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Playing for Keeps

Page 8

by Hill, Jamie

  Maddie smiled and shook Emma's hand. "Then you'll have to excuse the way I look. I'm not usually dressed so…" she let it drop, and they laughed. "Rob said I look like a hooker."

  Fred looked toward the pool. "Coop's parents are an interesting couple. Giving you a hard time, I imagine?"

  "Not yet. She hasn't said a word to me. He's been okay."

  Fred looked over Maddie's outfit and chuckled. "I'm sure! Well, just stand your ground. Be yourself. You'll do fine."

  "Do you have any suggestions for dealing with the lovely, Dionne?"

  Emma spoke up quickly. "Fred, I see beer over there, but I wonder if Robert has any iced tea?"

  "Sure," Maddie replied, and started toward the kitchen.

  Emma grabbed her arm. "Let Fred get it. He knows his way around inside. Why don't we sit down over here in the shade?" She led Maddie to two chairs, and they sat.

  Emma said, "Robert has a tempestuous relationship with his parents. He didn't go into the family business like they wanted."

  "Feed and grain?"

  Emma nodded.

  Maddie smiled. "He said it was the most boring job he could imagine."

  Emma nodded again. "Robert is a free spirit. He needs to work outdoors, much like my Fred. They truly love what they do. And it hurts when other people look down on them."

  "I definitely understand that. People think taking care of children is a nothing job. Minimum wage, minimum respect."

  "When actually it's the most important job in the world. Those people are leaving their most precious possessions in the world with you, their children. How could doing that be a nothing job?"

  Maddie smiled genuinely at the older woman. "Thank you. It's so nice to hear that, from time to time."

  "Now Dionne, she's another story. She broke Robert's heart when he built this house and she refused to move here with him. That's when he and Fred met, you know, when Robert was planning this place. Fred helped with a few of the details, and the two of them did all the work on the house. They got pretty close. That's why Fred is still a part of Robert's crew. He needs to retire, but he just can't stand the idea of it. Robert lets him work as much as he wants, and he knows Fred does a good job for him when he's there."

  "I didn't know that." Maddie smiled at the story. "That's so sweet. But back to Dionne?"

  "Yes." Emma nodded. "She's a very strong willed person. Fred always thought she sucked the life right out of Robert."

  Maddie chuckled. "Fred seems to have a good grasp on people."

  Emma nodded again. "He always has. Would you like to know what my Fred's first impression of you was?"

  "Do I want to hear this?" Maddie bit her lip

  "You do. Fred came home and told me you were sweet, pretty, funny, and in love with our Robert. We think you're good for him, just what he needs. And little Sophie obviously loves you."

  "Much to Dionne's chagrin."

  Fred returned with three glasses of iced tea.

  "Thank you, dear." His wife smiled lovingly at him. She turned to Maddie, one last time. "As for how to handle Dionne, well, Maddie, just grab hold of Robert and hang on tight. Remember, possession is nine tenths of the law!"

  Maddie had tears in her eyes as she hugged Emma then Fred. Her heart swelled that these nice people, friends of Rob's, were being so kind to her."Thank you, so much." She wiped her eyes." I'd better go see if I need to do anything. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

  She noticed several more people had arrived, and Rob and Sophie were busy accepting presents and visiting. Dionne and the Coopers were still standing by the pool. Maddie headed in the opposite direction, and wandered into the house. Smoky was in the kitchen, getting food ready to go on the grill.

  "Hey Smoky! Use some help?"

  "Always, from you, Maddie. Or should I call you Wild Thing? Look at that hair!"

  "Yep, I'm being naughty today. Rob said I'm dressed like a hooker."

  "I get the look you're going for—the direct opposite of a lawyer, right?" He grinned and she blushed. "Oh, hey! I heard about that blush! Damn, he was right!"

  "Stop it!" Maddie gave him a swat on the arm, and helped him carry things out to the grill.

  "Maddie, is that you?" Rosa walked up behind her, and Maddie turned around.

  "Hey! You made it! Great!" She gave her friend a hug.

  "What's up with the hair?"

  Smoky stuck his head out from behind the grill and nodded toward Dionne. "It's the opposite-of-a-lawyer look. We're calling her Wild Thing now."

