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Lilly V

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by Tiya Rayne

  Lilly V

  Lilly V

  Copyright 2017 Tiya Rayne

  Published by Tiya Rayne

  License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  WARNING: This book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Eight Years Later

  Note from Author

  Other books by Tiya Rayne

  Connect with Tiya Rayne

  Chapter One

  “You asshole!” I shout, right before I charge at Nevy and kick him in the nuts.

  He goes down like a wet towel.

  “That’s for Matthias.”

  I charge at him again. I only get one good punch to his face before all the lessons that Assassin spent so long trying to teach me goes flying out the window. There is no power behind my punches. My fist aren’t formed, and my hands swing like a swimmers as tears blur my eyes. I feel hands pull at me as I try to relay to Nevy—through my fist—all the hurt and anger I had towards him for bringing me here.

  “Get your godsdamn hands off of her.” He bellows at the people trying to pry me off of him.

  I notice that even though I am pounding away at him, although not effectively, he isn’t hitting me back. He isn’t even trying to stop my attack. He’s just taking my abuse.

  When all of my energy is spent and I can’t even muster up the strength to lift my hands, I collapse to my knees on the stone floor and drop my head. The room around me is completely silent.

  “Lilly,” Nevy calls my name remorsefully.

  I can hear the apology in his tone before it ever comes out of his mouth.

  “I don’t want to hear it, Dark King.” I don’t look up at him as I speak to him.

  “Don’t call me that. You will call me Nevy.” His demand is bold, even for an arrogant king.

  My eyes shoot to him with quick precision. He steps back at the intensity in my glare.

  “Nevy was my friend. A good friend. He may have been a lie, but to me he was real. And just like Matthias, you murdered him. Whatever you want from me you will have to take it from my dead body, because I will NEVER give myself to you. I hate you!”

  Those words drip from my lips with so much venom that I, for a moment, feel sorry for him. Then I think of everything I lost to this man. Not only are the lives of some good friends gone, but my boys and the man I love are without me. So even though my words are harsh, they are 100% true.

  I watch the emotions play across his face; first shock, then hurt, but that is rapidly replaced by anger.

  “You hate me now, but you will learn to fear me.” He growls down at me.

  Nevy grabs my arm and drags me to my feet. I never cower from him. I stare at those mismatched eyes as he glares at me with so much cruelty. I once thought that those eyes were stunning, and that they held character. As I look at him now, I see the cruel calculation that was always buried there.

  “Do your worse, Dark King.” I challenge boldly.

  I know I am taking a risk. I knew Nevy. I’ve spent countless dreams getting to know that man. However, I had no idea who the Dark King is, or what he is capable of.

  That look comes back in his eyes. The pain and the sadness that turns his cold glare to a soft gaze. He quickly recovers by pushing me away from him sending me sprawled out on the floor. My beautiful dress rips in the front causing a split to run from my hip bone to my ankle. The Dark King’s eyes focus in on the skin that is showcased from the tear. His eyes cloud over with desire.

  “You want me to take what I want?” He taunts.

  He pulls at his dark red vest, snapping the wooden buttons causing them to fly in every direction. He roughly takes off the vest and drops it to the floor. He then pulls his white tunic over his head and tosses it to the floor. The room around us goes up with cheers at what they hope will happen next. Nevy stands in front of me with nothing but his linen pants and shoes. His chest—the one I once thought was so drool-worthy—makes my stomach flip for another reason.

  “I’ll show you why they fear me. Hold her down.” He directs the last part to Phillisius.

  “With pleasure.” The green-eyed elf sneers.

  I fight feebly to keep the elf and the other creatures surrounding me from grabbing my limbs and pinning me to the floor. The shouts and cheers around us grow louder. They are anxious for me to be raped. During this entire time, the Dark King watches me. He’s looking for something from me. He draws closer, pulling at the string of his pants, his eyes still on me.

  “Not so brave now are we, Human?”

  The smile on his face seems out of place in this scenario.

  I won’t lie and say I’m not terrified. I am downright petrified. As much as I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing my fear, it shows through as my body shakes with it. I have no control over the hot tear that runs down my cheek. I hate my vulnerability and fear in this moment.

  However, it is that tear that saves me. The moment the single tear slips from my eye, the Dark King takes a staggering step back and turns away from me. His hands run over his buzz cut.

  “Let her go.”

  For a moment everyone seems to be frozen in shock by his command. Even me. The hands pinning me to the floor still in place, unsure of what to do.

  The Dark King spins around on his heels and glares at his men.

  “I SAID GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER!” He bellows so loud the walls shake and my heart nearly leaps out of my chest.

  Hands move away from me as quickly as if I’ve burned them.

  “If he does not want her, I’ll take her.” A voice somewhere in the room says.

  Obviously the voice did not expect to be heard so clearly, it immediately starts to apologize.

