes, so serious she braced herself.


  “Would you mind not drinking? I would really love for us to make this date alcohol-free.”

  Shannon wanted to kick over that damned bike. Not that she could manage it. Now it started. He wanted to change her. Always had. Hated her drinking. Thought she was an alcoholic. She swallowed, licked dry

  lips. Suddenly the thought of a martini made her almost desperate. He just stared at her, waiting. Damn him. Why couldn’t he ever just accept her as she was?

  Chapter 3

  “Do you really want to bring that up now? When we were having such a good time?” She stared into his eyes—hers were big, blue and shiny with tears.

  “When should I bring it up? After your fourth martini?” Billy hated to do this. Here, in a fucking parking lot. But it was the big thing that had come between them before and he couldn’t seem to let it go. He had his reasons. Maybe it was time to lay them out for her.

  “You think I can’t quit drinking. That’s obvious.” She looked over her shoulder at the restaurant. “You always make a big deal out of this. What’s the matter with having a few drinks to relax?”

  “I guess we’re really going t
o do this in the parking lot.” He wanted to touch her, needed to touch her. But maybe that wasn’t fair. Billy kept his hands fisted by his sides. The memories were always with him, nights when he’d poured his own mom into bed, sloppy drunk. There’d been a couple of those with Shannon too and it had made him sick to his stomach, bringing it all back.

  “Let’s go inside. Get a table. I won’t order a drink yet. We can have tea with our meal.” She must have seen something in his face because she grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the door. “Billy, I don’t want to ruin this night. I’m not a total bitch.”

  “I never said you were.” He stopped and pulled her to him. “Drinking is my issue. I need to explain.”

  “Inside.” She smiled and ran her hand over his cheek. “Seriously, this dust and car exhaust is getting to me.” She sneezed. “It’s allergy season. Ragweed. Come on.” She pulled him toward the door again. “We’ll get this talked out. Finally.”

  Billy let her drag him inside. He should have picked a quieter place. This was one of those loud music, jumping joints, with the band about to tune up and a space for dancing. It had seemed like a good idea when he’d borrowed the hog. A wild night and his old persona would have loved it. And now he’d ruined the vibe by bringing up his own dark past and the big fat issue hanging between them.

  He wanted Shannon. He had since their first go-round. She was beautiful, a fairy princess come to life. She had all the things he’d dreamed of when he’d been working his ass off to become rich and famous. She’d be the best partner a man on the rise could have by his side. Except she loved her drinks. Which pushed a hot button of his so hard he couldn’t keep his mouth shut about it.

  He asked the hostess to find them a table as far away from the noise as possible, but it was still not easy to be heard over the roar of a happy crowd. They ordered spicy shrimp and hush puppies, iced tea, and a basket of the kind of greasy onion rings that Shannon usually refused to touch. This time she grabbed one immediately and dipped it into the spicy sauce the waitress brought with it.


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