  "Ooh!" Rosa appeared torn between the man speaking and getting a glimpse of the lawyer. She went for the lawyer first, and asked, "So, that's mommy?"

  Maddie and Smoky both nodded.

  Rosa shook her head. "I don't know. She's got you beat in the boob department, but I still think you're cuter. This new slutty look has me a bit confused, though."

  Maddie gave Rosa's arm a pinch.

  Grinning, Rosa nodded toward the chef. She raised her eyebrows up and down.

  "Smoky," Maddie said loudly, "this is Rosa. Rosa, this is Smoky. I'm guessing he has another name or two, but no one filled me in. I'm leaving now."

  "Thanks, Wild Thing." Smoky winked at Maddie, and turned his attention to Rosa.

  Cute! Maddie smiled to herself, and hoped they hit it off. She wandered in to the house and found it blissfully empty. Strolling into the bedroom, she looked in the bureau mirror and fluffed her hair. Before she had time to think, Dionne appeared behind her. Maddie turned to face the woman.

  "Having fun playing house?" Dionne asked. "That's all it is, you know, playing. Coop would never settle for someone like you."

  "Someone, like me? You've been here a couple of hours and you think you know me?"

  "It's obvious what kind of person you are," Dionne scoffed.

  Maddie laughed, and ran her hand down her front. "What, this? This isn't me. This is anti-you."

  "Whatever. I'm just here to put a little bug in your ear. Enjoy yourself while you can, because your stay in this house will be brief."

  "As if you have anything to say about it."

  "I have more influence than you might realize. Coop will not jeopardize his relationship with Sophie for a slut like you. Once I make my concerns known, he'll see things my way."

  "You're a nasty woman. I can't believe you're that sweet little girl's mother."

  "And that is something you will never be—a mother, of any kind, to my Sophie. Or anything more than an easy lay to Coop. He still loves me. He'll come around one of these days, move out of the sticks and back to the real world. And I'll be there waiting for him. He and Sophie and I are a family. Always have been, always will be."

  Maddie was furious and couldn't resist saying something, anything, to get back at Dionne. She took a step closer and said, "Did Rob ever tell you what you interrupted this afternoon? Right before you got here? He's a skilled lover, wouldn't you say?"

  Dionne's face turned a bright shade of red then she seemed to compose herself. "There's no question, he's damn good. I still enjoy him regularly, whenever we exchange Sophie or anytime he can get away in between. He has a thing about my tits. He's always loved big ones, and he can't keep his hands off them."

  Maddie was so angry her face felt like it was going to explode. She started to say something when Sophie burst into the room. "Mommy! Maddie! It's time to eat, then we can have cake!"

  "Coming, baby." Dionne turned to walk out with her daughter. She cast a haughty glace back at Maddie, and offered an evil smile.

  Maddie glared at her.

  Dionne chuckled and led Sophie out.

  Maddie took a moment to compose herself. "Try to stay away from Dee and avoid unnecessary confrontation," Rob had told her. Sigh.

  Dee started it. This confrontation had been inevitable. Maddie was afraid there'd be more like it, maybe not tonight, but soon.

  She took a few deep breaths and wandered back outside to the party.

  "Maddie!" Sophie called. "Come help me c
ut my cake!"

  "Sure thing, sugar." She walked in their direction. Just as she got there, she heard Dionne tell Sophie, "That's right, darling. Always let the hired help do your chores for you. It's what we pay them for."

  Maddie glanced at Rob, who was engaged in animated conversation with another man. She knew he was pretending not to hear because his face was flushed bright red.

  She raised her head high and strolled up to Sophie. "Okay, Miss Four-Year-Old, are you ready to cut into this cake?"

  "No, you have to sing first!" Sophie giggled.

  "I'm not singing." Maddie grimaced. Not in front of all these people!

  Rob stepped up behind them. "We'll all sing. Come on everybody, Happy Birthday time!" He started the song off, "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. . ."

  Maddie inhaled as Rob placed his hands around her waist as he sang. It was the first time he'd touched her all evening. At least it's something.

  The song ended and Sophie handed Maddie the knife. "Cut for me, please!"