  A tall skinny lanky man with unnaturally long limbs throws up his hands in surrender. The fear in his eyes shine like beacons. Nevy waves his hand and the man is circled by black smoke that picks him up in the air. His scream rips through the room right before the black smoke pulls his limbs apart in midair. His blood rains down on us like mist. When the black smoke clears, body parts crumble to the ground.

  “SERVANT!” Nevy shouts and eight people rush into the room. They quickly drop to their knees with their heads touching the ground.

  “One of you take her to her room.”

  The first to stand was a young female. She looks more terrified than I did. Without a word, the girl comes to my side. She grabs my arm and helps me to my feet. Silently she leads me away as the room parts for us.

  Before I can leave that horrible throne room behind me, Nevy calls out to me.

  “You might as well get comfortable, Lilly. You are home now.”

  Without stopping or turning around, I say over my shoulder. “Go fuck yourself, Dark King.”

nbsp; His laughter follows me out.

  Chapter Two

  I went from being in a deep sated sleep, to immediately sitting up in my bed. My sword materialized in my hand and held at the throat of a…..silver fox?

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  The fox doesn’t answer. Its red eyes glare back at me. Then without hesitation, it bites me.

  I startle, knocking the creature to the floor before I jump to my feet. My sword ready to behead the damn thing. Just then my bedroom door swings open and Avalia walks in along with Bilal and Himrol.

  I quickly materialize clothes on my body.

  “Is there a godsdamn party in my room that I didn’t know about?”

  “Quiet!” Avalia states walking up to me with a smile. “The gods have smiled upon us. The Dark King’s army has moved out of our territory. They are retreating.”


  “The crisis is averted.” Himrol supplies.

  “I’m not naïve enough to believe we’ve won, but it has brought us some time.” Avalia plants her hands on her waist. “Maybe my barrier intimidated the Dark King. His power is just coming in. Maybe he is unsure of his power’s abilities.”

  She and I both know that is bullshit. She is searching for sane reasons behind a mad man’s actions.

  “I don’t trust it.” I admit honestly. “I’m going to make sure Lilly and the boys are ok.”

  I go to leave when Avalia cuts me off.

  “She isn’t with you? Hyland said he brought her to your room last night.”

  I immediately freeze, and it seems everyone else in the room does too. Dread’s cold finger runs down my spine.

  “That’s what I was trying to explain to you before you pulled a knife on me.”

  A female’s voice says in my head.

  Avalia’s eyes widen as she stares at me.

  “What was that?”

  Our connection must have allowed her to hear the voice.

  A silver ferret climbs onto my bed. It has the same red eyes as the fox. I’ve seen this creature before, usually curled up around Lilly.

  “Who are you?” I ask the animal.

  “I am Tipper. I belong to Lilly.” The voice declares proudly.

  “It’s a familiar.” Avalia says with awe. “A living Familiar.”

  It doesn’t surprise me that Lilly has made friends with such a bizarre and rare creature. Lilly has the ability to make any and everything want to know her.

  “Where is Lilly?” I ask.

  “With the Dark King.”

  Avalia gasp and I curse as fear and rage overtakes me.

  “What did it say?” Bilal inquires.

  Avalia updates the others in the room and I can see my feelings mirrored in both of their eyes.

  “I’m going to go get her.” I declare, preparing for the fight of my life.

  “Wait!” Tipper announces. One of her small paws raising up in the air. “You can’t.”

  “Like hell I can’t.”

  “If you do, you will ruin everything. She went with the evil elf to buy you some time.”

  Tipper goes on to explain what happened to Lilly. It seems that before Lilly left with Phillisius, she told Tipper everything through their connection. Telling the Familiar to only tell me once she is gone. By the time Tipper finishes relaying the message through me to Avalia, and Avalia feeding the info back to Bilal and Himrol, I’m pacing the floor like a crazy person.

  I knew there was something different about last night. The things she said, the way we made love, it was Lilly trying to tell me goodbye. I’ll be damned if that will be the last time I see her.

  “This was not the decision.” Avalia says collapsing down on the bed near me.

  “What are you talking about?”

  She sighs. “The day her uncle came, I explained to Lilly what was expected of her. I told her about the sac…….the decision. She thought this was it.”

  “She did this for us?” Himrol says in that inspired voice he uses when Lilly once again does something that shocks them.

  “Yes.” Avalia explains. “So we must not waste this great sacrifice. Lilly has bought us precious time.”

  “Are you mad?!” I shout.

  I’ve had enough of this sacrifice bullshit.

  “If you think I’m leaving Lilly there alone in that hell you are out of your fucking mind.”

  Avalia shoots to her feet. Her power and prestige once again coating her body in her stance and gaze.