  Maddie took the cutlery and fantasized about chopping Dionne's hair off, one lock at a time. Instead, she cut a piece of the pink cake for Sophie and a bunch of pieces of the white cake for the adults.

  "Thank you!" Sophie gave Maddie a hug, and rubbed a smear of pink icing across Maddie's cheek.

  "What the—?" Maddie grinned and made a move to grab the girl, who scampered away. She turned to Rob. "She is definitely your daughter. Sugar and spice and everything ornery."

  Grinning, he used a napkin to wipe off her face. He apparently reconsidered and kissed her, removing the last of the icing with his mouth.

  Maddie saw Dionne roll her eyes and walk away.

  Across the yard, Smoky yell, "Yeow! Maddie! Your song!" He turned the radio up loud and the song 'Wild Thing' blared through the yard. "Dance with her, Coop!"

  Rob gave him a look, but other people clapped and chanted, "Dance! Dance!"

  Maddie smiled at him and he pulled her into his arms. He danced her to an open space and they swayed in time to the music. Several people watched them, and a few joined in. Maddie noticed Rosa and Smoky dancing.

  Rob said, "Guess the water's too cold to swim, we may as well dance."

  "As long as Dee doesn't mind," Maddie made the mistake of saying.

  Rob's face reddened with anger and he stopped cold. "Why would you say that?"

  She shrugged. "She seems to think she has control over you."

  "No one has control over me." He dropped his arms and took a step away. "No one."

  "Understood." She raised her hands, and watched him walk off. Embarrassed, Maddie strolled past the food, but decided she wasn't hungry at all. She filled a glass of beer from the keg, and sat back to watch the activity.

  When Sophie was done eating cake, Maddie noticed her grandparents talking to her as if they were saying goodbye. She went closer and stood shielded behind some bushes to hear what was said. Sophie told them goodbye then went to spend a moment with her mother. Rob joined his parents to say goodbye. "Thanks for coming," he said halfheartedly.

  "Robert," his mother said. "What are you doing with that woman?"

  "I'm not going to get into this with you, mom."

  "She's not the right type of person for you, and you know it."

  "Mother," his voice grew more irritated. "You have no idea what my type of woman is, so please, just let me handle my own affairs, will you?"

  His father spoke up. "If it is an affair, that's one thing. Just don't let her trap you into more than that. A woman like her would do anything to get her hooks into a man like you."

  "Oh sweet Jesus!" Rob swore at them. "You haven't the foggiest idea what kind of person she is, so please drop this, right now."

  "Robert, have you been drinking?" his mother asked.

  "Not enough, but I'm fixing to get shit-faced here in a little bit. Why don't you stick around for the fireworks?"

  Maddie wondered if he meant the real fireworks, or the scene he might make if he really did get drunk.

  "We need to get back." Edward ushered his wife toward the front of the house. "We'll see you the next time you bring Sophie."

  "Yeah, whatever." Rob waved a hand in the air, not exactly a goodbye wave.

  Maddie chuckled. He looked like someone who was trying to catch a cab back east. She continued to watch as Dionne approached Rob.

  "Quite the party, Coop." She put her hand on his chest.

  "Always a crowd pleaser."

  "You made Soph happy. You're such a good daddy." She stepped close to him and kissed him gently on the lips.

  Maddie inhaled. She didn't want to watch, but couldn't look away. She was even more astounded to see Rob kiss Dionne back for ten long seconds. Not that I'm timing it. But it was exactly ten seconds.

  Their kiss ended, and Dionne left with no further words. Maddie stood behind the bushes, the ridiculousness of her situation slowly sinking in. She couldn't believe the level she'd sunk to, sneaking around the bushes, spying on Rob.

  She thought about Dionne saying that she and Rob still slept together, whenever they could. Maybe that was true before he met Maddie, but once she and Rob began dating seriously, they were together nearly every day. She didn't know what to believe, other than she'd just seen Rob and Dionne kiss for ten seconds.

  Maddie returned to the party and headed for the keg. Rob said he was going to get shit-faced, and she intended to beat him to that state. She downed two beers standing at the keg, and took a third with her. She had enough of her wits left to wonder about Sophie, and found the child playing quietly with a new toy near Emma and Fred.

  It was almost dark, and the men were sorting through the box of fireworks. Apparently, Doc, the fireman in the group, was the designated fireworks-shooter-off-er. He and Dugout took the hose and the combustibles, and walked out into the field.

  "Hey," Maddie slipped into a lounge chair next to Emma. "We lose somebody already?"

  Fred jiggled Sophie on his lap. "I tried to keep her awake, but she crashed. Maybe the fireworks will wake her up."

  "They did last year," Emma recalled.

  Maddie smiled. "You guys did this last year?"

  "On a smaller scale." Fred nodded. "Quite a few more people this year."

  They heard a loud pop, and the display began. Rob joined them, scooping Sophie out of Fred's arms and into his own. He held her as he sat on the foot of Maddie's chair, and leaned back into Maddie's lap. "Hey Soph," Rob whispered in her ear. "Wake up and watch the fireworks. They're going off just for you."

  The little girl opened her eyes and smiled as she witnessed at least a part of the display. Rob settled back and Maddie grimaced. It wasn't the most comfortable position. Or am I just pissed at him? "Hello," she said quietly in his ear.

  "Hey baby." He leaned his head back on her shoulder and watched the fireworks.

  Maddie desperately wanted to talk to Rob about what she'd witnessed, but this wasn't the time. He was half drunk, she was trying to get that way, and it was Sophie's birthday and the Fourth of July. She thought about making a snide comment, but remembered how angry he'd gotten earlier when she did that. If she did it again, she might not see him for the rest of the night.

  In the end, she decided to lie back and enjoy the fireworks. They ended too soon, and people began cleaning up and going home. Rob carried Sophie to her bed and came back out to polish off a few more beers before saying goodnight to his friends.

  Maddie said her goodbyes to Rosa, and after they parted, she could have sworn she saw Rosa and Smoky kissing out front by their cars. She smiled to herself, pleased at the match. She hugged Fred and Emma before they left, and told everyone else goodbye.

  Rob was the last man standing by the keg of beer. "Don't have to finish that off tonight, you know." She smiled at him.

  He raised his glass to her, grinned and slurred, "I'm giving it the old college try!"

  She touched his arm."Maybe you should come to bed now."

  He shook her
hand off and snapped, "I'll come to bed when I'm ready to come to bed!"

  "All right then." Maddie held her hands up, and walked in the house. "Good night." She went to the bedroom and changed into a nightgown. After scrubbing the make-up off her face and brushing her teeth, she ran a brush through her hair to get the tangles out. She finally shut out the light and climbed under the covers.

  Maddie was almost asleep when Rob stumbled into the bedroom. He stripped his clothes off, swearing when he got tangled up in his jeans and fell over. He laughed by himself on the bedroom floor for a minute, then climbed into bed. He pulled Maddie to him roughly and kissed her.

  He smelled like beer and cake, and it was unpleasant to Maddie. "Stop," she told him. "I was almost asleep."

  "Sleep later. I want to make love to you." He forced her knees apart harshly and tried to enter her before she was ready.

  "Rob, stop," she repeated. "You're hurting me."

  He paused for a moment and put a hand to her face. "Never hurt you. I love you."

  Maddie melted when those words came out. Yeah, he was a little drunk, but he knew what he was saying. He loves me. "Oh baby, I love you, too." She opened her legs and he thrust into her. It still hurt but got better quickly as Maddie relaxed. She moaned as he repeated it over and over to her.

  "I love you. I love you. Dee, I love you."

  Maddie's eyes popped open. He thinks he's making love to Dionne? He said 'I love you' to Dionne? Tears streamed down her face as he climaxed loudly, and Maddie felt his hot stream pulsing through her. Her eyes popped open again. He wasn't wearing a condom.

  As quickly as he stopped convulsing, he started snoring. Maddie rolled Rob off her and slipped into the bathroom. She cleaned herself up the best she could then stood in the shower until the hot water was gone. It was the easiest way to drown out her sobs.

  Chapter Five

  Maddie did not feel like going to work the next day. She could only imagine how Rob felt. When she finished her morning routine in the bathroom, he hurried past her and shut the door. She thought she heard him throw up before he got in the shower.


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