  “You will do exactly as I say. You forget, Lilly is probably the safest person in the Northern Kingdom. He needs Lilly. He will not hurt her. Us, he will kill just as easily as swatting a fly. She knew this, which is why she went. If you go there, if you try to attack the Dark King without first being prepared, you will ruin her chances and ours.”

  “She’s right, Assassin,” Bilal steps forward. “That bastard has taken enough from us. I say we take what Lilly has given us, and do this right once and for all. Let us go to war one last time, for Augustus, for Matthias, and everyone else we’ve lost.”

  As much as I wanted to say screw their theory and go after my woman, I know they are right. Even though I agree with them, it doesn’t stop me from slamming my hand into the wall near me. The pain is a welcome release for the anger that is clouding my thoughts.

  “Ok!” I finally relent. I turn to face everyone. “But we do this my way. Two weeks, that is all I’m giving our soldiers to be prepared. No more of this slow bullshit. My……” I have to swallow the burn in the back of my throat before I continue. “My heart is in the Northern Kingdom. I will not survive long without her. Fisgal and Artimus has until midday to declare their allegiance and send soldiers, or die. That is their only offer. I no longer abide by the law of the treaty. Do you have a problem with that?” I direct my question to Avalia.

  She lifts an eyebrow and smiles. “I’ve already informed them of their offer. It was very similar to yours, except they had until the count of ten to declare their allegiance.”

  “And their decision?”

  “They are still alive.” She retorts. “Their men will be here by the end of this week.”

  “Good. We up the training hours, only two breaks a day.” I change into my battle gear.

  My all black leather top coat and black leather riding gloves. I smile slightly as I remember Lilly telling me my battle gear makes me look like some fictional character called John Snow. My sweet little human. Braver than any person I’ve ever met. “Stay strong, my love.” I send the message through the ether to her.

  “Where are you going?” Avalia asks.

  “First, I’m going to see my sons,”

  I don’t second guess calling the twins mine. I meant what I said to Lilly about taking care of them as if they are my own flesh and blood. They are much more than just blood, they are mine by a bond much deeper.

  “Then,” I continue. “I’m going to settle a debt in the Southern Kingdom.”

  “I’m coming too.” Bilal and Himrol say together.

  I never doubted they wouldn’t. I wanted to go there the minute I realized that he had betrayed us, but Avalia and I spent most of our time trying to right the damage they had done. Avalia did bind their tracing abilities so they couldn’t run.

  “Send my regards.” Avalia says with a heat to her eyes and a threat that speaks of her longing to take my place.

  “I’m going to Lilly.” Tipper declares. “She needs me.”

  “We can’t risk it.” I tell her. “Avalia is right. The Dark King won’t kill Lilly, but he has no qualms killing you. And if I know Lilly, she will be destroyed if something were to happen to you.”

  I can almost see the heart break on my little human’s face if this creature is hurt. Where Lilly is, she will need her wits about her. She needs strength right now. There is no telling what types of mind games the Dark King has in store for her. We don’t need to do anything to add to her suffering.

  “Fine.” The creature reluctantly relents. �
��But if something happens to my human, I will kill you.”

  I smile at her threat.

  “I’ll accept my punishment.” I reply right before I trace away from my room in the glass castle.

  After checking in on my sons and filling the others in on Lilly’s sacrifice, I trace into the inner courtyard of the Southern Kingdom. Bilal and Himrol appear behind me.

  “What the bloody hell?” Himrol ask the question that’s on the tip of my tongue.

  It seems we have traced into the middle of a war zone. Everyone around us is in an uproar. Peasants and Commoners are running rampant in the streets destroying everything in their wake. Outdoor stalls are being ripped apart. Statues are overturned. Wagons are demolished in the roads, their contents being stolen and damaged. People are getting trampled in the mayhem. One man knocks over a woman without even looking back at her body. It is complete chaos. The children are partaking in the violence as well. A group of dirty children pillage a cart of its fruit.

  “Even the livestock have lost their minds.” Himrol points out as a sheep tramples a buggy lying in the street.

  “Hey, you,” Bilal calls out to one of the angry rioters.

  An elderly man with a pitchfork stops and turns towards us.

  “What’s going on here?”

  The man smiles at us, showcasing his broken teeth. He drops his raised weapon from over his head, and comes over to shake my hand.

  “It’s you. How is she? How’s our Lilly?” he ask.

  His excitement seems to garner others attention and everyone stops what they are doing to turn toward us.

  I’m startled by the reactions around us. I was once feared. I was avoided at all cost, now people shake my hand as if I’m a friend. They smile and greet me like I’m a hero. I take a moment to take in the looks on their faces as they look at me expectantly. Their eyes are filled with hope, and not the anger I saw before. It’s easy to see the love in all their eyes for Lilly as they wait for an update on her. It still amazes me at what she was able to accomplish in such a short time.

  I shake my head, fighting back that urge to say ‘fuck it’ and go get my woman.


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